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LYTTELTON. * ABUTTED. Mkrch 19—‘Wanganui, s.s.. IT9 tons. M*Arthur, from Port Chalmers and Oamaru. J, 11. Hoywood and Co., agents. March 19—Albion, s.s., 597 tons, Tozer, from Melbourne, vi& South. E. Puflatt, ogent. Passengors— Saloon, from Melbourne: Miss Melville. Messrs J. Davis and Wardrop; 10 sieorage. From Coast: Mrs Joss and 9 sons, Miss Cay ford Messrs Simpson, Davis,Oliver; 2steerage; SLfor North. CLEARED. March 19—Wave of Life, schooner, 55 tons. Herbert, for Hokitika. Master, agent. SAILED, March 18—Comst, kstch, 53 tons, Short, for Blenheim. Cuff and Graham, agents. March 19—Wanganui, s.s., 179 tons, M Arthur, for Wellington, Wanganui. Taranaki, and Manukau. J, M. Hey wood, agent. , VnVeh 19—Northern Monarch, ship, 1930 tons, Itowaftm, for Loudon. Now ZeaUud Snipping Com--s^2i-Xl9-Albion, s.s.. 597 tons. Tozer, for Weilington. E. Pallets, ogent, Passenger*: calwn, -Mrs Mj-ris aud ser>:mt. Misses BoU«b. and Kudden. Messrs Dow K-r, w, xx. W&xs?Piemre, Buckridge, and child, Andenon. HaUenstein. For Nelson -Mr .vewarr.. ,or Bluff —Mr Bowler. For Auckland—Messrs 1 ram. Mowbray, and Angerstrin Steerape-Mes.-rs Andrews. Parson, Nixon, Andrews, M'Palyau. Powell. IMPOBI9. Wanganui; From Dunedin - 6 cases. 4 pkgs, 1 bale. Consignees—Order; Hajuuu and Co.; Hoioin? > C x>m xh. , a , Albion: From Melbourne, under bond— - casts, 139 oases, S pkgs, 29 ingots tin, 225 lengths pipe, 9 bales, 4, 55 ba (-chests, 20 quarter-tie roes, S barreU, 5 quarte'-c isks, S parcels, 95 pieces stone, 20 kegs. From Bluff—2 boxes. 1 rom Dnucdio. toe—* plates iron, 23 coses, I bar steel, 12 pliges, 4 castings, 1 cask, 2 trusses, 2 bab s, « parcels, a vehicles. Consignees—Atkin on; Duncan and bon ; Kemptiorno and Co. ; Kemp; loombs; Davis; Miles, Hsssal »n-v Co.; Dransfleld and Eoper; Wilson,Sawtell; T. J. Maling; Drier; Mrs Burt; Pope; Wood; Shannon; Ballantyne; birapsou; Mulligan and Co.; Sheriff; Lightbaud, Allan and Co.; A. Walker; C. W. Turner; J. Anuerson; H. Hawkins; G. Hutchison, J. Fleming; Chilman« S. Nashclski. EXPORTS. Albion: For Wellington—2s bales, 14 cases.-4 empties, 1 bos, 90 cheese, s.bus, I cask. For Nelson—2 bales, 9 qr-casks. For Hokitika -5 wucs 30 sacks. For Qreymoath—s sacks, 1 bag. ior Wanganui—l case. For Auckland—l pkg. ior Koton—l case. For Taranaki—l ram. Shippers— B. Wilkin and Co. iDransfleld and Soper; Koyse, Stead and Co.; Kempthorne and Co.; Smart; Cuff and Graham; Boyle; Lightbaud aud Co.; J Gilmour and Co.; Eichardson; Sorensen; Sdanders, Fletohe- and Co.; M’Conneil Bros,; HiUenatem Bros, „„ , Wanganui: For Wellington-1 case, 20 sacks. 85 cheese. For Wanganui—3o bags, ior Taranaki —l7 cases, 81 sacks. For Ma ukau-S cases. Shippers—Toosey and Co.; Blackwell; H. t>. Sorensen; W. D. Wood; G. King and Co.; Blacs: ; Davis and Co.; H. Hawkins. VESSELS IS HARBOUR. Ships—Northern Monarch, Arethusa, Alarlborongh, Waikato, Orthes, City of Quebec. Prnko, Northampton, MaraveL , Bawues—Bebington, Mennook, Chile, Elizabeth, Fager, Victoria, Especulador, Jas. A. Borland, Letterfourie, Marie. Mary Ann Annison. Brigs—Transport, Emily, Fawn, Emperor. Brigantines and schooners Lcefcitia, Mary King? Annie Hill, Akbar. Atlantic. Eichard and Mbit. Christina, Wave of Life, Beward, Onward, Garibaldi, Clio, Croydon Lass, T. B. Taylor, Dido, Msrmion, Transit, Isabella Pratt, Gael, Waiwera. Ketches—Courier, Amateur. Steamers—Titan, Lyttelton, Akaroa. VESSELS AT THE WHARVES. No. 1 wharf—Marlborough, loading; City or Quebec, Orthes, discharging; Boyne, discharging ; Arethnsa, Piako. No. 2 wharf—Marmion. No. 3 wharf—Transport, Especulador, Jas. A. Borland, Clio. . „ , No. 4 wharf—Fawn, Atlantic, Northampton. Tunnel wharf—Camille, Fager, Emily. Peacock’s wharf—Victoria, Elizabeth, Marie. Breastwork Lmtitia, Keward. T. B. Taylor, Christina, Croydon Lass, Isabella Pratt. * EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From London Coriolanus, Cape Finesterre (N.P.8.W.), s.s. Stad Haarlem, Ked liauutlet, Waimate (N.M.P.S.), Himalaya 1V.T.K.J1.), Soukar, Adelaide. ~ , From Auckland—Margaret Galbraith (J.ii-.L.iu.), Ada C. Owen, Sissy. From Kaipara—Torea. From Newcastle Bells, Tlndes, Star, Jasper, Swallow, Sunbeam,. Minora, Sarah Dreyfus, JLoch From Port Clialmera—Hawea, March 22. From Nevv York via Wellington—Albert, Hermes, Thames. From Glasgow— Coromandel (P.C.F.D.). From Auckland via Fast Coast —Lady Bird, March 22. From Srdaey—Tararna, March 27, From Melbourne via South— ttotorua, March 27. From Calcutta, via Port Chalmers—Buttermore, Q.H.D.P. From Grafton —Mary Newton. From London, via Lisbon —G.B.S. From Jackson's Bay—Mary Ann Annison. From New York —Isaac Hall, Anabel. From Ngunguru—Orpheus, From Picton—Spray. From Mauritius—Thurso, From Java -Uio Lo<c. Prom Hokitika— Alert. From Freemantle—Matilda. From Hobart Town-Pet. Prom Bristol —Albatross. From "Wellington - Ladybird, March 22. From Bluff—Dahlia. From Waitapa—Edith Reid. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For London — Marlborough, Mennock, Piako, Stad Haarloui. Boyne, Bebington, Northampton, Maravel Margaret Galbraith. For Melbourne, via South—Albion, Mirch 24; Taxarua, March 27. For Sydney, via Wellington—Rotorua, March 27. For Auckland, via Fast Coast — Hawea, March
22. Tor Port Chalmers - Ladybird, March 22. For Newcastle Elizabeth, Transport, Emily, Boyne. For Wellington - Hawea, March 22. For Kaikoura and Wellington—Huia, March 23, For Auckland—Atlantic, Flora, Christina. For Bluff - Chile. For Nelson—‘jrciyJon Lass, ’Richard and Mary. For Hobart Town—Tararua, March 27. The barque Loweswater will sail from Timaru for London to-day with 8100 sacks of wheat. The s.s. Wanganui, Captain Findlay McArthur, arrived from Port Chalmers and Camara yesterday morning. She sailed for ■Wellington, Wanganui and Mannkan at 5.30 p.m. The ship Northera Monarch, for London, was towed to sea yesterday morning by the p.s. Lyttelton The ship Northampton was berthed at the new No. 4 wharf yesterday. The ship Arethusa was berthed inside the Marlborough at Gladstone pier yesterday. There are no less than four ships discharging railroad iron at the Gladstone pier to-day, viz , the Piako, Orthes, Arethusa, and Boyne; so that there will be a large demand for trucks, which are by no means plentiful. The Marie was berthed at Peacock’s wharf yesterday. The Star and the Jasper sailed from Newcastle for this port on March 4, the Sarah Dreyfus left on March 6. the Sunbeam on March 7, and the Loch Nee on March 9. The s.s. Albion, Capfain Tozer, left Port Phillip Heads at 8 p.m. on March 11; passed Wilson’s Promontory at 6 a.m. on March 12, and Swan Island at 7 p.m. Experienced strong head winds and thick rainy weather across. Siehted the light on S.W. Cape at 6 p.m. on March 16, and reached the Bluff at 6.30 a.m. on March 17; left again at 8.15 p.m.; passed the Nuggetta at 11.15 p.m., and arrived at Port Chalmers at 6.30 a m. next morning. Landed 170 tons cargo, took aboard 60 tons, left the wharf at 6 p.m., cleared the Heads at 6 35 p.m. Bad fine weather np the coast to arrival in harbour at 1.30 p.m, yesterday. The Albion sailed for Wellington last evening. POBT OF LYTTELTON. High water this day (Thursday), March 20— Morning, 152 : night, 2.15. March 19, 9 a m, —Barometer, 29.80: thermometer, 65.00. Wind, north-east, light; blue sky. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. 19, Lyttelton, 2 p m., Albion, worn Vort Chalmers; Tort Chalmers, 11,45 a.m.. Kmgarooma, from Lyttelton; Lyttelton, 11.15 a.m.l Wanganui, from Oamaru. akaroa. akbited. March 18—Margaret Miller, from Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Auckland, March 19. Arrived: Shaw, Savill and Co.’s barque Aiaster, from London, 105 days. The steamer Wellington sailed from the Manukau during the afternoon. Passengers for Wellington —Messrs Keen, Wills, and Willcock. For Lyttelton—Mrs Carter, Mrs Carpenter, Rev Johnston, Pearson, Judge Fenton, and Secretary Pearson. Post Chalmees, March 19. Arrived—Frederick Bassif, barque, from New. castle; Ringorooma, s.s., from the Coast. Departures—Maori, s.s., for Timarn, The hull of a schooner which, according to the Natives, had come from some port in New Zealand, was seen on the shore of Penrhyn Island, South Pacific, by the Columbia, barque, Vancouver’s Island to Melbourne; she went ashore on Deo. 23, according to the Natives, but all the crew were saved, — Australasian Shipping Nevis,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5637, 20 March 1879, Page 4
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1,233SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5637, 20 March 1879, Page 4
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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5637, 20 March 1879, Page 4
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