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BuaineM Notices. PHOTOQaAPHY. Mb Nelson K. By Special Appoint IOILLXBCT TU Hi* By BpeoUl Appoint! Bxi - J 6 ItIDAT.BAWAHDED 6 FOB ABT EXCELLENCE. f, OABTE DE YIBITB POBTBAXTS VBOKr ./ /•;' , • 12 s 6 d pee dmen " 12b'6d Every Size and Style otPhotogiaph Wa Mj. THE HEW INSTANTANEOUS BABt LENS Any Honae in Town Photographed fctUl 6d. Mr CHEEEtLL'S la the Finest Btadi* In Haw Zealand, andliU work la on all hand* admitted to row ebmbbandt BTEgi OEBAiao ENAMELS, aa supplied to HUJfaeelUnoy the Governor, are taken ONLY at».Gheniaaßtu<Uo. Note t' ■ CASHEL BTBBET WBBlt *■ - ' 75m. Wert door Meeere Twentyanm and Oeoaln. . P. SOHOUBUFfI J 1 r OOIiOMBO BTBSIT, Opposite E. Beeoe. Open daily from 10 to «o’olodk| for young children. between U and 2 only. 8334 GLASGOW HOUBI, (OppbaitatltoPoat-oiDoe.) , .. '"ANTED the Public to Enow that my Stook ««vi VV- of” Dress Goods comprise all the’newest Materials, in all shade*,- Kutokerhookoe Winoeys,. *o. J. H. SMITH.; TANTED the Public to know thatllutTka v y ■!' great-variety of Trimmings, Erlngs<to.,, to match the ahadea of Dress Matwi^U. rANTED the Public to Know tha* mf Stook - ol Millinery pLaaies’ Felt &nd Stww Hmli it of all the Novelties of the Season. . -.,, J. H. SMITH. WANTED the Public to Know that I have a , large Stook of Ribbons, fancy apd plain, all colours, which will be sold cheap. _ ’ _____ , BJU’JL'U* • rANTED the Public, before buying BUuketß or Flannels, to call and scfethe tUab of my Stool. V *' ■’ *’ J. H. SMITH. w ANTED the Public, one and ill, to ooritoind ‘ir themselves. , ' t J., H. ‘ GLASGOW BOUSE. ISI4 THE NEW ZBALANI) CLOTHING V’ FAOIOBT NOWiEMPLOTB 500 IT A N B & . RETAIL' BRANCHES CHBISTCHXJRCH WELLINGTON : - i'i' TTMAETT OAMAEH •’ DUNEDIN ■■ ■” ’ Be*,ttoNeNl«to»W <r -! : , kaire, ■ youths’, 'an»?B9¥s*-' n /-.; OLOEHIKO, Thoroughly Shrunk, tod much Sapsrloil ie * Imported Goode. A Single (lUrmeßt at Wtolaaale PrieA, i ' ■ New ZeaUndßUmketoatWhbleesls frtooe. - NewSSealandTWeedatrtWhotosalo'Rrfaei.'ii'i New Zealand FUniweteat Wh flirt l« FMlse.” ■’ M ■ Bole Ag—ts tor WwtMn’ndiltoii lockstitch ’eanripi. NtoWffirtß, it;
•• >v. r,ji: ■ ; -or f?c >U:ii :i 1 .. : NEW i*. ' ' - SALK PBICSS. ‘ .tr;oij.!!.v ■; , ' v. (fw; 'i:i‘ GvE a 13 * A TO* A Of)-. '' l#^aߣarsat»as show off their >nu r tunii^j* Have determinedtcoffer the entiii shipment ; (asunder),- ■ - •' •' ! ■ .1 Ij x.., ir i AT A SHAI.Ii ADVANCE ONCOHTPHICK. ; I ' i ■f. host,■'■'■“v'. ! • ■"■' irtEBTHB' ■ ■ ■ : BALAHCE OF SAiVA^JSTIH*,^’’ AT ’■ ~ 1,1 “ '■■ ~ o. o. airman’s. caspel*; ;ssosr: ! I ' Ex s.s. Alhambra ... » ’ Ex-Wellington ... ; ... .f | Ex a.a. Eiimarooma .... , ,M.., „ ••/• I Ex James Wishart . ... . ... 2S, i■ • Ex Pleiades (toopeh).;;i.a *JI» 1 'it 1 i■ i ExLoohcree (toopen) i.'IS);. ■„ . ■ i..n I ■ ToTAlr^22o'C^l»‘^D ! 'V‘ Ex Camara ExlmrMne • .. .r ■-, Ex s.s. Whampoa ' ... , . Ex s.a. Somersetshire... ExCarnatio, ... . EiS.s.,Arawata„. ... .... Ex Wanganui' ' wmm 1 Including a EuH Assortment OfjN'ew Seasons’ ‘ t Goods for eaeb Department. ■ : 1 _•■■■'■ Blankets and Flannels ' direct from the ma:nufacto«eb. - MARKETS 8 li» B A I> E■;S J FLANNELS <5, Is' HEATH A CO. ivodil call «ntlil;ifr , tentlon_tO| .their New White BfflASeorthU Beeson. •*■ :v. i i i it aotibuiomm Iraportfdios^fa, five different qualities, all. of which are miked a* unusually low prises.
1 sunkoMni^-tf^V^ KEADY-MADB OLOTHINO’ *fc, - Saved from the Late Fire, Which ihey are sellinf(ianuuiyjeaere). : BELOW COOT PRIOR Note Address— 1 AT MB 0. 0. AIKKAirS stron. Onoatto m Pmm** OflMt 2316 ; CfcahAlbtreel. IDMAR, J. AND __ __ AND FAMILY GHSOOERB, HIGH BTBEET, CHEISTCHtTBCH, ■ • .'■L CHESTS, from S*; Half-cherts, iron *A M | I; 80xe5,25*.805, 335, and 36s each. _ .. j ngheese and Battered thebastbsands. Gandy's prizecheesealwayslnstock. . ■ i ■ Goods delivered at BallwayStation tad injOl irts of the Town dally free of charge. SBJ*| part* LAND OFFICE AND EXCHANGE, Cathedral Square. , J, Be B A L B' A N-D C 0., ESTATE AND LAND AGENTS. Established 1898. _ ■ uses and Land ilWaya for Bela and to be Int. Mortgages obtained. IILL BBOEEBB AND MONET DEALSBS. ADVANCES FBOM £lO TO £IOOO f Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes, by dlsmting the same, which are never negotiated, but i kept private and confidential. They oan be taken ! at any time, or an instalment paid on acooont,or n he renewed, m nay be Mnaged*
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 1
Word Count
655Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 1
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No known copyright (New Zealand)
To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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