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Tax Soaldivo Case—Joseph Avensen, charged with scalding Mary Sbeedy, at the Clarendon Hotel, amved at Lyttelton yesterday, in custody of the police, under warrant lor Christchurch, Potion fob Mlrrarxir.—The much-desired police-constable is at last to to stationed at ICethven, and arrangements are being made to temporarily rent a cottage for a station, &.Q., until Government provide premiere of their own. Goons Bboovxbxd.— Several ooils ol wire and one bale of wool have been recovered from the bottom of the harbour, at the berth when the British Xing lay when she was in Lyttelton. The goods were dropped overboird from that taimls Hosts Oaxtibbuby Oomunro Ohtb.— The second meeting of the aeaeon under toe auspices of the North Canterbury Coursing Club will be held to-day. Thera is a good draw, mid it ie expected that the match will not be completed in one day. ‘ Chbistosoboe HoßMoennntAii Sooxbtt. —The annual meeting of the Christchurch' Horticultural Society was held last evening. The report and balance-sheet, which wen of a favourable character, were submitted, and officers elected for the ensiling year. A report of the proceedings appears elsewhere. Bins Bxbboh A bxy. Another largo meeting wae held but night at the Oddfellows’ Hall,, and several addresses were delivered. In the course of the proceedings, 183 signed the pledge, bringing toe total up to 850. The meeting to night will to held in Bt Peter’s Church, and a special tram will run in connection with it. OHBIBXOHUBOH GAB COKFABY.—An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Christchurch Gas, Coal and Coke Company was held at 2,80 p.m. yesterday. Mr J£. G. Wright, Chairman of the Oompasy, presided, and the following resolution was passed :—That the Articles of Association be altered by inserting therein, after Article 21, the following Article t— The Company may from time to time reduce its capital, and may, by consolidation or subdivision, divide the capital or any part thereof into •bares of larger or smaller nominal amount.”

Ths Hbw Tikabu Railway Station.— It ie reported—the'Jßawra Harold etetea—that the Government an making 11 strenuous endeavour• ” to open the new mlw&y atation previous to May 24, the Queen’s Birthday. If such ia thecas* they have only eight days in which to complete their arrangements, and, judging by present appearances, and tto rate of progress, there wul be very little fundturd in the building when the date mentioned arrives. It is a disgrace to the Public Works Department that the building wae not finished and utilised months ago. The convenience of of the public seems to have been a secondary consideration altogether, as compared with that of saving a few pounds by not taking the work out of the hands of the contractors, or of the trouble of insisting on their completing it with haste.

Fibh.—A fire occurred at 8a m. yesterday at Raiapoi, by which * cottage, the property of Mr B. Pickering, iu Sewell (treat, wu deetroyed. She fire was first detected by Mm Pickering, who perceived it in the neighbourhood of the kitchen chimney. A neighbour (Mr H. Finnii) wn at once celled. He gave an alarm, which brought the Fire Brigade with their engine on the epot at once) but owing to a defect in the hose, the rteamer Torrent wae of comparatively little me, and the Fire Brigade, under Mr Superintendent Blackwell, were at a considerable disadvantage. They had to work with bucket*, Ac., to prevent the adjacent building* from catching. The inauranoeion the building were— South British, £IOO j Mercantile Union Company, £6O; and on the furniture--South British, £lB6. Mr Pickering estimate* hi* lot* at nearly £IOO in addition to these amount*.

Lnroour Ohbss a»d Dbauohm Club.— The adjourned meeting of the Lincoln Chess and Draughts Club took place on Monday evening in the Public Library, Lincoln, The attendance was numerous, and it was evident that the “ king of games " was held in high estimation in the district, Mr J. H. Taylor kindly consented to take the chair. The resolutions passed at the last meeting were read by the Secretary and confirmed. It was arranged that the Committee of Management should consist of Mr D. W. Bertram, President i Mr Banks, Vice-President \ Mr W. Bertram, Treasurer { Mr Charles Loom#*, Secretary i Messrs H. White, D. Brown, and J. Taylor, Committee. Tuesday and Thursday evenings were appointed as nights for the meetings of the Club. After a hearty vote of thanks to the Chairman the meeting broke up, with the prospect of being able to pass many pleasant evenings. . Woodend Wkolhtan Ohuboh.—A teameeting in celebration of the twenty-third anniversary of the W oodend Wesleyan Church was held in the church schoolroom on Tuesday evening. The attendance was good, and ample justice wae done to the excellent provision* furnished by Mesdams* Littta Stanton, Skevlogtoa, Burgess, Stoke#, and Meatman. After tea the company adjourned to the eburoh. where addressed were delivered by Bev* Bapley, Simmond*. Garland and Smith. The Chairman, Mr Catch polo, announced with regret that the newly appointed circuit minister, the Bev L. Hudson, was unable to be present, u. be bad unfortunately met with an accident. The financial report prerenUd by the Treasurer, Mr Little, showed the chapel fund to be in a flourishing condition. Seisetioos were sung by the choir during the arming, nod the cuitomosy votes of thanks brought a most suoeesifnl meeting to a close. OiHisTommoa Bowtnto to**. ~ A Krai meeting of the Ohristohuroh Bowling wae held yesterday afternoon in Mr Obariee Clark’? auction room. Jlharo was a fairly numerous attendance. Mr A. Oarriek occupied the chair, and explained that the meeting had been called in order to ehoirtha member* the financial condition of the Club at the end of thestason. On the working of the year there was a deficiency of.£Bßlo* 7d, and there wae a debit balance of about £4O on borrowed money, explosive of the debt on the land. Alter eoariderakb dUenirfon the meeting resolved to make a eaUof £1- In the ooursa of the proceedings Mr 9, C. Fur announced that Mr G.Goiud had oommiestoned bin to extend the siseof the present club-room, and to erect an rwtopnal pagoda god three summir-bouse* at the Worcester street end of the ground. The work to to EdafUrTS^M^^ 1 * lb#oh ‘ ir - SUM! ttlftHlß Mif

l«acnc.«»Aa isqmrt Is to to held at the Bfeearton Hotel. tM» ilterooou, oa the body el a lltlla hay tires years old, who diod in a It ysitofday* tha dwsassc was a son of David Oordltr, a bitohlaysr living at Adding, ton, and had tore ailing for a few days. tAf»une Eyas’* Oais—ln ths District Oourt at Dmara, yesterday, Patrick Byu, who, it will to remembered, was brought over from Australia, on a charge of horse-stealing, was ssnteveed to eight months* imprisonmsnt, with hard labour. Thm Boy—lt is probable that a final sffort wilt to made shortly to discern the remeise of the lost toy Lilly. Mr 8. F. Andrews has expressed hie willingness to aeciet in the esatoh, if instituted | and it is believed that a considerable immbsr of men are .also ready to offer their services in tbs event of the attempt being made. DUftWAM Snrnet Association. The nembars of tto Durham street Mntnal Im* Eovemeut lecoeiatom will hold the openg meeting of the season about the end of tto present month. Professor JBiokerton has consented to deliver an address on the subject of “ The Barth,” to to illuetratod by means of hie recently invented model for showing Uie motions of onr planet. Liontsis iv JsiOßMom A memorial is In course of signature in the district of Richmond against to* issue of * license to a public bouse. At present there ie not one in th* suburb, and it ie considered extremely desirable not to have one. Xhe house wbioh It Ie proposed to license ie situated in immediate proximity to the Vailed Methodist Free Church and the State sebsol.

Tax Dioxama.— There was another large attendance at the Theatre Boyat last night, to witness the panorama. At theoloeeol the entertainment the usual liberal distribution of gilts took place i toe salts of furniture being obtained by Mrs Briger, of OoUridge street, Sydenham j the ormolu clock, by Mr Harder, of New Brighton) and the tea and coffee service, by Mrs Carey, of Gloucester street. The same programme will be giren to-night. Mxbivau Bhtxxyaixxxxy.— Last evening the second of a serifs of winter evening entertainments was given in Merivale school, room, to a numerous audience. Ths first part, consisting of songs, glees, and instrumental pieces by various ladies and gentlemen, pissed off most successfully. The amusing farce of “No, 1 Bound the Corner,” which concluded toe evening’s amusement, wae well rendered by the members of toe Merivale Dramatic Club, and the audience separated after passing a pleasant evening.

Pbbvbbxiov of Cxubott so Asmara.— The first annual meeting of too above Society will to hold this evening in the Provincial Council Chambers. His worship the Mayor of Sydenham will preside. Among the speakers will to the Bert Flavell and Watson, Professors Haslam and Cook, and others. During the evening the prises gained for the tost essays on the subject of Prevention to Cruelty to Animals will to presented to too successful competitors. The Committee specially request the attendance of ladies.

Bwimkiss Oiub’b Cobobby.— The member* of tto Amateur Swimming Club bate derided to get up a concert and ball, in order to raise foods lor providing for the widow and family of tire platelayer Williams, who wae killed accidentally in Otago last month. Williams was a resident of Cfar»tchurch, and hie family have been left in somewhat necessitous circumstances. Hence it is to bo hoped that the entertainment, which is to take place on June 6, will turn out a success, especially from a financial point of view.

Tbadbs Bowing Club —The first annnal dinner in connection with tto Trades Bowing Club wae told at the Commercial Hotel hut evening, and was a very successful gathering. Host Warner provided a capital spread, to which ample justice was done by those present. Mr Dalxiel, Vice-President of the Club, was voted to the chair, and proposed tto usual loyal and patriotic toasts, which were duly honoured. Tto health of Mr WynnWiliiama, patron of ttodab, was drank with much enthusiasm. The treat of the “ Trades Rowing Club ” was proposed by the Chairman, and responded to by Meiers Huron and Myers, who referred to the present satisfactory condition of the Club, aad especially mentioned Mr Gould’s kindness in aiding them to purchase a new boat. Other toasts were rary Members,” ” The Prize-givers, ’’ and “ Kindred dabs,” the 0.8. C. being specially mentioned for the assistance they had rendered to the Trade* Bowing Club at its commencement. The enjoyment of the evening was heightened by songs, which were contributed by Messrs Paul, Myers, Lusty, Huron, Lamb and others, and the company separated after joining in singing “ Auld Lang Syne.”

Oaptais looa* and M’Kay’s Burial,— With regard to thi* case, which hoe excited •o much comment, the Argue of May 9 has the following:—“The action of Captain Logan, of the at. Manaponri, in burying at sea the body of a man, John M'Ktj, who died within a few hour* of the vessel's arrival in Hobart, from New Zealand, woa referred to by the Chief Secretary of Taamania in a telegram to the Chief Secretary of Victoria. It ws* asked that inquiries into the case should be made upon the vessel reaching Melbourne, and this was dene by the police. The report on the subject states that Captain Logan said that the man was well oared for, and that as he had no money and no effects he (Captain Logan) thought it would be a charitable action to bury him at sea, rather than have him buried in a pauper's grave in Tasmania. The circumstances of the ease as given in the extract from the Hobart Mercury, published in The Argue of yesterday, are confirmed by Captain Logan. She Chief Secretary of Tasmania his been informed of the result of the inquiries." It will be teen, from information received last night by cable, that the Marine Board in Hobart have exonerated the Manapouri’s Captain from all blame in the matter. In as far as that decision refers to Captain Logan, nothing con be said against it. But it teems to us that as a matter of general application, a very dangerous and bad precedent ha* been established. One need not be possessed of a very lively imagination to think of coses in which such a decision may be made the pretext for getting rid of an inconvenient corpse, that by rights should undergo all the horror* of post-mortem, inquest and Inquiry, on reaching port.

Tbs Bohemians ylre a ooao»rt at the Pipanut Town Halt w-ni«ht in aid ol the Organ Fuad of Bt Faol'i, Papuan 1. The second annual moetlof of till* Rortb Canter, bury Oonraiay Club wilt tain p>aoe at nine o'clock tbla morning. at lh» earns locality aa the last meet* laf.iTls.—ou the Means (ibapaan'a run, imniad lately alter crossing tbs Cun stream going southwardi, bomlmUou tor the ekotlon of two peiaana to set as Auditors tor the Kalapol Borons h Oouccil will be rsoetf ad op t U n<Kn on May W. Tbs else. Uon takes plana on Jons I. A» extraordinary general mealing of tbs share, holders cl the Teatforanos Hotel Company will be held this evening at the Helropolitin Temperance Hotel. «l Mr W. A. Juneker announces a grand concert, to tots place this evening at tbs Oddfellows* S p.m. Boialnatloaa lor tbo elections! 4*s vorsons to form lb* Port Victoria tooad Board will olo*o on Hay SI. tbs election win bs held at tbs school, boose. Coreroor's Bay eonth, on Tbuntdiy. Jaae 7. Tbs folio wise toasts will represent tbs seat Chrlstobmob Pcotboll dub against tbs Barns on batorday s—Ptm fifteen—Memr* W. Q, ataok, W, A. Andrews, }| Blanchard. W. M. Cnapmau, 1, Prattsls. O, Vlebsr, P. Puller (Captain), J. Puller. P. u. ICeeteveo, A. Mownttort, ii. Ksynsr, T. U Binltb. B. J. WlUon, W, 'Wither.. This natob will bs played on tbs Havens' around, aszt late BabttlHon cite, and will commence at 1.45, Colour*. sold and black, itooond ill teen— Styobs (Captato),Wwt«U, It abend, and dtewsrt r MtttMaaotae—Bml, ObuUwottb, and Hill. Ibis match will ba playsd on tbs Bant Chris toburab around, and sommenea at *.*&. Ooionrs, gold and Mask. Msmbsia wbo cannot pity must let tbo Ssgrstary know. Any ot tbs remaining members who would tlk* a came sen take part to the Christ, obunth Club's natob oa tbs exhibition ground. Tlw following fiitsen will play tbs remainder o( Football Club, on Hetarday.attbs XxblblUou Onund r—Meet re W. V. MlUtoa (Cap. tota), O. B Dobson, J. P.Hartland.lL B.JPsnwtoi. tsrwuss* Q i wun leavas CiAksiM square at S IS. The filteea wm ww nlumtkiclub, blue and wblto. jtolisjto* dttoca will play for the Hatisalo f°°*toll Clsblm thMr match again* elevva of the I® 1

-W, Mammary* i. H«l<* cm «li* olaVestowte, »«**!*?» *Nr«l.MO pja. iiasffißfiS •*« mi ol tta> test CM ebnceh Ola* on IMaNgf K«t> aomwy, Faw, Jap* »tiiu**r, Hawse, Svatud* Wn»*, *too«, SmHfe, mum t hutm. W.Mgar.euO Bymao- Xfceauuto win t« played on lb* lam#’ pwrad, aod will eonmcae* at S p.m. akasp. OeWota, Wart-. tba tof Jawing will toayterfb* Waves* TooiUU dab in Mr m»tefcagaiiH« ttoMWi ilM»a of th* Wat Ohftetebntek cm*. oa iMntfuy aasl, «n th* f»oo»d at Hi* iHt«ri~Me«we aM|ir.*«b <C*pt* »>. vr»nun(, H«ki, (iprett, WiekM. Jaeleon. a. Auwefcwot, M«|i ftrowe, Wo**, tMr. «»r»UU, BeeUf*. K«td, J. Dario, WmeffeoeH*—o*#, 7. Aol whrook, aod Hods*. Play will aemmsnm at 8 JM». ehaurp. Manbata am nmoeetod I* <•«*» Mm» alas uniform (bias*,. tad to tarn af by 8.48 p.m.

Aw Id Biud«« < —A graat it* bridge which has been formed acroti tba Jflagara Biver baa attracted much attention. Every day thou* sand* of visitor* crowded to tee it, and excursion* were organised to all parts of Amerioafo view it. '* I'ber* are (aayt a oornapondent of the THhm) no huge buMreeses of glaeming ice, no eryatal plan with prismatic ooloors dancing about them. It ia nothing but a great alpaca* of rough and seam-maned ice. Ibe architect of thU atopeodoue structure ia the south wind. A steady blow from tbia quarter cause* th* tee to Lake Brie, twenty-five mites away, to break op into gigantic fragments, which float down the river notu they shoot tb* rapids aod plunge over the cataract—a sight well worth a long journey to see. Below (bo falls tome of these cakes lodge. I'he frost and the foam weld them together, and tb* process go«s bn until the river is covered from shore to shore. Ihe bridge ie said to be the most extensive that has ever been formed, and stretches from the foot of tbo cataract for three miles, being of a ibicknets often equal to the tallest of'city business blocks.’ It may be traversed at My point, and there is no fear of a sudden breaking op of the ice, at aay rate until warm weather set* in, and even then the proeeae would take some lime. It offer* excellent facilities for smugglers, who are sot slow to take advantage of them.”

Ahimal TxAoaßKa.—Xhe familiar old

precept, “ flo to the oat, thou (laggard," h*», ■ays ft London paper, received a now and altogether unexpected application at the hand* of 11. Delaunay, who, in a paper read before the Biological Society, maintains that Jo matters of medicine ash sanitation, as well ae in habile of industry, the lords of creation might with advantage take lessons frost ants as well as from oats and dogs. “ Warrior ants have regularly organised ambulances,* 1 and no known animal is gnilty of tolerating the abominations of the ceeepool. In rear* ing their young there ere few mammals which could not giro a lemon to the fashionable mother of the period, and In diet and in medicine the faculty might do well to lit at the feet of the so-calied brute creation. Everyone knows that animals take purgatives and amelias when the need arises, but according to M. Delaunay, they also deserve the credit of discovering the water cure. Ho says" A dog, on being •tong in the muscle by a viper, waa observed to plunge ite head repeatedly for several days into running water. This animal even* tualiy recovered. A sporting dog was ran over by • carriage. During three weeks in winter it remained lying in ft brook, where its food was taken to it; the animal recovered. A terrier dog hart its right eye ; it remained lying under a counter, avoiding light aud heat, although habitually it kept close to the fire. It adopted • general treatment, rest and abstinence from food. Another case is that of a cat which bad the singular fortitude to remain for 48 hours under a jet of cold water.'* On the whole, the Eoyal College of Physicians, or some similar body, might do worse than establish a special department for the scientific study of the hygiene and the tberapeutioa of the animal world.

A Obkat A OHiBTmeSHX. —A persevering genius has lately been trying to entice the public somewhere up into the wild* of Hackney to see the results of seven years’ acoumulatioa of cigar ends, picked np by him chiefly in the course of hie daily tramp to and from the place of his employment. Many curious facte and figures have been given of what is habitually done in Paris in this way, but in London, though there are those who arc not above snapping np those nneouidered trifles, the thing is not done systematically. The individual alluded to has, however, thrown hie whole energie* into the noble, and no doubt lucrative, ambition of making a vast horde of cigar ends, and his accomplishment is certainly not without interest. Daring the seven years he reckons that he has travelled on foot between his house and the London Docks an aggregate distance of 11,823 miles, and by continually keeping his nose turned to earth, something after the manner of John Banyan’s man with the rake, he has, during theas travels and in casual walks abroad, managed to pmkun 600,000 piece* of cigar of an average length of an inah and a half. He reckons—acd those who feel curious as to the accuracy of his arithmetic are at liberty to tost it for themsslves—that his stock of pieces, if placed end to end, would measure IBi mile*. At three-half pence each, the cost of the oigurs must have been originally £3710, acd the portions wasted £IBOO, He purposes selling them, but him been issuing printed bills inviting spectators to come and see his stock before he dose so, possibly anticipating that his singular persistency will meet with pecuniary reward. Bow little do we know of what human nature is espsblo when dominated by a grand idea !— Otob*. Official iQjfoxAHoa.—The map of the world haa always been the weak point of Koglith Ministers, whose rule extends over so large a section of its surface. When Lord Palmerston was for the first lime appointed a Secretary of State, he ran over the paper* which a subordinate pul before him, and, after looking as periled as that jaunty statesman possiblr could, remarked that, “Bow we will have a look at the atlas, and see where all these places are.” The old Duke of Newcastle was quite delighted when told that Gape Breton was «i island, (or *• the King would be so glad to hear it,” and declared, with an oath, that " Annapolis must be defended,” though he wae compelled to ask in an undertone, "where the denoe Annapolis wasP” A Colonial Secretary, we believe still living, when asked to eanotion bettor mail communication between Victoria and Tasmania, suggested, a* he glanced at one of those smallscale map* anathematised of Lord Salisbury, that it would be bettor to M throw a bridge over” Bass Strait, M and w* can guarantee tbo loan.” Another statesman wee lor long under the belief that Victoria wae an island, a second that Vancouver Island wae fafoted by tigers. The same gentleman proposed putting all the New South Wales convicte on Cockatoo Island—a spot so small that, it would harely give them stand ing room. It is still common to receive letters for Melbourne addressed South Australia; and it was a daily subject tor jeering fa British Columbia that (he members of Parliament who owliebly discussed the Ban Juan question bad hardly the remotest idea of the locality about which they were talking. Daring the Transvaal war—«e it ie affirmed fa death Africa—an admiral on the station wae directed not to bombard Potchefetroom, which happens to be 400 miles fa the interior} and it fa not surprising to hear that a Government whfah sent veatel* to the Baltic of tueh a draught (bat. they could not approach within bombarding range of Oroostadt forced an into old commodore to blaspheme t ” My Lords, when they suggest that, la view of the disturbed condition of Germany the fleet had bettor anchor off frankfort-00-the-Maine,” Pl* World, A Bvstvass-uxa Lovn.—lf a doctor is also a lover, can ha, fa oasa of death, charge (or visits of affection ea profeesianal attendMoeP Bach was the question decided by Mr Justice Chilly the other day. The action administrative one, in which the next of Un of a maiden lady who loft £4OOO behind her complained of the charges mad* by her exaoutor (a medisal man) (or executor's expense! and profeerienal service*. It appswed (hat the defendant had been eegscsd to be married to the lady, and though th« match had been broken off, he eeettaaed to attend her fur a «oKpWpt

*•»** for msdtesl smieee, of which 7 two visit* a day f or 377 d “‘ c fj 2 »** for Th* pUbt.l? wtwdid tbL ,u ‘ 04 **h. mad# M a lorrr and not J '*‘{ 4 ***• JttiflM OhiU, thought that m V" £** ** «ry moderate, nunbar of mite wm perhap* eiP ll“ ,h thi> ni|fai allow bin on* *?« M * IT /- I h* and. marling the aaccmd visit M th * t brar, knocked of half tb* char te L\ L * atar, a charge of tbra* guin.«. *•*»« the lady for drive* w„ remain, th* doctor’* pocket ha. not lu g% somety for hi* devotion. tre4 Mtrsicat, lfAinuiu.~sisi'i b,d bedstead, aa described with auch atr.Dis'i SfcS S J 1 * t Zol *’ w “ * ®«* wondadS •fforl; Of lha cabinet-maker and upholder*, a /oar da /ore*, to fact, but the I M .T JBajaii a bedetead, which by now ha* r«; Calcutta, ia really a much mere . effort of art, Ihe fact that immediatii, t-'l bed feels lha weight of th* Bajah’e f i will bunt’forth into melodious Iran Gounod’* moat tuneful opera* *« “'■* itself enough to make this new pi*., furniture count a* an inspiration, i,-'j not all. lb# fiajab teem* to be afraii t-,. eves the garden moaio from “ Famt ” , ' aometlme* fail to aooth hi* perturbed to at the four comer* of the bed are four ...v died female figure*, which arc in fw>. mat* worthy to claim rslstiocahio to K«.: v and Onnard’a wonderful family w# ha.* wal th* Gaiety Iheatre. The BaJ*-.’» ladiec do eomething watt to the imrsr-ix. purpoae of their ptraaettee than play wh;»t, or blow trmnpela, or draw outline tketete. of : popular atateamen, howerer. lhat uto nj, they proceed on being wound up to utzenij fan their luxnriou* maatar, at the uc.» time, if the detail* receired are tenant, '* making ejea” at him in the moit lacfuuh* tog mannar. But sleep, as we moat cf u< know, ia a espridon* visitor, aad wr .bouid not be at all surprised if th* h»j .h, to *pit* of hi* mnateal Kattreaaea and hi* tour taming hotnria, had not to fall back on a Com 0 f chloral after alt The musical matlrert, however, ia likely to become fubtonabir, and several are already to u*e in London. But all who hare to tleep oa one should hare complete penosal control over the tuppiy of moaio. Xki* ia an indispensable ecnitusa to it* being enjoyed.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6931, 17 May 1883, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6931, 17 May 1883, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6931, 17 May 1883, Page 4


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