Baimfall at Ohbbtsht,— The rainfall recorded at Obertsey during Juno was O'Min, and during July 4 07in. Hunt Club.—There will be no meet of the hounds on Saturday next owing to the wet state of the land, but in plaoe thereof the final meet of the season will be held at Opawa on the following Saturday. Naw Dawns’ Lo»qb.— Tho town of Melhven was quite en file on Wednesday evening, the stir being caused by the fact that a new Druids’ Lodge was to be opened with tho usual pomp and ceremony. Tho opening and installation ceremonies were performed in the large now billiard room at Patton's Hotel, and after business was all over, a banquet came off in the new diningroom beneath, and was well attended. Mr William Morgan, tho newly-eleoted ArohOruid, was chairman at the banquet, the preparation of which was very creditable to the host, and tho vice-chairs were filled by the officers from Christchurch. Song and sentiment beguiled tho hours till the sound was heard that recalled to Bt Peter certain unpleasant memories, and the company broke up, Tuatmimt of V a® a amts.— At the B.M. Court yofterday, Mr J. B. March asked (ha Bench’s permission to make an explanation in reply to Mr Beetham's remarks (as reported) with reference to the imbecile vagrant Oldman. Ur Marsh stated that this man had twice run away from the Old Men's Home. It was not the case that ho had been refused admission because of his dirty habits, neither had be been l expelled because he was unable to clean himself. Co many occasions persons were received into the Home In a very dirty condition, so dirty in fact that it was necessary to burn all their clothing. The enly reason for refusing Oldman’* admission was that the Home was now full His Worship, in reply, while admitting that Mr March’s explanation might bo correct, said it eras still true that a helpless Imbecile bad no alternative to starvation except the gaol, and bad to be tended by warders whose duties should bs confined to guarding criminals. The Bench did not wish to reflect on any part ieular officer. Mr Maroh was deserving of especial commendation for his assiduity in discharging his duties, but the system of administering charitable aid must be seriously defective when snob a ease was allowed to pass without
buvaaiia Coww.“*Hi# Honor Mr JfnoUoo Johnston cits in Chamber# this morning at 11 Thor* am only two cassssstdown for bearing, _ _ . Boamns ov KnroAWoir.--Ordinary mm t* lo£f of tbo North and South Canterbury Boards of Bduoation were held yssterday •Bemoan. Reports appear* slsswhsro. Woaxtse Man’s Pouwost Association. _Lwt night ths numbers of tbo above Club held a mssilof, at which Mr Onion#*# was to havs given alootorson "Band Tenors." but as them was but a thin attendance, be postponed it Mil a future evening. Bouts Ihtvar. A very enjoyable evening was spent at tbs Isa masting and concert on Friday, at tbo .ohoolroom. A number of murisai selection* formed the first portion of ths programme, and the South Malvern Ohristy Mioitnde gave an amusing faros. The proceeds went to the Good Tempter Lodge Fuad. Bt STtraiw’s Cnuaou, Asnnontoir. - A very-successful entertairment in aid of the choir fund* of 81 Stephen's Church was riven In the Oddfellows* Hal), Ashburton, on Wednesday evening. There wae not such a large audience a* the oense merited, hut the ladies and gentlemen who contributed items to the programme acquitted Ibemsetvee very credit* * it* ■ at Aeanunrow.—Festerday morning shortly before one o'clock a two-roomed cottage, occupied by three young men, we* bunted down aud completely destroyed. Two of the young men are at present away from Ashburton, and the one remaining was awakened about two hour* after going to bed by a strong smell of fire* He found the watte or tbe cottage burning. None of the moveables inside were saved. Snmrnnm Cooxsixo dtra.—A meeting of (be Committee of this Club wae held on Tuesday evstdng, at Mr CK B. Willis* Ballway Hotel Accounts were paissd for payment to the extent of £72125. It wae agned to bold another meat on August 27, to consist of two .stokes, the Sheffield Furs* for puppies '(entrance £2 2s), and an ailwged stake for members of any recognised Club (entrance £2 2s) { Mr Bntherford judge, and Mr W. Jebson dipper. Tsiatm Boyat.— There was a holiday house at the Theatre Boyai last evening, whrn the Boyai Marionettes were exhibited for the fourth lime b Christchurch. The performance went well throughout, and wag evidently appreciated by the audience. The Marionettes will not be shown to-cight, but will re-appear to-morrow, when a tnatufis, to which the children of ths Orphanage are invited, wifi take place in tbe afternoon, and a second performance in the evening.
Fhilosofhicai. Ikstittjtx.—An ordinary meeting of the. Philosophical Institute was held hist night, at tbe Society’s room, the President b the chair. A paper was read by Dr BakeweQ, M.D., on “ the gem theory of disease, with especial reference to tbe in* feotivenese of consumption.” After the readme of the paper, a discussion aimed, which lasted until a few minutes to ten, when it was agreed that the papers by Mr B. Moyriok, 8.A., on “ the New Zealand Geometridm j" and on a “ Revision of tbe New Zealand Land Shells," by the President, Professor Hutton, should bo taken as read.
MAQISTfSIAL. ■— The inhabitants of tbo northern district will have cause for rejoicing when the Dunedin Gaol Commission enquiry comes to an end and enables Mr Whitofoord to resume hie duties as Resident Magistrate for the district. Sboo that gentleman has been called away upon bis present onerous duties, the public of hit district have suffered considerably from bit forced absence. Only yesterday at Amberley, which was tbe usual day for the Resident Magistrate to sit, it was eleven o'clock before two J.P.'s could be found { and then, alter a ride by tbo police, and the despatch of a buggy a considerable distance to drive one of them to the Temple of Justice, it wae found that they merely had to sit upon two obstructionists of the peace of our Sovereign the Queen. Two focal J.P.'e were, ou July 20, deputed to attend the Court yesterday to declare and sign (he award in the ease of O’Malley ▼. tbe Queen, for £99 19e. Tbe claimant was there, but as for the others, “ there wae no appearance, your Worship." Several cues of importance are being held over for Mr Whitefoord’e return, which, it is hoped is not far distant.
Conosbt at Bysbhham. Ono of the largest audiences ever teen la Sydenham assembled in the Oddfellows’ Hell, Colombo road, last evening, on the occasion of the entertainment given in aid of the funds of the Sydenham Bides. The performance was under the patronage of Colonel Lean and the officers of the Head quarters Corps, several of whom were present, an apology being read from the Colonel, who was unfortunately prevented from attending. The musical portion of (he performance was under the direction of Mr T. Fleming, and went extremely well. Owing to the length of the programme no encores were permitted, but the applause was so enthusiastic as to show that had recalls been allowed they would have been not infrequent. The songs of Miss L® Gassiok, Messrs Farrant, and Kerr, the pianoforte solo of Miss Johnson, and Mr Bowles' euphonium solo, were particularly successful. The efforts of the other performer* were also well deserving of commendation. The Sydenham band contributed some selections in capital style, and a very amusing negro farce was alio in the programme. A ball took place after the concert, when dancing wsa continued to a late honr. Mr Hogg noted as M. 0., and the mueio was supplied by Messrs Oaks and 0. Fleming. Akohitfotobal Difficulty.—A ne w complication has arisen between the South Canterbury Board of Education and various persons connected with its building operations. The Wlimaitaitai School Committee recently borrowed £IOOO wherewith to build a school, the Board giving them a written guarantee that when in funda they would hand over that amount to the Committee. The plans were drawn up by the Board’s >ate architect, under whom the contractor, Mr Palliaer, commenced the work. Shortly after came the dismissal of Mr Dural, and the engagement in his stead of Messrs West and Barber. When the last progress payment baoame due, amounting to £BOO. the contractor refused to accept any certifies to but that of Mr Duval, under whom he began operations, while, at the same time, the Board warned the Committee that if they paid the contractor on any certificate, other than that of Messrs West and Barber, they would sot bo indemnified hy the guarantee before men* Honed. In the meantime, the contractor failing to get his money, (the Committee being, of course, afraid to part with it after the message from the Board), is about to issua a writ against the Committee. A very pretty case may ha expected to engage the District Court, therefore, and the Education Board has its hands rather full of matters aiobitso* tural.
Oirr Guiana Band. -An entertainment, in aid of the fundi of the former Pity Guardi Band, tu given in the new Hall, Tuam itreefcj laefc evening. There w« » good attendance. The company to which the band wm until recently attached ihowed their appreciation of eervloee rendered in the peat by muttering in strong force, and marching to the hall. The performance commenced with a (election '* Britannia," capitally played by the band, after which the "Druidi* Coloured Opera Troupe ” went through a programme of 11 chair boilneei." The opening eherui, Weber’i "The Stare that above ue are Shining," was hardly a piece aoited to a Obriity Minitret performance with bonea and tambourine*, and did net go nearly »o well aa could have been deiired. The other Home were fairly aueceuful, a oomia long, " Couldn’t Help Laughing," being eipeoialiy popular. In the eeeond part of the programme Miia Patterica aang "It wae a Dream" with much eweetneie and feeling, and received an onthuaiaitio encore. Miu Little wai very aueoeteful in her rendering of *' A Sailor'* Grave." Mr Farrant may alio be oompllmented on tho excellent manner in whieh heiangtbe "Death of Relaon." A (lee, "Hark the Merry Drum," by the Sydenham Glee Club, went very well, and waa encored. Mr Olayton’e clarionet eolo wee decidedly one of the game of the evening, and the (election, "The Field of the doth of Gold," given by the band; wae exceedingly well rendered. A ball concluded the pro* eeedinge.
Rt tbe Zetland AnU B«W» 0. Tcgel oeeapiad M» «** ft*? *** * numerous attendance. . transacted was tha tieetlo# of about 30 members, and tbe alteration of a«T«al« lß# AwooiaHttß rule#. « . S»»wkh*» Alio*.-—Mario iteattl «oo fata wife, Fanny Wawtti, war* imaid fm**** day afternoon far Detoctir# O'Ocwnor on a charge of wtlfoitjr asd malteloosly eetttog fir* to lhair haw# at Aehbwee, f•«? ««» which **» burnt dawn on trid*# eight taal» Tha police ara busy to getting tip tfaa case, to which there wtll probaWf fa# * WW number of ** exhibit*/* Tbs aocaaed «Ut m brought More tfaa BsaMsaft Magiatrsuta tfaia morning. . , lirotrarexat Aaaoctawoir. A apaekt ganaral meeting of tfaia Association was bald teat araotoff, when It waa derided to postpone awardtog tfaa Preeldent'a Cop, offered for the member who bad done noil to farther local Industrie*, US nail year. Hi# Chairman stated that he had on tfaa previews day re* oeired a talrgratn Iron Mr 3. «. Brown, atatiog that the Premier and Colonial Treasurer had pronltad to pat tfaa Industrial Association's Incorporation Bill tbrosgh, aad tfaa BUI wm bow being printed. A report of tha proceeding* of Ilia maaliog will ba found to another comma. Alton) Boant DiaarojrD fwt».--xee* tarday Mnarc Baker, OUirier, asd 100, the Watt* Lands Commissioners, bad • good day's work dealing with tbo applioationa for licensee to prospect for ** metals and mtoarala other than gold," open tha supposed Canter* bury diamond field. They granted all the applications, limiting the area of any oa# lioaoaa to 820 a ore*, asd tfaa duration of tfaa license to iix months, except to tfaa oaae of the firat two or three applications. She tea payable (or • Uoa&so is at tbo rata of ooa penny per sere, eo fee, however, being Isas than 20k, In two or three instances, the applicants bad selected erne, » portion of wmofa was in proeeat of balog applied for on lean. In theee eases tbo conflict of Interests was avoided by the prospectors agreeing to have tha portion to be leased deducted from their applications. Mr Weston moved for a lease to the Pioneer Company j but the Board informed him that notice would have to be •erred, so that opportunity might be given for objections to be lodged, and that a day would ba fixed for dealing with toe applies* lions for teaaaa.
Btnre Cidb Thsatmcaxs. To-night several gentlemen interested in the welfare of the Christchurch Boat Club, assisted by Miss Amy Horton and Mice Owynn# Herrick, will oelehrate the conclusion of the Club’# racing festivities with a performance at the Theatre Boy»J," A Hoc band to Order'* and “ Whitebait at Greenwich ” being the piece* selected. Between the comedy and the taree the Garrison Band will play Mr HamQten's Poet Horn galop, and, alter Mr A. B. Bird hae recited Gordon’* grand racing poem, " How wo Beat the Favourite,” the Master of the Hound*, Mr F. Cotton, will ting a hunting *ong written and competed by himself. Snob a liberal program me should not fail to draw a crowded house, and, at the majority of the drear circle Mate hare already been engaged, it only remain* for theatre goer* to crowd the lower portion* of the bout* to render the evening 1 ! entertainment a financial •noceea.
Xb* anneal meatier of Ward and Co* Limited will be bald today at B pan. A public meeting, r* fl«x lodnaWy. will be held at the schoolroom. LtnooSn, today at 7.30 p.m. The Oeraldiae County Clare Ooarula* mtetiar taken place today. The adjourned reaeral meeting of Ummc desirous el assisting in tke formation of the West Sydenham and Addington Worfclaf Men's Clob will be held to-day at 8 p.m. Homtaatictu for the election of fi»e persona te •erre at a Oemmittee for the Bam net Licensing Diatriet eloee at the *ohoolrooia, Scunner, before noon on Tbonday, Aogact 0. A meeting of the ratepayers of the Fast tf alters district will be held in the Board office, oa Taesd >y, August 7, at 7.80 p.a.
Thbowiho t. Bowum—Last season no one caused more controversy In cricket circles than the Lancashire bowler Oroisland, vhoee atylo of bowling was loudly exclaimed against. The objection* were all the louder became of hie success, and it was this professional’s questionable delivery which was mainly responsible for the determination evinced by noted oricketer* at the last meeting of the Marylefcone Club to put down the growing practice of throwing. We now learn that the enforcement of Law 10 has bad the effect of making Grassland much less deadly than he used to be in the days when hi* fait “ yorkers’’ proved so destructive. In a recent match against the M. 0.0. he only bowled three overs, and did not succeed in taking a wicket
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LX, Issue 6998, 3 August 1883, Page 4
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2,551TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LX, Issue 6998, 3 August 1883, Page 4
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