Licensing Notices. NOTICE OP -APPLICATION FOR, A PUBLIC AN *S LIOBHBB. I RICHARD RICHARDSON, o£ Christchurch. 9 do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to bo holden at Christchurch, on the Second day of Juno, apply fora, Certificate authorising the issue of a PUHLICAN’B LICENSE fora house situate at Lichfield street, and known an Richardson's Hotel, containing sixteen rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family; Bated the stb day of May, 1593. K. RICHARDSON. 523 Eoad Board ITocices. •WEST EYEEi'OK ROAD BOARD ELECTION. EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. ■fcf HEREBY give notice, in accordance with J. “The Road Boards Ant. 1852." “Theßegnlation of Local Elections Act. 1870.” and amend, menfs thereto, that an ELECTION of ONE MEMBER of the West Eyretou Road Board, in place of Mr Walter Cry a-'ll, will be held on Mon. DAT. MAV 23rd, 1892, at the Road Board Office. West Eyreton, between the hours of 9 a,m. and 6 p.m. Nomination of Candidates lor the said election, in the form prescribed by the second schedule of the said Regulation of Local Elections Act, must be delivered to the Betnrning Officer at tbe West Eyroton Road Board Office before noon on Monday, May 9th, 1892. ROBERT WRIGHT. Returning Officer. April S9th, 1892. 197 ‘ HEATHCOXE ROAD BOARD. ‘ TT&ESULT OF POLLING THIS DATAVON WARD. Kerr, John ... 38 Vogel, John Conrad 16 NORTH OPAWA WARD. Hunt, Fred. Everard 28 Offwood, Richd. Joseph... ... 24 OPAWA WARD. Ollivier, Arthur Morton ... 36 Tanner, William Wilcox ... 10 HILLSBOROUGH WARD. Curry, Edward 40 Sandtord, Fred. Wm 25 Informal 2 I therefore declare Messrs Kbit, Hunt, Ollivier and Curty DULY ELECTED. W. T. C. MILLS. 600 Returning Officer. AVON ROAD BOARD ELECTION! ' NEW BRIGHTON -WARD. mM following are the number of the votes Jo, p 1 Jed for each candidate at the election held to-day:—-James Patterson ... ... 98 George M'intyro 93 luiormal ... ... 2 I have, therefore, to declare Mr James Patterson DULY EL <■ CVED Member to represent tbo Now Brighton Ward on the Avon Read Hoard. G. S. HICKMAN, Returning Officer. May 6, 3892. SOUTH MALVERN ROAD BOARD. ESU L T O f“*T HE POLL:ilitchell, William ... Rutherford, George 3 eemiug, Vvjiiiam ... King. Patrick Preatidgc, Jesse, junior Langdaio, James ... Ee-rd, Joel 4? votes 39 33 29 25 20 IS I therefore declare Messrs William Hitohell, GeOrge Rutherford, William Loeming, Patrick King and Jesse Prestidge, junior, DULY ELECTED members of the South Malvern Hoad Board. A. CRAIGHEAD, Returning Officer. Dated 2nd May, 1893. 597 MANiIEVILLE AND RANGIORA ROAD BOARD. GENERAL ELECTION OF MEMBERS. fTpEE following js tho result of the Election for .a_ Five Momoera to form the Hoad Board for the above district:— Maofarlane, Malcolm Stalker, Joseph ... Wallace, George ... Moody, Joseph Byron M'intyro, Donald ... Ligget, Robert Horrell, Frederick... Judson, Jamea ... Informal ... At I therefore declare Messrs Malcolm Maofarlane, Joseph Stalker. George Wallace, Joseph Byron Moody and Donald M'intyro duly Elected Members of the Mandoville and Rangiora Road Board, ARTHUR TEMPLNB, Returning Officer. Rangiora, May sth, 1592. 610
There are beauties in nature far beyond the dreams of art, and gray hair can be restored to its natural colour and beauty by the use of Mrs S. A, Alien's World’s jpLair Restorer.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 3
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