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Tattersall’s. TATTERS ALL’S. SATURDAY NEXT. Spec i ax JEJnteies. On Account of Mr B. Orton. t>eatout A CHESTNUT MAKE, with Foal f t Sotnd, hS* tor a lady or 4SB& A CO- Auctioneers. H. Matson & CoCANTERBURY CORN EXCHANGE. Henry Matson & Co., STOJK AND STATION AGENTS AND AUOTIONEEEB. inform the Grain Merchants and Produce miorm “ -iththn recently-formed they will hold WEEKLY AUCTION SALES EVERT V. SATURDAY . r. • OF ' Whiait Oatll' Malting Barley leiai" Potatoes Batter 'Cheese Bams, and '■ General Produce. •Qiese Sates are held at the special request, not Jyof the Producers, but also of Local ondViogmi Buyers.who can in this way bo duly reproZealand Market. Matters or Telegrams addressed to HENBT MATSON * CO., Christchurch, pti receive prompt attention. Christchurch. Feb. 8,1878. to the above advertisement, IMESSKS MATSON & CO. will hold their W SETEftTH WEEKLY HUIN & PRODUCE AUCTION SALE, ,AZ THEIB Wool and Groin Stores. Cashel street, ON SATURDAY, APRIL 13, At 3 sharp, . , rh*n they will ofier a large quantity of Gram and Produce. It Is specially requested that all samples be on the ADDINGTON EWE FAIR. FBXDAT, APEIL 12On accouqt of Eev A. P. O’ Callaghan. BOMNET MAESH EWES, 3-tooth, 1 f 11 4-tooth, and full mouth emaa H. MATRON & CO.. Anctioncera. ALTERATION of date CLEARING SALE [OBSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c., &c., SPBINGSTON. FRIDAY, 1 APRIL 12, 1878.
MESSES H. MATSON * 00. have received instructions from Mr James Gregg to Sell, on the shorn date, at las Farm, Springuton, the wfatie of bis LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, &o„ Comprising—--50 2-tooth ewes, hy Borton rams 150 mixed do 100 fat sheep 12 2-tooth rams, by Borton ram *TM«ramishyOld Bransby, dam by old Black Lc«. 2t-tooth rams, prize-takers, bred by Sir Thomas Tancred 12 ram lambs, by Borton ram ISO mixed lambs 12 milch cows, really first-class , 2 springing heifers 10 head fat cattle 13 young cattle 1 bull, by Old Bronncter 1 heavy draught mare with foal nf and - infoll to Frince Boyal 1 heavy draught mare, minted to Ta’_: ' Swamp 2 heavy d'mght g-ldings 2 do ■:!> colts 1 four-year-old colt, by Golden Grape 1 three do do do do 1 do do pony 20 prime fat pigs 1 reaping machine, horse-power chaff-cutter 2 ploughs, harrows 2drays 1 spring cart Set harness 1 waggonette (new) , ' ", Dairy utensils, Including 2 single..cheese jp^aKar
At same time and 49 acres of land J Situated in Gould's road t. x^sLoa. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. -Luncheon provided. *BO6-20 H. MATSON A GO.. Auctioneers. AT BISK OF POEMEE PUBCHASBB, -g BUSHELS MALTING BAELEY, J.4UU by Auction, at Wool and Grain Store, _ . SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1878, Without reserre. €796-20 H. MATSON A CO., Auctioneers. CLEARING SALE or DAISY FARM AND STOCK, SAKDBIDGE, The property ol Mr H. Brown, who is relinquishing the Dairy business and leaving the Colony. MESSES H. MATSON A CO. have received instructions from the above to Sell BY "PUBLIC AUCTION, ON APEIL 15,1878, The whole of his LITE and DEAD STOCK aw under:— 25 Dairy oows Hones, mgs, poultry, Ac. Dairy and good farming implements Spring Carts, Chaff Cnttar HOUSEHOLD PU EHTTUEE, PABLOUB —6 heat horsehair chairs, Ido easy chair, 1 do sofa. 2 curtain poles with 12 rings on each, 1 cheffonier quite ucw BEDROOM —Double bed, 6 chairs, 3 tables, waahstanda, chest drawers, all nearly new Also, Kitchen furniture. Splendid GAEDEN, with fruit trees and evergreens. Also, at same time and place, his FREEHOLD PROPERTY OP 6 ACRES, With 6-Boomed Dwelling House, Stable, Cow sheds for 12 cows. Coach-house, and other Out-Buildings. Three chains from Colombo road, halt from Gas JToad, half chain front on river. To he ■ Id without any Reserve, Luncheon provided. £BO6-20 Hi MATSON AGO., Auctioneers. CLEARING SALK ME THOS. °GOODYER’S UTEBEBT OV LEASEHOLD PEOPEBTY, HOESES, - CARRIAGES, Ac., Ac. APRIL 16, MESSES H. a CO. have received instructions from Mr Thos. Goodycr, who a* retiring from burfness, to Sell, without reserve. The whole o! his Plant Comprising 5 Beallr first-class Horses, thoroughly quiet, and well known 1 Pour wheel London made cab 1 Cab phaeton 2 Broughams, harness, corn-crusher, and sundry other articles Also, ffis interest In the lease of Property, whereon is erected capital Dwelling House, Stabling, Carriage House, Ao., long lease, low rent. <BOI2O H. MATSON A (30, Auctioneers. nr CANTERBURY SALEYAED3, IBSBB H. MATSON A CO. will Sell, or account ol John Holmes. Eao OH WEDNESDAY. apeE 17 2700 Wether* 3600 Lar B e - lamed sound-mouthed Ewss E 797-30 H. HATSON A CO., Auctioneers* CLEARING SALE AT OBEENDALE FARM. DUNSAstDEL.
TWKSSKS H. MATSON * CO. have recede* ITI .instructions from Hr J. 1. Hendley. to ireirTr. b* PUBMC AOCTIOH, on ‘ 7
_ STOCK, FARMING kKTS/to,, viz.: 1000 gomiAiioathadmerino Ewes, in lamb to W> Boiff* SM/f ißuw flnniiiiniiifjf mm trod ShMi>' 12 draught Hones; thoroughly staunch, with any t rial given 4 blood Brood Mates. By Beer, Blood Boyal, Vaccination 5 first-class light Harness Homes . 1 Yearih^s toriiefl ' by and Castaway 6 really good Milk Cows * head mixed 2-year old Cattlo; i calves 100etuhbleftw (half °I »bicharefat) 1 RoAnincrVuliillA na« * 1 Heaping Machine, new 2 double-furrow Ploughs wßetso! draught Harness g tons Oaten Sheaves dairy utensils, fowls, turkeys - and a very large number o ! articles too nu! liiflfoua topurfcicniarifle. IrfWhaoftnitfTidcd. Terns at sale. JJMSO ft JJAXSOH & CO,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 4
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873Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 4
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