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Shipping Notices. S fJIHB HEW ZEALAND SPIFFING COMPANY Limited, Will despatch the following high-classed iron Clipper Ships from Lyttelton to London during the ensuing season:— And other first-class vessels as required. ■*M9 magnificent clippers are of the highest class *r,lord‘s, purchased or built specially to mo-'t the lliiiireinenta of the trade between the Urn tod ww % J niL . afafit ■v, reaaisico tor cue wuuw*. »cr"r s, "o w ‘*v totsrysMle is most liberal. Second-class and accommodation is aU that can be desired, ships are commanded by experienced ®r particulars regarding Freight or Passes, the Offices of the Company. Christchurch iSTsEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S f at "LINE.
FOE LONDON DIRECT. . wmt notice to second and third SPECIAL "£ L4SS PASSENGERS. Ship IH E Iron Clipper HEEEFOED, Ail 1510 tons, J. ITCaktht, Commander, Is appointed to sail on April 13. iron clipper is now alongside BHtetone Pier receiving cargo, and will be pitched as above. tEv shio has room for a few saloon and THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS «invited to inspect the splendid aooommodation “Lh will be set apart for them. The ship carries an experienced surgeon. ( ortoi THE r Christchurch. ■nafNEW COMPANY’S
FOB LONDOK DIBECT. IHE Clipper Ship LAJU, Al. 579 tons J. S, Bdbtoh, Cemmander. The above fine clipper ship having S' discharged her inward cargo in perfect order, , r ., laid on the.berth, and ready to receive Ijin. Her space being nearly all engaged, she will bre qaick dispatch. 0* OFFICES, Christchurch. -sFsiw Zealand shipping company's 1 “ LINE.
FOB LONDON DIEECT. SAILING IN ALL APBIL. [HE Magnificent first-class iron Clipper ship ELLO B A , AA11737 tons Eegister, . 11 W. CitATTOK, Commander. This splendid vessel is now on the berth, and ready to receive cargo at the Gladstone Pier, and wili sail as above. . Intending passengers are invited to inspect her superb Saloon, unequalled in size by any ship in the was built for the P. and O. S. N; Co., and was one or their favourite passenger steamers, indso has excellent accommodation for passengers. Second and third class passengers will be amply provided for, both as regards space and comfort. The balk of this ship’s cargo being already enraged, it is necessary that intending shipper* should at once apply for the spaoe they require. The ship carries an experienced surgeon. IV freight or passage, apply to fiiii THE HEAD OFFICES, Christchurch. TIP 1 NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY’S LINE.
Slip HEREFORD FOE LONDON. SHIPPERS by this vessel are requested to pass Export Entries and present Bills of Lanin-?, witn ►weights, ic., attached, for signature the Lyttelton offices of the undersimeil, not later than SUNDAY. Aprils. IJUTNEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY 6529-13 LIMITED. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED. BASQUE MALACCA, C.iptais Dickknso;;, pnonr Loirnoy. above vessel having entered _ at the Customs, Consignees are 1 requested to Pass Entries, Present . Bills of Lading, and Pay Freight at the office of the undersigned in terms of their Bills ol Lading. All goods not passed for on or before TUESDAY, April 9, will be landed on sight entry, a guinea fee ner bill of lading being charged, and stored at the risk and expense of the Consignee. Consignees of Gunpowder are requested to present Bills of Lading THIS MOENTNG, as all such goods mnet be landed to-day. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. 6577-15
~|t/TESSBS MONEY, WIGEAM Ifl AND SONS’ (Of BlackwaU yard) DENE OP STEAM AND > SAILING PACKETS. 1 Will be despatched from the Sandridge Bailway Pier, Melbourne, FOE LONDON DIEECT, Am follows! The accommodations for all classes of passengers us unsurpassed, and they will each carry an experienced surgeon. The Saloon Cabins ore fitted with the necessary fixed Cabin Furniture. Passage Orders are issued to persons desirous of sending for their friends from Home. Passagemoney, £l6 and upwards. A liberal allowance to families. Beturn tickets are granted at reduced fates. for all particulars, apply to NEILL A CO.. Bond street, Dunedin, Or W. SIDDELEY * CO., Elizabeth street, Melbourne. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. TEMPOEAEY OFFICES—The Premises lately occupied by Facke Bros., Hereford street, &6zt door to Messrs Miles, Hassal, and Co. 5539
IJNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OP HEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). Steamers will bo despatched as under FOE WELLINGTON.—HAWBA, b.b., THIS DAY (Monday), April 8. Passengers by 4 p.m. train: cargo to be alongside by noon, FTo follow; WAKATIPU, April 10. OB NAPIEK, POVBBTY BAT, TAUEANGA, and AUCKLAND.—HAWEA, e.s., THIS DAY (Monday), April 8. Passengers by 4 p.m. train; cargo to be alongside by noon. To follow : T AUPO, April 16. FOB NELSON, TABANAKI, and MANUKAUTAIAEOA, s.s., THU BSD AT, April 11. Passengers by 2.40 p.m. train. Cargo to be alongside by noon. To follow : TABANAKI, 18th April. Foe poet chalmees.-taupo, b. b ., toMOBBOW (Tuesday), April 9, Passengers by 4 p.m. train; cargo till noon. To follow: TABANAKI, 8.8., April 13th, FOB SYDNEY, vid AUCKLAND.-WAKA-TIPU, s.s., from Wellington, Cargo tor Sydney received at Lyttelton This Day (Monday), and Tuesday. Passengers forwarded by x tvt *i To folfo’ *' -'i®JbKl ! . BD A T >,'*? ril 16 - EOTOBUA, April 28. CIOE AKAEOA.-TAUPO. s.s., TO-MOEBOW Unesday), 9th April, Cargo till noon. Passengers by 4 p.m. trim. pIOE PICTON and NELSON—WELLINGTON, *• each MONDAY and DAVID MILLS, Agent, Norwich Quay, Lyttelton; and at i- Hereford street, Christchurch, _ u aeit door to Messrs Miles, Hossal and Co.’s. OSIOH STEAMSHIP COMPANY OP HEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. STEAM TO SYDNEY. THE Steamship WAKATIPU ho despatched for Sydney, via Wellington and Auckland, ou WEDNES. D Ab’ April 10 - b f A-l7 !tt ' !o Umst lje noon^TUESDAT. “Modi DAVID MILLS, Agent. FOE NAPIEB f ■ IHE schooner SPEAY is now loading for ,’he above port, and will have quick despatch. Por freight, apply to CUPP A GEAHAM, Lyttelton And Christchurch,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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940Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 5344, 8 April 1878, Page 1
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