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, shipping Notioea. jrj|HE NEW ZEALAND SPIFFING COMPANY LmmcD, rill despatch the following high-classed iron Clipper Sups 'from Lyttelton to London during the ensuing Sailed. Master Tns Glass. Ships Sept 88 Worster 100 A 1 ff^ikato Not 81 Peek 100 Al gshaate Deo 8 Hodder 100A1 Deo 89 smlntan •Aal Jan 17 UPOA Toons gifcsla ‘ SS^nul Feb 9 Priaton 100 Al March 83 Wart 100 Ai To sail April IS STCsrthy 1510 AAI Al AAI IOOAII To follow Barton 5» Clayton 1787 Sllora Worster 1081 ffnikato And other first-olaa. vessels as retjnired. •SSM. aoootnmoai.uour.~i that Dan be desired, ships are commanded by exponenoed iau v “ v — * particulars retarding Freight or Passages, JSr rt the Offices ol the Company. Chrutoburrf. ■ ;
FOB LONDON DISECT. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PASSENGESS. H E Iron Clipper X HJSEEFOED, Skip A*A 1510 tone,,.- ■ J, M’Caatht, Commander, la appointed to sail on AjMiTL IS. -ThismaOTiflofflit dipper has now cotapioSSd her looking, and Till sail Positively on the kbore date. Theship has room for oea gendeman m the sZ, aai two third-class passengarß. aad, early ~ Nation most bo made to seooro the recent carries an experienced surgeon. rj’jjg SlUp voiiw" *«mwv> f — a— —: , <.-j OFFICES, Christchurch. SSM THE NEW ZBALANDBHIPPINQ COMPANX’S - SJUP HEEBPOBD POBXOKDON. LL aoeonnts, ag(un»t this. ship . /-a most be rendered w duplicate ,'t, the undersigned before noon on* _ l| Aptilll. or they will f!5.18 LIMITED. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S , LINE.
FOB SI3C FBANCISCO DIBBCT. , ' j ’ TTIHB ItonClipper Ship £ 'I LOCHCBEE, ’ ;i lOOAMBltoos,-, . Jon Jona, Commander, _ Will bcdespatched as above on or about TUESDlff ttiiU Shb : las Tery comfortable accommodation r f«r * lew saloon and second classpas-(C4B-18 r'ib ■' SAD‘OFFICE, , Chriatehnroh. • THE NEW ZBALAMD S-iIPFIjsraCOMFANT’B . LINK :1 0 .T, FOB LOHDOH »IBBGT. '— : AL 979 tons " J. 8. Bontost.Ccnlmander. The abor# fine clipper ship haring S discharged bar inward cargo in perfect order, hJS® tba berth.-.«n|, wady to reomre min. Her space beingnearly AH engaged, »hewill ujequickdlipatck. ; J '■ ' * v, m SEW OTALAHDSIOPPHraeOMPAKX'S . . XiXKE. - POBIiOin>oifDIBECT. SIIUHO nf AIL APBIL. ■ Magnificent " first-class , ' irdu Clipper ship - ‘BLLOEA, AA11727 tons Begister, . , M.CtArtOK, Commander. TtoapCndid vessel is now on the berth; and ready toraoeirs cargo at the : Gladstone PieT, and will sail as abore. ‘.--J Intending passengers are' ranted to inspect her superb Saloon. unequalled in size by any ship'in the was bnflbfbr theFyand O. 8. V. Co., and wsa one of their fawjcrite. udso has excellent accommodation for passengers. Second and thirdclass pastefigera will be amply prorided for, both as regards space an* comfort.; Be bulk of tMa ship's cargo being, already engaged, it is necessary that intending , shippers should at once apply for the space they require. ' The ihipcsiries an experiencpd'snrgeon. 6Jl*Christchurch- -
f-ESSBS MONET, WIGUAM ..I AND SONS' (Of Blackwell Todl UHI Or STEAM AND " SAILING PACKETS, mmam Will be despatched from the Sandridge Railway Pier, Melbourne, POE LONDON DIBECT, As follow*: — .. The sooommodationa lor all olaaaea of passengers in unsurpassed, and they will each carry an oxperieooed ear (eon. The Saloon Cabins are fitted wilhthe necessary fixed Cabin Pornitnre. Pumgs Orders are iasned to persons desirous of sending !'* their friends from Homs. Fasaageooney, £lO and upwards. A liberal allowance to families. Be torn tioketsaro granted at reduced rates. Pot all particnlars, Bend street, Dunedin, Or W. SmOBLSTAOO., EUsabeth Melbourne., ENIOH STEAMSHIP COMPANT OP HEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. fVIEMPOBABT OFPICBB—The Premises lately JL occunied by Packs Bros., Hereford street, next door to Meeere Miles, Hassal, and Co. 5539' TJNION STEAM ship ‘ OP NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Steamer* will be despatched asunder TNOE WELLINGTON- '-, JD THIS DAT, (Wednesday), April 10. Paseen- _ gets by 2.40 p.m. train. To follow: TAIAEOA April 11, 'EIOB NAPLES, POVEBTT BAT, TATEANGA, U and AUCKLAND.-T iTTPO, 8.5., TOESDAT, April 10. Passenger* by A p.m. train; eargo to be alongside by noon. To follow : WAN AKA, April 23.
FOB KELSON, T AH AN AKL and MANUKAU—TAIAEOA, TO-MOBBOW (Thursday), April 11. Passengers by 2.40 p.m. train; cargo to be alongside by noon. To follow; TABAKAEI, 18th April. Fob poet chalmebs.—taeanaki, s.s., SATUBDAT, April 13. Passengers by 12.10 p.m. train : cargo till 9 a.m. To follow: WANAKA, ».b., April 16th. TNOE SIDNEY, riA AUCKLAND.—WAKA. JJ TIPII, s.g., from Wellington, on WEDNESDAY, April 17. Passengers forwarded by Tanpo, ».i.. on TUESDAY, April 16. 1* folio « ; BOTOBUA. April 26. XJIOB AKABOA. —MAOEI. s.s., on FBIDAT, J- loth April. Cargo till noon. Passengers by 2.30 p.m. trim. FOB PICTON and HELSOK—WELLINGTON, s.s., from Wellington, each MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. David hills. Agent, Norwich Quay, Lyttelton; and at Hereford street, Christchurch, *lOl Next door to Means Miles. Hasaal and Co.’s. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. STEAM TOSYDNEY. THE Steamship WAKATtPU r will be despatched for Sydney, vii Wellington and t,.— -w—■»»Auckland, on WEDNES. DAT, April 10. ,_AU cargo must bo alongside by noon THIS DAT 6689.17 DAVID MILLS, Agent. STEAM TO WELLINGTON. NELSON. WESTPOBT. GEEYMOUTH, Transhipping cargo for H .kitika. 6722.18 THE p s. LUNA is appointed to leave Lytelton on THUBSDAT, April 11, at 4.30 p.m. Applj to P. oUNsINGHAM & CO., Lyttelton and Ghristchnrch,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 1
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832Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5346, 10 April 1878, Page 1
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