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Charles Clark. THE SAFEST INVESTMENT POB CAPITAL EVER OFFERED IN CHEISTCHUBCH. QQ FEET FBONTAGE HIGH STREET. OPPOSITE THE GEAIN AGENCY BUILDINGS, THE PEEEHOLD OF MESSES HOBBS' PINE BUILDING, PEODUCING AN ANNUAL GEOUND KENT £500! HIGH STEEET, LICHFIELD STEEET, TUAM STEEET MADEAS STEEET. _ E CHAELES CLAEK is instructed by William Wilson, Esq., to SELL BY AUCTION, AT HIS EOOAIK, IN HEEEPOED STEEET, CHEISTCHUBCH, ON TUESDAY, JANUAEY 20th, THE FSB E E H O L D OP THAT POETION OP TOWN SECTION 836, havino &(\ FEET FRONTAGE TO HIGH STEEET W by a DEPTH of 60 FEET, and fronting Matson's Bight-of-way at back, 42ft 6in. The property is bounded on the south by Miluer and Thompson's Muaic Warehouse (one of the most handsome fronts in the Colony), and by Richardson's Empire Hotel on the north. On the Land is Erected a FIRST-CLASS BUILDING Comprising A Large and Well-lighted CELLAE, GEOUND-PLOOK SHOP, TWO SUITES OP OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOB and the like ACCOMMODATION on the SECOND FLOOE. The Building was designed by, and built, under the superintendence of the late W. B. AEMSON, Esq. (in itself a sufficient guarantee of design and good workmanship), at a cost EXCEEDING X'"ftft(l and the PUECHASEB will SECURE THE EtiVEESIONAEY INTEEEST therein at the end of 44 years. The Property is to be Sold, SUBJECT TO A LEASE, for a term of 50 YEAES, from the Bth JUNE, 1879, at an Annual Clear Ground Eent of £SOO PER ANNUM « Payable quarterly. The Terms of the Lease are of the most favourable character. The NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTEALASIA, have recently Purchased the Lease of the Premises for no less a sum than £SOOO with the intention, it is stated, of establishing their branch business on the premises. There is not the remotest chance of any deductions from income, and the yearly increase in value of the Freehold will show a tremendous profit at end of term. It is well known that this side of High street, from Wilson's corner to Fisher's corner, is worth 100 per cent more than any other site in Christchurch for retail purposes. SOME EXCELLENT BUILDING SITES in LICHFIELD STREET, eastward of High Btreet, opposite the Warehouses of Messrs Edwards, Bennett & Co., King & Co., Coombs & Sou, Toomer and Son, and others. Also, SHOP FEONTAGES in HIGH STEEET, adjoining Kenipthorne, Prosser Sc Co. Also, GOOD WAREHOUSE SITES in TUAM STREET, opposite the old offices of Dalgety and Co. Also, shop and Dwelling-house sites in MADEAS STEEET between Cashel and 'iuani streets. All these sites are admirnbly situated for Warehouse and Building purposes, having double frontages. For terms, plans and fuller particulars, apply to T. S. WESTON, Esq., Vendor's Solicitor, Cashel street: onto CHAELES CLARK, Auctioneer. 7097 146 Sale at 2 o'clock. No. 43. B. Wilkin & Co. WOOL. WOOL. WOOL. -ESSES EOBEET WILKIN & CO. will hold the THIRD SALE OF THE SERIES, At their New Zealand Wool Stores, Hereford street, Christchurch, ON FEIDAY, 16th JANUARY, 1885. All Wool consigned to us for sale in Christchurch CAETED FEEE from E.ilway Station to our stores. NO COMMISSION charged on Advances on Wool sent in for sale. ROBERT WILKIN & CO.. Auctioneers and Wool Brokers, 7057 U 5 Christchurch. HIGHWAY FARM. Makikihi, Cgg ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS LAND, All in thorough routine working order, and divided into SIXTEEN SECURELT-FENCED PADDOCKS, DWELLING-HOUSE And all necessary Buildings. For ful particulars apply to ROBERT WILKIN & CO., Or to the undersigned, on the Farm, 757 SO G. F. LOVEGROVE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE, ~ SBORNE'S HARVESTERS AND BINDERS. ' No. 11. Twine Binder, latest pattern with all improvements. No.' 9. Wire Binder. No. 9. Wire and Twine Binder. Qsborne's No. 6 celebrated SIDE DELIVERY REAPERS. Osborne's No. 2 Front Cut MOWERS. Osborne's No. 5 Back Cut do EXTRAS kept in stock; also Twine and Wire. ROBERT WILKIN & CO H. E. Alport. PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. SALE BY AUCTION, Under Bill of Sale, of the FURNITURE 09 A LARGE BOARDING HOUSE IN CHRISTCHUBCH. "E H. E. ALPORT has been instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OS MONDAY NEXT, 12th JANUARY, At 12 Noon, And Following Day, it needful, ALL THE FURNITURE OF THE WELL-KNOWN GREEN'S BOARDING HOUSE, Manchester street, Immediately adjoining Coker's Hotel, Comprising THE FURNITURE OP SEVENTY-FOUR BEDROOMS. Dining Room, Private and Public Sitting Booms Piaao, Plated Ware Pictures, Cutlery China, Earthenware Cooking and other Kitchen Utensils. More ample particulars in future advertisements. H. E. ALPORT, 7258 Auctioneer. H. J. Boss. Potatoes, Chickwheat Flour, Cheese (prime) Bacon, Harness AND A of Useful HoWhold Furni. turo and Effects. ' "*-
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 7443, 7 January 1885, Page 8
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750Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 7443, 7 January 1885, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 7443, 7 January 1885, Page 8
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