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Dyttaitow Tim** Office, Thursday Eventing. CUSTOMS’ RSVEKUK. The following was tbs Customs' revenue eel. tooted yesterday t— l Spirit*. £195 19* id i wine. £lO 19* s tobacco, £6416»t cigar*. £l6 10a j toed* by weight, £1410s: sugar, £lO7 4» 6d t tea, £lB 6« 4d j edvotor«M, £B3; other duties, £ll7 6s 7dj total, £637 18. Bd.

LOCAL MABKET3. Menem H Matsos aim Co. report on the Live Stock Market, Ac., tor the week ending Thursday, Jan.2s, IS«.m follows;- , Yesterday's market at AnmJforo* way the wnaileet of the Beaton, both na regard* stock and attendance, the fat sheep yards being only about one-third full- Harvest operations are of course absorbing the whole attention of farmer* at the present time, and we must not anticipate much improvement in our sates for another throe weeks or a month. In mutton. Wednesday's enter win confined to about half a doxen small lines, tho ctrly •ales for the best quality ruling from Is to la 6d Srhead over last week's rates. As the auction drew to a close this keenness wore off. and several lot* of light-weight motion changed owners at late ouotatloa*. A few pens of extra fine eross-breda from the late Mr Chapman's estate brought up to Hta Cd, merino wether* of the same consignment to 12a, both line* being undoubtedly the plums of the market. Medium weight crosn-lired wether* realised 11* to Uss ewes, to ed to 10* fid; merino wether*, 6s to 9*. For the best wether mntton. id per lb—-strong-may bp quoted; medium quality and ewe mutton. lid Sr lb. oi store sheep, from -SOW to 3000 came to hand, principally aged merinos and cross - bred two-tooth*. For the latter a atrong demand was shown, and Os to to 3d nertoad paid, a lino of two and four-tooth gL£t3Jr*tof phased by us at 10«. We SKdiarSS of about 1300 aged atatton merino* —ewesand wethers-for the < 7S BI J obtained 6#3dj the latter ia lOd tot* 2d, Fat lambs represented* larger entry than usual, and Imd not several lines being taken up for store imipoiiea (price to 8d to 7a),a glut most have boon the molt, is it was all were cleared at a drop of about fld per head on late rates. A* regard* the beef tnarkot, the entry was below the average, whilst the quality, with one or two exceptions, was Inferior. The saw eennrally wa* devolu of splnt, the various lots §eing chared at late rate*—Steers, 153 Itoto £8 ; heifers. £5 to £6 10s, or equal to from ito to 21* per iMHb In store cattle there wa* a small supply, tbmmh reverS gw* toe* of two to threo-year-old wMOTff For this class of stock there linos, thus proving that the entile nlsoed la the market for bond «& h LwU and satisfactory SoT WlthoTqaotlng Ig&uf. JfSbSfr cBS 3mm CouitoSL P. Itanoan. J. Aasafton,. J .Baltt, .BSB^maASrteas

Boyd, J. Vfwrvn, 3. Foster, Writer Iteuntm, W. Fronton, R. Read, W. Iloyea, and other*. Jte fat aheap oar principal Brie# were 80 crooK-owt owe*at 10# 6d, 50at 10* M, *tJ » c .ri«o ft# 6d, 80 crow-bred owe* at 13»,57 at IUM, bred wether* at tea. «,•}»« weight ewe* at Shi 3u and 0* Od, 102 do at 0* Jo. Store*—l72 Sand *• tooth oro«8-brod* at 10*, W 7 run and broken-month merino wether* at SeUM. tncriDOewe*at 5a 3d. 70 youngmerino owesatte Sd, 90 merino wether* at 6# 0d nnd 5» »w. *«t lamb*-30 at 7a «d. 80at Ba, Wat7aM, 40 at ,*& . 90 at 7a Od. 40 at 7a Bd, 10 at 7s. 30 at <*, 40 »t - #22* 149at6«M. 30at«», 28atj#Od, 23I**A 4 *} J?% Pat cattle -♦ at £9, 3at gd, 2 at 4W 8« od, »at « 10s. tat £7, 3at 07 5*.3 *t *B 7* W. 6 at £7, 3at £6. 3 at JM 17# Od. 81ow#--W £5, 4 at £6, 6 at 43 s#, 4 at «l 17# Bd. O at it 1# Bat £1 4a. Dairy cow* from ill to £7 10#. la»D ami) Props rtt. —Tran sac ti on « iulaudsro suit restricted, and little famine## hsa boon doing during the week. Small preportlc# of of at scrostn the snbnrbs can easily bo reasonable rate#, and are enquired tor «J«iwUri atflA cvkhl inodcntO'Siiiod futittß will ftlwfljrfi tlnu pnrclK™. Cottage property fa more, but with the prospect of a money becoming ewler, no doubt the temiwwy depression which ha# Minted these last fewmonUi# win noon bo dispelled. _ _ 180 hide# and prifakln# w«ro Santas sr* &s cw.s brjdr, from re 6d re »# ®d 8 4o merino, 9d to la 3J; lamlMkins. 1# M dry country #kln« to Od per lb. OshidM. dry f»a!.nosi.«« * I 'ciui.Gri»ws 96« Sd pot o«rt{ ron<h fat, boot* * b *,?{* ordinary, 2fd to S|d per 1# t Ttr 7 Interior, Id to Ud r *° Hobs# Market. For our la#t attttrtay*# T.uwallfa Mie. IJJ ho*ea came to hand. chi. fly of a light and Inferior dew-lptlon. Indraught# af#w useful aorta were estAlogned, and nearly all sold, prlo*a rM BteS from 4UB o £2. lOi. of light horses we iuoceoaed in plaoleg between 80 and 40 bead at price# as per do•oriptum 8 £lO to £lB being paid tor nsstm backs, and light turn### her**# 8 weed#, 8-a and upward#. During t‘o past week we have had an enquiry for rlsht Oirted young drivght mare# (tay from * to 0 vtara old) for shipment, and hare sold, for ration# owner*, a good low for kbit purpose. OeaoraUy ■peak eg, the horee trade, lika alt other*, to quiet at the time, and we ahall no doubt hare to wait tmUl after harreet before much Iroprorement take* place.

Messrs Bosror Wilkib aud Co. report:—At tho Additgtoa Tarda on Wednesday 5419 sheep and 370 bead of cattle were offered for the week*# aappur. Pat fchoop.—A small entry to band, nod with the exception of one or two draft* tho qaality wa* only second rate. Owtmttothc «nudl supply competition wa* keen, and prices fully 1* per beta in sd ranee of late rates wore obtained, while crossbred etoree mat a ready sale at late quotat ions. The Fat Cattle sapp y wa* greatly te exoow of the requlrem*ato of the trade, and a largo proportion of tho e yarded were turned out unsold, we sold on account of the Meun Chapman Brta, of Hpringbaak, a draft of merino wether* at 13* j o* oss-bt«d wether* from the same estate at ISe od. On account of various client* wo placed eroar-brea# at trom 9s 9d to 12*. Fat tombs in pens from 6# to 8s 64. A draft of two-tooth orocrbred# at 9* Sd; 40 head of store cattle at £5 la each. On Thursday wo held tho usual weekly sale of sheepskin*. So., In our hew Zealand Wool Stores. There was a good attendance of buyer# and spirited competition. The prices were on an average with last week’s rates. Cross bred, woolly akin*, large, 3* Bd, 8* 7d j do do. second quality, la Sd, fa Bd. Merino, woolly skins, toner, bs Sd to 6s id t do do, medic t, fa Id, Ss. 4s Id. 5s So ; do do. smell, U id to 2s Id. relt«, large, and early thorn, 1# 6d. la 9d, 3s: do, medium, 6d, Is, Is 6d; do, small, up to 6d. Lambskin*, large. Ba. 2* Bd. 3, Odt do. second quality, lOd, la Sd. Is Bd. Pat and tallow.—There was an avsiaie attendance of the trade, end keen competition.' 75 packages were dialogued and aU cold. Fat.—Best quality, clean and well saved, to 2fd per lb; scoo id quality, to 8(4 per lb at l(d per lb. Tallow. 19* 6d per owf, ana 3|d per lb tot flnt quality. lf£per lb tor second qualityHides and ealfridns not sold.

Messrs C. Ksmov aao Son report on tie Lire Stock market for tho week ending 85, as follows j—'The supply of fst shesp on Woo* neaday was very moderate, ssd prims quality mi keenly competed for. soiling foJljrnp to Sd per lb. Fst lambs wars in excess of demand, and prices had to giro w»y slightly from past values. There wets very few store eneep yarded, two lets of merino wethers and a few line* of cress-bred;, which changed hands st fair values. The attendance of store buyers now, during the harvest month, is very limited, and, besides, the country Is scarcely in a position to reoelra any groat volumes of sheep, but so soon as the stubbles are cleared we contemplate a very active demand for all classes, as the late showery weather la bound to produce plenty of stubble feed and promote also the erowtb cf the turnip crop. We will not speculate on tho effect ires slug operations sill have on the stock of the Province generally, or whether prices will go up or down, we merely say to those who are in a position to buy and hold, to do so at once at present current market prices, and we feel certain they will have no cause for regret. We hear, with much pleasure, from all parts of the Provisoes, that the turnip crop is a certainty, the plant loosing healthy and growing rapidly. We know the benefit the soil will derive from the feeding of this crop, and we also know that if only ordinary care and judgment is need in the management of the stock that will consume them, something considerably more than expenses should be obtained from it. The total entry at Addington, on Wednesday, comprised 5419 sheep, 320 cattle, and 60 pige. We sold a line of S9O cross-bred ewes, a rather shady lot, at 7s 6d each. Fat steers at £8 16s each j and privately, daring the week, we have sold, on account of Mr Hnree, 1000 merino wethers, at 6a each, aad 1000 merino ewes at 0s each. Freehold land.—Daring tho week we have disposed of the Oakland* Farm, at Prebbleton, 161 aorcs, at £29 per sere. Messrs J. T. Pobd and Co. report on the Live Stock Market, to., for the week ending Thursday, Jan. 26,1883, aa follows The empty state of the pens at Addington on Wednesday told plainly how busy farmers are with harvesting, and very few of them were to be seen in the market, there being a very small attendance accordingly. Fat sheep were small in number, but ail good quality, and consequently higher rates obtained than for weeks past. Hatton may be quoted at from Ifd to 2d per lb for the day. Lambs came forward in far 100 great quantity for the roqolrementa of the trade, there being almost as many lambs as fat sheep yarded, and materially lower prlc sa than of late bad to be accepted for anything that was not A 1 quality. A fair supply of beef, and principally good, wo quote 17s to 20s per lOOlbs, according to condition. Store Cattle—A small supply, which was placet at a slightly higher tate. There is still a good demand for store sheep of all sorts, at remunerative figures. The total entry for the day was 6419 sheep, 333 head of oattle, and 66 pigs. We sold fair quality merinos at 8* 3d and 8a 6a j orosft-brods. lie 6d and lie fid. Sales generally equal to quotations. Fat cattle we placed at £6, £U 10*, £7, sad £7 10s par bead. The opening of the new yards at Tinwald on Tuesday last created some excitera«nt, and they will undoubtedly be a great boon, sni give an namistakeable fillip to •took soles tn that district. There is no doubt that they have boon sadly wanted for some time past ; aad now that the oonvenlenos exists, this centrally situated market is bound to become popular and well patronised. Wo had tbs pleasure of opening the ball with some good lines of sheep and oattle, and can report ptloes aa quite equal to thoe> ruling at the Addington yards. A scanty supply of stock, both beef and mutton, earns forward for this Initial sals, and the attendanos was likewise somewhat meagre, bnt being In the midst of a farmers’ distrlot this is not te be wondered at, all bands being occupied with harvest. We sold, on account of the Alford, estate, some good bullocks at £6 and £6 10s each; heifers, at £S 10s ; steers and cows at £*. On account of Mr Nicholas we sold oowandoalf at £slos, and a dry oowat£3. Others according to condition, Ac. A line of 800 good •tore merino wethers, on account of Hr 0. J, Harper, we withdrew, as biddings were sot commensurate with their value, ana a good demand exists for store sheep outside the markets. At cor weekly skin sale ws sold butchers* pelts at Is Id, Is Bd, is 6d, is fid and 2* Id j ditto lambs. Is Bd, 2s Bd, 2s SAand 2s *dt woolly skins, few ottering, rood prices obtainable If good condition. A good Use of country skins, well saved merinos, we sold at 6|d per lb, Beugh fat sold at 2d ana B|d for best, and lid for second rate. Hides, Ifd per lb. Means U. Bnniim sno Co, report on the live stock market for the week ending Thursday, aa follows i—Harvest operations bed the effect of diminishing the supply of stock at the Addington Yards on Wednesday, the number of fat sheep sent forward being very limited, the total entries comprising 6419 sheep, 820 bead of cattle, and 68 pigs. Fat Bbsspv—Heavy oross-breds (old from 11s fid to 13* fid j medium, 10* to lie; merino wethers, 7i| to 18s-or an average of 2d per lb. (Store sheep met with the asms eager enquiry that has been manifest for this class of sheep (or seme time past. Fat Lambs.—Plenty on offer, and prices fully equal to latoratos-fistoß«fid. Fat Cattle.*-An average entry, more than sufficient for the day's requirement*, Our entries consisted of 833 sheep, Mh tad of cattle, on account e( Messrs F. Angus, J, Badger, J. Ferro, 8. J. Huliin*, T. Oeflatfey, J. Moody. J Lester, Hughe* aad Bennetts, Bennetts Bros., and other*, and our principal sales ware 7 steers at £7, 0 et £8 Sr, 4 at £6 10s, 0 ai) £5 7s fid. fi at £6 l 40 atom at £1 10*, 20 at £3 3s j 600 sheep at 10s, 78 at fis, *o., do. Fat, hides, skins, ho.—At our yards this day we held our usual weekly sale of the above, and cleared our entry of 1100 skins at the following prices i—Cross - breds, fie and fie 3d j merinos, fis lid and fis i pelts. Is. Is Sd, Is fid, la 7d, Is 8d i country do, 4d, fid, ana Bd. Fat—Oar entry of 02 packages w« cleared at tbs following rates t l{d, 2d, 2id, and 2{d. Poultry and produce —At our yards on Batnrdtylast wo held our usual weekly sale, demand good, at the following priecsi Fowls, 2s Fd to 4a per pair ; docks, 8s to 3s fid i now potatoes, id and |d per lo with but a few on

COMMEHOIAL TELEQEAMB. . , Biurroa, Jan. as. The abeoaco of rain la completely panlyeln* tho mising Industry, tho water-raocs for iappljing motlfe po Thow by steam mo woridny aatiafaotorily. The Woloomo stamps ware cot In motion last woo*, and when tho whole of the bardaaa are set (join*. the yield bom tellings win bo considerably augmented. The general returns from tho aoutnern Orem are still airing very rich stone. Tho leader from which it ta obtained la about sis inohea wide. The South Hopeful lower main tunnel ia belay extended on the line of the met. The following aw the ruling market prloeei—npertmeu Hills, 16a 6d , Wdooma. Wtoddi Hopefoi ffiSed). Ito6d I Homeward Sound, 10a» %y gSSJISa, Ely Slrei% Inglewood, ISaftß» Treasure, 7a M) Olobea, to Bd| Jnstda*

VIpW,. !!., IlkofN.tloti. 6#l Ko'Wbark (No. «). *• Hi taStaSSSS 1 la 8d 8 «U Deeperandum, te»▼**«• (enenaed), S«, Rein* OreekTae i Qladetone. to.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6837, 26 January 1883, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6837, 26 January 1883, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6837, 26 January 1883, Page 4


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