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H. Matson Sc Co. THE FIRST SALE or TH» P I A K O ’ 8 CAB GO. ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM. IT MAY OONOBBN. NO BE3EBVE, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1879, U o'clock. MESSES H. MATSON & CO. have received Is. struotlons to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At their Salerooms, Cashel street, Christchurch, ON TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1879, At 11 o'clock. The first portion o( the CARGO OF THE PIAKO, From London, WITHOUT EE SE EVE, On account of whom it may concern, all more or less damaged. 353 kegs nails 63 tins nails 29 casks nails 7 firkins grease 16 kegs shot 51 drams oil, round 10 drams oil, square 8 casks stoves S pieces machinery 1 case merchandise 40 tins paint 1 case lenders 8 gate posts 1 case and a quantity Of iron 15 casks zino 114 boxes candles 3 tins washers 7 drums oil 10 tins paint A large quantity of iron bedsteads, springs, &o. 7 boilers 6 colls wire Large quantity of grates Large quantity of fenders Large quantity of stretchers 4 beer engines 4 casks hardware 5 casks bolts 1 case gas stores, and a quantity loose 1 ease machinery 1 weighing machine l ease blushes 1 case sewing machines r 1 case hardware and 6 cases do A large quantity of kettles 1 case varnish 1 case chair bottoms 60 cases galvanised iron 2 oases' 1 cask, contents unknown 1 cask locks 1 case sundry iron 3 cases pianos 2 oases pickles 11 casks oil 2 cases paper Sundry casks and cases, contents unknown 2 cases leather 1 case of instruments 1 case soap lease looks 158 iron pipes 162 iron gutters 5 bundles tubes 8 cases ploughshares 1 case mangles &c„ &c„ Ac. On account of whoa it may concent. NO RESERVE. Other sales of shipments ex Piako will follow os they come to hand. TUESDAY,~MAY 6, 1879. 11 o’clock. Terms at sale. 1501-257 IMPORTANT MERCHANDISE SALE. TO COVER ADVANCES. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1879. 2 O'CLOCK. MESSES H. MATSON & CO. have received instructions from the importers, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THEIB MERCHANDISE AND LAND SALEBOOMS, CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, ON THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1879, 2 o’clock, The following extensive ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE, 500 boxes, 251bs each, Apollo sperm candles 100 boxes, do do Belmont sperm candles 230 cases Peak’s Ub jams, assorted 32 cases currants, new fruit 110 barrels currants, new fruit 100 casks crushed loaf sugar, lewt each 172 boxes Valentia raisins, new fruit ISO boxes Elme raisins, new fruit 613 bags light yellow counters, Victorian Bug ar Company 100 oases Hennessey's Pale Brandy 10 quarter-casks do do 30 quart er-casks Vinegrower’s brand 8 pockets new Kent hops 100 coses, 1 doz each, sherry 30 cases, Idoz. each, amontillado 77 cases American salmon tall faults) 7 cases Beaume Burgundy 32 bage pepper, about SOlbs each 20 half-chests Congou 35 kegs Spanish olives 20 boxes Italian shapes 10 quarters vinegar 12 owt Wamock's soap 7 iron tanks, 4CO gallons each Grass Seeds, ex City of Quebec—Alsike, red and white clover, cow grass, Timothy, rye, Italian. The above will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, and are ordered to be sold to cover advances. Liberal terms will be given. The dried fruits are all new seasons. The above sale is a splendid opportunity to buy first class goods at a low price. THURSDAtTmaY 8, 1879, 2 o’clock. 1517-288 H. E. Alport. THIS DAY. IMPORTANT SALE OP NEW AND FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, AT Cr C. C. Aikman’s Auction Booms, Cashel street, Christchurch, THIS DAY (THURSDAY). E. ALPOET has received instructions n Mr Foster (who is relinquishing the et branch of his furniture business, the icing found too small, and his large and is fumituiewarehonse in Colombo' street r the railway crossing, being now comdesirous of concentrating his business a give greater attention to the interests omers,) ILL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the above day, . , surplus stock of furniture, carpets, bod- / 4c., removed to Mr C. C. Aikman s ■e auction rooms for convenience of sale. Che ' ,J * “ HO BUWO vw * - ING-EOOM FUBNITUEE, viz.: -room suite in maroon, gold, ond ed rep . ~ , ,- uttee suite, in blue and gold [reen rep , walnut, maroon and gold and 100 tables _ I Cromwell suite m leather r suites in hair cloth alnut whatnots . 1 glasses, carved oheuomers a turniture, carpets, Ac. I wood bedsteads, all sizes tee, blankets, Ac., to match Lsses, all sizes and shapes, with marble I marble top washatonds, and toilet tehandhalf Scotch chests of drawers lattresses, towel horses , r. Kidder, and felt carpets ie and linoleum in body and bordered. •pets, cocoa and other matting •ufirs and door mats •• /s wood and iron cots and cradles tment of fenders and flreirons jnbrella and hat stands mtew'f other articles toonumorous to 1474-257 niflon. {ING SALE instructed by Mr T. W. the Estate of Mr A. r. tUOTION, Stock, Ac. 3 advertisement. 003-288
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5672, 1 May 1879, Page 8
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815Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5672, 1 May 1879, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5672, 1 May 1879, Page 8
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