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Ji Bowman & Son. THIS DAY, Commencing at 11 a,m, B owman & {Son ■WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. At their Rooms, THIS DAY, A large and varied assortment of GOODS, including Suite in red rep. occasional chair, table, steel fonder, carpet, bedsteads, cots, oval table, washstands, ware, dressing tableo, lamps, good sewing machine, reading lamp, lot lamp glasses, crockery, knives and forks, &o. Wo will also sell, by order of the Public Trustee, in tbe Estite of John Davoy, deceased, A quantity of CLOTHING, Sc. Terms Cash.—No deserve. BOWMAN & SON, 655 200, Hereford street. UNRESERVED SALE BT AUCTION OP OIL PAINTINGS. A CHANCE E&BELY MET WITH, K 1 PAINTINGS. "dIRT'CT FROM THE oi - EAJBLS OS’ ENGLISH ARTISTS, TO BE SOLD, WITHOUT BE SERVE, NEXT TUESDAY, Under instructions from 5 well-known Artists, who have combined to hold a Sale to test this market. 'The instructions are—“Sellevery Picture without Reserve; this being a trial shipment to test ycur market every picture must go to the highest bidder.” Messes bowman* & son respectfully bring under the notice of persona desirous of seeming Good Paintings, this very unusual opportunity to do so at their own price. Such an opportunity rarely occurs in Christchurch. THE SALE WILL TAKE PLAGE NEXT TUESDAY, MAY 10th, 1592, at 2 p.m.. Within Rooms, 200, Hereford street. The Paintings are somewhat different to the ordinary run, and will he Sold POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE, As per above instructions. The following are the Names of the Artists ■ E. C, Lake, G. Oaldcr, W. Gray, T. Thornby, W. Wilson. Paintings on View Next Monday. Terms Cash. No Reserve. BOWMAN ft SON, 656 Auctioneer!;, 200, Hereford street. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. SALE BY AUCTION On account of whom it may concern. To Be Sold Without Reserve, ex cargo steamer Mamaci. MESSES BOWMAN & SON have received instructions from the Consignees to Bnli.L BY AUCTION, Without reserve. At their Booms, 200, Hereford street, OK WEDNESDAY NEXT, Commencing at 2 p.m., 2 BALES OF GOODS direct from the manufacturers, containing—--60 Pairs Blanket! 12 Bush Rugs 24 Austrian Buga 18 Seal Ruga, &o. The above will bo sold without reserve in lots to suit purchasers. We will also Sell, at same time and place. On account of a client, SIX FEATHER BEDS And 30 Feather Pillows, quite now, and made of caretclly-sortod feathers, thoroughly dried. Our client instructs us to sell without reserve. BOWMAN AND SON, 657 200, Hereford street. BALE BT AUCTION OP SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MESSES BOWMAN & SON have been favoured with instructions from Mrs Robert Gray, to SELL by AUCTION at her residence, 87, South Belt (nearly opposite Catholic School), on THURSDAY NEXT, MAY 12th, 1£92, commencing at I p.m., the whole of her Furniture and Effects, including Brussels carpet, 14 x 13-C, rug, couch and 3 chairs in bronze-figured nlush, pair bronze tapestry curtains, brass ourtain chains, I wicker chair and cushions, very pretty walnut overmantel with bevelled glasses, brass rail fender, fireirons to match, ash pan, inlaid walnut whatnot, 2 brass cornice poles and rings, very pretty walnut octagon occasional table, 2 engravings (“ Deer Stalkers''), 1 engraving (“Woodland Vows”), 1 engraving (“ Love or Country ”), lot ornaments, choice vases, walnut clock (cathedral chime), Rochester lamp, &e., &c. HALL—Oilcloth, wool and brush mats, &c. BEDROOM I—Kidderminster carpet 9 s 12, very massive brass-rail bedstead sft wide, spring mattress to fit, Kapoo mattress, pillows, large Bimu Dnchesse table with drawers and cupboard, chest drawers, cedar waahstand, very choice set ware, mahogany towel-rail, two wicker chairs, bedroom chairs, lace curtains. Eider-down quilt, &c„ &C. BEDROOM 2—Double iron bedstead, spring mattress, Kapoo mattress, carpet, single iron bedstead, palliasses, mattresses, dressing table, looking glass, cornice pole, green rop curtains, Wertheim treadle sewing machine (cabinet), linoleum 12 x 12, curtains, long table, chairs, rocking chair, couch, rug. Very complete sat of Kitoben utensils, lot of glassware, crockery, lot jam, pickles, meat safe, ac,, &c. Note.— Every lot offered will be sold without the slightest reserve. Terms cash. BOWMAN ft SON, Auctioneers, 658 200, Hereford street. SALE OF PLEDGES. Messrs bowman and son win seiihy Auction, on account of Mrs E. Stewart, Licensed Pa wnbroker, on SATURDAY NEXT— A Very Large Collection of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. See next Saturday’s "Times’* for detailed 659 BOWMAN AND SON. J. H. Gilchrist. THISDAY.SATURDAT. MR J. H. GILCHRIST will SELL BY AUCTION, This Day, Saturday, 7th May, at the Rooms, 139, Manchester street. FURNITURE. Piano, Suites, Ghosts of Drawers Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Carpet Squares Fenders, Firoirons, Hearthrugs, Pictures Stretchers, Mattresses, Cruets And a lot of other goods loft over from previous sales PRODUCE. Potatoes, Onions in strings and Packs 1 Ton best Roller Flour in 100’s, 50's and 25's Cal a at 12 o’clock. 627 J. H. GILCHRIST, Auctioneer. J. H. GILCHRIST, AUCTIONEER, LAND, ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGiSNT, Valuator and Arbitrator, Tea and General Broker. Loans negotiated. Sales conducted in town and country on most reasonable terms. Sales of merchandise, furniture, &0., <fco., held every Wednesday and Saturday, at the Salerooms, 139, Manchester street. Cash advanced on goods sent in for absolute sale. , X 436 Stevens and Gorton, Palmerston Eorth. CLEARING-OUT BALE AT CAMPBELLTOWN, MANAWATU. WEDNESDAyThth MAY, 1892. STEVENS & GORTON have baen favoured with instructions from Mr G. Burgess, who is leaving the district, to WELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the Property at Campbelltown, as above. His Well-known IMPROVED FARM, Being Section 63, Campbelltown, containing 118 acres, surveyed into two 69-acre sections, with a good 4-roomed Cottage on each; the whole being subdivided into conveniently ■ sized paddocks having a frontage to Jones’ line and the celebrated Kopani Block. Tho soil ia rich alluvial deposit, formerly bush, now cleared. Some has been ploughed, and about 50 actos ate now ploughable; all ia well grassed, a permanent supply of water and a well-planted orchard making the whole a most desirable property. Title under Land Transfer Act. Terms at Sale, Also, without reserve, THE STOCK, Comprising 800 Sheep, Dairy Cows, Horses and rigs. Sale at 1 o’clock. Luncheon provided. STEVENS ft GORTON, 541 Auctioneers. Grade. Maclean & Co. WABHDYKE SALSYARDS FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1892. f |pHE Undersigned will Sell, on account of JOHN S. RUTHERFORD, Esq., BY PUBLIC AUCTION, As above, OA YOUNG MARES and GELDINGS, by Ravenscraig and Master Agnes, from 3 to 5 years old. GRAOIB, MACLEAN ft CO., 462 Auctioneers;
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 8
Word Count
1,039Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 8
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