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Vt&dOTS A LTItBNATITS TENDERS wiU be received by the undersigned up_tlll 9atu*d^,Ootober building whoUiWutk oatlosa (U Kaiayoi. 4588 J. O. BEMPLBMAN. TO BUILDERS. addi- ■ tlona to aHocse at Bakala. Plana, ho., may be mod at oar affine, wheretendecs will bo received on oir baton Thursday, Oct. sth, at noon. Th« lowest or any tender cot neoeaearUy accepted. 40KS 48S JAOOBBSN BROS., Architects. TO BUILDBBS. iEES an invited for Ra-building the Empire Hotel la brick and atone (or Hr Biohirdaan. Plana, specifications and conditions maybe aeon at my office ap to the 29th of Sep* tembcr, on which date, at noon, tenders mnat .be cent in. The lowest or any tender not neotasarUy accepted, w SIMPSON. Architect. Union Insurance Buildings, Hereford atreet.Bl63 TO BUILDERS. m END EES are invited for Hotel at Little i Abides. Plana, *O., may be seen at my office, when tenders are to be cent not later than Boon of Tueeday. October 3rd. THUS. SEARELL, Architect, 4588 Hereford street Chambers, WAECKEBLE'S HOTEL. AEABOA. TENDERS an invited for re-building toe above Hotel for Mr B. Bayley. in brick. 80. Plana, specification, *O., can be seen et the office of the Architect, to whom endorsed tender* mo to be eent by 4 p.m. Arohit ect end Surveyor. Union Buildings. 4533 Cashel street, Christchurch. TO OONTBACT PLOUGHMEN. TENDERS are invited tor Ploughing shout ISO Aorta of Turnip Land at GUanavm. Waiper*. Particulars an to ploughing can be obtained from Hr T. A. Joynt. on toe Para, to whom tenders mnst bo sent not latar than Out. 6th, 1888. Amberley. Sept. 86th, 1882. . 4637 482 TO CHABCOAL BUBHEBS. TENDERS an Invited for SO tons Charcoal, delivered at Lyttelton or JBelfashaddrewed to the nndmalgued, by Monday, Oct. 8,1888. £5 JAMBS GOSS. Christchurch. SOUTH BAKAIA BO AD DISTRICT. TENDERS trill be received up to Noon on Thursday, toe sth October, for toe following Works:-* Forming 550 Chain's Gardiner's road Forming 11 Chains CriAland street Forming and Gravelling Footpath in Bowen street Making a Number of Open Crossings on Waterraces •EwUvgfwg a Humber of Culverts on Water* xa&m. Plana and specifications aan be seen at toe Bead Board Office, Bento Rakaia. Tenders to be on* dorsad, and addressed to toe Chairman of toe 2ottd« 4656 A. MAKEIG, Clerk to too Board. TENDERS ACCEPTED. rHB Lyttelton Harbour Board direct toe publication of toe following Tenders Be* efved for toe Undermentioned Works CoscnsTE Floor fob Gun Extort Sh*d, A. Swanston 16 10 O. Ware and Co. US? 2v2 J, Btfnsim ... ... n nr nun.. ISSJT 1 ?" —- H. Brown and Ce. ... W", WlOUma (Accepted) I*** 218 Fxzt Tirrxr Bbxa>tworz. E J.Tait. •- A. Swanston J. Stinson ... ' T. H. Downes M. Brown and Co. Hollis and Williams Then. Downs -W. M. Ogilvie J. Findlay B. Stock and B. H. Clark ■ (Accepted) 1190 10 6 Ihe deposit cheques will be cancelled, for safety, d returned to toe respective tenderers. C. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary and Treasurer Lyttelton Harbour Board. Lyttelton Harbour Board Office, _ Christchurch, 28th September, 1882. 4776 1475 0 1394 0 1363 8 1343 3 1873 18 1270 16 1256 6 1850 4 1240 0 WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. TE ABO RECLAMATION. lENDEBB for toe Beolamation of part of the Te Aro Foreshore will be received at toe r Council Offloe np to 4 p-m, on Thursday, obar 26. . . i«na and specification* to be seen at toe office of any tender not necessarily ac* CHARLES O. OBAHAM, Town Clerk. reDiagton, September 16.1882. . 4888 478 WELLINGTON AND MANAWATU RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED.) NO. 7 OONTBACT, PALMERSTON SECTION. sr BITTEN TENDERS will be received at U the Company's Office; W to m of TUESDAY, toe 10th dey of OCTOBER, L for the oonstrnctio* of toe above Contract, tob la eludes the Bridge over toe Manawatn lens, specifications, and conditions may he aeon the Company's Office, Wellington, at the Public oka Offices In Christchurch and Auckland, and the Offloe of Mr James Linton, Palmerston he loweot or any tender not necessarily so* H. P. HIGOINSOK, Engines. Wellington, 6th September, 1882. 8576 Wool* Orsin. *f>. TEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MEBCANTIL* | i AGENCY COMPANY (LnamJ CAPITAL, RESERVE, A 200.000 LAKES LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on Freehold*, on Stations and Stock, and on growing BCeIvm'cOTSIGNMBNTS Of Wool, Grain, Tallow, Leather, HiAoa, Sktoa. Am, for sal* In New Zeeland, Australian and Lcmdon Markets, NDEBTAXBS INDENTS of British, Oontoaßtal, 'betlndianand~Aiwricaa goods,and CommittlOM in aU Branches of MerMuttUa Bnainiaa^ CTPPLIEB WOOL PACKS AND OOBHSAOKB, at loweatanrrant rates., Fartomlarc on application at toe Company Boas, Cathedral aonaw^Chriatohnroh. iHN COOKE. Managac. IMPORTANT *TO SHEEP FABMEBS, _ STEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MEROANTILB AGENCY COMPANY (Ltd). T.TTHEW4T, CASH ADVANCER ov GROWING CLIPS OF WOOL a either Urge or amaU .flocks, •Nordte) mto toe option of aale In either the local o o markets. J. E. S. ■ offices i edrtl square, Christchurch. loos Manager. 6M4 « ATS, BARLEY. MALT, WHEAT, to B'S WOOL AMD PRODUCE COMPANY (LIMITED), ADELAIDE. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. CAPITAL. ABOO.OOO. ISIGHMBMTSof NEW ZEALAND QBAIN 1,0., reoeirad and prowptly realised. LIBERAL ADVANCES Granted against Shipments. 8. B, WAKEFIELD. Manager. TO FARMERS. [ABLE Seeds foe Sprint Sowing its Otom BeAOlovar). Giant Cow Unas Rape Bread Leaf p, auo, iroian Watttn. Blue and Bed Gum. D.B.N^LABEN.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 6736, 29 September 1882, Page 1
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855Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 6736, 29 September 1882, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 6736, 29 September 1882, Page 1
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