Business Notices, COPY OF CABLEGRAM. 10 MESSES GEO. HOWAHTH & CO., 145, Lichfield street East, Christchurch. SELL AIL THE STOCK AND WIND UP THE BUSINESS. GEO. HOWAETH & CO,, Manchester, England. LONAEGAI & LONASGAN, ■JTN Referring to the above Cablegram, desire to inform the people of Christchurch and districts JL they bare BOUGHT THE STOCK-IN-TRADE cf Messrs GEORGE HOWAHTH. in CO., and Messrs DUcDALB, WHITEHEAD & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Soft Goods Merchants, 143, liicbtleM street, Christchurch, ai a very BIG DISCOUNT FOB CASH. We shall Offer the Stocks as Gisy stand in their Warehouse (which we rent for a short time), also all Goods that are afloat, ns they arrive, to the Public iu Retail Quantities, under 'WHOLESALE COST PRICE. This, we bslievo, ia the first time in the history of Canterbury that snob a golden opportunity has been given to the public cf Buying iu EETAIL QUANTITIES UNDER THE WHOLESALE COST, One of the Cheapest Stocks ever held in New Zealand ; And in the face of the Incrossed Duties that are now being collected by the Customs, must be to every Purchaser at this Sale an IM.vIEN-JO GAIN. Tbo Stock comprises every thing that ia usually Sold by MANUPAOTtfRcsRS AND WHOLESALE WAREHOUSEMEN. And ai e suitable for the use of Men, Women, and Children, We have Marked Every Arficlain Plain Figures FOE CASH, Prom which No Abatement can bo undo THE WAREHOUSE 13 SITUATED IN LICHFIELD STREET, Between Hie Lordship's f. ardor and tha Oddfellows’ Hall (same ‘ide), and WILL BE OPENED EACH DAT at 10 a.m., and close at 5 p.m., Saturdays at 9 p.m. Town Parcels will be delivered, if possible, same day of purchase. Connt-y Parcels to rrtoat ocb. train. Wo have had some difficulty in altering the Warehouse to answer for RETaIL BUSINEoS, and in this matter we ask your kind consideration. Country Draper?, Hotelkeepers, ttorekeopers. Public Institn'ions, and Hawkers will find this Rale a Grand Opportunity to Obtain Cheap Goods, THE SALE WILL BEGIFoN WEDNESDAY NEXT, AUGUST 15. ISSB. EEMEMBFR THE ADDRESS--145, LICHFIELD STREET, Between Bis Lordship’s Larder and the Oddfellows’ Hall, same side. "443 CHECK LEY AND CO., (LATE W. J. FISHER), 248, HIGH ' STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL). TELEPHONE No. 248. w E BEG TO DRAW ATTENTION toonr VARIED STOCK OF DELICACIES,as per following List, and Just Opened Up, ex s.s. Tainui; also, to respectfully solicit an Inspection. All Orders by Post or otherwise will receive the Promptest Attention and Despatch, Your Obedient Servants, CHECKLEY AND CO. HUNTLEY AND PALMER’S BISCUITS. Spcoialito Dessert Bunting De-eert Conch and Horses Destert Macaroons Cocoanu". Fancy busks Fatnflas Conversations Pearl Urlorne Oval Hi n Captain Ginger N uts PEAK, FREAN AND CO.’S BISCUITS. Nile Duroh Macaroons Coooanut Ice Wafers Ice Cream (Vanilla} .1 übileo Queen Vnniila Wafers Chocolate Wafers Raspberry Wafer* Linton Wafers Hose Wafers Vanilla Dessert Waters Orange Dessert •’•'afers Lemon Dessert Wafers Mixed (lib and 21b tins} Army (fancy tins; Navy „ Chase ~ lioyal Dessert (lib and 21b tins) Ginger Wafers Promenade (liband 21b tins) Oswego
SOUPS (CroKSo aml Blackwell's) -Roal Turtle, Mock Turtle, Ojc Tail, Mullitratawny, Game, Hare, Grouse. Chicken Broth, J uliomie, Giblet, Venison, beef TuA. Pea Soup in tins ANCHOVIES iu Brine (kegs)—Spiced untl Plain Anchovies iu Urine (bailies) •Anchovies iu Oil (Hus)— I’lullipoand Canaud’s Anchovies iu Oil—Curled, in boitlo QAIiDIN kS iu Oil anti Butler Phillippo and Cunaud’s PILCHARDS in Oil—Phillippa and Canxud’s HEELINGS A LA SARDINE Scotch Spellings 'J urbot NEW ZEALAND MULLET, Blue Cod. Mold, Trumpeter Prawus Scotch Haggis Pigs’ Peat SAUSAGES—BoIogna, Brunswick, Oxford, Camhridro, Uam, Xongae, aud Chicken, and Truffled OX AND SHEEP’S TONGUE a Eussian Ox Tongues iu Jelly Crosse and Blackwell’s Picnic Tongues PHEA *ANTO in Gravy, I’artri ige-i Truffled Chicken iu Jelly, Gronsa SALMON, Shrimp, Ham and Chicken, Ac. Paste, Pale a ia. Liable Ham and Chicken, Game, Pork, and Savoury Pairs TRUFFLED PATE TIE FOIE GU IS, Woodcock, Wild Luck, Quail, Plover, Thrush, l.arr BOMBAY DUCKS RUSSIAN CAVIARS French Truffles Macedoines Grom i hlUieo Mushrooms
GREEN PEAS Iv.ppct, CP-ory, and OrlerAal Salt French Mumurd Spanish, French, and Stuffed O'ivaa CHUTNEY, pints and quarts (Newson’s Indian), Bombay uU. Bong 1 Club, Calcutta Club, Lucknow, Major G.oy’s. ic. Crosse and bhickwoll’s Mango Cook's Curry Parte, in j trs Mulligatawny Paste, in jars PICKLES—West India, Nabob, Capt. 'White’s Oriental, Mongo, bvreet, Kaiser I. nind, V?i> kin’s Digestive Relish SAUCES—Auebory, Beef StoiJr, E icuroin, Kins' i£ Unde, Hurvey, Montserrat, uttom.n, Sir > obert Pool, uysier. Reading, Salad, ho. Tairag nand chili Ymegarand Liquid Cayenne 1 1 dm and China Soy French Capers French Oil, Crosse nnd Blackwell’s Lucca CHEESE—Stilton (2Jlb jars), Roquefort, Bolide (lb star, Gorgon?,ola (51b jars). Cheshire and North Wilts (4lb tins), Grated Parmesan in bot'le. Gruyere on cut. Colonial Stilton JELLIES—Calves’ Peer, Champigne, Noyam, Vai.i-ia, Port, Lemon, Orange. Guava Jo ly CREAMS—Lctcon, Orange, and Salad BOTTLED FRUITS (ia Syrupl— Raspberries, Strawberries, Cherries, Ureengng e, tied and Black i urrauts FRUITS (Crystallized)—Apricots, Chinois. Pears, Cherries, Greengage.), Plums, nnd Metz in hums TINNED FRUITS Apricots, Peaches, Pears, B.uiftna j , Pino Applo. Ac Wort India l aiuarmds in jars ( hinese Oranges, Ginger, and Chow Chow Citron and Lemon Marmalade Chocolate Creams, Fancy Boxes Cocoatina, Acorn Cocoa, and Chocolate Menlo?
FRESH CONSIGNMENTS MONTHLY. CUE AGENT IN LONDON, whoso long and vari.d experience renders him an Expert, has Special Instruct! ms to Seiect Goods of the Finest Quality on y ; also to superintend the packing necessary for their expo't.tiou to the Colonies, Wo have, therefore, no hesitation In recommending every article, ai d feel confident they will giro entire satisiaetioa. TEAS. ONE STOCKS OF TEAS are very Large, bvth India and China. They ore of the very finest picked, and are Blended btn HI uder of Great Experience. WK ONLY ASK A'i'lvUt, knowing full well that tliey will specs tor thoinseiras. The Prices are Co uparalively Cheaper than at any other House in Town, COFFEE. FRESH ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, THE BEST FRENCH COFFEE IMPORTED DIRECT. IN CONCLT’SION. aMioujh the limited space of an Advertisement will not admit of onr gititg very full particulars, Are guarantee to (Jive Quality, and ut such prices ad DEFT COMPETITION. Waonly ask you to verify tins assertion by giving us a Trial, being fully satisfied as to the results. CHECKLEY AND CO. THOS. TAYLOR IS SELLING THE FOLLOWING GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN CHRISTCHURCH,
Cliickwlieat, 2s Cd par busbel, 93 6d par sack 1 harps, 5s per bag C nimeal, 2= 4d por bag ; Oatmeal, 2s 8J Fruit, washed and dried by Fa f o >t Machinery—- « nrra nth, 51a or 6d par lb; Kuisius, sd, ad or 7d Few J.einon Pnol, 8d par lb I,ooae Baking Powde-, lOd par lb Walt Vinegar, Is lOd per gallon ; Champion’s, 2s 4d Finest Havannnb Cigars, 10 for 2s Gd; box of 50 Box of Queen’s, 25, 3sl Box Of 50 neg .lias, fisOd Twist Tot-acco, 4s 9i; NaiVod, 4s 93; Signet, Juno. 4s 9d: Kuby. Cs 3d, Is Sd per slioa Plaid Matches, 4d par don fcugars, 21d, 2t<l, 2jd 3<ij loaf, Silver lb Symington’s Coiloe Extract, 7td or la 3d Branson's. In 2d or 2a V.H. C- cos. 11 1. Is lOd, or 3s 4d per tin Hudson’s Best, Ibid or Is 9d par tin Cadbury’s, lid L’osoatinn. Is Sd or 3s Dandelion Wiuo, 2i per bot’le Kidar Wine, Is id par bottle.
Thorton's / escrUd Tidies, 7?d Cio.-so an <1 lilockv,nil’s ittem oof X.emon, 7id Crotseand llvckrit 11’s Carerf, 7;d oriental .-tui c, halt-pin ts‘4td. jintsfld Moitin o Castor vil, hub-pints 4id, pints Bid X-ino-t Genmi Macarem it Vermicelli. t.u per ib First Quality Flour. 6n.b 4s 4d, ibUlb Ss 4a Moir’b Marmalade, oi<L 260 vestas, lldperdoz. Honey dev/ Tobacco, 4s 8d per lb Champion's Best Mustard, i,lb tin 8(3, 31b la 3Jd Pheenix fcpeem Candles, imported, 7d p,p ib Extract'! Malt and 'Td Liver Oil, Sssize, 4=Gd Also, 650 Mats of Mauritius tmowdrop Bugar at 2Jd porlb Halt-chestfi of New Season Ten, good leaf, good ll.vour auds r.iigih, at Is per lb Blended TO'is, at Is 4d, Is £d, Is lOd, 2a, 2s 4d, and the beat than money can buy, 2a lOd, 1 iji, vloylou, Assam, Poke.*, and Ureeu Teas so'd so para' fly. Better valnn h imurlslod cunot be bad. Box Tea-Elephant Biand, ISsO' ; Irreigon Brand, 223; Boxlea, 10s id, ■ 12s 6d, lOs 6d, or 20a Wood’s Flour —251 b 2s sd, 501 b, 4s BJ, 1001 b, 8s lOd, 2001 b Hs ‘Jd Turner's— 26lb 2s Sd, 501 b 5s 2d, ZOOlbOs 10d
GOODS DELIVERED DAILY. 98, COLOMBO STREET, or TRIANGLE (Late Davenport’*), or LOWER HIGH STREET (One Door from St Asaph Street). J. & T. Q HAVE ON SALE, AT MACHINISTS. FOUNDERS, IMPORTERS, AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS}, THE LOWEST PRICES, QAS CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, WEN HAM OAS LAMPS, ORNAMENTAL, COLOURED CUT, AND PLAIN GjS GLOBES, HOT WATER, ?team, Gib, Copper, Dross, Lead. Compo., and Galvurscd Pipes. Sheet Corps* unci Draws. Copp- r, Brass, Electric, and Jord Wire. KBctric Bells, Indicators. i atterl a, PuwJics. &c. Windmills, Rams, Pumps, Brass Fit-Uni's for Steam, c>as, and Water. ti i*h-prcssure Hot Water Siuipy, £10; Domestic Water Su. ply (Windmill, Tank, Pump, Ac. I, £ls; Hot Hom-e Holier Pipes, Brick W-rk, ana J»it Sin Hot Water, £1 10s. Taming. Borin*, Plnniac and Oustings for the Trade. Electro-plating and Art Metal work. We have the mo-t. complete plant, and skilled workmen in the übave lines, Xt'3 A 200, LXUHPIELD iSTKEEx, CidillSiOlHJ-UCii 70
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8577, 3 September 1888, Page 7
Word Count
1,568Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8577, 3 September 1888, Page 7
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