Beg to announce the opening of our NEW WINTER GOODS Per Steamers Tongariro, &c„ &c., Also the Finest and Largest Consignment or NEW MILLINERY We have e er received, consisting of 3000 HATS and bonnets. Which are now. being shown; r ULSTERS, DRESS MATERIALS FURS. UET TRIMMINGS, &c„ Ac,, v In Great Profusion, SPECIAL NOTICE. Before leaving for England, ME ARMSTRONG nstructed that the WHOLE of these NEW GOODS, together with our REGULAR STOCK, should bo Cleared at LOWEST SALE PRICES. Cur Customers will, therefore, be able to get the Pick of Newest-fishioned Goods at Lowest Prices in New Zealand, as there must ta a , POSITIVE CLEARANCE Before the Proprietor’s Return; , X 231 S. MANNING & :00., LIMITED. ■ :;.;v BEEWERS; : _ 07 THE • " • , ■-/ ■ FAVOURITE CHRISTCHURCH SPARKLING PALE & BITTER, ALES, To be obtained in Hogsheads, barrels & kilderkins AT CHRISTCHURCH BREWERY And on Draught at the Principal Hotels in Christchurch and Canterbury. PALE ALE AND EXTRA •' STOUT IN QUARTS AND PINTS. NEW GOODS, Es Euapahu. MRS POPE , AS JUST OPENED some Lovely Things-iu LINEN, ZANZIBAR akb SATIN. Including— ANTIS, DUCHESS COVERS, N.D, and B.C. BAGS, COSIEJ. D’OYLEYS, SERVIETTES, &o. New Transfaia, Cards, Silks and Arraseues. New Parer Patterns each S.F. Mail. The “Style” 31 Monthly. TEE ORIGINAL ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT MORTEN’S BUILDINGS, ai7X Christchurch. ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY. wAL KE R BR O 8., LATE H. BOOTH, HAT MANUFACTURERS, 170, High street, opposite Barrett’o Hotel. Hats, &o„ n the Newest Shapes and Designs, on the shortest notice. Hats Renovated and Re* blocked. The Trade Supplied. Charges most reasonable, K 530 Telephone No. 398. Cablegrams, “ Ketniw,” Dan ediu. Postal address. Box 556, Dunedin. Dunedin, Si, Bond street. Edgar 'Winter, Manufacturers* /gtMit and General Importer. Editor of N.Z. “Manufacturers* Advertiser and Buyers’ Guide." Manufacturers or Patentees desirous of extending their business, Ac., are invited to correspond. Agents and travellers work the whole of New Zealand. Buying or aeUw /or. ; clients attended to. . A5*K
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVII, Issue 9718, 6 May 1892, Page 3
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