TO THE EDITOR. Sib, —A telegram appears in this night’s paper stating that the Amateur Athletic Association has decided to debar members from taking part in the proposed tug-of-war to bo held in Wellington, and that those who have taken part in the one recently held in this city will lose their amateur status. Can you inform rue are the so-called amateurs (who are not above competing for a .£SO stake and trophy at the tug-of-war) still within the pale of amateurism, or are they allowed the usual “ whitewash ” ? One would think that the amateur, after securing a pewter pot, medal, or a “ Waterbury,” had lost his reason when he competed for the .£SO (so small an amount for an amateur), and lost hia status and become an outcast. Surely they did not want the filthy lucre! Are they amateurs ? I noticed several members of a high-toned Rowing Club did not deem it infra dig to compete for cash against professionals. Now, where is the consistency of the high-eouled sentiments of the Rufus of the team of New Zealanders ? Now we have a correct estimate of the sincerity of some of our amateurs, I trust they will be true to their colours and remain what they are, i.e., professionals.— I am, &c., EUX.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 6
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 6
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