Business Notices. SMS! m mSA BLANKETS! BLANKETS! "T B, & 00. invite special attention to an extensive shipment, just landed from the ship tii • “‘Wellington," of the Cel brated WITNEY BLANKETS, Suitable for Double and Single Beds, ranging from 12s 6d to 30i per pair. These goods are purchased direct from the m at e minent m '.ho; s, and will he found llngarpassed for Value. Wo hold a Largo Stock of toe Best Makes of White aad Grey COLONIAL BLANKETS, at the Ltweat Possible Prices.-, and all guaranteed Pall Standard Weights, BIDEE DOWN QUILTS. Those are all ventilated mid filled with Beal Bider and Russian Down, in M'Lintonk’a well-known make, frilled and plain from the S nail sjot size to the largest size for a Double Bed, m Turkey, Chintz, and handsome Sateen Ooveriug.), , FLANNELS, FLANNELS. ■ Having made ver, Advantageone Purchases for the Winter Benson, WS-havs Aetacaiedd to Sel Flannels at Lower Prioos than ever, aad so give the Public the Benefit, FLANNELETTES, FLANNELETTES, We make a Speciality of those Useful and Popular Goods, now so much in demand for Ladies' and Children’s Underwe-ir. fl"r Stock is Practically Unlimited, and comprises all the Newest Pattern* in Heavy and Fine Makes, Com ljd to 9Jd per yard; also, a number of Beautiful Designs for Morning Wrappers, EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN
TABLE-LINENS, SHEETINGS AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING. N.B.—ONE SHILLING OFF EVERY POUND r l DISCOUNT FOR CASH. •a®. ’TAYLOR AND OAKLEY, PLUMBERS, GAS-FITTERS, BRASS-FOUNDERS, ELECTRIC BELL-HANGERS, AND SANITARY ENGINEERS, 231, TDAM STREET WEST, TEECT JTMPOETEEa of all goods in connection with the above trades. The Trade Supplied. TELEPHONES. We have jcstLanded a Ship, ment of Doitestio telephones of iirst-olaes make, and at Seasonable Prices, ON SALE— Hydraulic Hams Circulating Oylindors High-pressure Boilers Iren Tanka Black and Galvanised Water pipes and Fittings Lift and Force Pumps Brass and Copper Tubing Spouting and Ridging Cast-iron, Zina and Steel Baths, &o. CHRISTCHURCH, JJ m p HEARS ONCE .1So^, wtjiJ V«4 L § PEAKING ax>-<3-dCC-VV '4S 0* f/y GAS CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, GLOBES, &0. Afi h W SQU CZC SfesS WELL-SINKER. XG99 SA'V.V? fllfiK* i um if RE iSTERED ass ■My?ytft)r^grgg3s,ilaSt A Barge and Well-assorted Stock on hand and to arrive. AGENTS FOR OSBORNE’S DEEP ARTESIAN TRENT BROS/ CELEBRATED COEEEES* REGISTERED BRANDS—PEERLESS, in lib and Jib* Packets, net weights; GOLD MEDAL, in Tin«, all Sizes PEUBNIX, do S' OLD by all Grocers and Storekeepers throughout the Colony. TESTIMONIALS Bead the following unsolicited Christolm-eh, Now Zealand, June sth, 1890.—Trent Bros—After a period of seven years since I first used your CoiLw, I now wish to express to you my moat entire satisfaction. Having been in the Oaf# business for the last thirty years and having unud a good many different brands of coffee, I may say that, for aroma and strength, X have not found its equal in tho Colonies, As lam writing quite unsolicited, I therefore aek yon to make any use you may think fit of this letter. ■ Francis Akeitas, Cafs de Pans. Manchester street, Christchurch, 3rd J uue, 1830.—1 have much pleasure in stating that X consider Treat’s Coffee tho finest in the Colony. For years past I have used no other in my hotel. John Coker. Those COFFErrs are also used in the Refreshment Rooms of Mr James Freeman, High street: an ® Hr J. Buggoy, Colombo street. See that every packet or tin bears our signature, thus— ' WSfemt which none or* genuine.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 2
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