FERRY EOAD. Tha Iqrge class-room at the Ferfywaa fehoolwte quite in holiday attire yesterday •ruling, when pupils and parents assemfor the annual distribution. Tasteful Joral decorations and drawings, the work Of the pupils, adorned the room. Mr John Clarke, Chairman of the School Committee, S. Weston, who pre•ented the prizesas under:Attendance -Prizes,-first class: Standard TL— James Bennie, Aleck M'Dowell, Ernest M’Dowell. Arthur Pratt, Prank Pratt, Edward Edkins, George Glover, Willie Ewart, John Souter, Eva Sou ter, Xanra Pratt, Mabel Clarke and Ethel Srown. 'Standard V.— Arthur Edmonds, Horace Harper, John Lowry, Ernest Kosewaroe, Mercy., Clarke and Ethel Souter, Standard IV.—Maty Creagh and Kate Waaa. Standard 11. Charles Wilton, Elizabeth Hobson and Norah Spreadbury. Standard 1 L—Ada Hancock and May Hopkins. Infants Sarah E-istwick. Second class Standard VI. —Harry (Uark, jftrmau, Sherwood Cordery, John Harvey,-Arthur. Ofiwood and David Marquet. Standard V. -John Pisber, George Hopping, Walter Gough, Bobert Hallam, WilUa Honbihg, Fred Smy the, Edward Trawern, Edgar Woodcock. Nelly Marquet sod Easily Reese. Standard IV.—Bertie Cutler, James Hallam, Stanley Jarman, Joseph Turner, Beatrice Barson, Susan Curry, Mary Hopping and Bose Buxton. Standard lll.—Willie Stringer, Willie Mallett, Fred Hemmingsen, John Hallam, Albert Pisber, Wilfred Clarke, Arthur Eaddon, David Woods, Ernest Edmonds,' 'Fred James, Edith Mallett, Florence Sherwood, Ada Teatman, Constance Edkins and Mary Lowry. Standard 11. Wiliie Hopping, Harry Tamer. Ernest Wicka, John Carmichael, Stewart Jarman. Arthur Hallam, Beggie Batson,Xiatrie. Henley, LueyKing. Emily Prosper, Mary Broadhurst, Nelly Creagh, Lizzie Stowell, Amy Beaumont and Lily Hall. Standard I.—Fred Hookbam, Prank Hobson, Willie Wotten, Harry King, Alice Reece, Edith Beeoe, Lily Marquet, Bose Baetwiefc and,, Lily Chislett. Infants—.Hary Marquef and Willie Turner. Dax James Harvey (Mr Weston’s uixo). Standard Vl.—Sherwood Cordery, Albert Beaumont, George Glover, Herbert Harper, John Harvey,'Aleck M'Dowell, Ernest M'Dowell, David Marquet, Prank Pratt, Harold Scott, John Souter, Charles Turner, Mabel Offwood, Ethel Brown, Ruth*Edkins and Bertha Martin. Standard V.—Willie Edmonds, Arthur Edmonds, John Edkins, George Falconer, Walter .Gough, Wilfred Gar ton, Bobert Hallam, Aleck Henderson, Frederick Hooper, William Hopping, John James, John Lowry, Thomas M'Leary, Stanley Mills, Samuel Stringer, Edward Trewern, ■ Jane Carmichael, Amy Garratt, May Hooper, Edith Jamieson, Annie Killick. Kelly -Marquet, Jessie M'Kirmon, Louisa Bennie, Ethel Souter and Nellie Welch. Standard IV. Charles Bollington, Bichard Brown, Stanley Jarman, John Johnaron, William Stokes, Joseph Turner, Beatrice Barson, Bose Campbell, Maud Dixon, Clara Fisher, May Griffin, Minnie M'Diartnid, Flossie M'Kinnon, Emma Pegg, Eva Eeeve. Bose Buxton, Louisa Souter and Jessie Wotten. Standard lll.—Albert Fisher, Willie Hobson, Ernest Harvey, Aleck Neave, John Pr'isAr, Fred Gimblett, George Harper, David Woods, Louis B.mnington, Wilfrid C'SCrkej , Constance Edkins, Ethel Garton, Tottie Hurcoinb, Maiy Lowry, Amy Pratt, Annie Peagrain, Annie Henderson, Balia Hall and Florence Sherwood.
Standard - ll.'—Reginald Barson, Lawrence' Fisher, George Turner, Harry Turner;. Willie Virtue, George Whitby, B®Ha Broadfaurst, Jane Ewart, Lily Hall, Mabel Harper, Carrie Henley, Lizzie Hobson, Amy Lee, Grace Parish, Emily Pkbspef, Lena Wtlch, Lucy King, James Pepperell, Place Staples and Cisaie Pappa. Standard I.—Bertie Smythe, Willie Woods, Fred Whittington. Willie Archbold,. Conrad Bonniagton, Fred Hook bam, Willie Dyer, Willie Thomas, Lily Chislett, Lily Marquet, Alice Gager. Mary Ewart, Daisy Teatman, BAla Murphy, Edith. Harvey, Jennie Fraser, Alice Reece, Adeline Batcher, Ethel Eansley and Alice Fisher. ; Sewing prizes: Standard VX.—Laura PrStt YWe Clarke’fl prize) 1, Mabel Clarke 2, Lily Denham 3. Standard V.—-Maggie Carrie 1, Charlotte Yates 2, Amy Garratt 3. Standard IV.—Annie Smith (Mr York’s prize) !, Lily Lee 2, Ada Hartnell 8. Standard lll.—Millicent Harper (Mr Anderson’s -prize) 1, Tottie Hurcomb 2, Maggie Williams 3. Standard ll.—Mabel Harper I, Maude Orchard 2, Lily Hopkins B.v " Standard I.—Amy Franklin 1. May Hopkins 2. Ella Trewern 3. Infants.— Alice, Overend 1, Mabel Potter 2, Maud Hooper 3. • Mechanical drawing—Ernest Archbold (teacher’s: prize) !, Edward Edkins 2, Harold Johnson 3. .Progress prizes—Boys, Fred. Orchard (Dfr Perymsn’s prize); girls, Annie Hardey (teacher’ s prize). Prizes for marks—Boys, Harold Johnston; girls; Eva Souter (teacher’s prizes). Gymnastics—Arthur Off wood (teachers prize), Arthur Pratt and Herbert Harper (teacher’s prize), Horace Harper. ST ALBANS. The distribution of prizes took place yesterday, Mr F. Smith, Chairman of the School Committee, presided. The followme is tkd pm© lists— Attendance; Standard VIL—-Alfred Birt. Standard Vl.—Ernest Birfe. Annie Mayo, William Baker and Mabel Cooper. Standard V;—Mary (Heaves, Sarah Brown, William Williams. Thomas Owen, Philip Wallburton," Walter Chaplin and Alice Brant. Standard IV. Mildred Smith, Florence Burleigh, Ivor Evans, Edgar Fliht and John Hegarfcy. Standard Ilk Brant, Bertha Alpe, Xyy Webster, Edgar Neata and Walter Chisnall. Standard JH».--Bobert Alpe, Violet Moor, James Archer and Clement Coleman. Standard Ha.— Jane Allen, Zoe Cooper, Sarah Hyde, Ivy Cunningham. Daisy Moor, Alfred Owen, Charles Butterfield, John Barnes and James Brown. Standard llb.—Dora Martyn, Annie Barnes, Arthur Stubberfield and Leonard Archer. Standard I.—Marion Hunter. Sewing Prizes— Standard VI. : Annie Mayo 1, Edith Briggs 2. Standard V. : Alice Brant 1, Ruby Pimm 2. Standard IV.: Mildred Smith 1, Amy Heslop 2, Alice Walker 3. Standard III.: Violet Fenn 1, Cecilia Savage 2, Ada Brant 3. Standard II.: Mary Hatley 1, Maxie Buchanan 2, May Ives 3. Standard I.: Lucy Philpott 1, Eva Summer ton 2, Louisa' Chaney 3. Infants: Bessie Eg KnittiDg. Mrs Speight’s Prizes-Stan-dard 11. Jessie Darling 1, Dora Mai tin 2. Class Prizes, Mrs Welia’ Prizes—Standud V.: Albert Briggs 1, Walter Chaplin
2 ''Swimming-— Boya: Open Bace, Charles ' y«»w/ Cecil Kelly runder IgA.yjjars, Percy Kelly; Consolation, Cyril Atkinson. Girls: Open Race, Helen Lelwiv's. P ver A® ye*w?»- Mbwri® M'Cleavej under 13 years, Edith Watbew. . Boys: Thomas Smith. Girls j Annie Mayo. , , , , viTljejffterncion was devoted to games in tl» . playground, under the auperintendence of the head-master, Mr J. Speight.
LYTTELTON. The annual distribution of prizes to the scholars attending the Lyttelton district schools took place yesterday. Following is the prize list:— main school.
Dux— Percy Bowden. Standard .Vll.—Charles Biach, special prize l>y Mr Gifford. , * Standard VI. (girls)—Jessie Bane 1, Jessie. Wilson 2; boys, James Eden 1, Frank Bishop and Nathan Early (equal) u, Charles Lancaster special prize by Mrs Mackenzie for diligence. • Standard V. (girls)-Janet Mackenzie 1. Louie Thompson 2, Fanny Coote 3, Ellen Hepwortb 4; boys, Alfred Brice 1, John Brown 2, William Webb 3, George Boss 4, John Gower special given for arithmetic By Mr Lauienson. . _ f Standard IV. (girlaJ-Chnsay Brown 1, Idzrie Wood 2, Eliza M'Wiiiiams 8, Lucy
Lester 4; boys, Philip Longuet 1, Archie Erickssen 2, Eric Green 3, Arthur Poster 4, Joseph Durham special for good conduct given by Mrs M, A. Collins. Standard 111. (girls)—Alice Irvine 1, Amy Bock 2, Beeaa Aschman 3, Hetty Batter 4; boys, Charles Just 1, Edward Salt 2, Francis Shove 3, Thomas Wells 4. Standard 11. (girls)—Olive Palmer 1, Alice Taylor 2, Eliza Waters 3, Marion M'Dougall 4j boys, Harry Leaman 1, Willie Stewart 2, Willie Pitcaithly 3, George Beaton 4. , Sewing prizes: Standard Vl.—Lizzie •Newton 1, Bessie Stewart 2, and Millie Curtis special by Mrs Lewis. Standard V. : —Mary Clark 1. Jsannie , Watson 2. Standard IV,—Catherine Dean 1, Amy Lewin 2. Standard HI. —Jean Bam 1, Evelyn Barnard 2. Standard ll.—Nellie Early 1, May Parsons 3. Attendance prizes; Standard VII.— Alfred Webb, Standard Vl.—Nellie Curtis, Kate Aschman, Gertrude Treleaven, Maude Just, David Forman, Walter Gibbons, Siaudard V. Wiliie Mutton, Emily Hither, Bella Lewin, Louie Thompson, Winnie Ashley, Edith Childs, Fred Lindsay, Lizzie Newton, Buby Brooke, Rose Hope and Charlie Newton. Standard IV.—Bertie Abbott, Arcbie Ericksson, Eric Green, Bichard Wakeliu, Albert Foot, Hubert Ehiud, I.izzie Sowden,. Emily Foot, Blanche Graham, Bert Bacon, John Griffiths and Oscar Dillner. Standard 111. —Reginald Ashley, Charles Duke, Alfred Lanyou, John Madden, Thomas Harkiss, Walter Harkiss, Harold Bhind, Harry Curtis, Jessie Carter, Beena Aschman,Olive Childs, Willie Forman, Alice Irvine. Ohrissie Thompson, Minnie Taylor and Emma Treleaven. Standard If.—Nellie Thompson, Janet Forman, Daisy Pairhurst, Willie Foot, Horace Daniels, Harry Leaman and Mary Pairhurst. Sixty children were presented with second-class attendance certificates. infants’ department. Siaudard la.—Louisa Wakelin 1, Olive Hinds 2. Alan Green 3, Maud Hewitt good conduct, Jeannie Barns sewing, Percy Kiddey and Louisa Francis recitations, Annie Dyer neat exercise. Standard Is. Edith Gundle 1, Ivy Williams 2, James Sinclair 3, George Robinson good conduct, Bose Hedgeman sewing, Thomas VTilliams, Nellie Eves and Otillie Just recitations, Sarah Baker neat exercise. Class IV.—George Jory 1, Emma Day 2, Prank Falconer 3. Bosina Wright 4, Nellie Williams recitation. Class 111. T-ttia Longuet 1, Jack Toomey 2, Alfred Huston 3,olive Anderson 4, Mabel Eden 5, Amy Owen 6. Class ll.—Louisa Taylor and Daisy Milne 1, Edward Brown 2, Mona Radcliff 3, Millie Williams 4. Class I. (infants) Henrietta Dyer 1, Isabella Wilson 2. Donald Green 3, Rose Milne 4. Each of the infants received a Christmas card. Attendance. First class : Standard Is —Pred Leaman, James Carroll; Standard la— John Childs; Infants: Wilfred Bhind. Second class. Standard I.: Hilda Treleaven; Standard Ia : Robert Palmer. Certificates.—Standard I. (b) : Steve Burnip, Sarah Baker, John Denis, Lizzie Wilson, Albert Thompson. Standard Ib : A’an Green, Evelyn Duke; infants: David Diamond. SIDE SCHOOL. Standard lll.—James Lindsay 1, Ethel Fletcher 2, Fred Lewin 3, Maude Coote 4, Harry Dailey 5 ; sewing, Esther Greers. Standard ll.—Ge >igo Wilson 1, Jack Wilson 2. Harold Harper 3, James Halliday 4, Willie Ciarkson 5; sewing, Annie Buckley. Standard I.—Henry Richdale 1, Ruth Hatchwoll, 2, Muriel Hatton 3, John Brown 4, idee Miller 5. Attendance—Kev E. Chambers’ prizes : Fred Lewin, Henry Newton, Arthur Derbidge and Hilda Ashley; certificates. Had da Dillner, Olan Dillner, Willie Griffiths, Kate Griffiths and Ernest Scholar were absent less than five times during the year and received certificates. Infants—First division: Cleve Button 1, Rosa Buckley 2; second division : Ronald Nelson 1, Winnie Lancaster 2, Georgia. WilsonS. HAMPSTEAD"SCHOOL.
The annual distribution of prizes to the pupils attending the Hampstead School took place on Friday evening. The distribution took place in the open air, and Mr E. G. Wright, M.H.R., made the presentation as follows: Standard Vll.—Nellie Caird 1, William Cochrane 2.
Standard Vl.—Bella Caird 1, William Collins 2.
Standard V,—William Sando 1, Albert Dudson 2, Lot Cooper 3, Emily Sumners 4. Florence Malcolm 5, James Malcolm 6, May Collins 7, Lily Keeley 8, Charles Baker and George Fowke (equal) 9, Reginald Collins 10. Special for diligence— William Baker. Special for attendance since examination —Montie Baker. Standard IV.—Kate Miller 1, Thomas Smith 2, Bertie Williams 3, Edward Poison 4, Agnes Pickford 5, Joseph Stephens 6, John Hurrell 7, Percy White 8, Eva M'Clatchie 9, Kate Hoare 10, Harry Meyenberg 11, Thomas Nolan 12, Elizabeth Kerr 13. Special for diligence—Lizzie Stewart and William O’Connor. Special for attendance since examination Christina M'Clatchie. »
Standard 111. William Coldicott 1, Alfred Hopkins 2, Frederick Amos 3; Mary Porter 4, George Keeley 5, George Bisaat 6, Petrie Malcolm 7, Minnie Tilly and Herbert Addis (equal) 8, Florence Sumners 9, William Nicholls 10, John Poison 11, Minnie Maokee 12. Extra prize—Agnes Baker.
Standard ll.—Sydney Hopkins 1, Arthur Pritchard 2, Melville Collins 3, Charles Gamble 4, John Caird 5, William Hurrell 6, Thomas Stephens 7, Cecilia Huffam 8, Leonard Bright 9, Mary Rattray 10, Henry Hopkins 11, William Bisset 12, Robert Hicks 18, Esther Carter 14. Special for diligence—Leonard Andrewea, Goralie Edwards and Charles Milsom. Good conduct—Harry Stephenson. Standard L—- Francis Baker 1, Adrienne Orr 2, Gertrude Coldicott 3, Maud Sage aud Ernest Dudson (equal) 4, Amy Hunt 5, Edith Sumners 6, Ernest Huchiags 7, Viola Fowke 8, Thomas Finlay and Thomas Kerr (equal) 9, Cecil Collins 10, Arthur Stigley 11. Special for diligence— Frederick Andrewea.
Sewing prizes : Standard Vl.—Louisa Sumners 1, Emily Leggett 2, Annie Cates 3. Standard V.—Florence Hitebings 1, Ethel Newman 2, Annie Crooks 3. Standard IV.—Alice Biases 1, Maud Hopkins 2, Sarah Meaclem 3. Standard 111. Matilda Baker 1, Minnie Baker 2, Bhoda Robinson and Amy John (equal) 3, Amelia James 4. Standard ll.—May Thompson 1, Edith Stigley 2, Mabel Andrews 3. Standard I.—May Griffin 1, Baby Williams 2, Mabel Macksa 3. Good attendance prizes (given by Mrs Malcolm): Standards VI. and VII.— William Collins. Standard V.—James M. Malcolm. Standard IV.—Harry Meyenberg. Standard 111. Oscar Sando. Standard If.—William Maokee. Standard I.—Albert E. Baker. Awards' in connection with the “ kinderspiel” were given to Auuia A. Malcolm, Laura Rattray, Ethel Childs, Frederick Pritchard, Bertie Amos, Bertie Baker and Henry Stephenson. WAIATJ SCHOOL. The annual treat and pr ze-gidng took place on Tuesdsiy. Mr Hugh Northcote, who examined the school and adjudged the prizes, reported favourably. Mrs James Macfariane adjudged the sewing prizes. The distribution was made by Mr Carpenter. The following is the prizelißt;—Standard Vll.—Charles Oldmau 1. Standard VI. —B. G. Muir 1. Laura Derretb and Alice Barrett (equal) 2. Standard V. —Lilian Muir 1 ; writing and drawing, Dor.a’id Rutherford. Standard IV.—Victor Oidmnn J, Mary Green 2; writing and drawing, Daisy Rutherford. Standard HI. —Flora Muir 1, Robert Mitchell 2, Jana Green 3. Standard ll.—Mabel Whittle 1, Standard I.—Harriet Whittle 1, Maud Oldmau 2, Russell Muir 3. Preparatory Thomai Creed 1. Sewing— Senior, Laura Bevrett 1; junior, Mabel Whistle. Mrs Wlvirtou's prize for arithmetic in Standard lll.— Percy Creed. Mr Le Cocq’e prize for neatness la home work—Laura Barrett 1. Garden prizes—
Flower garden, Mary Green and Laura Derrett (equal); vegetable garden, Percy Creed.
THE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL. The " breaking-up ” ceremony of the Cathedral School, took place yesterday afternoon. The Very Rev Dean Jacobs took the chair in place of Bishop Jalius, for whose absence “la grippe” was responsible. A large number of ladies attended the ceremony. The Dean, in addressing the school, congratulated the masters and boys upon the progress made, and upon the capital reports received regarding the good conduct of the boys. He spoke at some length upon school, work, giving the boys some sound advice. During the afternoon the presentation of a set of gold links and studs was made to Mr J. M. Marshall, one of the masters, by the boys, as a recognition of the interest he had taken in their games. After an exhibition by the boys of Indian club exercises, cheers were given for Mr G. H. Merton, the head master, and for Mrs Merton, for Mr J. M, Marshall, and the other masters. . The school has steadily increased in numbers, and the examiner’s report is a very satisfactory one. The following is the prize list Divinity.—lV. Form, C. Weston; HI. Form (upper), A. C. Wilson; HI. Form (lower), F, A. Brittan. Latin.—lV. Form (upper), P.Earle; IV. Form (lower), P. Acton-Adams; 111. Form (upper). G. T. P. Williams; HI. Form (lower), T. Palethorpe; 11. Form, A. P. Cox. Greek and French.—lV. Form, J. E. Thomas.
French.—Hl. Form, G. T. Williams. English.—lV. Form, C. Weston; 111. Form (upper), G. Williams; 111. Form (lower), C. Lewin; 11. Form, Cox i. Mathematics.— IV. Form (upper), P. Earle; IV. Form (lower), C. Greseon ; 111. Form, A, C. Fryer; 11. Form, Webb i.; L Form, Webb ii. Professor Cook’s Prize for Choir Boys; theory of music.—A. Parker 1, W. Klver 2.
School Prize.—F. Naacarrow. Lower Division Choir; Mr Tend all’s Prize.—C. Weston 1, A. Biinz 2. Drawing.—C. Tendall. Conduct in Cathedral; Bishop Harper’s Prize,—V. Merton. House Prize; Mr G. H. Merton’s Prize. —W. Knight. ST MICHAEL’S SCHOOL. The following is the prize list:—Class Vl.—Agnes Hockley. Class V., UpperGrace Hockley 1 and Alfred Aoayes2; Lower—Nellie Coombs. Class IV.—Paul Hockley 1, Ethel Wilson 2 and Lawrence Taylor and Flossy Hording (equal) 3. Class lll.—Lucy Raw 1, Bertie Atkinson 2, Lily Coombs 3 and Willie M’Clea and Rose Harding (equal) 4. Class 11. Alfred Smith 1, Ada Hatfield 2 and Willie M’Fall and Wiilie Le Sueur (equal) 3. Class I.—Frank Sanderson 1, Albert Hastings 2, Nellie Saunders 3 and Leo Atkinson 4. Preparatory Amy Hatfield and Lily Parham (equal) 1, Home work—Charles Lilly. Regular attendance in the preparatory class—Tommy Row, Willie Hastings,. Flossy Coombs, Georgia Turner, Maggie Perham and Ivy Harding. Sewing—Agnes Hockley, Grace Hockley, Nellie Coombs, Chriasie Boakes, Ada Hatfield, Lizzie Le Sueur, Jane Saunders and Nellie Saunders. Thanks are due to Mesdames Kimbell, Amyes, ■ Bowden, M'Clea, Winter and Evans, who contributed prizes; and to Mr Hockley, who provided a Christmas tree for the elder children and a bran pie for the little ones. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The distribution of prizes to the children attending the Catholic parochial schools took place on Friday last. In the absence of the Eight Bev Dr Grimes, the Very Rev Father Cummings,V.G., presided. At the Marist Brothers’ School a short programme of part songs and recitations was given; after which Father Cummings addressed the pupils, congratulating them upon the close of a successful year, and expressing his satisfaction with the progress made, and with, the zeal and efficiency of the teachers. Prizes were awarded for general proficiency to J. M’Kendry, E. Walsh, C. Graham, P. J. Campbell, J. Kearney and J. Delaney; and for good conduct to M. O’Reilly, P. O’Brien, J, F. O’Connor, P. O’Connell and P. O’Connor. At the Convent the Rev Fathers Cummings and Ginaty addressed the pupils, aud the Rev Fathers Le Menant des Chesnais and Aubrey assisted in the distribution of the prizes. WARWICK HOUSE SCHOOL. On Friday Mr Cook’s school broke up for the Christmas holidays. The following is the prize list English—Upper 1., Black; Lower L, Goss; Upper 11., Cardale; Lower 11., Langdown; Upper 111., Reece; Lower H1., - Sim ii. Commended—Rutherford ii. Lord, Seafield, Manning ii. Winter, Gordon i, Plunket, Deans, Sim i and Saunders.
Latin—Upper 1., Cannon; Lower 1., Henderson; Lower 11., Ballantyne ii; Upper 111., Badger ii. Commended— Webster, Deans, Reece and Chryetall. French —Upper 1., Cannon; Lower 1., Henderson. Commended—Webster and Warner.
History and Geography Upper 1., Warner; Lower 1., Oswald and Deans; Upper 11., Rutherford i.; Lower 11., Hartnell Upper 111., History, Reece and Gluey; Upper 111., Geography, Williams iii; Lower 111., History, Williams iii; Lower 111., Geography, Appleby ii.; commended, Duncan, Milsom i., Langdown, Williams ii.. Cook ii. and Wallace ii. Mathematics—Division 1., Warner; Division 11., Milsom i.; Division HI., Hartnell; Division IV., Tabart and Strange iv.; Division V., Bcittan; Division VI., Hay; . commended, Duncan; Black ii.. Cuff, Smith ii., Batbam and Thomson. Science—Upper 1., Warren; Lower 1., Deans; Lower IL, Hartnell and Simpson ; Upper HI., Ratham and Brittin; commended, Tabart, Milsom i, Reece and Appleby ii. Sacred History—Upper 1., Webster; Lower 11., Langdown; Upper 111., Appleby ii; commended, Martin, Deans Ciark, Olney, Chryetall and Baines. Phonographic shorthand Class 1., Oswald; Class 11., Fenerty i and Clark; commended, Appleby i, Kidd and Warner. Bookkeeping—Duncan. House prizes—Hartnell 1, Fenerty i 2, Deans 3, Fenerty ii 4.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9603, 22 December 1891, Page 6
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3,042PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9603, 22 December 1891, Page 6
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