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Wanted. WANTED, Paw Tons of Small Seed Kidney Potatoes, T, Wreaks, 92, Manchester steeet, and ICS, St Asaph street. 535 ANTED to Let, Famished 7-roomea . T House, plastered, at Sumner. Washhouse, copper, 6 fireplaces, good water supply. £52 per annum. Purdie, builder. 343, St Asaph street. 441 WANTED, a reasonable offer, upon easy terms, for good Farm, 112 acres. House and buildings, nine miles from town. Bend or call for particulars. W. E. Harding (associated with J, Bowman and Son), 200, Hereford street. X 367 WANTED to Let, immediately, at Holmwood, Fendalton, very comfortable'house Of 6 rooms, bathroom, Ac. For full particulars apply, at once, to Charles Clark, Hereford street. 501 WANTED to Bell quickly, and consequently low price will be taken for the Goodwill and Furniture of a first-class Boardiug-honrse; position unsurpassed; satisfactory reason given. Apply for particulars iu first instance to Office of this paper. 471 WANTED to Sell, within the Bolt, a Comfortable and Well-built Brick House, containing five rooms, nicely finished, with all usual conveniences, garden nicely arranged and planted. Must be sold, price £225. Allan Hopkins. Cathedral square, X 205 WANTED to Let, a splendid 7-roomed house, plastered throughout, every convenience, ha'f-an-aore land beautifully laid out, asphalted paths, stables, traphouse, &c.; splendid position, Liuwood; low rent to good tenant, Hamill and Johnson, Cathedral square. XSI7 WANTED to Sell, nice little Farm, over 50 Acres, House, and all necessary buildings, near station, short distance from Christchurch. Price low; a chance; owner retiring. Send or call for. particulars. W. 8. Harding (associated with J. Bowman and Son), 200, Hereford street. XSB7 WANTED to Bell, well situated Besidence of 7 rooms, gas laid on throughout, bathroom, scullery, detached washhouse, copper, coalhouse, conservatory, vine, frnit trees, &c.; section, 22 perches; Christchurch, South-west, owner leaving, will sell for £375; a bargain. W. 8. Harding (associated with J. Bowman and Son). 200, Hereford street. XSS7 WAN TED to Bell, quickly, and consequently a low price will be taken, a Compact and Well-finished House of five largo rooms (plastered), 12ft ceilings, waab-honae, copper, ashphalt paths, &o.; f-aore fine garden; situated close to Fapanni r; ad, in a fashionable locality. Bagga and Daffy, 131, Colombo street. XS3S WANTED to Sell, Quarter-acre, fenced and ready to build on, Salisbury street, near Colombo street. £160; deposit £2O, balance 10s per week. This iu an opportunity to secure a good section, close to the centre of city, at a ridiculously low price, and the easiest of terms; it must, in the near future, become valuable. Saggs and Duffy, 13X, Colombo street. X 335 WANTED to Bell, fronting on the Paponni road, a well and taatefully-built House of 9 rooms, conservatory, wash-house, copper, bathroom, hot and cold water—in fact, every modern convenience; 1 acre well fenced and laid out, or more land if required; price considerably reduced, and only a small sum necessary in cash; part of purchase money at 6 per cent. Fuller particulars from Baegs and Duffy, Estate Agents. XS3S WANTED to Bell, Deanes, over 600 Acres good; Canterbury district. Bent; Is 6d per acre; 2500 Acres, good Besidence and every necessary building; the whole in first-class order and condition. A chance to drop into a really good property, within reasonable distance of Christchurch, upon the easiest of terms, W, B. Harding (associated with J. Bowman and Son), 200, Hereford street. X 367 'ANTED to Bent, for clients,Farm of 200 to . . 300 Acres good land, or 10G0 acres light land, with house and outbuildings; 10-roomod house, bathroom with hot and cold water indispensable, Christchurch or near suburb, rent not to exceed £65. We have reliable tenants waiting for houses—4,s,6 to 10 rooms, Christchurch and suburbs, Also, large and small farms. Our revised list of properties is now ready, and may he had upon application. W. B. Hording (associated with J. Bowman and Son), 200, Hereford street. X 367 Wanted Known. WANTED Known—Pianos on hire for socials, bails, concerts, &c. Bowman and Son, Hereford street. WANTED Known—Our New Autumn Goods are now opened up. Toney liffe and Carey, X 353 WANTED Known—l2,ooo yards New Dress Materials, showing 1892 designs. Beath and Co, X 7 WANTED Known—Furniture in Houses Bought Out, Best Prices. J. Bowman, Victoria street. X 277 WANTED Known—Our New Autumn Goods are now opened up, ex Kaikoura, Toneycliffe and Carey. f X 335 "ANTifID Known—Tbs Furniture Palace, High street, for cheap furniture. A. Seed, proprietor. X4ll WANTED Known—New Seal Muff Bags, 10s fid each. Umbrellas, Gloves and Laces. G. L. Beath and Co. X 7 "tnsTT'ANTED Known—Sight tested. Latest improved simple method, atKennett’s, 183, High street. XB6 WANTED Known—New Flannels, Blankets, Calicoes, Sheetings, Shirtings, at Shaw, Eobinson and Co.'s. X 144 WANTED Known—New Dresses, Plushes, Velvets, Silks, Satins, at Shaw, Eobinson and Co.’s. X 144 WANTED Known—Great purchase Kaiapol Clothing by Beath and Co. Desperate Bargains This Day. X 7 WANTED Known—Best Dresses made (or 12s fid each, Mrs Mortimer being ohief of Dressmaking Department. Shaw, Bobinion and rtST ANTED Known—New Mantles, Millinery y V and Underclothing, at Shaw, Eobinson and >.’s. 1144 nKTANTED Known—New Eibbons, Laces. |r V Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Trimmings and aberdashery, at Shaw, Eobinson and Co.'s X 144 HSTANTED Known—All the newest effects In jff Dress Fabrics for Antumn wear at readyoney prices. Tonayoliffa and Carey. X 335 naSTANTED Known—Heed's Furniture Palace y V for the Purchase of New or Second* md Furniture of every description. 142, High OSTANTED Known—Freeh Batter arriving |rV daily at Deal Bros/, opposite Convent, holesale in any quantity; Side and 801 l Bacon id Cheese. _ 559 naTT ANTED Known— I Townend’s Bilious and yy Liver Pills cur# torpid liver, bilious affeoons, constipation, &c. Sola everywhere, price Is, ook for coupon. **73 f ANTED Known—A Kindergarten School will be opened next term at Bose Cottage, Cashel street, corner of Staumore road, Lin. d; conducted by Miss Simoox. 125 rrANTED Known—Our own make of Wear W Well 4-ply Fingering in all colours, I and 3s lid per lb. For hard wearit cannot he en. Toneycliffe and Carey. X 335 WANTED Known—Nice Dresses for fis fid, 8s fid, 10a fid, 12s fid and 15s fid, the full dress of twelve yards; wonderfully cheap. W. M‘Clea and Co., 210, High street. X 537 SjrTAHTBD Known—Before purchasing elsewhere, see M. Parker’s show of New linery, Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves, ;sets and General Drapery. Small profits. ’ Victoria street, near Carlton Corner. 534 WANTED Known Gentlemen requiring Comfortable Board asd Besidence at moderate terms to apply Mrs Beading, 318, Colombo street, comer of Salisbury street, Christchurch. ' *566 "ANTED Known—Splendid accommodation for those requiring a change to the sea* side, at Mrs Xapley’s, Governor’s Bay. Apply on promises or to Baggs and Dully, Agents, 131, Colombo street._ *335_ WANTED Known We are opening out Shipments of New Goods for the Autnmn and Winter-Seasons. The Latest Shapes in Ladies* Felt and Straw Hats. Gill’s Drapery Warehouse, Colombo road, Sydenham. X2B WANTED Known—Mrs Devereaux, London street, Lyttelton, begs to announce to her friends and customers that, having secured the services of a First-class Dressmaker, she is prepared to Make Dresses at a Beduced Price; style and fit guaranteed. 392 WANTED Known—£s, £lO, £2O. £SO. £IOO and other sums waiting borrowers. Can Lie repaid by weakly or monthly instalments, or as convenient to applicants. Ulster Loan Company, 224, Hereford street; D. Stranaghan, manager Cilice boars; 10 to 1 and 3 to 5. XlB5 rANTED Known—Honqua Blended Teas in r packets, 61b, 101 bor 121 b tins, or 401 b halfa “Honqua;” 2s; “Belgravia," 2s 4d; .toheap,” Is fid, 2d per lb Eeduction on tins, Ltchests; pure Ceylon, in 51b boxes 10s fid. I and half-pound packets 2s 4d, at T„ Z 222 PERSONS LEAVING CHEISTCHUBOH V£ng Up Housekeeping, ate renunded.that 3SSES BOWMAN * SON 3H FUECHABEES OP PUBNITUEB extent, thus Enabling Persons to Avoldtho Bisk sad Inconvenience of a Sale. OUTDOOE SALES CONDUCTEDBOWMAN & BON, , 200, -Benfor&Atreot,
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
Word Count
1,309Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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