[HT ELECTEIC TELEGRAPH.—COPTEIGRT. ] ("Special to Press Association.] [Received May 5, at 7 p.m.J LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. LONDON, Mat 4. The London County Council intends to ask Parliament to pass a measure enabling women to occupy seats in the Council. ; SUCCESSFUL. Mr William Grey, a relative of Sir George Grey, has been successful in establishing his claim to the Earldom of Stamford. WOMAN SUFFRAGE. OTTAWA, Mat 4. Twenty thousand women have signed a petition to the Canadian Parliament, asking for the suffrage. Premier Abbott replying to a deputation said he hoped that woman suffrage would become law in Canada. DYNAMITE OUTRAGE. SAN FEANCISCO, Mat 4. A house at Los Angelos, crowded with people, was dynamited, and the occupants were badly shaken. fUeceived May 5, at 7.45 p.m.l EMIN PASHA. ZANZIBAE, Mat 4, Emin Pasha is suffering from smallpox. INFANTICIDE. ST PETERSBURG, Mat 4. The Jewesses on trial at Yilna for infanticide were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment from six to twenty years. JACK THE RIPPER. WASHINGTON, Mat 4. Another body of a woman, mutilated in the same way as Jack the Ripper’s victims, has been found in Chicago. This is the second within a short period. THE NEW ZEALAND ATHLETIC TEAM. LONDON, Mat 4. The New Zealand athletic team has arrived. [Received May 5, at 8 p.m.l THE QUEENSLAND LABOUR TRAFFIC. Bishops Barry, Selwyn and Goadrington have letters in the Guardian on the subject of coloured labour in Queensland. Bishop Barry, although confident that Sir S. Griffith will do his best to remedy abuses, has grave fears that ho will not succeed. Bishop Selwyn describes the Queensland traffic in temperate language, and considers it an abuse of words to call such a system slavery or. inhuman. Serious abuses exist, but they are capable of removal, and he believes the traffic may he made to benefit both the Islands and Queensland. Bishop Coadrington is of opinion that no kind treatment by Queensland plantation owners can compensate the wrong done to the Islands. [Received May 6, at 1 a.m.'J AN ARTIFICIAL PEARL. Mr Saveli Kent, at a conversazione of the Royal Society, exhibited a splendid pearl produced by an artificial process. CHINESE RESTRICTION. WASHINGTON, Mat 5. Congress has re-enacted the Chinese Taxation Bill, adding enforced'registration, and a penalty for unlawfully entering States, of a year in prison, at the end of - which time detenues are to be sent back to China.
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 5
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