Hotels. PALACE HOTEL, GLOUCESTER STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (Next the New Theatre Royal). fjnUlS new sad beautiful HOTEL is now comJL plete, and open for the reception of Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Members of the Theatrical Profession. The Hotel is built of brick and cement, and is acknowledged to be second to none in the Colonies, both for design and general comfort, and affords the most complete accommodation to those who require it. All the rooms are thoroughly well ventilated. Bath rooms and lavatory off bedrooms. The Billiard Saloon ia thoroughly well furnished, and contains one of Alcock’s best tables. A liberal table kept, with ail the delicacies of the season. A night porter is in attendance for gentlemen arriving or leaving by steamer or train. The most strict discipline observed in every department. The wines and spirits supplied are of the best brands to be obtained. Inspection invited. 6238-5 GEORGE BEATTY, Proprietor. Ja IMC. ITXTZGKBALD. ■ ff AVIWG become Sole Proprietor of STDENB 1 HAH HOUSE, Harper street. New Town (within five minutes’ walk of the Railway station), begs to call the attention of the public to the superior aooooueadation he is able to offer to Tratellere and others. Boss and Wtossof the Pint Quality on the ’ Premise*. 8678 gUM NE R gOTK L. HAST SOHLUTER, PROPRIETRESS 169 PIER HOTEL, KAIAPOI. Je H. ScHMIDT. Paoramon. (Late Harman at Golden Fleece, Christchurch, and Somerset Hotel. Ashburton), HAVING taken the above Hotel, hopes to merit a share of the public patronage so liberally bestowed on his predecessor. The Hotel is replete with every accommodation, WINES, BEERS, AND SPIRITS, Of the Best Brands. 9698 OAMABU! OAMARU! RICHARDSON’S ROYAL HOTEL. f |ltUi Proprietor having completed extensive additions to this Hotel, is now prepared to cater for the public in a manner not to be equalled In Oamaru. The additions comprise DINING, SITTING, SAMPLE, BED AND BATHROOMS, aiao A MAGNIFICENT BILLIARD SALOON, Containing two of Alcook’s best tables, and. furnished to a most elaborate style, with lavatories attached. All iquors are of the beat Brands. 4387 CHERTSEY HOTEL, CHEETSET. ALFRED STEM INQ, Proprietor. THE above wishes to Inform bus Chertsey and Christchurch friends, and the public generally, that having opened the Chertsey Hotel, he can offer superior accommodation to all who favour I him with their patronage. Spacious sample rooms I Wines, beer and spirits of thabest brands. Good I stabling accommodation. 9MC I
Page 4 Advertisements Column 7
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 4
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