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Ltr-sttcs RBf.iTtA.~The prizes won at ;hf refall* were distributed at the Mitre Hotel JLrttdton, last night. Tun Mails.—The outward English mad *Jd«T*icbed *** eremnc. the mad boat meets her takes nmb and passengers on to San

meeting of racers of the Heathcote d»Srtteok place yesterday. the report and balance sheet being uiasnmoudv adopted. A report of the prococdmp fc* found in ancdier column. n . . Tur-T A!f» Ix>ax Oo*r*rr.-It is nadtp<aod that Mr Bowen. M.H.K. for Kaiamd. is (o -ureeed Mr Csirulhers as Inspector of this (Jipany for Few ZmlMi We are not aware st present whether this will Isadto a vaatocr in the representation for Eaiapoi, AKArsm Or eel. The amateurs are having nichtly rehearsal* at the Gaiety Theatre, and making excellent progress. The t'cket* are rapidly brine disposed of, #0 that the &*t performance of Martha by amatson in Christchurch promisee in every sense to be a success. _ K Brs-yuix IxrrrrsuL School.—Testerdav the children a: this school had their annus! trip to Lyttelton. They arrived by the 9 am. train" and were taken over to Rhodes’ Bsv in the Government steam launch and ‘some boats, kindly lent for the occasion. The weather was beautifully fine, and a verv enjoyable day was spent. AssirfoxAi 'Ejulwav Cabkiaghs.—The fifteen additional ml way carriage* which were to bare been brought up from Invercargill for the holiday traffic on the Christchurch line, bai which were detained in consequence of the breaking down of the tbmgitats bridge, will reach here to-day and sriZJoe retained on this portion of the line.

Siis of Peopkett. The well-known Mate of the Messrs H. and J. Tarkcr, in the Waimate disteict, has been sold during the week to Messrs Driver and Co., of Dunedin. The price at which this fine estate of 9500 acres changed hands has not transpired, but It is believed to have been satisfactory to the sellers. It was bought in at a recent sale in Christchurch, at £9 10s per acre.

AsesCktox. —The weather in this District has undergone a delightful change the last two days, and will now bate a marked effect in the improvement of our crops. On Thursday night a slight drizzling rain commenced to fall, and continued until early morning, which will improve the feed in the parched up paddocks.. The rain was succeeded by a beautifully cool and fine day yesterday. LO.O.FALD.—The annual meeting of the loyal Woodend Lodge was held, as usual, at the end of the year. Thsra were about 30 members present. The following officers were elected, viz.;—Bro. J. Stokes, 5.G.; Bro. W. MarfiU, VG-; Bro. F. Horrcll, Secretarr ? P. G. Conway, R.B, to the V.G.j andP. G. Ed», 8.8., to the V.G. This Lodge continues to prosper, and is increasing in numerical strengta. An liAixrciXATiOK.—An unfortunate mas was found in a very depressed state by the police at Ashburton on Friday last. Hi* urns is Patrick Arsech. He has not been drinking, bat appears to be suffering from some mental dimes and hallucination. He told tot policeman to take him somewhere ao t nat they could shoot him, as he eras tired of living He wished Constable Maroney to do *■' • « w*» ultimately sent to the Asylum.

AsHßrzroy BosoPGfl Watib Scppit.— Op Thursday Mr Hacdy-Johnston, together with toe Mayor and Couocilion of the Ashhurton borough, visited the spot indicated on .Mesiri Foots and Sons' plan for bringing the water Into the town for fire prevention and otaer pnrpoeea. Mr Sdsrari Handera drove tar party to the nlaee where it ta in* tended to (ale the water from the Ashburton mer> and after the inspection of several spot* had been made, Ur Johnston handed in hi» report at a special meeting of the Cornual Le*d for Um purpose of its consideration the «ae evening. Mutcanaxßß Stbbbt Obcssixo,—Ooun* c-iiar Ayers' efforts to have a crossing made over the Booth town belt, from Manchester •traet to the railway station, are likely to nib**, with aueeese, as Mr T. Bichmond, of the Xmniaus Hotel, has offered to contribute one-half the cost of an asphalts erosatng from to* western footpath in Manchester afreet to 1 ;ie footpath opposite She railway fooiferidgs, wtncc. Itsdi to the new lon dins cuotform need for the up trains. to r awy out this very necessary week if one-half iU cost were contributed, and it will ao doubt thTt boJ ,Ut *° !ia after the next meeting of

Ins Siawiw Fawilv. aerelt wtu repeated lari eras tog lor the last time at tie Oddfellow** Hall to a large A-tecdance, and was as fnth >*;';■*<— lly reiWr «,** <tU , * O / previous oeesaum. Mka ~t eWttrt » FfnaLericg of “Bobcrt toi quo ir?®* applauded, and the Hisses Weliis Stewart had to repsat toe UU« Henria’ ’* and “Maid of Athens-’’ loTught a sparkling entertainment entitled wntteo for this talented family by Mr Garnet Welch, will be produced, with new Magi «,d donees, and judging from the programme, a most enjoyable eteninx’samnse* fU9Dt ULHJ b<S lOti

% Wa,t °» Srs*M CuAwaa.—The want of , crane* in the wbarrei in Port le oecomug a very aerioua matter. Our ship* png u bewaring rapidly, and the Harbour Board, to keep pace with the requirement*, are tonetructfaif «/Ml*inn*J wharf accommodation •, but this will rendered comparatively uaeleu ae there cnwwe to cany on the work of diaohaigiog TweeU. The matter has been remwented to the Governmeat upon tarenl oceaeione, but no action appear# to hare been taken b the matter. Lnleii lome additional cranes are provided at once a eerkm. low %U 1 ftf ue through delay in discharge of their cargo. .ywteday, on the maater of a vcriel applying for a crane to ducharoo hi* reeee), hswas toul that it would be about a fortnight before be Could hare it. It «to be hoped ?•*' “*? * icT * mU Ixl u ’ ijn to remove iach a »Ugmu fru;a our port.

Absbst.—A man named Joseph Hau war arrested jwMM)hy*ir’Clsi^ charge of stealing a valuable retriever dog from a tent at Hornby junction. Biss is tbb Fates ovMuk.--.Forty milkmen announce that in consequence of the eoiratT of grass.: they intend raising the price of their milk to Saa quart.;

Bbojstbatiow o« Dosa-ii many per* sons have called at the Police DepOt during the last few days-to register dogs, it may be as well to inform owners of i t hose animals that dogs have for the future to be registered at the Town Clerk’s Office, where collars su be obtained oh payment of the customary fee. ... , ' “ '

Draught Svocx roa tbs Coßoirr.—We learn by sperisd wire from Dunedin that the Clydesdale horse Kilbowie has arrived there in the Nona! in excellent condition. He is deecrihed by competent judges as a magnificat animal. homo Donnie Scotland that died on the voyage out in the same vessel was ralued at JaWO. ». I '9‘ Q , ,T T A I thoreoularweskly seesion of Si. Andrew s Lodge, No. 41, held on last P** - 31 * %o Clephaoe, DJD.Q.W.C.T., and amroseolative to the Grand Lodge, gave an interestkfrrerss»« of the business done at the Qrand Lodge, for which the worthy and respected brother received the hearty thanka of the Lodge, The Lodge also expressed its the work done at the Grand Lodge session m Nelson. ; Thb Apouax Waa.—The . telegram about the fight in the Karma Yaltar reached ua in rather an ambiguous fom. The following is the, style in which it appears in the Jiyw .■ —: Bombin’, Dec. lA—Some of the native tribee in the Kurum Valley riiow a hostile dispoaU tion. Three men were killed, and two offioen and 13 men were wounded, in an attack by the Mangels yosterdwr on the baggage train attached to General Heberts* column. They were, however, defeated with heavy lose. Through Tsavko to Dckkois*,—By latest advioee on Thursday It was stated that it was doubtful whether the repairs to the Bangibata bridge , would admit of the ordinair khrmigh traffia to Dunedin being I resumed before Wednasdiy next. .Wo new loam that so much expedition hat been used in repair* mg the damage that the department believe they will be able to ntn the passenger trams through this morning, and tbey hope to get heavy luggage Over towairds evening.

Thxatm Koval.—Tho Baker and Farrorf Company repeated the American drama “lisa last evening, tlje attendance being moderately good, The various songs and dances which virtually constitute the entertainment again found favour with the audience, a» also* did the evolutions of the Ldiputian army. The miens will be; played again to-night. On evening the company is to appear for the last, and on that occasion thopsrformanoo is to be for the joint benefit of Messrs Baker and Farron,

ThhExqlish Ciuojtxraas ik Vxciobxa.— Soma of the Englishmen, before the big match on Boxing Bay, gave the Melbourne cricketers a taste of their quality. Three of them played for thoM.C.C.C. against Eighteen of Hctham, and made 203 runs between them. Hornby treated the unlucky fieldsmen to an innings of 106, he and Gibson making nearly 300 before the first wicket felL Lorn Harris went in next, and scored 88, and Hons followed with 9. The total of the dayVpUy was 362 for seven wickets, Gibaon SS. In another match Lucas made 70, and.'some of his comrades smaller scores.

Bailwat Cab Siawd.—The By-law Committee visited the South belt on Friday and decided on the position of the cab-stand at the railway-station. It is intended that after allowing a width of one chain across the belt from the main passenger cntrance.. the hansom cabs shall range at one side and the foor-whcelers the other, eo tbat a passenger by hailing right or left can have the desenption of cab he desires.' It is to be hoped the Committee will compel the cabmen to leave a sufficient space for foot passengers to cross into Manchester street from the landingof the new foot-bridge.

fiussn Dsath.—A builder named Christopher Beynolda, residing in Huefoean road, Sydenham, died suddenly early yesterday morning. He had retired to bed on the previous night, immediately after Inking a hearty sapper, and was apparently in excellent health. During the night M» Beynolds was disturbed by ms eigbmg wrf heavily, and endeavoured to rouse him. Fmdingshsoould not succeed in her efforts, she became alarmed, and despatched her daughter for Dr Frankish end Dr Collins. Before either medical gentleman could attend, however, Mr Beynolds had breathed his last. ‘An inquart will be held at deceased’s residence to-day at noon. Watse Strmr ObWamriß.—-A meeting of the Water Supply Committee was held yesterday morning at toe City Council Chambers. Present—OonnetUors Cam (Chairman), Ayers, Wilson, and Oases. Tho Oommittee elofely considered an epitome of a few of the schemes sent In which had been drawn up by the City Surveyor at their request, mid decided to further consider the subject on Monday next. Mr J. S. M. Jacobsen waited upon the Committee, and further explained Ins scheme for water supply sent In some time ago.' The meeting thanked Mr Jacobsen .for his information. It was derided that the Chairman and Councillors Wilson and Ayers should visit Anderson’s foundry and learn whether a cylinder and cylindrical pipes' of the required rise could be obtained tor an experiment of Mr W. White’s plan of supply from the WairaeforirL

CxicißT. —The return match between the little Birer Club and AkarOa was played on ths ground of tho latter at Eobinson’s Bay on Boxing Day. Some of tho best players of tho Akaroateam wore away, and this, coupled with tho high wind that was Mowing, was against the home team. The Little Biver men bowled very well, and their fielding was also highly commended, the result befog an easy victory for little Birer by eight wfokete and one run. On the following day foe Little Birer Club played Barry's Bay on the ground of the former. The bawling of the low men is rather ancient, which accounts for, double figures being obtained, by most of the Home team. The result was a win for LittleEiver in one Innings and SS rans to spare. The retorn. match with the Mount Herbert Cfob and little Birer was played on the beach near Waseoe’s Hotel on Saturday. Tills was a very close game, Little Birer eventually winning byfirimT The play of H. and S. Badforf fod J. Tyson for Little Biver, and Beeves and Smith for Mount Herbert was very good.

Suivu Ticnas-A meeting of employi* wu held loot night ia tbo accountant’* room at the Chririchitrch sUtfou for the purpoM of determining what piece ihowfl be eeleded ae the site lor the annual picnic, aad arranging prelim barb* for the picnic. The attendance wae not Tory numerou*. Mr Beck, the trafficmaaager, ww called to the chair, and in hie opening wmariu,«a»d that he feared that thew ww eome tajeappwbennoo ae to the object for which the .meeting had been called. He hid fully expected to Bee the room crowded, a* Uie of the choice of rite wae albgetherinthc hande of ofWUi onrawmon had gone abroad that the rite had &esawS^S6i £|S SSISion SiraerdiroSridn the meeting .honW be n«dar next, at 8 o'clock to the the site on Which to hold “»• » , t Ug re . and eporU will be decided. upon. port of the interim qommittee wiU be « ceired. , : A s-cratcli is at ah an n.Q.L.C. utmudjiatmn &«n ot the fol!owrt| nriM tbe tatter'* tt«m.jsf #, olawOl Smith, Johnson, !J*hC r u, ■*, oouimouw at FUher, EoarJ. it-.d hvrtn. t ; ... 1,3-i p.m.

and' ObarltaMe AW' Board hold cm Monday. at lbs Hospital, at, £^k%M^ng4(; «*tatoa will b* hatd In Km Oity Haul this eranimr at 8 o'olookahiupjv to ooaskUV •^^*duo¥ l hunt will take place aVtba .watgfmtuVmii Lyttelton, at 5 o‘elook thli aftotnooc,' In oonMquMiM of a protest twins atloWedbrtb* Scsx*‘3m”s:s& & aSasias p,iai E'' ; < ■' ’ i The toUowlisr team will wpwwat tha'AvonvlUs CTub la tSolr nmtoh with th» Biohmond todM «n tfwnC. Atktnaou, J, Ilbasf (raptaltt). J. fUfter, W.lKdlsr. W. KadWl, WSMtSIf. yistebsr, A. Newman. P.Ksmnits', Oi BhAad. |£ox«ncla.-V. Koute. A., Moul». & *•»»*&• The foliowitte Blohmood r «faji*n» w. H. Jones. K.JWoodhaw ■ Knwrransiesb"Alto7uol*'lttKt7 tt. -CwM&wr, Bdto, , AjmUtamrtM Afr WOflpto and aaqwwUtßMot Board Jnrla* the pant year, ap-, peWfe la du MtamM (his morning. , A public meotinr wl to held Ip tha PwfaMJ Connell Chamber on Jan. "•.-to oeUbrate tKt 75th birthday of Ute Lordship tht Primto, on wUoh " u - •“***•

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5575, 4 January 1879, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5575, 4 January 1879, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5575, 4 January 1879, Page 5


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