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Business Notices. WINTER, 1892. OUE NEW GENTS* EATS iEE-HOW Kj HAKIj. 3|oz FUE FELTS 8a 6», Worth Half-a.Guiuaa, New Shapes, New Shades. : THE NEW CROFTER AND GOLF HATS In well-assorted Shades, * • PARKER & TRIBE, 199. CASHEL STREET. The nest Shop to Ballantyne’a. F 153 DENTAL NOTICE. “““ S® IB* »S E Y M O tT E DENTIST, £ls, Colombo street, Chrisfcchnioh. Charges—Fillings, 5b ; Extraction, 2aAd, Nitrons Oxide 1 Gas administered for painless, extraction of teetli. Foe for administration, Ss,, : Artificial teeth by arrangement; The artificial; teeth supplied by Mr Seymour are woll-knowa, in Canterbury for efficiency and durability, many; sots supplied by him being in nee for more than seventeen years. Xli i H£l jffi £2 F 0 E D HO T KL, LUNCHEON FROM 12 NOON TILL 2 f.x. 68 F 73 TO PASSENGERS PEE BAIL AND STEAMER,' YISITOES to Christchurch should secure Apartments at the EMPIRE HOTEL ' HIGH STEEET. 5 Which, for Moderate Charges, Comfort anft Convenience, is not excelled in the City, ' ; TARIFF: Breakfast, 2s; Lunch, Is; Dinner, 2s: Bed, 2s9d Per Day, 7s 6d; Per Week, £2. 25. • ■ Special arrangements for Families and ' Theatrical Companies. , * J Telegrams and Letters promptly attended to. - ■ J. CARL :-i F 361 , Proprietor, / . BROOKE’S, /.• „ • Sheep Dip. Christchurch Agents— FAEMEES’ CO-OPEBATIVE ASSOCIATION, j MESSES MILES & CO. F 333 DRESSMAKING. NOTICE OP REMOVAL, MES B. STEVENS (iate of Bond street, London, and Melbourne) begs to inform her customers that she has removed from 73, Chester street, to 201, Kilmore street west, whera she still hopes to receive their patronage. Fit and style guaranteed at very moderate charges, MRS E. STEVENS, 605 X 201, Kilmore street W„ Christchurch. " A DELICACY. PLUMS and other Frnit being cheap this Season it gives People an opportunity of using SAX O L for Preserving Fruit in its natural condition. Tha Jars do not require to he airtight, and no cook* ing is required. Apricots, Peaches; Ac., are, delicious preserved in this way. All Chemists and Grocers sell SAZOL in Is packets, which is enough to pnt down about a gallon of Fruit. Wholesale; N.Z. DRUG CO. and H. S.‘ STEVENS, X 459 Christchurch. ALL SHEEPOWNEES DESIEE CLEAN FLOCKS With the Wool in the Best Condition, SHOULD USE OARBOL CRYSTAL, THE GEEAT AMEBIC AN SHEEP DIP. 508 Z E, DOMBBAIK, Christchurch. The kapai corn broom go., limit wd AUCKLAND, N.Z. Price Lists and Terms on application, X2S7 THE NOETHEEN MONARCH GBASS AND GEAIN SEED STEIPPEE, With FENWICK'S PATENT DBESSEE, JN consequence of the successful working of the above, I beg to request that ALL ORDERS or next season's Machines be FORWARDED EARLY to E. CHRISTIAN, Waikari, Sole. Manufacturer. TESTIMONIAL • ♦ * It has done admirable work, cleaning grass-seed fit for market. » * * It has done really well in oats, barley and rye, X 287 (Signed) Philip C. Thbelkeld, Flaxton: Wanted Known, WANTED Known—Boots or Shoes made to order in a few hours at cash prices. Cortlck, Bootmaker. WANTED Known—Boots or Shoes mads to order in a few hours at cash prices. Cornck, 157. Colombo street. WANTED Known—Newest Paris Millinery just to hand; also Plush and Sealette Jackets and Mantles. G. L Beath and Co. S 7 ■ WANTED Known—The new Spectacles and Folders, largest assortment' in the Colony, at Kennett's, IS3, High street. XBS YkTSTANTED Known—Cabinets 10s, O.D.V.’s 6s. y W Dutch and Bull, Photo Artists, 113,; Victoria street. Satisfaction guaranteed. X 172 • WANTED Known—We are showing splendid value in Ladies’ Jackets, Monties, Cloaks, Co. Millinery, etc. Black, Beattie and X 27 WANTED Known—Wa are offering Dress Meltons at 5s lid, Ss 3d, 8s lid, 9s 6d the dress; making from 12s (id. Black, Beattie and Go. 127 WANTED Known Couches, Chairs and Mattresses re-upholstered and re-covered at reasonable prices, at 0. Effey’s, 26, Lower High street. X 576 WANTED Known—We are showing Tweed Dresses at 6s 6d, 6s 9d, Ss 3d, 9s, 9s 6d, 9s lid, 10s 9d and 12s 3d; really good value. Black, Beattie and Co. X 27 WANTED Known—our own make of Wear Well 4-ply Fingering in all colours, 3s 6d and 3s lid per lb. For hard wear it cannot ha beaten. Toneyclille and Carey. X 335 WANTED Known—.'penial line in Double* bed Else Blankets, steam shrunk; all' wool, good valno for 27s 6d, oar price 245. B»ady money does it. Toneycliffo and Carey. X 335 WANTED Known—Jnst to hand, Manufao* tuners* Samples of Ladies* Flannelette Undorolothing; good materials and very low prices. W. M’Oloa and Co„ 210, High street. X 537 WANTED Known Useful Christmas Presents Silk Handkerchiefe. Fancy Aprons, Gloves, Hosiery and Sons hades, splendid variety and ready-money value. Toneyollffe aad Carey. XS3S WANTED Known During our Sale now going :on. Pebble Speotaolee,value 10s. for 4s 6d. A large quantity of le6d Specs for 6d par pair. B. Clarke and Co., 148, Colombo street. X5Ol WANTED Known—The prettiest gift for the season, your own Portrait on Opal, cabinet size 10s, oarte-de-visite ss, or with 12 well*, finished prints 17a 6d and 10a. Dutch and Bull, Victoria street. X 172 KT" ANTED Known—The Temporary Shop of J. F. Stratr, 255, High street, opened ry night this weak until XI p.m. for re-marking Stock, amounting to £BSO, bought at 8s in the sale commences Saturday. X 423 TED Known—Mrs tjuarteemam is ft Y V Cash Purchaser of Ladies’, Gants’ and Children’s Left-off Clothing, Letters by post or otherwise attended to. Address, Mrs G. Quartermain, 154, High street. XI3I WANTED Known—Watches cleaned and warranted twelve months, 4s; clocks, 2a 6d; brooch pins, 3d. Highest prioa given for old Gold and Silver, 8. Clarka and Co., 143, Colombo street, Christchurch. XSO3 WANTED Known—'fine Temporary Shop of J. F. Stratz, 235, High street, opened every night this week until 11 p.m. lor re-marking the Stock, amounting to £BSO, bought at 8s in the JS; sale commences-aturiiay. X 423 WANTED Known—looo cases of Ker ISO teat, faucet taps, water-white, s less, odourless, at 10s 6d per case, £s 6d p Musket tobacco 4s lOd per lb, King of All ( Wine Sap Ss 3d, Nailrod 4s 6d, at T, Ta; Cashel street. ANTED Known—Just landed. Boneless Cod Pish, 6id per lb, Loch Fyno Salt Herring, “Caller Herrin,” S for la; quarter-barrels ditto, 25s ; Silvocaa, or Looh Fyno Fresh Herrings, tha true Caller Herrin, in lib tins; Smoked Red Her ring, 8 for la, at T. Taylor’s, opposite tha Cafe. X222a WANTED Known—For Sale or To Let, in a superior and healthy neighbourhood, a Family Residence, with every appointment colon* ' lated for comfort and convenience, both inside ana outside; hot and cold water service, 40.; kitchen Offices complete in all details; etabling and grounds arranged with a view to every convenience. Frloa to suit the times. Photos can be seen, or cards to view had, on application to Allan Hopuna, Cathedral Square, Known— Special sale at C.Ln xton’a W Cashel street. Everything must be sold. Our boauiifa), unbeaten Scasoa s Millinery. which is such an attraction T 0 at low prices. i-oidlea* and Obuurou a Uiaters, lino of Children's Jackets, Flannelettes® Astt&ohftu and other Trimmiago. Sheetings and Flannel a, and heaps of useful and seasonable goods, wnloa must,all bo. cleared in a short tuno. Come early (Land got*tho; bargains, - - JUW ‘
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 6
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1,194Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 6
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