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Kl>oell»ne<ra« "CIXPANDINQ writing oases, easily packed li Hi the portmanteau, from lOe 6a te SBs. A luge assortment. iStephenßon’e Stationery WerehouH 69, Oxford btreat, London. W. SAMPLES QEATIS, lON. Tl A P I E E MAS JT " The Placet Writing Paper. Apply 83, Soho square W„ (or Spoolmoa Sheets end Envelopes, sent gratis by post. To bo had of ell etatlonore and wholesale only of the Manafeotnreer MABIOH A CO., 'OX LondonFEKTWOEK AND OAEVINQ AND MECHANICAL TOOLS. KI/rAOHINEB, Toole, and Materials of all; da. IVI Boriptione for amateurs. Everything of best quality et moderate prices. Tool chest (or household nso from 18s each. Catalogues end price lists sent free on epplloatio MOSELEY A SIMPSON, Tool end Cutlery Manufacturers, 17 and 18, street, Covent garden London, W„0. £JLABKE’S PYBAMCD POOD WABMBE. Soe that the Patentee’s name is on the Lamp Price oMbt No, 1 holds 1 pint food, besides water ,„ 8s 6d No. 8 holds (pint food, ~ ;, ... 6s Od No. 8 bolds 1 pint food. „ ,- ... 6s 6d Clarke's Pyramid Night Lamps, 9d, Is and 8s 6d. Clarke’s . ~ „ Lights, 8d per box Caution.—The Patentee, in reply to numerous customers, begs to state that he will warrant his Patent Pyramid Nursery Lamp Pood Warmers to answer the purpose (or which they ore recommended only when the Patent Pyramid Night Lights are burned in them; the common night lights will not give sufficient heat. Persons who find a difficulty in obtaining the Pyramid Night Lights in good condition are requested to write t the Patentee, „ S, CLABKE, Albany street, Eegent’s Park, N.W., Who will give the address of his nearest agent. The Pyramid Night Lights are best when newly made; the Pyramid Pood Warmers are sold by au respectable dealers throughout the Kingdom. OiDTioß,—The Patentee having been informed that mineral oil lamps are sometimes used in his amps, especially abroad, such being extremely dangerous, customers aftainst thenss of the same 128846 QEATE PUL.—COMPOSTING. EPPS’S COCOA. TJ EEAKPAST.—“ By a thorough knowledge of M 3 the natural laws which govern the opera* turns of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected 00000, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast .tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save ns many heavy .doctors' bills. It Is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a const!. Bon may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies ate floating around ns ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well* fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.”—See article in the Oivu Seroiti Gowtte. 'tUade simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in Packets or Tins, labelled— JAMES EPFS A GO. Homoeopathic Chemists, ILobdob, Tha Horse-Clipper's Friend I What has been wanted (or rears IHIS invention, which is protected by Letters : Patent,is for expeditiously sharpening Horse dipping Machines. The operation of sharpening horse clippers by it fa so simple that anyone oanuse it, and it will be of the greatest nse to farmers, hone dealers, livery stable-keepers, and others. Poll instruct ions (or use are sent with every sue ins. Price of the sharpener, taMnding Wrench, pontih, and rooking oaso, 17a 6dt and with a horse dipper, 17s So. Applications accompanied by P.O, W JOSEPH TBIOKETT, Cutlery Works, Kework^a-Tront Orders. Testimonials on application. Agents wanted for Prance snd Germany, May be had of Saddlers and Ironmo , Highest Award and Prize Medal, Philadelphia Exhihltion.lß76.” NEVES-FAILING , REMEDY FOB LIVEB COMPLAINTS; DB SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVES PILLS, prepared without mernunr. are invaluable to all who suffer from Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression, Irritability, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Lowness of Spirits, with sensation of fulness at the pit of the Stomach, Giddiness; Dizziness of the Eyes, and all those other symptoms which none but a sufferer can describe. For Habitual- Costiveneea or (or persons suffering from Files they will be found most efficacious. As a general Family Aperient Medicine they have no equal, being mild in their operation, and grateful to the stomach. They give a healthy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the necessary organs of the stomach aad liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole system. A CHEMIST WHITES:— 286, High street, Brentford. August 88,1879. Gentlemen,—Perhaps yon will be pleased to learn that the sale of Dr Soott’s Pills is increasing; in 18771 sold 43 boxes, in 1878,74 boxes, and since Jan 1 over 100 boxes. They give great satisfaction, and as Ido not advertise any pills myself, I shall continue to recommend them to my customers. I am, yours, Ac., - JOHN WATTS. Some unprincipled vendors, In order to make >flt, will try to persuade you to buy modiprOitbi niu vaj w jvi* vv wiy »■«"»«" cine prepared by themselves: do not do so. but insist on having Dr Scott’s Bilioqa and Liver Fills, wrapped in a square green package. These genuine Pills are prepared by W. Lambert,T7S, Seymour » London, W., and sold in boxes at Is ltd and by all respectable medicine vendors, or post (res for 14 o 34 stamps. , m AEDE’S COMME Hi FAUT BAIB PBODUCBB. 's Capillore. Warde’s Beal Hair Producer. Public Ombiob,—' The original letters from which these quotations axe taken can be seen at any time. " Mrs E., Hue Lorps, Antwerp, writes to inform Messrs Wards that she considers The Cornice D Fact very effloaoionß, snd means to avail herself of their offer to send one dozen.” "The Countess of 0., Surrey, and the Hon Mrs P., Mayfair (both), will feel obliged by Messrs Wards sending, Ao." Mr T., Edinburgh, writes, "A lady, who has been using a preparation of yours for the hair, has strongly recommended It to me.” Mr G.» of Burton, writes: " Please send me another bottle; the last I had from you gave great satisfaction, the first application having had an instant effect, as, before using it, my hair was coming off rapidly.”' (Mr G. cannot mean the first application, nut the applies* tions of the entire bottle.—W. and Oo.) Lord 8., writing from Hants, simply says: “He has heard a good deal about it.” It can be used as an ordinary dressing. It is harmless, changes not the natural colour of the hair, yet keeps it from turning grey, stains not the »Hn or linen, thoroughly eradicates scurf and makes a refreshing hair wash (one toospoonful to half a pint of water being sufficient.) , Sample Bottles. Bs6d and 4s 6d each-(one-third beyond usual size); for family and travellers’ use—null size,i-doz, 6s6d; )-doz, 18s 6dt largo size, , J doz, 18a 6d j )-doz, 84s. From all Ohem&ts.per cneir order on wheleeale, or sent, free from observation, to any port of the world, upon receipt of remittance. Orders of 4s 0d and upwards, carriage paid (United ' 1870 464 16 Great Marlbro’ street London W. MedrijgTuis Exhibition), awarded to nay and moron-b Beal Japan Liquid Blacking, he only composition of the kind to n serve the leather. nourish x < High Holbcrn. Loxdtn AUGHAN-JONBH BUM (“Standard " brand), in Bottles. _ Haseali'a report states "Vaughan. Jonas’ Standard’Bun,, pure old Jamaica, was found cm Analysis to possess the peculiar ana very fragrant odour and volatile and aromatic taste characteristic of Bum of very superior quality and is quite pure.” Sold everywhere n the Colonies. VAUGHAN-JONBS,: 17* Water Lane, London. R AYN HAM'S BNTBBIOON THE NEW BPEOXFIO. Gives Immediate Belief and Speedy Chin In &SSSS&SST- Flatulence, Palpitation, i Permanent Cure in , and all Fonotional Bapidly Bcnoratee the Nervous and Hnsenlac Bysta“» and is an Infallible Bemady for Liver Com. plaints. Female Complaints. Low of Appetite, Ao. A Spsolflo for aU Imparities of the Blood, OSesriveßresth, Pimples, Eruptions, the baneful effects Mcroory, *o. A short trial will satisfactorily prove the efloaos this extraordinary medio ine »80-d by all respeon able Ohemlste end Storekeepers, Frioe, Be, Wholesale Agent* i RBMPTHOENA, PBOSSES *IOO., DUNEDIN. 7-17 _Gtvw Speedy Belief and i Nervous Debility, Weakness Derangements of either sex. B BRIGHTS P.HOSPHODTHA* . „ jonlyrellable remedy for Indigestion -Norvom end Liver Complaints, and all Funotlonal Dcratite moots. _ Recommended by the Faculty. Bold by all Chemists and Storekeepers, In can* et 10s fld, or In family oases, containing one 4«» 1M 6d cases, at AS. Agents 87-844 KEMPTHOBNE, PBOSBEB A 00,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6536, 7 February 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6536, 7 February 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6536, 7 February 1882, Page 3