TO THE EDITOR OF THE IYTTELTON TIMES. Sm, —Would you kindly allow space in your valuable columns to give publicity to a source of evil that the passengers Of the special north tfain on Thursday midnight were subjected to by the stench of tobacco, smoking, and spitting. I should say onethird of the way from nangiora to Oxford the carriage thatl was in was filled with continual volumes of smoke by the smoking travellers, to the great annoyance of those who detest that filthy atmosphere. Happily there was only one lady passenger, who chose the carriage platform, though bitterly cold, which the smokers seemed to be aware of bv their hugging themselves together. Though kindly spoken to, they, paid no attention. ;I should say that common courtesy should have dictated more attention to a lady. Why were these people not in a smoking carriage; set apart for that purpose, if they wished to (so call) enjoy themselyes with a smoke ? Or ; if there was hot one running, why was there not, as on other lines, unless the Oxford line is considered a sort of subordinate to the rest ? Perhaps the management need just reminding of that old maxim—“A place for everything and everything in its place.”' If so, the more the. pity.'. In donclusion, I may say my feelings alone, are hot expressed here, but those of others, also. Hoping you will kindly insert this, and that it may be prevented in the future—l am, &0., Oxford, April 6. A PASSENGER.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 3
Word Count
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 3
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