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STEAM TO WELLINGTON. NELSON, WESTPOST, GEEYMOUTH, Transhipping cargo tor Hukitika. THE p.s. LUNA is anpointed to leave Lyt•telton on THUESDAY, April 11, at 430 p.m. 0722-18 Lyttelton and Christchurch. NOTICE TO FARMERS. WHEAT, WOOL, AND OTHER PRODUCE FOR SHIPMENT TO THE LONDON MARKET. THE undersigned are prepared to make Cash Advances on Wheat, Wool, &0., shipped through them, per ship Inohgi eon, for sale in the Loudon market, and offer tho following special advantages:— .... . - Ist. No commission or interest will be charged on advances. . , ... , . , , 2nd. Commission on the freight will be refunded to the shipper. . 3rd. Discount at the rate of ilftoen per cent will be allowed off tho premium for insurance. 4th. Wheat stored for shipment at 2d per ton per week of 10 sacks. . Sth Freight on wheat by tho Inohgrcon is 35s per ton weight; wool and other produce at corresponding low rates. p> CUNNINQHAM & CO, 5823 Lyttelton and Christchurch, SPECIAL NOTICE TO INTENDING PABSENTEES PEB INCHGEEEN FOB LONDON. fy\HE above magnificent Clipper _ has room for a limited number of passengers in the saloon. Fare ' i : exciaoive ,J 1 -.*■ spection invited. Apply to P. CUNNINGHAM & CO., or 6512-12 EOYSE, STEAD & CO. Christchurch. SPECIAL NOTICE TO FARMERS. np h E undersigned are prepared to make ■** CASH ADVANCES On WOOL, WHEAT, or OTHEE PEODUCE placed in their hands for Shipment to LONDON, per INCHGREEN; now loodiu*. free of COMMISSION, INTEREST, EXCHANGE, or any other charge other than actual cash disbursements, and will refund PRIMAGE ON FREIGHT, j and return tho Whole DISCOUNT ON INSURBOYSE, STEAD * CO.
great triumph OP M'COEMICK’S HARVESTERS. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AX the Eicaiton trial, Jan. 24, 1878, tlireefourths of the Farmers preferred the M'CORMIOK Reaper and Binder, and were prepared to give their unsolicited verdict in its favour. At the Kaiapoi trial, Feb. 7th, 1878, the FIRST PEIZE, given by the Farmers’ Club, was awarded to the M'Cormick Machine. At the Oamaru trial, Peb. 28th, 1878, THE GOLD MEDAL, Given by the Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association of Otago was awarded to the M'COEMICK Machine. . . At the Ashburton County trial, at Methven, on March 6th, 1878, the First Prize was awarded to the driver of the ouly M'Cormiok Machine, present in competition with Twelve Machines of another make. The result of all the trials this season proves that the M'Cormiok Machine cannot be equalled, -and we therefore request. Farmers to forward their orders to us during the present, month to ensure early delivery next season, ~ - At the Public Trial, held under the auspices ox‘the Otago Agricultural and Pastoral Association, at the Grange, Taieri, on March 16,1878, the 30 Judges appointed were unanimous in Awarding the ■ ■■■ FIRST PRIZE TO THE M'CORMIOK MACHINE. Sole agents for New Zealand for O.H. & Xu J* M'Cormiok. MOEBOW, BASSETT, & CO., 503 g Christchurch.
OSBOEN B’S HAEVESTERAND BINDER. NOTICE TO FAEMEES. FIRST PRIZE MACHINE, At Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Assooia- • ...... tion’s COMPETITION At Eiccarton, By unanimous decision of tho Judges. THE decision of the Judges in the late .competition having confirmed our own opinion as to the. most suitable Harvester and Binder for .’ew Zealand, we are now in a position to request orders from our friends for next season, which we hesitated to do on our own responsibility. 3774 EOBEET WILKIN A CO.
Jo H N AKJ)EE SO N, CANTEEBUET FOUNDET, Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Machinery and Ironwork, Is importing for next Season— M’Connick’s Eeaper and, Binder Wood’s do do •» Osborne’s do do English and American Mowers Clayton and Shuttleworth’s Threshing Machines Hay Loaders Ac., Ac. The above machines will be sold on very reasonable terms. Prices and particulars to be had on appucaSTJQAES. THE Undersigned are in receipt of Samples of shipment of Mauritius Sugars ex George Shorten. Comprising—--2100 Pockets finest White Snowdrops 3000 Pockets fine to finest White Crystals 8300 Pockets fine to finest Yellow Crystals and - Counters 700 Pockets Brewers’ Crystals and nations Which may be seen at their Stores,' Hereford street, 6354-8 WOOD, SHAND & CO. Sal Town and Farm Drays English Ash Baltic Deals, 3 and 4 inch ' Grey Hirer Coal I Fencing Wire. I 6490-12 W. MONTGOMEET & CO., Limited. ACCOUNT BOOKS. T EDGBES, JOUENALS. CASH BOOKS, and ■ i all other kinds sf Account Books, ruled to pattern and made to order, of any size, are now manufactured and can be obtained at the offices of. this journal., The work, which is of the. best material, will compare favourably both as to price and quality with the imported article. 4601 ATMOSPHBEIG GAS ENGINES. OTTO, LANGEN. AND CEOSSLET’S JOINT , PATENTS. I THE most economical small MOTOB yet invented, entirely superseding steam. ■ Sizes manufactured from quarter horse-power to eight horse-power. . . Specially serviceable in working hoists. . GENEEAL ADVANTAGES. 1. Starts at full power at a moment’s notice. ' 2. No boiler, therefore no boiler explosions. 3. The attendance required is exceedingly small —no firing or stoking being necessary. 4. No coals or ashes to be got in or out. 5. No fuel is burnt while the engine is standing.’ 6. It less than full power is required, the number of detonations and consumption of gas is reduced in proportion. 7. Insurances not disturbed by use of this engine. These engines ore much used in England and elsewhere, and the advertiser has had the pleasure of introducing them into Canterbury with the best results. O N Tip Carts
Sole agent for Canterbury—- , E. C. BISHOP, 6531-13 Gloucester street, Christchurch. LAND POE CEOPPINO. QAA ACHES good strong tussock LAND at 01/.V/ Hororata, about 8 miles from Coalgate Eailway Station. For particulars, apply to J. T, FOED A CO., Christchurch, or to the Manager. Terrace Station, Hororata. 6316-$ PBOYmCIAIi GAZETTE. V. B. The lttblton times Has been re-appointed the GAZETTE POE THE PROVINCIAL DXSTEICT OP CANTBEBUEY, - Por the publication of all Government Ismd Sales, Notifications and Announcements which were formerly published in the Provincial Government Gazette.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 2
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975Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5345, 9 April 1878, Page 2
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