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Btobthts. —Bundoora vu scratched yesterday afternoon foe oil bia engagement* at the Wellington Sommer Meeting. Thh Ikdustbiax Association—A meeting of the Committee of (he Association was held yesterday evening. A report of the proceedings appears else where. " BaaoMi Dcix Oam.”—Mr Maocabe drew another large house at the Oddfellows* Hall last night. The entertainment was, as usual* received with great applause. Mr Maocabe will appear again to-might.

Supbbmi Count.—The ease Moses r. the Norwich Union Insurance Company waa brought to a close yesterday morning by the Slain tiff being nonsuited. At its rising the apreme Court was adjourned till Tuesday next at 11 a-m.

Pi CHIC. —By the kindness of some chari-tably-disposed persons, the inmates of the Armagh street Charitable Aid Depdt were treated to a pleasant onting yesterday. They were taken in a number of vehicle* to Snmnar, where a picnic was held, and a very enjoyable time spent. 8t Andrew's Church. —A deputation from the Christchurch Presbytery last night met the members and adherents of the 8t Andrew’s congregation, who unanimously requested the Finance Committee to meet the Moderator, in order to take steps for securing the continuance of services m connection with St Andrew’s. A report of the proceedings will be found on Mother pegs.

Abhbpbton CotmsiNO Club.— A well attended meeting of the Ashburton Coursing Olub wu held in the Somerset Hotel on Wednesday evening, when the following gentlemen were elected office-bearer* of the Club President, Hr D. Thomas; VicePresident, Mr B, W. Shearman; Secretary, Mr V, Mainwaring j Treasurer, Mr W. Zander j Judge, Mr Chatteris; Slipper, Mr Leitohi with a Committee of Messrs!. W. M'Bae, F. Hill, and Harry Brittan,

Sunday School Tbxat. —The children attending St Matthew’s Sunday School, St Albans, numbering about 880, yeaterday held their annual picnic. At 9 sum., the children assembled at the school, and after a short service, wont in conveyance* provided by the kindness of some of the parishioners to Mr W. P. Oowlishaw's grounds, at Avonside. Till 12 o’clock the children spent their time in games, and then partook of a hearty lunch j the rest of the afternoon was spent in sports, till five o’clock, when all returned to the schoolroom where a capital tea was in waiting. After tea tho prise* were distributed, and at 1 o'clock the children dispersed.

yorno Mbn’b Clubs Association—4k meeting of the Committee of this Association was held on Wednesday j prssent—His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), Messrs March, UiUer, Pecker, and Griffiths (Hon Secretary). An apology for absence was received from Mr Lambert. Donations were received from Messrs Wood, Bhand and Co., £8 2i, and Mr A. F, Blood, £1 Is, and ordered to be acknowledged with the thanks of the Committee. Several accounts were passed for payment. It was resolved that the lessons in connection with the Olub be resumed from the beginning of February. After the transaotlon of some routine business the Committee adjourned until Fob. 8. Nobth Casts**onr Sduoatiohal In-9XITBT*.—-The Ashburton branch of this Institute held ite annual meeting last week, when there was a fair attendance of member*. The Secretary's report for tho put year, drawn up for the Institute, was read and adopted, and bis action in asking Mr T. 8. Foster, head master of West. Christchurch School, to act as the representative of the branch on the Committee of Management of the Institute, wu approved. A hearty vote of thanks wu accorded to the Secretary for his labours in connection with the branch during the put year. The following members were elected office-hearer* i—President, Hr W. J. King (Elgin} j Secretary and Treuurer, Mr fl, Oape-WUliameon (Fleming too), re-elected. The subeoription wu increased to 10* per annum, to meet the Increased capitation to the Institute. After transacting some routine business, the meet iog adjourned. Validioiobt,— On Thursday a few of Mr Caleb Smith'* personal friend* met at the Pier Hotel, Kaiapoi, to wish him farewell previous to hi* leaving for Kaikoura. About twenty sat down to a capital supper. Several apologies were received from gentlemen desirous of wishing Mr Smith God-speed, amongst whom was Mr Farnham, Mayor of the town. In that gentleman’s absence, Mr George P. Mllsom was voted to the chair ; and alter justice had been don* to the viands, he proposed the guest's health in eulogistic terms, expressing the regret that wu generally felt at the loss of so useful a resident, in hi* public as well a* hi* social sphere. The tout wu received with great applause, Mr Smith, in replying to it, referred to lb* pleasant time be had spent in Kaiapoi, and concluded by proposing "The future sneoese of the town •ntf district of Kaiapoi,” which he coupled with the namu of several gentlemen present The proceeding* were rendered the more enjoyable by a number of songs, and the pity separated about I o'clock.

Lioxssiwo OouMtma, Asbiuxtow.—Tbs following gentleman win nominated yeeterm candidates in tin election of fin gentlemen to Mm os tin licensing Com* mittee, Ashburton Boroagh.for thi year:— Mown O. D. Branson, B. Alcorn, T. Bullock, John Qriu, Btahard Bird, H. T. Winter, D, Thomas, A. Hurl Km, 8, B. Pay ntf, W. Q. 0t Hill, The iliotioa takes plan on Bib. 2. “ Dmo** TilM Pat ms." —Lost evening the service of tong '* Under the Pains ” wm rendered in thi last B«!t Weslsjao Church by thi choir, milted by several friend*, nadir thi leadership of Mr J. Iw». Th# ■ttendiDce wm fairly numerous, and thi performance ae a whole went exceedingly will. The principal aoloi wen taken by Miseee Cole, Robinson, and Grey, and Mecna Baron and Allan. The orohntral accompaniment wm provided by aa efficient band, under Mr Rutland, thi Misses Bank* presiding at thi piano and American organ. At thi upper end of the church wm an appropriate decoration in thi ibspi of a number of miniature palm tree*, in pots, kindly lint for the oeeation by Mn X. 0, 3. Stereos, Womsiiro lin’i Ottns,—A retry enjoyable time was tpent last inning by the member* of the Working Men's dab, with their wive# ud other visitors, when the Artillery Bind performed by torchlight on the lawn to front of the Club Boom*. The programme performed by the band wm a (election of good moeie, well played. “The Villa*# Blacksmith,” with rotal accompaniment, drew forth inch loud plandite from the crowd MMtnblid to hoar the performance that it had to he repeated. The tame compliment wa* accorded to the “Mail Coach“ galop (with coach horn «010, played by Mr Hamilton). Tbi InterproTinelal Oricket Match, Otago f. Cuterbarjv will be played cm Feb. 9,10 and 13, at liMMtif Park.

Oa Tuesday next an organ raeHat wIU be given in the Cathedral, by Mr A. J. Towsey, organist of St Paul's, Ottnooln.

A Wbxblwivd nr thx Brea.—Wood villa (we leant from the Wamganui Chronicle) was recently visited by a whirlwind of a very violent character. The day wee dull and hot, and there was no indication of wind. The atmosphere wm murky with the smoke of bosh fires. A light broess sprang up about noon, and the whirlwind came upon the district in a moment, and with no notice of warning. A Wanganui gentleman wm aa eye-witness ef the phenomenon, and ha atatea that it literally ■tripped a chain's width of the bush along the Maaawatu river, clom to the Woodrille township, for fully a mile. It cleared away every* thing in 15ft circles, and wrenched up and split into matchwood the trees on its onward career. Logs of half a ton weight were lifted in the air and flung a quarter of a mQa off. The whirlwind pasted on through a hush fire, and eeatterex the horning wood in all directions, and with a singularly striking effect. The settlers in the Immediate locality cleared out of their houses, ud hastily beat a retreat, some of them hiding thenuelvea under big logs. Happily no in|ury to life or limb was caused by the whirlwind, and no property was damaged or interfered with except toe line of bash. Bboxxxb Arm.—A horrible accident occurred on the Vandalia railroad, Indiana, on Bov. 28. A paewnger train collided with a construction train. The latter wm running tender foremost. A full supply of cool had Just been taken on, and the collision throwing tha tender up, the heavy weight of fuel wm propelled into the cab, hurling the engineer, John Cromwell, against the boiler head, and holding him immovable against the hot iron. The etop-eoeks wen opened by the substance striking them, and the escaping •team and almost rod-hot boiler burned and scalded the unfortunate man in a terrible manner. He cried piteously for help, but it wm impossible to extricate him. He retained consciousness for a full half-hour, and H hi* body wa* being literally broiled he begged in heart-rending tones for hie comrade* to kill him if they could not release him. The cries gradually grew fainter, and death relieved him from suffering after fas had endured the torture* of a thousand deaths. The wreck wm finally pulled away by another engine, and the body taken to an undertaking establishment. A Nbw Swnrnuva Tsicx. A very successful career of swindling wm brought to an abrupt termination by the arrest of a young mao named Thomas Dynon, who is also known by a number of aliases, at Melbourne. The modus opsrandi adopted by the prisoner, which is very ingenious, is novel in Victoria, though it has been successfully practiced in England. Aa far h can be ascertained, the oootm he invariably pursued during hie prodatorv career was to forward letters to variouehotelkeepers in different parts of the Colony, purporting to be signed by Messra Gainsborough, stock and station agents, of Melbourne and Sydney, announcing that their agent would taka up his quarter* there in a few days’ time, and requesting that a cheque which was enclosed should be delivered to him on his arrival. In pursuance of his usukl custom, Meiers Gainsborough's representative always regulated his movements eo m to reach his destination after back hours, and by means of a gentlemanly exterior and plausible address he invariably succeeded in inducing his confiding host to oblige him by cashing the cheque which had baen sent in advance of him by Ms psoudoemployert, Thb Gotukob’s Rhosptiok.—A disgraceful act of larrikinism, which might have had the effect of disarranging all the preparations for the reception of the new Governor, wm discovered on Friday morning, when it was found by the signalman that during the night someone had spiked the gun proposed to be used for announcing the approach of the ■m, Wakatipu. Word wm sent to Captain Holliday, who at once despatched a man to extract the nail irhieh had been driven into the touch-hole. This wm effected after some little trouble. In connection with the reception, the Post hM the following amusing anecdote:—"Shortly after the gorgeous flag of the Corporation had been hoisted over the Municipal Buildings on Friday morning, one of the Corporation employees noticed that the festive banting was chafing seriously against the top of a chimney in its immediate vicinity. He rushed at once into the Mayoral office, and informed the Mayor of what wm going on. His Worship replied somewhat ah* seatly: ’ls its O, poll it down then.' His informant promptly flew to obey the mayoral order ae he understood it, and having summoned the assistance of another man, tbs twain proceeded with groat agility to the root of the Corporation building* and commenced with utmost expedition to full down tie chimney against which the pieoiooa bunting wm chafing. With such energy did they buckle to their labour of love that had not a pMiing Councillor happened to see them and giro the alarm to the City Engineer, they would have had the peccant chimney down level with the roof In a brace of shake*. They desisted very reluctantly in compliance with a peremptory command, but evidently deemed themselves deeply wronged men."

Pbopobbo Bailwat non Oaxabu to Tin Maoxbbaib OotnrriT.— The Interior Railway Committee of Oamaru, recently passed tho following resolution;— 1 11 That the Hob Secretary write to the Government stating that a movement is being made with a view to tho extension up the Waitaki Valley of the present bran oh line of railway now terminated at Kurow, Seeing that euoh aline would open up a very large area of laud still remaining to the hand* of the Crown, that the Government be aeked whether they would be prepared to grant to a Company undertaking Its construction an area of land equivalent to value to one-third of the cost of construction, ae provided by the Railways Construction and Land Act. 1881. The hon secretary alio asked whether the Government could place at the disposal of the* Committee any nape or plana showing tho area of unsold land between lurow and Gladstone, vii Ltodis Fate, and also between Oamarn and Lake Tekapo and Ohau Plato, and if they would undertake to cause a flying sarreyto be made, with a view to determine the beet route tor the line, the land aeked to to be given as an endow ment. He further stated that the Committee would be willing to aeeist by appointing e practical agriculturist to accompany the Goveroment’e survey pasty and report ae to the nature of the land to such districts generally.” The following is the reply, to which it will be

nett there if no mention whatever mad #o f the Committee’! request that the Oov«t mint would undertateto cause a fl, i n(( tey to be mad* t—“ I am directed by th* Minister of Public Work* to acknowledge u- e receipt «f your letter of the Btb inst,, ten nut log to be informed if the Oovsrnmsnt * r make a grant of land to a compear for n,,' extension of the railway up the Waitaki vii. ley, and in reply to date that the O OT . rn , mint bare no power to ae«i*t railway*, «c«r,t under * The District Bailway* Act, 1879,’ * C( j *Tbe Ballway# Construction and Lend An 1881.’ I am, however, to date thet the Minleter bat given directions that inch tnap« M are available should be furnished to you i n terms of your request.”

Sourmixa Xvmttsa 15 arm Head— a young lady of Chelsea, who had been out shopping. Tinted the office of a pvcmir,»nt physician. She wm flashed end excited, * r .d laid she bad a very strange sensation which led her to apprehend some serious brain trouble—in short, infinity. The peculiar sensation she described wee a feeling running round in a circle on the top of her head. The doctor took off her hat and examined her bead, but found nothing, and she remark'd that the sensation had left her. She put on her hat, and, after sitting a few moment*, lumped up with a *crr«m. tayirg that it baa oome again. Another examination followed—first of the head, then of the hat, and in the bat a email, but aefir*, mouae was discovered. The little story m true.

THK WOBP “ AtStflSlX “ Assassin *’ is a corruption of the word kashshashssn, e name applied to a notorious military and religious sect that flourished at the time of the crusades, because they were supposed to be addicted to the use of heeheeah or Indian hemp. The supreme head of the Assassins wee called the sbeykh-el-gebei, a designation which wm corrupted into the M Old Man of the Mountain.” When be required the *srrices of any of his people, he first intoxicated them with hasheesh 1 end whan the fume* oi the weed had transported them into a fool’* paradise, they were ready for any deed of Mood. The Assassins nourished in Syria until the end of the 13th century, when they were extirpated by the Mameluke Sultan Bibare.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6837, 26 January 1883, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6837, 26 January 1883, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6837, 26 January 1883, Page 4


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