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George Hutchinson. PEELIMINABT NOTICE. SALE BY AUCTION AT OOALGATE. MB OEOEGE HUTCHINSON has received Instructions from Mr Joseph Culliford to Sell by Auction at the BluS Saleyaras, Cattle Sheep Horses Implement*. Particulars and date in future advertisement, 6106 MRQEOEGB HUTCHI» BON hasbeen favoured with instructions from F. H. Melville Walker, Esq., in consequence of his leaving Lyttelton for Christchurch, to Sell by Auction, at his Bosidenoe, Dampier’s Ilay, Lyttelton, ON THURSDAY, APBILII, . The WHOLE of his well-selected HOUSEHOLD PUENITUBE and EFFECTS. Sale at 12 Noon. 0675-11 Wool, Grain, &o. THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, Lncmn. Oapitai £3,000,000 THIS Company having Large and Commodious Warehouses at Lyttelton and Timarn, is prepared to receive Produce of all klnda for storage upon reasonable terms* and make LI BEBAL CASH ADVANCES against some if entrusted to their «are for sale in either the London or Colonial marEor further portioulara apply at the office of the Company, Cathedral square. Christchurch, March 53,1877, 4018 NATIONAL MOBTGAQB AND AGENCY COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND. LIMITED. Cafiiai. £1,000,000 Bashes : National Bank of New Zealand, Limited. LIBERAL Advances will be mads on Station and Freehold Property, and on Wool and other Produce consigned to the Company for sale in London. JOHN INOLIS, Agent. Temporary offices, at Matheson's Agency* Christchurch. . 1008 w P THORNE OOLSOOURBB. #ELLMONQEB, And Leather Merchant, DBAIN BOAD, EANGXOBA. Cash Buyer of Wool, Skins, Hides, Ac. 1085 TO FABMEBB. X AM a CASH PUBCHABEB of Wheat, Cat* I and Barley. Sacks supplied, - J. O. BUDDENKLAU, 8752 Addington Station Granaries. WHEAT. EVANS . BROWN is a Cash Purchaser of Good WHEAT. 8615 BIRCH A 00. arb Cash Purchasers of ■ m nwnwi vww/i v, ‘T’ i r vv,M . Cash- advance® made on all aeeonptioni oz lolonial Produce placed in their hands for sale or Oornsadks supplied at current rates. BXECH tc CO., General Merchants and Commission Agents, Cathedral Square Chambers 1808 Christchurch.
ADVANCES ON WOOD. rfJHE undersigned la prepared to make Libor* L Advances on Wool, either sent la for sale to Christchurch, or for & Now Zealand Wool Storoe, Christchurch, 9551 TTCTOOD.—The Undersigned are prepared to \\ . make Liberal Cash Advance* on Wool plaoed in their bonds for sale in this market, or consigned to Messrs Miles, Brothers, and Co. for sale in London. MILES, HASBAL * CO., 493 . Christchurch. SPECIAL WANTS. TjIARMEES and others are informed that I I* require, for immediate delivery, Hides, green or salted Feed Oats Old Barley Field Peas Linseed Bye-grass Seed Sidney Potatoes Hy usual terms s— Top price if quality is right. 8751 E. H. BANKS, Crown Stores. TO httrep PABMEES AND OTHEBS. THE undersigned are prepared to make Liberal CASH ADVANCES on WOOL CLIPS for the coming season for shipment to the London Market at lowest current rates. . P. CUNNINGHAM k CO.. 8855 | Christchurch. Insurance Companies. T |HE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. ' FIEE AND - SfAEXNE.. . CAPITAL • ... '...... £2,000,000. Di^ectobs; Hcnt J. T. Peacock, Chairman. ’ G. G. gtead. Esq., Deputy-Chairman. W. D. Carruthers, Esq. i J. Palmer, Esq. • T. M. Basso!, Esq. W, Beeves, Esq. . W. Montgomery, Esq. J.' Studholme, Esq. SPECIAL FEATURES. ; The only office of the kind having its Head Office and Management ■ IN CHRISTCHURCH. Liberal interpretation- of - Policies. Prompt settlement ef claims. ' j SECURITY to assured afforded by the Capital, which is DOUBLE that of any other New Zealand Or Colonial office, and is exceeded by no similar office in the WORLD. , -i: , n , , Branches and Agencies throughout New Zealand and Australia.' Agents in Canterbury : Ashburton C. Percy Cox ... Garwood and Bridge ... Talbot and M'Clatchie ; W. A. Murray ... J. Mulien B. Haupa and Co, L. V. Desborough Vaughan and Cordner .. G. Dickenson J. Forrester ... Jonas and Hart .... F. G.P. Leach ‘ ~ Manchester, Bros,, , Goldsmith _ _ J. A. Young Fire and Marine Insurances accepted at Current Bates ■ - W. DEVBNIBH MEAEEB, . - - General Managers 5895 Offices; Hereford street, Christchurch, Aksroa ... Lyttelton Lincoln Oxford ... Bangiora Sonthhridge Sefton ..; St. Albans Sydenham Timarn... Waltham Waimata and Winchester THE SOUTH BRITISH IXRB AND MABJNB . INSURANCE COMPANY OB'. NEW ZEALAND. CAPITAL £1,000,000. With Unlimited Liability of Shareholders. THE above Company offers undoubted security to insurers, having a largo, wealthy, and influential proprietary resident m the Colony, where also all its funds :are invested. As a purely COLONIAL INSTITUTION, it has therefore a prior claim on insurers, The chief characteristics of the Company ore liberal terms, and prompt settlementofloesea. : FIEE AND MARINE RISES taken at lowest current rates of premium. WOOL insured from sheep's book to London, For proposal forms and further particulars apply to H. Hawkins, Lyttelton; J. L. Wilson, Kuapoi; G. P. Kissel, Templeton; J. H. Sutter, Tlmaru; J. Straohsn. Pleasant Point; Bullock and Co., Ashburton j Makeig Bros., South Bakoia; Wood, Bros., and Co , AkaroajJW. Buss, Bangiora; H. E. Daniel, Woodsnd; W. Wills, Tenraka; Cameron, Bros., Waimate; John Paul, Oxford; J, Pither, Waddtngton; W. Crabtree. St Albans; J, H. Hopkins, Wools ton ; C. L. Darios, Prebbleton;’ J."W. Heath, Addington: Benn and Co., T. Henry, Dunsandal; E. C. Sherratt, Amberley; J. .. _ , . . . . . Geraldine; Taylor and Flaiman, Waihi Bush; Inwood, Bros., Winchester; J. J. Herrick, Tai Tsnu. Agents wanted in unrepresented districts, JTDBUMMOND MACFHEBSON, 337 Manager, Christchurch.
AGEICULTUEAL BISKS. T |HE NATIONAL INSUKANCB COMPANY » prepared to insure against PlEE—Agricultural risks. Grain In stock or stack, and Steam Threshing AUSTBALXAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Established in the Tear 1819. FOB MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. New Zealand Branch: HEAD OFFICE ... WELLINGTON. TT is found in the course of business that mis. ,JL takes frequently occur In consequence of the Similarity of title assumed by some of the new Life Offices recently established in the Australian Colonies. The Public are therefore requested to note— That the Australian Mutual Provident Society is the correct designation of the oldest ■ Mutual Life Office in Australia. J That the annual revenue exceeds ... £170,000 That the accumulated fund exceeds ... 9,000,000 That the Society has paid to represta' ■ tatlves of deceased members upwards of ... 700,000 That the Society has divided amongst its members ... ... 419,000 Machines travelling from place to place. Lowest Cubxint Bites. A. CABBICE, Manager, Hereford street, Christchurch j OEOBGE MACKAT, 3332 Agent, Lyttelton. Yielding reveniouary bonus additions ■ amounting to ... ~. ... ■ ... .. 913,000
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 4
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1,008Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 4
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