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Public Notices. CHESS INUjRUCTION GEATIS, nnHE Canterbury Chess Club ara FORMING H CLASSES for NON-MEMBERS who are desirous of learning tho game. Thera is no charge whatever, and those who wish to attend the Classes ara requested to apply at tho Clubroom, Chamber ot Commerce, Cathedral square, between 7 and 10.30 p.m. on TUESDAYS or FRIDAYS, or by letter addressed “Tho Hon Secretary, Canterbury Chess Club, Christchurch.” 7574 ALL Claims against the EISV FATHER HALB WAGES 'TO BE SENT BOULCOTT STREET, WELLINGTON. 527 " “ FLATIKETTR.” STANDISH & P2EEC3 are producing these BEAUTIFUL MATT-SUEFACB PHOTOGRAPHS In any style. When giving recorders have them finished by this new process. See Specimens in Vestibule. STUDIO—2IB, High street, Christchurch, 191 TO PASSENGERS PER RAIL AND STEAMBE. TISITORS to Christchurch should secure Apartments at the empire hotel .. HIGH STREET, 5 Which, for Moderate Charges, Comfort and Convenience, is not excelled in the City. TARIFF: Breakfast, 2a; Lunch. Is; Dinner, 2s; Bed, 2s Si Per Day, 7s 6d; Per Week, £2 2a. Special arrangements for Families and Theatrical Companies. Telegrams and Letters promptly attended to. J. GAEL F 361 Proprietor, j. T. BEOWN AND SON. TIMBER AND COAL MEECHANTS, WE Have LARGE STOCKS of SEASONED TIMDEK AND ALL BUILDING REQUISITES, Patties intending to build or enlarge their Promises cm arrange for the whole of their requirements at short notice, and at Lowest Bates, JUST LANDED, Fresh Supplies of WBSTPOET and NEWCASTLE 0 O A L S. Deliveries in Large or Small Quantities, Quality in every case guaranteed. And all at LOWEST S ATES, EETAIL YARDS and OFFICES, corner Colombo and Tuam streets, WHOLESALE YAEDS, St Asaph street, P.O. Box 308, Telephone No. 72. X5lO ' WINTER, 1892. OUR NEW GENTS* HATS ARE NOW TO EAhD. ' 3|oz m FELTS 03 6». Worth Halfa-Guinea, New Shapes, Few Shades. THE NEW CSOFTER AND GOLF HATS, In well-assorted Shades. PARKESIc TRIBE, 195, CASKEL STREET. ' The next Shop to Ballantyne’a. F 133 TYPE.WRITING OFFICE. The misses m a l i n g, 5, Chancery Lane, istohuroh. MSS., Documents of all kinds. Specifications, Examination Papers, 4c., dc., copied on the Typewriter. Terms on application, X6OB TO SMOIEP.S. ESPECIALUf CHOICE CIGARETTE TOBACCO, cut most Pure American Leaf, and Sweet, Mild and Pure Smoking. 33 AVI E S & 3j AM B, Hairdressers md Tobacconists, 181, Colombo street. F 239 L'A Cakd.J MR F. W 0 THOMPSON, SURGEOS DENTIST, 218, High stoat, Christchurch, Opposite D.I.C. Telephone 360. M * H. PUR SURGECN-DENTIST, X 416 D I E 173, COLOMBO STREET. 324 X CHESTOHUItCHi ' DENTAL NOTICE. S* B. Seymour DSNTIST, 215, Colombo itroat, Ghristchuroh, Charges—Fillingi, ss; Extraction, 2s 6J, Nitrons Oxide Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. ?oe for administration, ss, Artificial teeth by arrangement; The artificial teeth supplied by Ir Seymour are well-known in Canterbury for efiniency and durability, many sets supplied by bin being in use for more than seventeen years. Xl2 A NEW AND MARVELLOUS REMEDY. SOLOMOF SOLUTION, f&TOW being hroight prominently before the public owing to its wonderful curative properties. AN OINMENtTFOB MAN OR CUADEUPBD, IS A POSITIVE CURE For Rheumatic lout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Tootlache, Headache, Earache, Sprains, Wounds, Sores, Swellings, Ringworms, Chilblains, &c„ &c, SOLOMON SOLUTION Is the most cecon; and wonderful discovery as a tieatment tor HORSES, COWS AND DOGS. GUARANTEED TO CURE HORSES of Sore Shoulders and Backs, Mange, Girth Galls, Greasy Heels, Cuts, Strains, Swellings, Cracked Heels, Contracted Feet.-Splinte, &c. CURBS COWS of Ulcerated Udders and Soro CURES DOGSof Manga and every description of Cuts and Soro, (It is unneiessary to cover cuts or sores vith rags or cloth.) IT CUiKS SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY. Mr A. PARSOJS has pleasure in notifying the public of New Zaland that ho has been appointed by the Patentnessola representative in this Colony for the Sale ol SOLOMON SOLUTION, now creating a ported; furore in Australia on account of its wonderful success as a treatment for all diseases in man or juadruped. -OCO WA ( FOtJTED as a FORFEIT to the MELBOURNE HOSPITAL should SOLOMON SOLUTION FAIL TO CUBE in three applications the Champion Racehorse CARBINE. Every Householder should keep it. No stable can afford to ho without it. To Farmers it is invaluable. Sold throughout Few Zealand in Jaw 3s 6d and 7s each. To be obtained of nil Chemists and Saddlers throughout the Colony. Principal Retail Agents for Canterbury District— GEO. BONNINGXON. chemist. High street. Christchurch C. S, HOWELL. Saddler, Cashel street, Christchurch. A. PARSONS, Sola Wholesale Representative, 161, Hereford, street, Christchurch. i Patentees— SOLOMON COX AND CO.-, 422, Bourke street, Melbourne, 2493 Agents wanted. X 623 THE BEST IK THE WORLD. J O. S E P H I L L O T T • S STEEL PENS; Cold Medals, Paris, 1878-89, Sold by all Stationer '
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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782Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 1
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