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Tenders TENDERS wanted for Sawing twenty thousand (oet of timber at Fort Levy. For particulars apply to F. Seale, Port Levy, by whom tenders will be received up to July Ist. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 8208 316 TENDERS will be received till 1 o’clock on Friday, Jane 83, for the Erection of the remainder of the Borough Hotel,. Christchurch. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily bd accepted. Plans and spoaidoationß may be seen at my office. 8311 316 W. B. ARM3ON, Architect, ffiBNDEES will be received till (one o'clock on g Monday, July 3rd, (or the Ejection of a Bank at Kalapol (or the Bank of New Zealand. The lowest or any. tender will nut necessarily be ao. oepted. Plans and specification may bo seen at my offlos till Friday. Juno 23rd, and afterwords at the Bank of New Zealand, Koiapoi, till Friday, June 30 th. 8380 317 W. B. ARMSON, Architect. TENDBBEfara Invited for the Erection o( a House at Holmwood. Tenders will be re. oeived at my offloe np to Saturday, July 8. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, O. FEEZ. Aroliitoot. The Exchange, Cashel street. 8383 318 TENDERS will be received at my offloe until 1 p.m. on Saturday, 21th Inst., (or the Erection of Warehouse and Offices lot Mosers Chrystall and Oo.; also, Warehouse', Ao., (or Messrs Mason, Struthora and Oo„ adjoining the above. Plans and specifications may be seen at my office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. C. MADDISON, Architect, 8718 338 Hereford street, Christchurch. (■iBNDEBS Wanted for erecting an addition to -L Forsyth Arms Hotel, Little River. Tenders to be sent in to Mr John Olphert, at the hotel, on or before 30th June. Plans and specifications can be seen at the hotel. The lowest or any tender will not-necessarily be accepted.- Particulars on application to _ 8365 313 JOHN OLPHEHT, Forsyth Arms Hotel. ~ TOBHILmm TENDERS are invited tor the erection of a Villa Residence at Biooarton (or G. King, Esq. Those desirous of tendering can ses conditions, specification, and i drawings at my office, where endorsed tenders will be reoeivedlup till noon on Saturday, June 21, 1888; The lowest or any tender will net necessarily be accepted. T. S. LAMBERT,, Architect. Hereford street, June 7, 1888. 8788 332 THE EDUCATION BOARD OF THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CANTERBURY. STOKE SCHOOL. TENDERS arelevltod tor extensive additions to above School. Those desirous of tender, lug osn see conditions, specification, and drawings at my office. Endorsed tenders arc to be sent in to the Chairman of the Board not later than 3 p.m. on Wednesday. 6th July. The Board does not bind itself to aooept tbe lowest or any tender. ST ALBANS*SCHOOL. fjjnENDEES are invited for the erection of class, JL rooms, lavatories, &o„ at above School. Those desirous of tendering can see conditions, specification, and drawings at myoffioe. Endorsed tenders are to be sent in to the Chairman of the Board not later than 3 p.m, on Wednesday, the Sth July. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. T. S. LAMBERT, Architect. Hereford street, Cbristohnroh, 20th June, 1888. 8386 318 TO CONTRACT PLOUGHMEN. TENDERS are invited for ploughing 600 acres of old- grass land In the Bam paddock, St Leonards. To be ploughed not less than five inches deep. The work to be completed by Sept. 7th. Separate tenders will be received (or two or three hundred acres, to be sent in not later than June SOth, 1882. 8149 842 WILKIN A DAVISON, St Leonards. LINCOLN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SEPARATE tenders are invited for the purohase of the old oburoh and furniture. Tenders to he in not later than Monday, 26th Inst. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address, 9109 349 JOHN TOD, Esq., Lincoln. CELLARAGE. CELLARAGE. TO IMPORTERS, WAREHOUSEKEEPERS, PRODUCE MERCHANTS AND SPECULATORS. THE New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, invite tenders for the lease of one or both of their cellars in their new warehouses, at the junction of Durham street and main line of railway. The cellars are capacious, well ventilated and dry, they are served with railway sidings and have been designed with a view to their employment as bonded warehouses; The premises may he inspected daily on applioation to the warehousekeeper. Conditions of lease to be obtained at the Company's offices. Cathedral Square. •* Tenders will be received np to 26th June. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be aooaptod* 8961 838 JOHN COOKE, Manager. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. reserves”TO LET. FRESH Tenders are invited for Leasing the following Reserves for a term of fourteen years, from the Ist May, 1882 iNoof Acreage. Reserve, a. b. p. Locality. ~, K n on (Western side of Southern So « fsi Railway, 8$ miles from 649 8 Dnnsandel . 10CO 0 0 Upper Waipara, adjoining Messrs Leekay and Noon’s. 538 0 0 North of Bucoleugh, Ashburton Forks. Reserve 2011 will be (leased under amended conditions. ... ..... Conditions of lease can be had on application to the Registrar, Canterbury College. Tenders endorsed Tender for Reserve No. —— must be sent to the Registrar's office, on or before Friday SOth June. 9260 345 F. G. STEDMAN, Registrar. 2211 2011 2207 N. 8.UPPBB WAIMAKARIRI ROAD BOARD. TENDERS for the following are invited up to noon, Saturday, July 1, at M'Nae’a Casa Hotel:— BRIDGES, Waimakariri Bridge 13 30ft spans Ponlter Gorso Bridge, 170 ft span ROADS. Approach to Ponlter Bridge site, 1$ miles Mount Brown Road, 5J miles Approach to Waimakariri Bridge site, i mile Plans and Specifications can be seen at M'Nae's Cass Hotel, and at the offices of the undersigned, EDWARD DOBSON & SON, goath British Chambers, 9278 815 Hereford street, Cbristohnroh. WELLINGTON AND MANAWATU RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED). KAIWARRA CONTRACT. WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at the Company's Offloe, Wellington, np to Noon of Tuesday, the 11th day of July, 1882, for the construction of 1 tho above Contract, which includes Reclamation and 90 Chains of Railway. Plans, specifications, and conditions may bo seen at tho Company's Office, Wellington, and at the Public Works Offices in Auckland, Christchurch, tax d Dunedin* Tbe lowest or any tender not necessarily ao°°ptea' H. P. HIGQINSON, Engineer. Wellington, June 7th, 1882. 8830 834 TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. fMTANTED Known that tho Port Chalmers |f V STONE is delivered at Cbristohnroh at msiderably less cost than any other hard stone j > limit to quantity or size. Orders executed ith dispatch. , . Christchurch Agent, . WILLIAM STOO KB, Monumental Mason, Madras street, Christo untoh. 5880 242 Publications C mHE WEEKLY ADVERTISER AND I COMMERCIAL REGISTER," containing artionlars of Bills of Sale, Agricultural Hens, (ailments, Ao», registered under Chattel Securities k ofcs Declarations of Insolvency, Trustee Appoint* umts. Assets and Liabilities, Share and Property ilat, the Courts, Tlao Tables, 40., for aooh week. DELIVERED TO SUBSCRIBERS AT IBs PER INNUM. by early mails on Saturday mornings. Proprietors : DE VBAUX 4 CO,, Hereford street, Obristoburoh. This publication has • lores and lnoro|pn* ironlotlon throughout the whole of Canterbury, nd Is a good medium (or advertisements concernog property, money, 40. 8580 888 ua « mercantile and bankruptcy GAZETTE" OF NEW ZEALAND. YHB only "Gazette" published In the Colony, and giving tho fullest particulars of bankptoy and Mercantile matters and containing mUv Information of all Bills of Sale, Mori* reset Stock. Lions on Wool. Lions on Crops, Idavitsof Satisfaction, Bailments, Share, Re* rts, 40.. and with which Is now incorporated ’heN. Z. Trade Protection Society's Private List Bills of Sale," 4o„ the entire right, title, and crest therein having > I boon purchased mlMr Samuel Carroll, of Wellington. Annual ascription, £3 Bs, payable In advance. Halfiriv Index published, in January and July in jh year. Agent for Canterbury, Mr G. A. Makelg ireford street, Christchurch. Hood offloe. DunIn. R. T. Wheeler, Advertising Agency, Stafford T* J3* Cbaig's Oisrsmßunx Tnann Pbotxotioh OibotiAb delivered to Subscribers on Monday morning, contains information of all Bills of Bale, Mon. ges of Stock, Liens and Be (rarities Registered in mterbnry under "The Chattels Securities Act, 9b," up to noon of the previous Saturday, as well other useful information. Terms—B2s per uum, payable half-yearly In advance. Indices in dy and January. Offloe—High street, Christ* nrah. X. B. CRAIG, Proprietor. 1170 U
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6650, 21 June 1882, Page 7
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1,367Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6650, 21 June 1882, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6650, 21 June 1882, Page 7
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