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Lyttelton Times Office, Friday Evening, Sinco our summary, published on Wednesday, there is no change to report in values. Business is confined to actual requirements, and is very restricted. In sugars a fair business is doing, but the margin on coat at which sales are effected is hardly satisfactory to importers. Teas are attracting more attention, now that the trade are satisfied as to the quality of the now crop; ns the bulk of the shipment, ex Woosung, consisted of medium to good qualities, low grade teas have been supplied from last season’s stocks. In dried fruits, currants continue scarce, and fully maintain recent quotations; sultanas are also in short supply. Cocoas see a trade demand. Van Houten and Fry’s mannfactures selling at late rotes. In candles, the business has not altered Its groove, by far the larger trade being done in the low priced Colonial manufacture. K eroseno la not heavily held hero, and we look forward to an increase in value; stocks have been reduced North and South by considerable shipments to Melbourne and Sydney, comprising over 10,000 oases. Saltpetre sees fair business, as is usual at this time of the year. Bluestone is enquired for, and prices show an upward tendency. Eico is selling at late values, hut stacks are by no means large. Golden syrup, which has hitherto been neglected, is in fair demand. la sauces, the agents for Lea and Perrin's and Mellor’s report a fair enquiry at their fixed rates. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. The grain market has been quiet during the past week, and we cannot record any improvement in values. English news is not encouraging to holders o! wjjeat here, bnt as stocks are low in the southern provinces, and Tasmania will require further supplies, the market, though perhaps somewhat weaker, has shown no decrease in values. The prof-pacts of nn English outlet have become loss probable Judged by recent cable advices, though, of course, it freights by steamer were to be offered at nominal rates—as is quite possible—the position would be altered. Potatoes are still unsaleable, and the same may bo said of cheese, which se»s the barest enquiry. Wheat Is perhaps hardly so firm, but holders decline to accept less than recent quotations, Wo quote prime Tuscan and Pearl 3s fid to 3s 7d (rather more being obtainable for an extra choice sample); Hunter’s, 3a 5d to Sa fid; inferior and second quality. 2s 9d to 3s 3d, Oats do not show any more animation, the enquiry being very slight. Prime milling are with difficulty placed at quotations, and for feed lines the demand is small. An occasional parcel for seed, of extra clean and true-to-name sort, is placed at an advance on the following prices. Bright milling Is lOd to Is lid; heavy feed Is 8d to Is fid; light feed, Is 61 to is Bd. Bakley.— An enquiry still exists for prime malting for export, bnt there is none offering. Second quality sells readily at quotations. Prime malting nominally worth 4s 3d to 4s fid; second quality, 3s 3d to 3s 9d. Beans.— None offering. Any parcels fit for shipment are worth 3s 3d. Peas.— A few sales of seed comprise all the business that has come under our notice. Blue Prussian, with really no demand, are worth, say, Ss 3d; feeding sorts, 2s 9d. Gbass Seed.— Bye is offering somewhat freely, and the trade are purchasing farmers' parcels for dressing at prices having a very considerable range, and, of course, regulated by the quality of tho Seed. We quete farmers’ parcels at from 2s 3d to Ss; extra machine dressed, 3s fid. Cocksfoot is.

enquired for as spring sowing approaches, and, aa stocks are well in bund, prices are firm; the export to England has, for the present, ceased, but an Interproviucial demand exists. We quote fair to good seed, 4d to 4Jd; ex ra heavy to 4Jd. Potatoes ‘are unsaleable, and shipments on owners’ account continue to be made to the Australian ports, in the hopes of there being something left after paying expenses In the absence of any demand, prices are nominal. We have heard ot sales at from 16s to 20a per ton at country stations.

Dairy Produce shows no improvement. Prime keg butter is worth 8d but there is none offering) the bulk of what is on hand Is inferior, having been kept in hopes of au increase in value. Oheet-e is still almost unsaleable, and quotations are, nominally, Sd to 4Jd.

Messrs Miles and Co. report upon the I col markets for the week ending Thursday, August 11, us follows! Aldington t-heap. —'l here were 12,494 i-eui forward for sale, a large proportion being fat sheep, and as there were not many buy ere for export, there was a decline in values from the two previous weeks of from Is 6d to 2s 6d per head. This glutted market of fat sheep was certainly quite unexpected, and vaidors v ere naturahy disappointed at the results of the day's Bile We cannot, however, think that any se ion- decline can take place in values, as the demand for exp rt, together with the local consumption, must cause a heavy drain on our winter fed sheep between tnia dale and the nret market in October. In spite of the very necessary provisidh which the Directors of the Baleyards have brought about by appointing a competent classer for the division of fat and store sheep, la ee numbers of the former arr viug late could not fi' d accommodation in the fat sheep p ns, and had to find places in the biok yard* and paddocks. Some few linos of thete were, of course, turned ou r < unsold. Our entries were —un acc met ol Mr A Patterson, cross-bred wethers, which Buld at from 13a 6d to ICs 3ct, the latter bring the top price of the day; account Waimate estate, cross-bred wethers, each 14s 3d ; account U. t*nsor, kisq, Mount Grey, cros -bred wethers and maiden ewes eaot 15a, merino wethers at 10« Sd; account J C. Wason, Esq , Corwar, cross-bred weti ers each 14s, merino we hers at lis 6d ; account Messrs D. Henderson and Son, mixed cose-breds at lie 7d. merino wether at9e; account Mr T. Laffey, mixed cross-bred* from 10s to 12s 3d; account Mr S, Mxnson, mixed orosa-bredsat 11s 9d, full-mouthed cross-bred ewes m lamb Ss 3d; account Mr D. Heyward, merino ewea in lamb to Leicester rams 4s. Pat Ca> tie—Only a moderate supply came to hand, but the quality was rather above the average. The demaud, however, was barely up to supplies, and prices remain at last q lotatious. Store 1 attlo.—*v ith the exception of two or three pen* the store cattle market was almost bare ol anything worth menti ning. A rather better enqui y was noticeable, but without much effect in values. Miloh cows sold fairly well at about late rates. Pigs.—A fair entry with good demand, and an improvement in values. *e sold stores from 12s to 14s; porkers from 21s to 25s ; end grain-fed baconers from 40s to 48-, on account of Messrs J. C. Wason and C. Withell and the Cashmere Estate Ashburton.—At tho Ashburton County Kaleyards on Tuesday good entries of stook cume forward. Notwithstanding tho attend mce was large, cornpetit on was not so brisk, andvaluee suffered somewhat compared with late quotations. Our entry comprised over 10 0 sheep, for Messrs H. Sprott, J. i loyu, J. 80-ifant, D. £. Carr, W. Allen, J. 8. Houston, E. Collisou, C. held, and other*, We sold mixed cross-breds up to 10s 6d: cross-bred ewes, to 12s; i alf-bred ewes, iu lamb, 8s 9d to 9s fid; small cross-bred lambs, as 4d, 4c. Messrs James Wilkin and Co. report on tho local markets for the week ending August 12 as follows: —At Addingt n: The day was bitterly cold, with repeated showers of rain, in consequence of which there was only a moderate attendance of bnyers. The total numbers of stook yarded was 12,404 sheep, 253 bead cattle, and 250 pigs. Fat i attle.-—'J here was a good supply of superior quality brought forward, and, altuough biddings were languid at the start, buyers soou warmed up to the work, and we can safely quote b ef as holding its own at the following quotations: Prime heavy weight steers, £6 ss, £7, £7 10s, and £8 5s per bead; light weights, £4 15s, £5 7s 6d, and £<i 2s 6d; good fat cows and heifer*, £5 6*, £6 17* 6 ■, £' 10s, to £7 17»6d Store Uattie.— ihere was a slight y better supply brought forward, andalihougn b ddings were not spirited, this class of stock also m ty be fairly quoted as holding it-own. The various sorts a-e 100 numerous to deeori e, prices langmg from 15a up to £4 tor various sorts, I)dry Stock.— There has been a noted failing oil during the last few weeks of go >d, sound forwa d springers, aud although prices for such "s have been brought forward have not receded in value, yet nothing of any special note has b. en offered. There is a brisk en. quiry for good, sound, healthy springers, ‘ »ur quotations for Wednesday's market are:-For-ward spring' rs up to £7; other sox ts, £3 to £sl7s 6d. Fnt bhtei-.—The ent 1 s this week were about the largest ever experienced at these yards. All the fat pens, nearly all the store pons, and all ihe r addocks being occupied, and taking them all over we do not recollect ever seeing a mure even I t yarded. The very disagreeable day, however, interfiled seriou-ly with prices, and wo qu te a drop of fr -m Is 9d to Ss 6d per head, s veral grand linos being pus ed out unsold. We quote as follows: - Good, heavy-weights, cross-bred woiheis, fromJl2s 6d to 16s Sd; li«ht ordinary, 8s to lls 3d; cross-bred ewes, heavy weights, to lls; lightweights, lls; big-iraued merino wethers, 7s 6d <o 10* 9d. Store Sheep.—ihere was a fairly large supply under offer of merino cross-breds and cross-bred lambs, several lines were, however, for want of competition, sent back to owners, and wo have to qu tea very considerable drop imrices. Merino wethers. 4s to 6* 6d; crossbred ewes, up to 7s fid; cross-bred hogge s, 6s 5d io7s 8d Pigs.—there was keen oomp«tiiion, the supply being limited. Prices were well maintained. Bbeopsk ;-s. Hides, Ac.—At the New Zealand wool stores we held our usual weekly sole. • here was a very large attendan ca of boy era, and all lots were keenly oo.i peted for. Our saies fi r the day comprised over 600 sheepskins, 50 to 60 oxhidt s, aud quite a number of bugs of fat. iheto io iu* Is the result of our sale Batchers' cross-breds, large and well-woolled, ss, 5s 4d, and 5s sd; do do, light and medium, Ss Dd, 4s 6d, and 4s lOd; do menn .s, super! r, 3s 7d to 5s 4d; do do, ordinary, 2s 6d to 3a 6 1 ; factory crossbreds, 8s sd, 4s 9d, and 5- 7d; do quaiter-b cks, 62d ta'—Sound, well saved, IJd; inferior, Id Hides—6olbs and over, 4Jd; 5.1 bto £9ibs, Sid; 50ibs and under, Sd; cut and damaged, - 4d. Calfskins, Id; cut and damaged, 2id.

Mr F. 0. Tababt reports on the live stock market for the week ending August 12 as follows :—The total numbers of st >ck yarded ut the Addington Saleyarda comprised 12,494 sheep, 253 head of cattle, and 250 pigs. Fat Cattle.—There were fair numbers brought forward, and the quality decidedly an improvement on the previous low weeks supply, there being some really prime lines for which there was good biisk competition. B,at bullocks sold from £’ to £8 7s fid; medium weights, from £5 upwards; heifers and cows, from £4 to £7 7s fid, according to weight and quality, being equal to 17s 6d for prime quality, and 14s upwards lor inferior and medium, btore Cattle.—There was a medium entry, and in coi sequence of the presence of a W. st Coast bnyer, a better business was done than usual. < >ne pan of fair steers made up £4 Is, heifers from £2 10s to £3 2s 6d. A fair clearance was effected. Fat Sheep,— There was an unusually heavy entry, and a voi y large proportion of exceptionally good quality. In consequence of tne large entiy, and there being but a very limited demand for trezing, the market opened with a clear drop in valu s of 2s per head, and as there were far more than t a trade could absorb, the decline in values would have been greater but for the operations of t peculators, who cleared the market of several lines that otherwise would have passed out unsold. Best lines of crossbred wethers made 13s, 13s fid, 14s, 14s fid, 15s, 15s 6d to 16s 3d; lighter weights, lls upwards; fat cross-bred owes made trom 8a fid to 13s 3d, according to weight and quality; merino wethers, from 7s to 10s 9d. Store »heep were in good supply, and good, fair conditioned, strong yoang sheep, were in goad den and, wethers selling from 7s to9s; store ewes in good condition, 5.- 3d to 7s 6d; lambs, from 5s fid, 6s, 6s fid, to 7a. Pigs were in fair supply, best baoonnern selling from 30s to £4 8a; porkers, from 18s to 255; stores, rather dull of sale, sheepskins, Fat, and Hides —My sales for the week comprise 3091 sheepskins, 75 bags and packages of rough fat, and f.O hides. There was the usual attendance of fellmongors and the trade, andtoough the competition was not quite so keen as last week’s fair prices were realised throughout. Butchers’ best orors-breds made from 4s, 4s 3d, 4s Cd, 4s 91, ss, 5s 3d, Ss fid; medium and inferior, 2a 9d, 3s, 3s 6d, and upwards; merinos, Ss fid, 3s 9d, 4s, 4s fid, Ss, to 5s 6d; country skins, from 3s fid to 5s 3d for the best lin-s, and Is upwards for inferior, hough fat—best lines made up to lid: inferior, -jd up. wards; tallow, up to l|d. Hides, fiOlba and ,ver, 4Jd with liberal tares; lighter weights at the usual rates. All lines cleared.

Messrs Bennetts Bsos. report on tho live stock market for the week ending Thursday, August 12, as follows The numbers of stock catered at the Addington Saleyaids on Wednesday ware 12,494 aheap, 253 bea ■ of c itUe, and 250 pigs. The weather was very rough and web, and tho attendance of buyers thereby considerably lessoned. Fat Cattle —A good entry, and principally superior quality. The demand proved only middling, and clearances were mada with difficulty, and no improvement took place in values. We sold on account of various clients as follows :—A nice line of steers at from £7 7s fid to £8 ss, the top price for the day ; other lines ac from £5 2s fid to £6 10a, We also sold various lines of far. cows and he fers at from £4 12s 6d to as high as £7 17s fid per head, values per 1001 b ranging at from 14s fid to 17s fid as per quality. Tho business done in both store and dairy stock was unimportant. Fat Sheep.—A very heavy, probably as laigo an entry as ever yarded here. Tho quality on the whole was good, but there was an absence of very superior wethers that we have lately been accustomed to see, tho large entry, the rough weather, and absence of an immediate demand forexportcauaed values togive way to from is to Is fid per head, the best quality sheep suffering least; but though this happened, taking themarket as a whole values were very irregular, and we know of more than one line of fat sheep which were sold at oven an advance on the previous week’s market. We sold a larg • entry as follows ; —On account Mrs 8011, a line of cross-bred ewes at 9s per head; on account Mr fa. J. Mullins, a line of 406 mixed cross-breds at from 12m 3d to 13a per head; o n account Mr E Brent, 180 half-bred hwos nt from 8a fid to 9s Od per head ; on amount Mr a, M’Cully, Hakateramoa, 61 half-bred wethers and ewes, mixed, at ids per head; on account Messrs Wiilcox and Keeley, 72 cross-bred wethers at 10s 3d to 10s fid, and 53 ewes at 8s lid. A good number of store kh-ep wore yarded, and the major i-art were sold at values perhaps a shade lower than those lately ruling. We sold a line of nearly fat merino weth rr ai from fis to 6b lid per head, and a lino of 175 cross-bred ewes, in lamb, at 6a 7d. Other sales we noticed, forward-conditioned crossbred wethers at lls ; cross-bred ewes, 6s to 6s 7d, and hoggets from Ss to 7s. There wus hut a moderate supply of pigs, and a good enquiry, late values being more than uphold. Wo sold for Mr Mimera a grand pig at £3 16s; for Mr Nicholl, porkers at 21a ; for Mr A. Muir, 8 do at 12s 6d; for Mr W. Burke, 8 do at £1 S 3 6d ;£or Mr Keeley, 8 at 20s; for Mr Gaskin. 5 at 18s. < 'ur entries for the day comprised 1832 sheep, 52 head or cattle, and 47 pigs, on account of Messrs W. Kilmers, W. Nicholl, T. bee. A. Muir, W. Burke, W. Keeley, J. G-skin, W. K. Moore, E. Dixon, J. Harper, M. Corrigan, R.Clark, R. Brown. A. t-ullivan, T. Boyd. J. Brent, T. Herrick. Mrs Bell. 8. ’’. Mulllntr, 8. M’Cnlly, Wiilcox and Keeley, H. Bennetts, J, Kinley, A. Stafford, J, Dickson, F. Potter, W. B. Clarkson, A. F. Bennetts, and others. Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, Tallow, &c,—At the New Zealand Wool Stores this day wo held our amual weekly sale of tho above, our entry consisting of 2256 skins, 38 pkgs of fat, and 46 hides and calfskins, There was about the usual attendance of

fellmongers, and biddings came pretty freely, th mgh a trifle irregular; but late va uea ad be said to have been maintained, the unsettled state of the weather having a lot t> do with it. inr sales w.-r as followsutchere cross breds. bast lines at from 4s 10d to 6s sd; s- cond-rnte s- ins at fr. m3s fid t-. 4s 3d. Merino fckrns We t old at from Ss 6d to 5s sd; co ntry skins from Is toSs lid. Our principal sales were Mr W. n ountreo B orobßbreds a* 6s Sd, Mr J. K. Kosewarne e magnificent skins to 6s4d cr ss-breds on account of Mr W. K. Moore up to 5s 9d. Mr B. Brown s long-wools at 5s 6d and half-breds at 6a 5d and Messrs Berry Bros, oross-breds at 6" 4d. Our entry of fat »e sold Id, and lid, according to quality j and our hides wero told and weighed out to-day at the f Bowing prices:—6olb and over, 41d per lb; 51 to 591 b, Sad per lb; £oib and under, 3d per lb j calfskins at 4a per lb.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Ace ox Company. Limited, report on the produce mirkets for the week ending Friday, August 12, as follows: , , . . Wool.-— lu the absence of further advices from Home, we tave nothing new to report regarding this staple, oeocnt carieg-ams report that tne arrivals to data for the n*xt series have r, nobed 250,000 bales. F r the fourth series of 1886 273,000 bales were catalogued, and there is, therefore, every prospect of this figure being exceeded this year, aa three weeks jet to transpir©/**© the list closes. Keports from the run districts are satisfactory regarding the growth of wool, and, should we escape exceptionally severe storms, tne prosne te of the coming clip are good. Sheepskins.—Full catalogues wore represented at the various yards to-day, and the mustered In good force, but owing probably to the unpromising state of the weather, competition was nor so active, and a slight decline was apparent, except for good dry merinos. Our sales for the week, privately and at auction, amounted to 2092 skins, for which the following price* were received : - Butchers and factory crose-breds and half-breds, 4s to 5s 9d; butch«'s‘ and factory merinos 3a to 4s 2d; country cross-breds and half-breds, 2s 9d to 5s 6a: country merinos, 3s 2d to ss. . Tallow and Fat. Although cablegrams received during the week from London announce a slight fall m prices ■ here, it has not effected the local market, which remains steady at late rates, namely. Id to lid. Hides.—Our supplies were cleared at the foffOjYing prices: 601bs and over, per ib; 51 to 69, 3Jd j 50 and under, Sd; calf-skins, 4d; cut and damaged, kjd. The bulk of our consignments consisted of heavies in grand order. Wheat.—A fair business has been passing during the week for store parcels, on which a slight concession has had to be made on former rates in order to effec g lee. Farmers are more disposed to sell, but dem <nd former prices, which, in the present state of the market, merchants are not prepared to give. At our auction sale on Wednesday last a-verui prime 1 nes were offered, hut the bulk, of them were withdrawn, owners' reserves not heii g reached. For a large line ot second quality milling 3s 3d, ox store, was paid, and as high as 3 j 8d was realise ! for two small parcels of exceptionally prime quality velvet and pearl. Whole fowl wheat realised up to 3s 2d, ex store, and broken, 2s lid. Wo quote prime quality Tuscan and pearl, Ss7d, f.0.b.; nunter's, Ss sd, f.o.b. oats.— Only a limited business has transpired during the wi ek, holders decline to accept late raies, otherwise buyers from outside ports are inclined to operate. At auction we placed fair feed at Is 8d ex store, good sparrowbiils is 9d to Is 9id, long sorts at Is 7d, Barley. —ln the absence of supplies, business is of a trivial nature; but there is a good enquiry for malting parcels. Brices in Melbourne have advanced to 6s, and it is not improbable that supplies will ha obtained from San Francisco when it is discovered that Mew Zealand stocks are exhausted. At auction, on Wednesday, we placed some tm >ll lota at from 2a 8d to 3s 2d for mdiing. Beans and I'eas —Thereis very little doing. We hear of small transactions bavng taken place at the following rates:—Prime beans, 3a 3d ex store; feed beans, 3s to 3* 2d ex store; Prussian Blue peas, 3- Sd ex store j other variety peas, 2s 9d to 3s ex store. Potatoes. —Tho situation of this market remains unaltered, and in the absence of transactions our quota ions a-e nominally. 22s 6d to 23s at country stations. Uhe Tekapo whiih left for Sydney a few days back, only to -k away some 500 bags, which will tend to help the market there to recover. Ryegrass Seed is receiving more attention as the sowing season approaches. Small parcels of machine dressed i have been p aced at os 6d to 3s 9d per bushel; fat mars' lots, 2s to 2s 9d. , ocKSi’OOT EED continues in strong rt quest for Iqcal consumption, and numerous transactions have taken place on the basis of 3;d to 4d for seconds, 4}d to good seed, and 4Jd machine dressed. Dairx Produce.— Sales of prme bmter are reported at 7sd 'o Sd. Cheese remains without alteration, prices being nominally 4icl for loaf, Sid to 4d per lb for largo Sizes.

The New Zealand Farmers’ _ Co-operative Association er Canterbury (Limited) report for week ending Friday, .luaust 12,1887, as follows: Transactions in the grain market during the week have not been of an extensive character, though exports have been over the average. Wheat cou» tmues to be shipped coastwise, bat buyers purchase only for immediate r< qui, ements. No alterations in values can be recorded. Tuscan, for seed, is in demand. Gats hive rather more attention, but values elsewhere bring very de'-re-sed, margin ot profit at ruling rate is a most nil. Barley is off the market. Beans firm at last quotation; few offering. Peas nominal. Cocksfoot is firm, ordeis for spring sowing are rapidly absoroxug stocks. Ryegrass.—i>ema d dull, and stocks in growers’ hands heavy. Dairy produce remains neglected. Potatoes show no improvement m values, aud sM.ments are chiefly on growers’ account. The exports for the week are heavier than for any provi ua week this season. Principal exports week have been as follows : —iß6o sacks wheat, 6534 sacks oats, 1163 sacks barley, 32 sacks malt, 1593 sacks aud bags flour, 14,2t0 sacks potitoes, 158 sacks peas, 153 sacks beans, 44 cases cbeerO, 88 cases bacon, 94 cases butter. The follow! gare our quotations, being prices paid to farmers, and not applicable to li es ex warehouse. Wheat. —Tuscan and velvet, 3s 7d to 3s 8d ; Hunter’s, 3s 6d to 3s 7d. < »nts.—i anadian, seed, 2s Id to 2* 2d j feed, Is 9id to Is lOJd; tparrowbdls. Is Scl to Is 9d; Danish. Is fid to Is Bd. Beans, Ss 2d to Ss Sd ; peas (blue Prussian), 3s to 3s3d; Duu, 2s lOd to 3s; cocksfoot, 4}d to 4id; ryegrass (machine-dressed), 3s 6d; farmers’ samples, 2s to 3a; butter (prime fait), 6(a to 8d; bacon and hams, 6d to 6jd; potatoes, nominally, 22s 6d at country stations; oaten shoul chaff, G7s Od f.o.b.

The National Mortgage and Agency Company op New Zealand, (Limited) report on the live stock market for the week ending Friday, August 13, an follows At Addington, cm Wednesday, August 10, 12.401 sheep were yarded. Fat Sheep. * very heavy market; in fact, the supply ■was, wo think, larger than we have ever previously seen in the Addington yards, together with a very stormy, boisterous day, caused a decided drop in values. Prime line-, suitable tor freezing, held their own pretty well, but for other sorts the decline was from Is Or to 2s 6d per head. In a good many oases vendors would not submit to this depreciation, but withdrew their stock. We quote prime cross-bred maiton at 2td por lb. and, in a few instances, a shade o er; medium, 2d to 2id; inferior, X2d per lb. Prime cross-bred wethers and ewes, guaranteed maiden, uiad#l4is, 14s 6d, 15s, to 16s3d ; medium sheep, mixrd sexes, &c.. 11s, lls 6d, lie wd, 12s, up to 12s 9d; light and inferior, 3s, Bs6rJ, 8s 9d, 9s 6d, to 10s 6d. Merino wethers, prime 10a to lls 9d ; medium, 7s, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, to 9s. We sold on account of the N.Z. and A. Land Company, Parcora, cross-bred ewes, to lls 7d ; quartei-bred do, 10a 6d; merino wethers, medium, 8s 6d to 8a 10d, &c. An average entry of store sheep came forward and met u, fair ma- kot at lata rates. iwo and 4 tooth cross-bred wethers, in forward oondition, 10s to 10a 7d; mixed cross-brads, 7s 6d; crossbred ewes in lamn, 6s Id, 6s 3d, to 7s sd; cross-bred lambs, 6s 6d; store merino wethers, 4s. Cattle, 25Snead yarded. A moderate supply of beef to hand, but there was no improvement either in demand or prices. Wo quote best beef at 17s fid ; inferior and medium, 14s to 16s. We topped the day s market with Mr Duncan Rutherford’s J.eslie Hill bullocks at from £6 10s to £8 7s 6(1; heifers on account of same owner, £4 to £5. Pigs, 250 penned; mostly light weignts. a good demand was shown for nearly all sorts, and prices have if anything an upward tendency. COEN EXCHANGE. The following is the Corn Exchange report for the week ending Friday, August 12 From our Home cables we learn that the early shipments from Now Zealand are arriving to meet a very unfavourable market, m fact a loss to consignors is almost inevitable. Holders locally are at present firm in their demands, but we cannot see bow the present rates can be maintained unless freights are brought down by the various shipping companies to a minimum which at present does not ap ear likely to be in the near future. It is reported that the southern millers hold only limited stocks, but the chief of the local firms are well enppded Flour has had a good market, and millers ate in hopes of being kept fairly busy until the end of the season. Wheat.— -We quote Tuscan nnd pearl at 3a 7d to Si 74d, with a slack enquiry; Hunter’s, Ss Cd to 3a 7d, faced Tuscan is being placed in lots at 3s 9d ex store. Chicken wheat is quiet at 2s lOd to 3a 24. Oats.— Heavy milling have changed hands at Is lOd to Is lid, and short fod ore being dealt withat Is 9d to Is lOd; long descriptions are selling in small lots at Is 7d to Is Bd. Bablet.— Prime malting is out of the market, nnd second qualry is hard to obtain at, under Ss fid. Feed has been in better demand at 2a fid to 2a 4cl. Beans and Peas.—’] ha former has but few samples offering, and are worth 3a 3d; blue peas are dull at 3s 3d; and feed sorts at 2s 9d to 2s 10d. ypASS Seed. — A better demand is showing itself, bnt prices do not improve owing to the larva stocks on hand. Machine-dressed is being placed at 3i fid, and (armors’ parcels vary from fis 3d to 3s 3d, according to quality. Cocksfoot is worth 4id to 4Jd. Potatoes are without a market, except kidneys, which tire wanted for seed at £3 10s to £4.

Daiby Pkoduce, Fresh potted batter is in good demand at Bd. bat stale lines are unsaleable. Cheese is extremely dull. Good lines are offering at 311 without finding buyers. The above prices are those paid to farmers, and delivered f.0.b., Lyttelton, sacks extra.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8247, 13 August 1887, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8247, 13 August 1887, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8247, 13 August 1887, Page 4


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If you’ve used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don’t already have a username and password, just click Log in and you can choose to create one.

Log in again to continue your work

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Log in again with RealMe®
