PAIS WHITE HANES. HEIGHT CLEAbTcOMPLHEION, SOFT HEALTHFUL SKIN. PBAES* SOAP.—Pure!- Fragrant! Ecirosluas;! —For Toilet and Nursery, soeoialiy prepared toe the delicate skin of ladies and children and others sensitive to the weather, winter or summer. Prevents redness, roughness, or chapping. Sold everywhere, in tablets. Is each. Larger sizes, Is 6d and 2s6d, The Italian Minister of Marine has just completed a scheme by which the entire Italian Navy could be mobilised within forty'eight hours in the event of an outbreak of war. Another £ Reduction in Floue.— See Kincaid’s G.I.C. advertisement on Pagei2 of this paper. The odourless royal oil, water white, 150-test, patent tap, is being sold at Kincaid’s G.I.C. at 5s 6d per tin, and 10s 6dper case.— [Advt.] Lord Wolseley claims that the position of the private soldier to-day is much better than that of a mechanic, for at the age of thirty-nine ho can retire on a pension of 2s to 4s 6d a day. There was no position in the British dominions that provided such a position for a working man as the Army and A avy.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 6
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