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Medical. TUB qld t'OE ALL DISEASE*. R*toWi«b*»l h«kiiy KM Vtsar*. |r AYE* ■«*Ton*l»Kl.L'.S jptixs The neat Family Medhitic. ft 8 jp«LLB Turify and tb*> tth**L I£AVmS A Mil! 1-nt .•%.(»*! Aperlcni. J£ATE« j>)t.t* Cuts’ IttdlS' Itrwdarb*. ATKB |,>U.’l>» »'ti«v tri.MinwilHn*, tlwit. UenstipsU-vn. K AVK. |f!U.-8 i l.i’vf ~;t I N•*s’ ’-' i Of ->U l'ri«> 5« 114, 2a I*l. vvl «* ’’l r»’t !"'■ AVM 18 WEALTH. IN UR K. t IEVK ABU g ', WESTS RAIS fIIRBATMEST A Ga*rar>t** i «d Specific for llr.Ufa, » v .: f»v.,r«s»>i'na. Bit.*, Nervous Siarair-a. U<;.4»«-h*. Nvrv-uis ITv»«ti.»tw»u oinwl t»r the Win' of alcohol *'■!• ! 'HaM at-Tuliu-e*, *|e ■,•*) IVffwainA, tMtvniue of Ihe Brain, rv«;iHtag in Ismit; and Wins !•' misery, il«w •*• ifesth, !T-*-n«ir,re 014 A«v. lUrr-siuc*.*, Taw* of }V wi-r in either »*«, IntisuDlart I.”# «•* and Hja>r> muni by orsr-Mwtlon of tho bruin of orvr Km-Ii l*o* coatafn* one mouth’* treatment, Tire abilltoga * Bos. of nix Boxc* for &#. «■«* by sad i-!-. receipt of pr.ce. WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To oars- »st case, With ca-cb order received by s» for «Js t«ne«, »cc.UKj-snt*d with 3.1 a, *e will «w*nd • },<» j .•,rvs;«u.i>f our wrisic-r, suarantoe to refund the money if Use ttvwtsneut doc# not effect « euro. i*rso4 only by G. BO XXINU T 0 S. CUKKUT, Chriflcbarch, N.Z. 2114 I XU! AS CIGARETTES OP CANNABIS INUICA. UKLMAIT.T A CO.'S (Pari*!. Asm**. Stutw* Cci-.n#, Cueosic l.itnx. iirtt*. Hvnisstst**. i » Vote*. Pxruu Xsvan*. IkhoVm*. are rapidly by v.».ag thane Cigarettes. _ , , Sail by *ll Chemist* throughout the Colonic*. XjYRIT OP lIVPttPHOSPHITK OP LIME. GEIMAULT A CO. S (Paris). Pct»M snfferio* from Cstixxa, Cos»r*n»*, Cots*. Of omtttTt Cor«sa». awl generally those afflicted with (liMOae* of the chest, brooch W, or luac*. shotiM oso OKIMACLT A CO.'S SYRC P OP UYPOPUOSPHITK OP LIME, which yrtweribod for year* msi by the ukOR-aI •uthoritlo* of all Artist no*, hi* iatnuriahly cSccUM wamlerfui care*. By the use of this tyrop the cough «• calmial AtMpi<«*r, aad the appetite rapi4ly tmproros-a fiu-t »e»o tkw»oa*ttal<«l by aa taerwue i f weight ami uaprowl awnsanmeo CJEDMEAULTS BVRUP w of a wwo colour, ao«i coQtaiooi its fiat oral bottle*. Sol-1 by *1! Ch«wi*U throasrhoot the Coh aios. Matico capsules AXD ISJKCTIOS, OEIMAULT & CO.’S (Pan»>. KanowiMtl Phy»ci«s» jpr«#«ribo ORIMAUI T'S MATICO « the «»o*t aofsro »»4 at the same tiasc Uw»o»t taotfeastre reiaody “» the troatmi at of Ac; ts »x» Cbk./Mic Dittisrs. Tbe«) C*r»» bare sot, Lie Oopxibtt. the incoareaieaw of (firing Xaatea. The la«oct>ou i» tuwl lo naccot, *a«i the CsM«ile« is the ware chronic «*»#. 5.41 by *l* Chettiiat* throaghimt the Colonics. »1 TARAXACUM AXD PODOPHTLLIS. PREPARED only by J. Pepper. London. ThU fluid oos&btMtios, ditnct«d from wodidtuJ txyoU, u 60* awd i»»te#d of blue jtlll u>d calomel for the cure of drsperetia, HBooxsom, and i&U sytaptoma of ecsKtwttioa or the liter, which are generally pals beaiSKUi the .shauldem, boaiadbe, •irowKnoss, no appetite, fcrreJ toagae, diaagmiabte taste in the atorawjt, giidiiw**, distnrbasre of the stomach, ar,.l Whng of gcaerai cepreasion. It «ct* the ilaggish iirer ta motion, Tory slightly net* oa the bowels, giTiag a scuse OS LeaJsh and comfort within 2* hours, it U the safost nsodidcc. Taniiaetun and Podonhyllißi* a fluid made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, Loudon, whose name is oa every ’Bottles, 2s M and 4» (id. Sold by all Chemist*. A most valuable and essential modicis# forltidif. Australis, the Csjm«, and Colonic* genoraliy. Sold by tfEMPTHOIiXE. PHOSSEH & CO. PEPPER’S Q’.TXIXE and IRON TtINIU ROUSES and the Borons SBsnches the Uood, promoto* *p]a»tiU!.di»|«l» Uagaor and deptv««fe»B, fortifies the dlgeslite I I* a specific renariy for neuralgia, ague, ! isjljgsßtAsa, fevers of every kind, chest affection*, i sad sn wasting disoaiMi, scrofulous tendencies, Ac. The whole frame is greatly isrigoratud by Pepper*# ! Tonic, the tsental taculUsw briahtened, the constii tation grastiy strengthened, and a return to rot-tart I health oertaia. BoUha*, SI done#, 4* 6d ; next eiae. | i!*. Sold by Chemist* everywh«ire. The name of J. i JVjy«-r, Ih'if >nl lAhoratory, London, moist Won } the libsl There it no Tonic »o certain in effect a# fvj j-.r’s Quinine arid Iron. It ia strongly recotn, ! steaded to iwsldeot* in India and the Cotoale#, t&i shyßd alwavs W kept ruady for use in every ease of fever or febrile condition. Bold by EESfPTMORXE, PROSSER A CO. "BULPUOUXE LOTION." Eafoma! K«*m of CUEING SKIN DI^EASES. There ia scarcely any eruption . -nil yi-.-M bs " SalphoJino" In » few days, and nsnctuM to fa.-ic away even if it sewn* past cure. liasr/ pOcpies, mlinsss, blotches, scarf, rough- " by taagic; whilst old, jmdtiring ~ rsiu»i. a.* if by , -....... ..„™...—„ ■Ls /r>{i*r«, that bare plagued the sufferers for -e, however deeply rooted they way be, “ Sul* line " wfR tvsxmm ally attack them. It destroy* aniisaicaiK which cau>c tbsee unsigbUy, irnt- , painful affections, snd always pro»lu«* a dear, tiy, naturtl (xmditiott Of the akin. **Hulphc*. " L >s sold by tnost Cl ewist*. Bottles, . Mad* !>y J. Pepiwrr and Co. 8«U1 by KEMPTMOKNE. PROSSER A CO, HEALTH POtt AH.. rOLLOWAT’S PILLS AKI. OINTMENT Tire JTL These Pills parity the blood, corr©«;t ail dl»of the liver, stomach, kblneya, and bowels, aui are luiaiuall* 1c all ocnupUnt* incidental bo fern*!**. TU ointinout is the only reliable remedy for bad bag*, ell wound «.^som. A a&4 ulc-.Ti. Por bronchitis oougb*. ©obis, goal, rheumatism, snd ail skis di*-*s»e it baa no e*| fell b» tha ProtoWtor, T«o«A» llonuiwsr, 7W, New Oxlord etrwrt, London- and by all MisHcina Vendor* t'vwurhout the WorbL MiSCOUfiBOOUJ. HH WORTH'S PATENT ** METALLIC COMB-BRUSH." ~ Ask joar chemist or •ire.-.e-r for Ashworth’s Patent "Metallic b-ilrtiek," The«o bruabea have the iwnetrah w.-T <A the comb and the elasticity of the : ic-iruD; < osnliuMj—henoe the muue “ comm b." It i* alivwwi by all aarra to be th« meet w 1 hair brush ever invented, and hs» reesdved high testimony from eudiwnt medical awn ana ■r* for He sanitary v*iu«. May be had of all met*. lisirdrowK’r* and dealer* Is fancy goods, v!it tia* tsa&*r* t ifl V>x 4 puit fw#» ; (Uiui-s. On tlie aatiMs principle ia made • h Burger and stronger hfuab for dog*, catths, mm, Ac. Cattle and bora* br«*<ter» ahmild #o* brush at one». Horses will allow it* use on <«r* of their bodhss. and itprodmww a ebaur h«dthy *Mb- Bend for pro*i«r« tus. Prico*, Us n-arest railway *t»uo»—Dog brush. &» fid} 3* ditto. &{ Mrs* ditto, as 61 in eismtw.- ! WORTH B ROT HERB, Ashley Use, Man IMPORTAMT to S'snncm.—By Royal appoint, ment to Her Majesty, by warrant dau-4 Dec. iff. lean, to the Prt»«« of Wales, by rtwU Peb. 10. DWi. * HEWITTS "Original" Block-breeders' Medb t ine Chest. In this cheat are lb* loIb»«iag matuh* Sr** sod worid-wwmmd remedies, all that a far. aJ*r can re-iulre to cur* disease among bis stock, and *.,»« them ia fin*, healthy, and buoyant coudi. li-m—Th« ■*Chemical Extract" for wounds, -i, older*, sod*we« Umbiisg s the " tiaseoua Pi-ji4." for min., mxmr, *«•! tlm "Bed Drench." i *r tud ew«Nii tfce Twl# BaJJs." for conditioning horses s the " Broiwba. bur," for husk, gasp or cough j tee " fi«eodyne." t’ir heaving awl nalniug s « ,e “ Alcoholic Ether, for sold* ami thill*; the " Caminativa Chalk," for •! -rrh-na l« lamb* and <*»*•*, PBtoa of <*wrt winp’rie, tuclmhug ** K*y to Farriery." Rfi 1«# fid. aaut ■ •*Ti*ge paid. Any article tan he bad eeparatnly i . Uosea. it, Dorset street, Baker elreet, Losdon, ■.C.. and Wantage. Berk*. 'EON W INE BlKE,—Burrows' Blbhjr Ulna. Odd , corner*. atcuM* undsr stair*, cupboard*, and obi brick or rial* bloa can be fitted with those blue, snd tbs* made useful. 'BON WINE BlNS.—Burrow#* Bllder Bins ar» , foporior to alt others, aaler, more eon* veuient, keep wluo i» better condition, and prwent the destruction of cork*. TSOH WINE BINS. —Burrow** Slider Ulna. I Bio* tme, two, and three bottka deep. Special Rina for India. Cellar# fitted com. fdete to any part of the world. I SON WINK BINS, Burrow*# Slider Btoxu Every bottle aepwmte. Every bottle asperate. Ho I StaMtoge mrmted. Bin* Mm, «w to fit any »pao*. _ H WINE BISS. ■* Burrow#* 81 Umt Btea. Locknp Maaofaayntoe. Snail ditto, fox two, twSwi gtoju nh, and Mark Lsa« Eowtoit*

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXII, Issue 7412, 1 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXII, Issue 7412, 1 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXII, Issue 7412, 1 December 1884, Page 3


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