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Bailway Notices NEW ZEALAND BAILWATS. OOOPEE AND BAILEY’S CIKOUS, .CHBISTCHUBCH. MABCH SO~TO APEIL 9. FOB the convenience of the public desirous o( visiting the above during its stay in Christchurch, special trains will run as under NOETH LINE. Leaving Christchurch at 11 p.m. (or Amberley on Monday, April 8. CUBIST HUECH AND LYTTELTON LINE. Leaving Christchurch at 11 p.m. lot Lyttelton on Tuesday, spril 9. In each case calling at all intermediate stations. In addition to the above Special Trains, the ordinary trains will be altered as under SOCTHBEIDGE BBANOH. On Monday, April 8, ordinary 4,25 train will leave Christchurch at 5.60 p.m. NOBTH LINE. On Tuesday, April 9, the ordinary 4.40 p.m, train will not leave Christchurch until 5.30 p.m. KAIaFOI, OXFOED, AND BaNGIOBA and OXFORD BBANCHES. On Tuesday, April 9, passengers will leave Christchurch at 5.30 p.m. Ordinary Fares. JOHN LAWSON. General Manager. General Manager’s Office, Christchurch April 2,1878. 6618
Government Notifications. v. Mk B. NEW ZEALAND BATLWATS. PATEA-MANAWATU EAILWAT. WAITOTABA CONTEACT (FOEKATION AND PBEMANENT WAT.) LENGTH ABOUT 12 MILES 70 CHAINS. Public Works Office, Wellington, March 28,1878. ITfTBITTEN TENDEBS will be received at this V V Office until NOON on WEDNESDAY, May 8,1878, for the above contract. They must be addressed to the Uon the Minister for Public Works, Wellington, and marked outside, “Tender for Wsitotara Contract." Plans and specification may be seen at the Public Works Offices Auckland, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Poxton, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, and Wellington, and at the Chief Surveyor's Office at Nelson and the Eailway Manager’s Office, Napier. Telegraphic tenders, similarly addressed and marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraph Office by NOON of the same date, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at any of the above-named offices by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque on some bank in the town where the tender is lodged; such cheque to be specially marked by a banker as good for twenty-one days, and to be in favour of the Beceiver-OeneraTs Deposit Account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any trader will not necessarily be accepted. By command, JOHN CABEUTHBKS, Engineer-in- Chief. N.B.—Plans (or this Contract can be purchased at the above offices. 6651
TIMAEU GAOL ADDITIONS. Public Works Office, Christchurch, April 6,1978. TENDEES arc invited for the above work. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Public Works Office, Christchurch, and at the Office of Mr H. Evans, Timaru. Tenders addressed to the Besident Engineer, Hublio Works Office, Christchurch, will be received up to NOON of WEDNESDAY, April 17. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. GEOBGE PHIPPS WILLIAMS, SS6B-I6 Por Colonial Architect. BOBVBT CONTBACTS. NOTICE TO SOEVEYOES. TENDEES will be received at the Chief Surveyor’s office, Christchurch, up till, noon on May 1 nest, for the undermentioned surveys; ■■ Contract No. 14. Between the Wainukariri sad Selwyn, 38,726 acres sectional survey ■ Contract No. 15. Between the Selwyn and 8akaia,’21,334 acres sectional survey Contract No. 16. Forksof the Ashburton, 90,812 ' aoresseotional surrey. Specifications for these surveys can be seen at the Survey Departments, Christchurch and Dunedin. Tenders will only be received from those surveyors who have been placed on the Chief Surveyor’s list of contractors In terms of the conditions' required by the Surveyor-Qeneral, particulars of Which can be obtained at either office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN H. BAKES, Chief Surveyor. Survey office, Christchurch, April 6,1878. 6657 | Election Notices. MEETING AT WATKAEI. - TO THE ELECTOES OF THE CHEVIOT DISTEICT. g-y ENTLBMEN,—I shall be glad if you will meet me at the schoolroom, Waikari, at 2 p.m., on Tuesday, April 9. _ Your obedient servant, 6432-10 J. CBACBOFTtWILSON. Public Notices, THE PEIMATE’S VISIT TO ENGLAND. THE Most Kevei’end the PEIMATE of NEW ZEALAND having determined to visit England for the purpose of attending the Lambeth Conference, and there being no fund applicable for defraying expenses, it bas been considered that the Members of tbs Church of England .throughout the Diocese should have an opportunity of contributing towards the same. _ , It is proposed to raise the sum of Five Hundred Pounds (£500) by contributions of £1 each. . The following gentlemen have been appointed a Committee by whom Subscriptions will be received. Joseph Palmer, £sq., has kindly consented to act as Treasurer. .
Committee: T. M. Has sal J. W. Hamilton W. D. Carruthers H. W. Packer. . F. Be C. Malet. 6675-16 W. D. CARRUTHERS, Hon. Sec. GAME NOTlCE.—Persons found Trespassing in pursuit of Game on the Properties of the undersigned will be^rosecnted Leeston, March 22. ..ILLIAM D. LAWRENCE. BUSSELL WAEEIRGTON. WILLS, BEOTHBES. J. SMITHSON. I, PARKINS, 6087 LL persons found Trespassing on my Farm in . pursuit of game willhe prosecuted. I HENRY B. HILL, Sedgemere. NOTICE. Anybody found Trespassing on Mr D. Qebbie's land, Head of the Bay, Lyttelton, and Lake Ellesmere, with dog or gun, in pursuit of game, will be prosecuted. 6156-11 NOTICE-iThe person who took a dray cloth from the gate leading from the Irvington Home paddock on to the mam Eakaia and Mount Hutt road, is reuuested to return the same as early as possible. MESSES MACKIE. Larington, South Eakaia, March 22,1878. 5802 I HEREBY give notice that anyone found Treepassing on the Living ton property in pursuit of game will be prosecute*. Larington, South Eakaia, March 23,1873. 5801 ANY Person found Trespassing in pursuit of game on the Burnt Hill or Bagnaw Buns will be prosecuted. 6519-12 JOSEPH PEAESON. TVTOTICE.— Pending dissolution of partnership JW between Benjamin Monk and B. H. Mathews, trading under the name of B, Monk and Co., Coal and Timber Merchants, Kaiapoi, persons indebted to the ahoro firm are hereby cautioned not to pay their accounts until further notice. g 261 B. H. MAIMS. Wa. PARTIES interested will please take notice that I will not be responsible for debts contracted in mr name, unless by my older, after this date. * JOHN E. THACKER, Okain's Bay. April 8,1878. 6601 - 1 * CANTERBURY HUNT CLUB. ANY Persons baring HOUNDS belonging to the ahoro Club at walk will please forward the game os soon as possible, with the name of each Hound attached, to the Hon. Sec., Racecourse FRANK EGAN, Hon. Sec. Educational. TO THE MEMBERS OP THE LOCAL COMMITTEES OF EDUCATION IN NORTH CANTERBURY. M BNTLEMEN,—X thank you for the honour hr you hare conferred on me in eleotiug me a lember of the North Canterbury Bo«rd°* hducalon—on honour that I feel to on—an Honour max j. w «« ° r ' ahanced by associating me, os you bare done, ithtbe reteran workers in the cause of popular W?“now that I shall regard the uties of the position as haring aflrat clato onmy Mention, and, with such associates, Ifeel conflttent liat North Canterbury will not be left behind in a oble struggle for that general intellectual eleration titspopvdution which is soinsoparably connected ith the future greatness of our district and our olohy. • . I am, Gentlemen, , „ . . YourobUged^ndo^le^semm^ Aronbank, April 5.1873. 6685-16 MR H. P. TOWLE, (Formerly Organist St Francis Cathedral. MelhnnMia • Sf, TOOImL M«li ..xly urgemsx ox bourne t St John's, Toonk, A#.)i a m B now prepared to take pupil* to' WQM M Singing. ' Por term Ixuiobra of Hw BIM. Kinto ’Wjp MgHWiabNt.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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1,197Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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