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SSnaiaegs Mottoes? GXCL KINCAID’S &.1.C., KEROSENE, 350 TEST, WATER WH.TS, PATENT TAP. REDUCED TO gS £jl> PER TIN AND JQS gD PEE CASE. ANOTHER £ REDUCTION IN FLOUR. STONE. FINEST ROLLER, 251 b Bags FINEST ROLLER, SOib Bags FIN AST ROLLER, XCOlb Bags 9 FINEST ROLLER. 2001 b Begs FINEST SILK-DRESSED, 231 b Bags FINEST SILK.DEES3ED, SO.b Bags FINEST SILK-DRESSED, 1001 b Bags . ,„ , FINEST SILK-DRESSED, 2001 b 2|) s 2 9 9 D K3/4.11 10 s 6 1 Bags , 3 s 5 a 10F 11 s 6 r> 22 s FINEST NEW CURRANTS FINEST NEW VALENCIA RAISINS ... GOOD OLD RAISINS FINEST NEW SULTANAS,m M FINEST CALIFORNIA (LAYERS) MUSCATELS ... FINEST LOOSE CALIFORNIA MUSCATELS FINEST FOUR GROWN MUSCATELS. IN TEATS FINEST NEW FIQ3 CANDIED ORANGE AND LEMON PEEL TEAS when, tested against othees et experts,aee peonounoeij> THE BEST. g.|D PEE LB PEE LB gD PEE LB gD PER LB J S PEE LB PEE LB | QS PER TEAT fja PER BOX gD PBS LB A Good Strong Family Tea, Souchong -a a £» J Flavour Rich, Uipo, Full-bodied China, Indian and Ceylon Blend, unequalled by CJ~ any other house Finest Panyoa, China, Dargeeling, Afi India and Ceylon Pekoe bland ■* wa A Good Pure Ceylon mellow-flavoured, Oq supplied when specially asked for Ceylon, very fine thick golden liquor 2g 4<d. Finest Picked Ceylon, warranted grown only on high, elevations of es a 0/1 the Island.... ou Packed in fib and 11b Packets; 51b, 101 b, 121 b and 201 b Tins, and 401 b Boxes. Reductions on Tins and Boxes. WB IMPORT AND BUT POE NBT CASH in the Cheapest Markets, and no firm has better facilities for giving good value. Therefore, we are determined that no house, wholesale cm ' retail, shall give better value than wo do. REVISED 1 PRICES z SUGAR, MILLXQUEEET SNOWDROP SUGAR, DET WHITE CRTSTAL ... SUGAR, CRUSHED LOAF SUGAR, CUT LOAF ... PER LB. ICING ... ' OATMEAL 2sd PEE LB 2|d pee lb <>lD PEE LB <o 2 - BLOGG’S PURE RASPBERRY VINEGAR PURE PARRAMATTA LIMEJUICE FRENCH PRUNES, IN 4fin BOTTLES f) A "NTDTiTiiPl”®’ 6o - sfd ?w lb. Ad«ona £K X*. .tJ' JJ ji j O tine 6Jd, Paraffine Plain or 'Fluted 7fd Price’s London Wax Bd, Price’s National Sperms Sd, Price's Self-fitting 16’a 3 Od, Prwe’e Self-fitting 3 i’r, lid. Price's Carriage fid. Price's Night Lights 9d ‘JST. A fl’R'l’MfT4-_ l:lav and Martin’s Paste, U- 4fdr«rdoij T ins, 4ct each; D. and M, Bottles, 4d, Pd PATENT MEDICINES-paiW Holloway’s, par box la 2d, Cockle’s per box Is 2d, Seigal’s per box la id, Beeohnra’a Pill 3 Is 3d, Warner’s Safe Pills Is; Wtedman’s Soothing Powder, Is 2d per picket; Irish Mobs, small lid, large Is Sd; Warner’s Safa Cure per bottle 4a 6d; Kepler’s Extract of Malt 3e; Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil Sa; St Jacob’s Oil per bottle 2a 6d; J'tigol’s Syrup 2s 8d; Painkiller 1?. 3d; Fits .hego.l Salt, small, Is ICd, largo 2s lOd per bottle; Eno’s Fruit Salt 2s Kid per bottle PEARL BARLEY, ts .»i 561 b tor 8s 6ib for la or SPLIT PEAS, per lb 2fd; s!b for Is or 59!b for 8k 2 s 5 D PEK BA<5 ... m JS PEE BOTTLE 5 s 6° Reduction id per lb on 71b tins and. 141 b tmo; Symington's Essence, small Sd, large la 2d per bottle rnfruA-w*. fibs 4a, fib tins raa, iib ' JI vv U'/a. H ag la 3d; Cadbury’s, fib tins lOd, fib tins la Sd; Hudson’s Homeopathic), lib is; Hudson's Pure, fib tins lOd, fib tins Is 7cl . W A T'CiPT R~Wnx Vestas, Plaids por doz, PO.Pa.Al7ri.ChD 4f»i; 250, par doz, la Bd| 250 Oval, per do;:, lo 8d; 1000, per box, 6d, doz sbfid Safeties, large, pevdoz, 8d; small, por doz 3d SAGO™jPL p9r lb. 51b for or 663 b for TAPIO 0A”f id f 0 “^ tor Is * or S6lb ■PIT,Pi TIT' —Best Japan ff d per lb, 561 b for 11s 6J Jai. O.a G roullf i Sfd per lb BL ACJK-LE AD- Porao!I * 6d KID PEE LB 0- 5 FINEST DAIRY-FED BACON, PEa SIDK FINEST DAIRY-FED BAOON s f PER ROL *-61 15 PSR LB FINEST DAIET-FED HAMS 8J D *“ “ ■ vfSSSS MM as k m m -m SseS»y ONLY PLACE OF BUSINESS,, 161, COLOMBO BLUEST, OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. XS63 SPECIAL TOSPOETSffiBN, I’IAISTED AND O. H ATH received their SEASON’S STOCK OP AMMUNITION, comprising Curtis and Harvey’s, Pigou Wilkes’, and Lawrence’s L- PORTING rOWIUB. All sizes. SCHULTZ SMOKELESS POWDER* (Newlssue. We haven't na cunoo-of old atoefc* CARTRIDGES LOADED BT ELBY. With either Black or (Smokeless Powder. CAKHIIDGIO CA-'SS, by Hley and Kynock. CAPS, WADS, &c„ &c,, &c. WE HAYS THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF GUN FITTINGS GUNS. IN CANTERBURY. GUNS. GUNS. Having a reputation with Sportsmen for Selling a GOOD GUN CHEAP, wa intend to retain our position. WB HAVE ON HAND A FEW OF THE WONDERFUL FRANCOTTE RIFLES (m.) S?or Good Sport thaso handy littia Weapons still hold the World’s Eeoord. The Gun to Boat taem'is not yet Made. ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. Wa are in frequent raoaipt of USEFUL and OSiNAMENTAL NOVELTIES in this lina from the best .English houses only. We keep no American Qoadi plated ou pewter or Gorman ware plated ou brags. KBraao—— ELECTRO-PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS A SPECIALITY. LAMPS AND KEROSENE. (Best Quality only). FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, BUILDERS’ IRONMONGERY, FARMERS’ IRONMONGERY, BLACKSMITHS’, WHEELWRIGHTS’ AND, PAINTERS’ REQUISITES, AT LOWEST EATSE. ■ J. PLAISTBD & CO., ■WHOLESALE & RETAIL IRONMONGERS, COLOMBO AND HEREFORD STREETS (opposite Bank of Hew Zealand), Aid WO. O”' >’ .E S”i’.llEr, i‘GRISTCHU'’CH. 'mm m m WSsSSstiffi . oB.R iE N & T-»rh<rt«fx _ , -'«i:iirni.|(!R;:s!iV?>r?V' =--J m M)ishv wm mMs m iIiHHPIP m m mm WORTH CONSIDERING. TO BHOE DEALERS EVERYWHERE. OUB BUSINESS IS TO MAKE BOOTS AND SHOESTOURS TO SELL THBEK The Mora you Sell the More we Make. Boots that Fit Wall and Wear Well you Sell Most of; People Come Again for a Good Thing, PIT WELL AND WEAR WELL. THE TWO QUALITIES MUST OO TOGETHER We’vo always had this in mind, OUR PEEMIEE BOOTS NOT ONLY FIT WELL BUT WEAR WELL. CLEAN, FRESH, RELIABLE GOODS, EVERY PAIS OF THEM. These ore whftt ra have ; theeo aro what you want. If you Would ba "Dead Bure” of GOOD. QUICK-SBDLING- STOCK, BUY PREMIER BOOTS. OUR FOUR TRAVELLERS—Thos. Mitchell,, North Island; E; A. Burke, West Coast; H. A. M’Cormiek, South Island; J. R. Garter, Otago Goldfields—are now on the Hoads with oar NEW SAMPLES—the finest lot wo have yet produced, and that Is saying a great deal. If they do not call your way, write 1 us direct for samples jlt trill nay you. M. O’BBIEN & CO., EUC-T MANUFACTURERS. CHRISTCHURCH-. ' 2288
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 2
Word Count
1,099Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9719, 7 May 1892, Page 2
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