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TO STOBIKBBBEKS. OONTBAOTOBS, AND OTHBUS. Ti/TEIiwEBJ. T, TOBD * 00. hare nwelTed toJWi ■ etruotlon* from the Bon Edward Biohard■On to Sell by Public Auction, at the Oddfellows' Hall;Timaruion . v.'-V. T : APRIL 88, ■ ' ACBE S or dirlded into BO TOWNSHIP: ALLOTMENTS, • Immediately adjsfqent to the .AIiBUBT EAIEWAY TBEMINXIS. t -And hating frontage on the main rood to the • • Mackenzie Poo*. . , , ' Also,. .. I'OA ACHES.dirldod intotwo.,forms, of BO acres ■LUU each, adJolniSthb Township ■ . , .together 1 trith.' AbdUt IB AIJiOTHENTB acres each, With frontage On the maidroad to Burke’s Boss. Albarybelngthe tormlnusof the railway attend. ißgtootU Tlmaru towards Burke’s Bass and the ettatre of a large and rapidly increasing agricultural The above township factions and fend*'are subnjltted tp public competition to supply a Want long f3t of bulldlhg site* lor stores and other places of binpess,'also homesteads for oarriersancf contraoPlans may presently be seen at the offices ot the Berms of payment at sale. : _ a to commence at 11a.m..5harp,. .., f. T.-BOMT* CO., : ‘Auctioneers; “ . •Hereford Street, Christchurch, Hn.SB. ABCBBBA.CQ., M-aru. , . C. P. Barker. GREAT ATTOIION SALE IGROUGHBRED AND RAGING ”< STOCK., Th/TB BAES&tt begiVto Inform the jtrl thAthelntendsnnMing periodical I thoroughbred and'racing itOO*. HIS FIRST SALE ' WUI be held in MXUJBTT’B HO BSE BEPOSITOET, , GLOUCESTEB BTBEET ;'• : (LatethbKink)' ' ’ ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 84, (The day following the Autumn Meeting). rablio tee ot
! In conjunction with these Sales, 'printed lists of tboyoughbredstookin the market (or gale privately, cjn almya bo obtained at the aootioiiaer’s offices, TMr"Barker ai»o purposes leaning a list of the thoroughbred stallionsin the Colony, their stables, and the fees charged.' Owners will oblige by for• warding information. The following HOUSES will "fie'offered at the i ■ ■ • , SALE on ■, WEDNESDAY, APEIL 24. ! By brier 6f Mr Robert Kay; TEJiPLETON, aged,' by Traduoer—Belle of the • , |^| jn finning. t.• , i TITANIa,4yn, by.Malton—HenntainKymph, in training BIDB-A-WBE, aged, by Kutsworth, in train. | . • ; tog.' , .. f | By order of Mr Poynter, ' ‘ BUBEItIiE, 3yrs, by Traduoer—Opera, in STANDARD' BIIABEB, s&rs, by Traduoer— Jn - . TOBK, 2yrs, by. Tndnper—Hose Bose, in train. 1 Jy>g ATAIiifTA, chestnut mate by Towton (im--1 ported)—Crescent, by Sir Hercules | PSTOHB’/ ; £liy foal (l by Anteroe Atahrata. I . Anteros (imported by J. Mallook, Esq.)i* •by lioiterer—Adriasta—--1 . —byAlorm. (See English stud book) ; . ! By order of Vr D. O'Brien, : ' FISHHOOK, syrs, Kaducer—Laurel, in train.; ■ * jug I LUNA, oh f, 3yrs, Traduoer—Flying Fish, in ( training. 'i t-i'l | ECLIPSE, the well-known. Steeple and Hurdle j i ' : ByMa» 0{ rltv Morten, Esq., I ASMODKC S, Syifs, Jtebarianr-l^rojniko. .. ;, , r S!y ojd*rof Mr W. C. Webb, j ynVxrnnEgi kyrg, hy 'Trn^ I . ; ; ’tsaining t r" r rT i UNDINE, Syit, by - Tmduccr—Penseroso, in , training ■ *r. <i y.,\ SJT.I'I YEARLING COLT.-byTraducar-Ada r YBABMHQ COLT, by CaStawsy—Wave YEARLING FILLY,/by OTradnoer-Belle of thslsla : ••' ■ ■-■■■■.<'! /!' , r rs..-T----TEABLpTCf fD*|^XtJottij^-Tantiyin. vTSf q i-’' '; '" STAELIGfIT, Albeni—StmbeaniV Sunbeam by (Reyoke’g dam). *"• ‘B/t>rd»W by
,}. : g- o oJtty jSemß6r"7 xiroo •s.' Barker is prepared to. dtSff fefv'onces - aptm > [bbted BtM*|latiod table hurt* forsal*. C. F. BABKEB, Auctioneef,' !; ; ' ; : $767-19 C) v , ~sereford street. tvT,v :'4s: ’’ ikit’ i‘E Sradii f | dlrtettigaad has - tor side by. private treaty. JL the abovs uogtffloeat estate, situated ii tbe Walkari Valley, tight Biles . from. .the proposed terminus ot tbel ertensioh of the Hortherw Baßi way. The land being fo the isidst of the well-known Li&MtaMosdantry. 'iS' : a. block admirably sotted either for gmingrowisig or prosing purposes. The native feed is neeOenk ahd cau be impeoredrlitf snrioeesowfag cfßagMsn iiawtoffonid *aa oii r i The block is fenced with snbstantial seven-wire fences, and watered by Mrfirsl'innung streams. wtthafKmtigetotrhe river Waikari. Tlmlm»e<>v«n#otsobn^o<* T geod7*oom#d omunte 1 it*bto*tind ssMft^*^s®®sar'w* Stock, implements, plant, *O% con be token at valuation. - 9 For terms and farther particulars apply to c, f; mwanjf r?, 5 r.B 7 ■ 6WS-19 ’ fj streS.Ohristchnpeb.
nSciisT I'.! I', L Co . OF«S A08E8... - S^aasta^’scassas MnviitiaMau.... **'■' exception;
M M H* gw ©- I is QT. : oS m -.pi O SslS aii ► si ~Q:'o= ©-;o o»|| fcfc'2; ■!*' m;:h mb e 3 '.3ob- J»P 003- JO, 00.'-; ;3 o t® oS 5 5» II z I, ff«f|S : J ftr ifc MWM
siLTOrOOTWIT, IOW^ 0 ** 8 - ■' ':*o in. ■ 780 A0»*fl- •• aaft tfjjajr A&i &*• 6771-)8 . > Hereford atreet, Cbrtetohurch. H, Bennett* & Co. PEELIMISA»y NOTICI. MEBSBB H. BBNKSTTB & CO. harereoelred inatrnoUoM from Mr A. C- Trusootf, to MU by public motion, on his premise*, West Melton, about the last week in April. 20 Hone* AdekWe waggon Extra itook oau be entered. 6601-14 B. JBEHNETTB, Auctioneers, |
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 4
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715Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 4
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