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Properties for Sal© or To Let, TO LET. fJjnEB WAREHOUSE in LICHFIELD STREET Lately occupied by us. 9311 ROSS & GLENDININGh PEARCE’S LAND MART, PALMERSTON NORTH. EB. PEARCE TO SELL—Small Grazing • Runs, 18C0 acres, 3500 acres, 1300 acre*, 1200 acres and 1000 acres. The land comprises fern and grass-covered flats, and hills plough, able; situate Hawke’s Hay district; 20 miles from railway station, and six from school and Postuiflce. Terms cau be arranged. Pearce's Land Mart. SCO E. B. PEARCE to Sell-251 acres, all cleared, in grass, well fenced, four paddocks, carry three sheep per acre; 4-roomed dwelling-house and outbuildings, situate throe miles Horn railway station; £3 per acre ; terms, say, £IOOO cash, balance arranged. The buyer of this property has option of leasing 400 acres adjoining, all grass, and ring-fenced, £l5O per annum, Pearce’s Land Mart. 333 E. B. Pi'.ARGK to Sell—Four miles from railway station, snug farm, 113 acres, 9S acres cleared and divided, six paddocks; 12 acres pjoughad and incrop; good grazing nud well waioredThere is a throo-roomed cottage and outbuild, ings. Offering at, £7 10s per acre; can take £3OO cash and b Hanes arranged, Pearce's Land Mart. 984 E. B. PEARCE to Soli—Splendid farm, situate four miles from Palmerston, well fenced and subdivided; rich fattening land, all cleared excepting fringe of bush for shelter, comprises 400 acres, 2CO acres stumped, ploughed and cropped, yielding heavy return; together with gentleman's residence of 11 rooms, outbuilding*, stablings, coach-house, &c. A bargain at £l7 par acre terms if required. Pearce’s Land Mart. 484 E, B. PEARCE to Soil—Leasehold, 3s Gci par acre, six years un'xpired, option of other 21 years at low rent. Farm 230 acres, very rich land; partly improved, say, 100 acres grass; fourroomed cottage and outbuildings. This farm is situate four miles from railway station on Company’s line, and will be sold together with 20 head of cattle, 30 pigs, 100 head poultry, and all improvements for £249 cash. Pearce’s Land Mart. 491 Money invested and full information obtained on applying personally or by letter to B. B. PEARCE, P EARCE’S TiAND M ART PALMERSTON NORTH. 5542 PROPERTIES FOR SALE ET H. L. BOWKER, ESTATE AGENT, 258, Colombo Street, Mahket Place, THOSE requiring Properties to Rent or to Purchase on terms equal to Rent, should call for New List just published, containing some decided bargains. SYDENHAM, Lord Brougham street—s-acre land, on which, is erected suop and dwelling 4 rooms, all in good order; a good business is being done, which cm be extended by an energetic man. A low price will be accepted, and easy terms arranged. .... BELFAST, Howard stroet- J-acre, on which is erected Cottage Two Rooms nud Scullery; sec* tiou is well Ceucad and let to good tenant. Price £BS. Also, i-ncra Building section in Yorke street. Price £3O. Very easy terms for either of above. . _ NEW BRIGHTON, about 20 chains from Tram bridge, 8 acres 3 roods, having long road frontage, £l2O. A bargain. _ . CITY CORNER— i-aore. Largo Shop and Dwel]i3£T« Booms, bakehouse, store, stable aud traphonao, all well fenced and in p-infect order, newly painted and papered. Lease hos eighteen years to run. Very low price for the lease, or the property to let at £1 per weok. PERRY ROAD, Elizabeth street, just off Grafton street- i-acro, fenced maorooarpa, planted with fruit trees; House four rooms and scullery, roofed iron, copper; owner leaving, property will be sold nt a very low price. AIRMAN'a ROAD—Capital }-acre Building Site. No reasonable offer will bo refused, to close an estate. PAPANDT, off. Bligh’s Hoad, opposite Mr Morrow’s House—Kear.y 1 acre Laud, having froi.ta.go of 2 chains, fenced with well grown macrooarpa; a capital building site, A bargain at £l2O. CITY, Lichfield Street East-Corner Building Section, well fenced, nice property. £75, ADDING I'ON—7 acres 2 roods Land, having about 4 chains frontage to Nolwyu street and 4 chains to Simoon street, about 3 acres front Simoon street, and 4 acres front Selwyn street; on the latter is erected House of six rooms, all in good order. To be sold in one or two lots. CITY, Central, Corner Section, North aspect, High and Healthy Position—House of six rooms and scullery, roofed with iron, detached washhouse with copper. The whole property is in perfect order, and will bear inspection, SYDSNH-M, Windmill road—i-aore, fenced with maorooarpa ; House of four rooms and scullery, iron roof; let to a good tenant; price £165. 8T ALBANS, Madras street, corner section— About i-aore, wed fenced, macrooarpa, planted with fruit trees; new House four rooms end scullery, pantry, plastered, built on concrete foundations, copper, cupboards; a very nice property, in a high and healthy situation to be sold cheap and on easy terms, X 534 Messrs baqgs & dufey have for SALE tbo undermentioned Farms and Other Prop?rties, and will be pleased to send price and full particulars on application, FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. KIRWES—Fine Sheep Farm, 493 acres, house, sheds, &c, A bargain SERIN GST ON—2OO acres, good buildings, &0. DUNHANDEL—SO Acres, good land, house, &o, Cheap WAIK4SI—(Near) 170 Acres, house, &a, HALn WELL—62 Acres, house, &c, HALBWELL—2S Acres, house, &e. HALbWELL—34 Acres, no buildings. This farm must be sold; it is mortgaged for £IOOO. and £IOO will buy equity c£ redemption; owner will take produce equal to interest HARE WOOD ROAD—23 Acres, house, &C, LADBROOICE'S—3O Acres, house, &c. OXFORD—2O Acres, house. &c. SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. HAREWOOD ROAD—2O acres,housed rooms LIN WOOD—S Acres, house, 5 rooms SHIRLEY—4J Acres, house, G rooms, &o. SHIRLEY —S Acres, house, 6 rooms SHiHLEY—4 Acres, house, 4 rooms HAREWOOD ROAi)--14i acres, house, 7 rooms fowl yards, &o. No reasonable offer refused OP AW A—3 Acres, house, S rooms OPAWA— 2 Acres, house, 8 rooms BELFAST—4 Acres (large orchard), £l5O PAPANDI—3i Acres, house, 4 rooms, &0,, £350 TOWN PROPERTIES, ARMAGH STREEP— House, Grooms, &c.. £l5O WORCESTER STREET (over belt)—House of G rooms, fine rarden, £450 SALISBURY STREET (west) —House, C rooms, Ac. Cheap ADD.tKGTON (near Selwyn street) —House, 4 rooms (insured for £100) full quarter-acre, only £IOO. Teims Mi'i'uESuK’S ROAD—House. 4 rooms, three-quartor-acre, £3OO, ire., &0., &e, PRINTED LlftTd SENT FREE. HOUSES OF ALL SIZES TO LET. MONEY TO LEND, In Largo or Small Sums, at LOWEST KATES. BAGGS & DUFFY, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. 131, COLOMBO STREET, near Cashel street. X 335 Drapery, Clothing &o. ’ JUST ARRIVED,! Direotfromtha Manufacturers, A LARGE ASSORTMENT of TWEEDS and SUITINGS. The Very Latest and Best Patterns, OVERCOATINGS, A SPECIALTY. The finest Meltons, Bosoloth and Beavers ever Imported into New Zealand. A. BEGG, Tailor and Habit Maker, 143, High street. 5570 “ INFLUENZA Has come, it is quite true, so has Summer, and as all Need a Change, let us CALL AND SEE J. w. PERRY & CO., CASH TAILORS, 173, CASHEL STREET, Opposite Caf(S, WHO have just opened up a Large Assortment of LATEST DESIGNS in SUITINGS, TUOUSEuINGS and WORSTED COATINGS; also, a Very Choice and Varied Stock of FANCY VESTINGS for the present season. Wo are not to be surpassed by any other Firm for Fit, Quality, Workmanship or Price. ALL GOODS SHRUNK. J. W. PERRY & CO., CASH TAILORS, 173. CASHEL STREET, Op osite Cafe. X 123 ll* EL ALE & € O BINDER TWINE AND ROPE MANUFACTURERS, ‘ CnnistcnDiicH. Office—Wholesala Only JOHNSON AND COUZINS, Cashel street. P.O. Box 174. Telephone—Number 111, M 444
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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1,204Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 8
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