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Tenders. SENDEES will bo reoaired at my office until T j >a !?4 >y ‘ l6th lcst . for Alterations Addltiona to White Hart Hotel, Chrlatohnroh, J. O. Shoppard. ««»“4 specification may bo seen at my office, be accepted? * 0t any tonder wUI aot ne oee»aslly J. 0. MADDISON. Hereford street Chambers, A*oWloot. Ohrlatohuroh, 1515141 TO CARPENTERS, &c. TENDERS are invited for Alterations to tho Oddfellows’ Ball, Montreal street North specifications, d0.,t0 be seen at D, Pnltrlok’s, Hallkeeper, eevorn Collage, Aldted street. Tenders to bo sent In by Monday, Fob. 13th, at 6 p.m. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1803 TBNDEBS. fW’ENDEBS are invited to be eont in to the JL Chairman of tho Vlaitpii School Committee, totero 4 p.m. on Saturday next, February Uth, for Painting the School Buildings. Specifications for tho above work can bo seen at tho Eyreton Hoad Board office, Ohoka. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EGBERT WEIGHT, 1752 147 Chairman. TENDERS. 3 SENDEES are invited for Cropping 083 acres et L tusaoek land, situated about two miles from e Walhao Bailway Station, and adjoining the properties of Messrs Price, Crowe, an* others. Tho oapabllltleo of the land can be easily ascertained, as the sections on both sides are now In crop. Further particulars and conditions obtainable on applloationto the undersigned, to whom tenders must be sent not later than March 10th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. FEANEISH, M.D., 1557 143 Christchurch, TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of a House on the North Belt. Plans, Ac., can be seen at my Offioe np to the 18th Inst., on which date tenders most be sent in by noon. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. W. SIMPSON, Architect, Union Insurance Buildings, I 1499 140 Hereford street. HEATHCOTE BOAD BOABD. fTTV*NDSES are invited for Lowering the Ferry B road. Plana and specifications at Board offioe, Ferry road. Tenders to be sent in on or before Monday next, the 13th Inst., at 7 p.m. 1696 145 W. T. C. MILLS. Clerk to the Board. TO LET BY TENDER. TBNDEBS are required for the Lease of a firstMass Country Hotel, doing a good business, in the South of Canterbury. Tenders to close 17th February. For particular* apply to ; TAYLOB A BOWIE, Tlmarus Or, WABD A CO.. Limited, 1551 143 Christohnroh. NOTICE. BY OBDBB OF THE MOBTGAGEE. nnENDBES are invited for PUBCHASE of the LEASE OF THE PSEMISES Known as OkSEEIj HOUSE, , Having about Ten Years to ran, together with the Goodwill of the Business lately carried on therein. Fixtures, Stook-in-Trade, Ao, Separate tenders may be offered for the Lues or the SiOCTt-iir.TitADE, 40. Stock lists are in course of preparation, and will he ready for inspection on and after the X6th inst, on the premises. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned np to 13- o’clock noon of the 20th inst. Each tender to enclose cheque for £SO, as guarantee of good faith. W. STEINGEB, 1711 Cashel House. Brewers’ Notices. J. MANNING, HOUSTON -JJBBWEBY, JgANGIOEA, Having taken the Business . or ALE AND FOBTEB BOTTLING AT K A A P O I. Carried on by MB V. HOLLIES, Begs to notify to the Public that they can still he supplied with both BULK AND BOTTLED ALE AT CUBEENT BATES. • E. HOLLIES, 1850 149 Manager. FBIZE ALE. 'OTELKEEPEES and Families are reminded that the MAGNIFICENT STOCK ALB Manufactured by the CEOWN BEEWEBY COMPANY, LIMITED, H Which was awarded FIBST PBIZE At the late Agricultural Show, is equal to the best English Ale imported. It will keep sound for any length of time, and can be supplied in hogsheads, barrels, or kilderkins, considerably lower in price thaw the imported article. LIGHT BITTEB ALE AND DOUBLE CEOWN STOUT, Of the Finest Quality, In BULK OB BOTTLA, always on hand. THEBE FBIZES Were awarded this year to the CEOWN BEEWEBY COMPANY, LIMITED Antigua street, Christohnroh. Mb W. Ewaxt, Grocer, High street, has been appointed retail town agent for the Company. 8548 WINTEE BBEWED ALE. THE undersigned beg to draw the attention of Private Families to their LABGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE, Which, being brewed with great care, from tho best Malt (no sugar being used), will be found a LIGHT AND PLEASANT BEVEEAGE, Suitable tor the coming Holidays, and will bear favourable comparison with the best English Ales, Supplied in casks of all sizes, and delivered Free to all Eailway Stations in Canterbury. B. MANNING & CO.. Christohnroh Brewery, 8731 07 Lower High street. 8 M anninq 4 C O,l OHBIBTCHUBCB BEEWEBY BOTTLING STORES, HEBEFOBD STBEET. Opposite the Colonial Bank. 8464 14 Publications 1170 130 NOTICE. SATURDAY, Uth Instant, will be published 1 WEEKLY ADVERTISER AND COMMERCIAL REGISTER," Lining all Information concerning Bankj. Bills of Bale, Liens, Ao., up to the preay. Prices of Stocks, Shares, Grain, &c.. and a y of useful Miscellaneous matter. Ato subscribers for 15s per annum, in ador obtainable from the Nows agents at {3d T. B. C/EAIO-a itebbubt Toad* Pboieoxi o« Cibctlab rered to Snbswlbers on meralngjins information of all Bill* of Sale, More, f Stock, Lions and Securitiesi Registered in >nry under ** Tho Cb&ttols Boouritios Aot« ip to noon of the previous Saturday# as well r useful information* s—32* pet annum, payable half-yearly in advance. Indices in July and January. Offlee-High street, Christchurch. x* x>* UoAiir* Proprietor* « MERCANTILE AND BANKRUPTCY GAZETTE*’OF_NEW ZEALAND. BEBBY give notloe that the "V, Z.Trade Protection Society’s Private List of Bills of »0.. of which I have pnrohassd the entire title, and interest from Mr Samuel Carroll, llington, and which is now teooiporatedfn I evert informaapeotmg the Gazette from Mr G* A* Makeig# «d street. Christchurch, or g|“ LEBf « Dunedin. ’
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6540, 11 February 1882, Page 3
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949Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6540, 11 February 1882, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6540, 11 February 1882, Page 3
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