The Financial Statement.—'The Financial Statement waa delivered by Mr Laraaeb leat night, and a report will be found In another column. The tablet appended are, however, inaoouratain tome reepeote, bat the late hour at which they were telegraphed prerented the errors being ascertained j . Oalifoenian Salmon. •At yesterday’* meeting of the Council of the Acolimatitatu n Society, ifc wae resolved that the 20 Californian salmon at present in ithe race in tbegarden-, should be turned out into the river Aron, the flour mill.
> Kowai PassSpobts.—A meeting of Committee woe held at Bodfern’s Hotel on .Bator* day, Sir James Fraser In the chair. It VU agreed to hold the sports on Boxing Bay, and to confine them strictly to the district. The subscription list shows that .more than the usual amount will be forthcoming for the aporta, Thb Public Baths.—lt wag stated lait evening at. the meeting of the City Connail that the swimming hatha did not pay, as little e» lie 3d having been received' one week, while the wages of the keeper alone we£p'.B2, It wee stated by timf of the momhere that the (ailing off in the receipts was in, consequence of four hours of the day being ■et apart for lad ies. Ultimately the whole matter was referred to the Bath Committee. ■ IbbOasb or OBBxanoscxoN.—The case of obatrneting the river road, which was beard in the Beiident Magistrate's Oonrta Vbort time ago, has now aaahmed a very different form, and under this new aspect the oase was re-beard yesterday. A criminal information had been laid charging John Hor|er| with obstructing the roadway by the oration and maintenance thereon of a certain building, and after some conversation between Gounael, it was determined to go on with th* case, Mr Garrick appearing for tho Heathootoßosd Board, and Mr Thomas for (ho defence. A number of witnesses were examined, and the defendant was formally committed fdr trial, bail being allowed on his owq recognisance in tbs sum of £2OO. As has been before elated, this oaao is looked upon as a teal by the Heatbbote Bead Board, Who believe that there ere several similar encroachments. Gaibtt Thbatbb.—the attendance at the Gaiety last evening was an unusually small one, owing doubtless to the . unfavourable aspect of the weather. Tho performance on the contrary was one of the most successful ev*r given at the Quicty, and it would be difficult to imagine anything more thoroughly pleasing than the rendering of the comedy of » Old Soldiers " The Company his? received an eooeaiion in the person of .Mr jJ. F. Graham, who, to judge from blssinoess last evening) bids fair to become' far mote popular at the Gaiety then he was. afcthol'hcatre Boyal.o His. impsMonotion of Lionel Leveret was a carefully studied and thoroughly .artistic one, and the applause which Mr Graham received was only hi# due. Mr J. L. Hall's character of, Cassidy affords yet another proof of his skill, the warm-hearted and quick-witted Irish servant being most faithfully depicted, and the many touches of thumedr'brought' out {a the. most natural manner possibles ill the part* were, well filled; aid the comedy whiohia to be repeated tbis evpnspg, may well be' commended to playgoers as capable of affording them tUoroagb enjoyment. Tho «ftorpifoo was the comedy entitled “ The Toadies, M which is too well known to need comment.
.SS&kov OVA.--Thrir.lmon ova are hatchjottpg fish. From all appeWAhee, the will uot bo five per o*nl. ’ Itaaun opir4 OoupAifT.~Tbf •übioription liiits which Wert oponedyeilerfay we» exceedingly well patroniiod. No len then 667 tiokeie were taken, the eotuel amount of money received being £220. This must bo gratilyingto the agent of’ theCompaiiy, ihd •is an (srneit of the laoooie which may be expected. »M. A ■„;> ,1,.' Obickbt—Sutton v AiEBBEiiHy,—A match between these two Clubs took place od the' ground of the former, and resulted in a victory for the home team, the icoree being— Set ton, 66 and 40; and Amberley, 84 and 27. The batting: of O.Fondall for Sefton contributed greatly to the encores'of bis side, bis scores being 13 and 18 respectively. For Amberley H. Feary did good service with the ball ; and H. Fendall, with fast underhand, lowered three of the Amberley wiokete in three consecutive bade. j Union Bowing Can*.—The senior pair--oared -sacs for Mr .Hennsh’e prize, over s distance OfOne mils,it to take plaoo on Thursday evening next, at half-paet five o clock, the course will be from the bend above Fratt’e, to the will Owl opposite the boat ebeda, an excellent opportunity being thus afforded, to visitors for seeing- the finish of the race. Six crews entered, but one has withdrawn, and it ; is possible tbatanother may do so, owing to the slight indisposition of oho of the men. The boats and places will be drawn for this morning. . ' } Masonic.—The regular monthly meeting of the Oanterbury Kilwinning Lodge, SBS 8.0., was held at the Oddfellows’ Hall, Lyttelton, on Thursday evening. After the transaction of thfr uiual business the followiDgofiioar* were elected for the ensuing year V—E.W.M., Bro Joseph Fletcher; S. W., Bro B. Cullen j J.W., Bro J, L.’Oarrell;‘Treasurer, Bro-J. Grubb | Secretary, Bro James Tregear; 8.D., Bro iWJ Grahami? J.D., fßtfti:Wi>Smith j Stewards, Bros Ooote and Zellan; 1.G., Bro Jory; Tyler.BroF. Arnold. Theinstallation will take place on Nov 80. ( Salk - oi Baoikg Stock.— Yesterday Messrs J. T. Ford and Co held a sale of racing stock at the Bash Inn, Upper Biooarton, thhloti toffered including horses the pro* < petty of Messrs HBedwood, S. Noeworthy, W. 0. Webb, D. O'Brien, &3. Sosroely any business was done. Maid of All Work, out of Bevokelby Melton, was knocked down to for 75|s,' ;ahdr-llfr\'||W’|l9«f’e Diana, immortalised in one of her owner’s epic poems, was purchased by Mr Nosworthy for* l7*ov», Guy Fawkes woe bid for op to 600g#,afc which price he was withdrawn,, the reserve figure being SOOge. ' The following’ horses were passed in at the prices named J Ghokebore, IQOge.Nettie; 200g#; Pinflre, SOgs; Puriki, 160 g(; a bay ' filly, , out of I Tantrums, by Kaottingley, ‘ 45gs; Tyro, |by Talisman,, out of No Name,lsogs j Lima, 150 gs i Mufti, 170 g Xantippe, . 70gs; Eclipse, 60g«. - Papanui.—An entertainment in aid of the Preibyterian Church at Papanui, was held on Fridayeyening last in the District Schoolroom, when the. following programme i was gone,through, the..Bev Mr.Horner'bring* in the Chair :—iQlee—" March of theinen* of Harlsoh/' 8t Andrew’s Choir; Song, " Frier,, of Orders Gray,"Mr- ffohnson; song," WhippoorWill/' Misi Horner; reading, Mr Seager; tang, Mr Crawford; piano solo, Miss loiter j rsqnf, MiegHprotr; song, “ Bcbinson Graeco,” (encored), Mr iWoledgo; song, Mr Nioboll; glee, St Andrew's Choir; song, Mr Johnsonjapynet eplff,i Mn Seagersopg, “ Dear LittleShamrook,” Mr Crawford; eoag,( " Batey Waring,,” (encored) Mr Woledge. j A, vote of thanks wae-giveo,' to the ladies and: gentlemen performing. . - '-8®- Sawtmm’w Chraaoity vestry meeting was held on Thursday evening' last; present—Bey W. B. Paige (Chairman*, John Gtigg, J. S. Bruce, and ft?. Ward and H. Winter, Churchwardena, The principal business was the consideration of a letter from the Bishop, relative to (he .appointment bf a curate for the -parochial 'districts'of Mount Somers and Longbeaoh. The Vestry coincided with the views of his Lordship the Bishop, as expressed in the letter now read. The subject of instituting a Church Association was then considered, andthe names of twenty persons, were submitted to the meeting, and approved of as being in every way most suitable members for furthering the interests of the church and parish; Several very important matters in connection with the dietriot were discussed at some length, and the meeting adjourned. Thbatbb Hoyaa There was a good attendance at this theatre last evening, when "The Two Boaea” was repeated, and, as upon its first representation, was highly snooesiful. Wa have nothing to add to the remarks made yesterday, but we might suggest this excision of one or two of the expressions pat into the month of the low oomedy man (“Oar Mr Jenkins”), which, however much (hey may tend "to make the unskilful, laugh, cannot but make the judioiaae grieve.” All the members •of the Company appear to do their best. with the very excellent materials placed ih their hands, and the result is a good oomedy- well played; It will be repeated awnthisevening. ".The Shaugbrann” ie in .active rehearsal and will be shortly produced, and Judging from the flattering notices we have seen of Mr Walton’s Conn, it should bo .» groat Buooois- ; v-r : - St Papa’s, Xai Tapp. —The first anniversary of toe opening of this Church woe Celebrated on Friday evening last by a very successful tea meeting and concert. An excellent tea was placed 'before those assembled by MesdaTies Davies, Barrett, Ooampion, Yarr, and the district - bachelors, whose table; was attended to by Mrs Brake. After upwards of 200 had had their want| satisfied, a concert took place. It ie 'not necessary to refer to all the various parte of the programme, which was a very good one, but we cannot refrain from mentioning Mrs Durham's song " The Blind Girl to Her Harp,” which was unquestionably-..(die gem of the evening, j Mr Mathew’s comic songs appeared to give infinite satisfaction, as he was twice encored, hut Mr B. Davies wee not eo successful in his " Deal hof Helton/’as of yere. At tho- conclusion the usual,vote of thanks to thd tea distributors, performers, Ac. were duly carried by acclamation, and the singing of the" National Anthem ” brought, the evening's performance to a successful olcic. The proceeds, which amount., to samatbing. over £BO, are to be devoted to reducing (be debt on the ohnroh, which will now be about £IBO. Ashbubton Fibs Bbi&adb.—The members of this body met for practice on Friday last. They took the engine to the river Opposite Wallace’s Hotel, and bad a, very fair practice. A meeting was afterwards held at the Somerset Hotel, Mr B. Friedlander in the chair, The attendance was good.. The Secretary produced the bank-book, which chowed a balance in favour of tba Brigade of £22. The principal object ofthe meeting wA| lof th« purpose of devising meens to obtain a sufficient supply of water for the nee of ; the Brigade in oase of fire. It was proposed tq bring a supply of water from Messrs Saunders Bros* mill-nee, who were about to build tonhe at their own mills for the prevention of fire, end who had kindly offered to supplyvatcr from these tanks to the town in case of fire. Mr Wilkie stated that it woolff ooit about £BSO to bring the water from this stream, in earthera pipes set in concrete, into the town. After considerable discussion, the following resolution woe proposed by Mr Cambridge—" That a tub committee, consisting of Messrs Compton, Wilkie,’ Gardiner, Friedlander, and the mover, be appointed to prepare au approximate estimate of tbooost of a water supply for the town ; the oothmittee to wait on the County Council at their approaobihg meeting, with a request that they will grant S iam of money for (bis purpose." Mr George Compton seconded the resolution, which Was carried. Mr M. Fried lander aud Mr Mitchell eecoiided—- ** That tenders be Invited for sinking;a well to ais great a depth ae poislble, after'which a two inch pipe be driven to try if ap overflow of water can be obtained ; the poet of same to be raised by pnblio subseriptions; 'and a l »ub be appointed '-ta carry out the work, sameto‘ consist of iMeisrs Oompton, Wilkie, Bobsrts, and ’ 'tbls-mover.” I Carried. A list was opened In (he room, and a very favourable sum woe promised. The meeting then adjourned.
Booifttini* cobkbm,—a byWto limit tbeepeed of rehide* petting round thrift corn#», wieljMt sight Adopted bylwe <M Oounoll.H %l IitTTtMCOK UATOBAZitt.—YeitMdsjr, Mr He»« Atlurighl wee duly elected to thelltyorelty of Lyttelton, he being the only perton nominated for the office. _ Land Saw at PAPANtri.—ln our report of e lend tele held by Mr Motion on Seturdeyi irwil itited tbit the aere eeotione <et P*p» r mil) reelUed £1 eeob, It aboold here been *6O. m >. .. ,1 WCMBBarua tub Horsas.—The principle
... i/MBBUING Tim uuu»— of numbering the houses of Ohriitohurob »M la»t night -affirmed. by the City Council. A regulation that had been drawn np on the subject dm adopted. When thie work » owned out it will no doubt be a great public convenience, A»b&B£B7’To'tro Hali/ —A meeting of the director* was hold on Saturday evening at Metre* Bonn and; Parkorson’s office*, for the purpose pf receiving tender* for the erection of the building. ’ A 'considerable number, of tender* were opened, and that of Mr Ash*, worth for £Bl6, exclusive of painting, accepted, j \ East Ohuibiohuboh Swimming Oira. — A moeting of the Committee wae held at the Gloucester street school last night, Mr F. Hobbs in the chair. A sub committee wat appointed to make arrangement! for an additional'eupply of water lor the bath, to oonwalk around it,; to improve the accommodation for dressing, and to otherwise promote the convenience and comfort of per* cone using the bath. It i» probable that the bath will not be ready for use until Monday ttexti;’'' ■ V , ;.y if j-‘- < Tbb Touho Trout ■ —There wae yesterday a epeoial meeting of the Council of the Aoeliabßtiiatidn Society, for the, purpose of considering the' question* of the yOung trout in hand, and appii?ation* for the same. Greet surprise was expressed when tbe curator stated .that tba tfodt were all gone. There .appeared ,to be e discrepancy of some thousands that could not be accounted lor, unless the flih had made their escape from the boxes. After a good deal jpf_ discussion it was resolved to dispense with"the service* hi the oumtor*,';';.,! . NORTHERN AGaiOOI/EirBAI. AND PaSTOEAL Association or Otago.—The dinner in connection with. the annual exhibition woe held in Earl’s rooms, Camera, on Friday evening lost. There was a large attendance, and tbe President—Hon B. Campbell—presided. On the removal of tbe cloth, the following toasts were proposed and duly honoured:—Loyal toasts, by thoOhairman; "The Municipal Council -of Gamarn,” responded to by hi* \f([«rship -the-Mayor, Mr Steward j j" The Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Aisooiation of Otago,” b/ Mr E. O. Kerr, responded to by (He'President}. “The Judges,” by Mr F. Dunlop, respond sd to by Messrs Stark (Christchurch), Sydney James (Dunedm), Andrews, Snow, and Haisall; "The Successful Competitors,” responded to by Messrs Fleming and Oakden; "The Uusnooeeiful Competitors,” ” The Seoratary,” " The Treasurer,” Commercial Interest*,” &o-> were also ’proposed and duly honoured. The toast of the Press was Responded to by Messrs E.G.Kerr {Lyttelton. Timet), Steward {N. 0. Times), and Q. Jones {OaiHaru Mail). ;f> Habbocb Boabd,-—The monthly meeting of :tbis Board- was held yesterday; present—Messrs Archer (chairman), Hayhurst, > Cliff, Moody, Ormsby, Maodonaldi Halil Beiwiok, Acton,-and Bar ThomasTacored, Letters were’ read from Mr Green, applying for *£2o, rent of leotion on which tho house stands.. Referred to a Committee to report,; :on. From) the Commissioner’ of Custom*, 1 acknowledging thertoeipt of two plane for (he breakwater from ■ the Public Works Office, and forwarding copy of, plan •let breakwater by Sir John Goode. fbe OBlfrman rtttt-cbirt-notrhearmg-anyfchtogro--garding the Obm mission he had telegraphed -to the Government. Sir George Grey re plied that Masers Anderson and Heale had been appointed a Commission to examine and report on (he plans forwarded; also asking if (ha Board Wonld par the expenses of the Commission. The Chairman had replied m the affirmative. Sir George Grey replied, thanking the Board for paying expenses, and stating that no delay would take place. Hh would always lend bis aid to so important a work. The action of the Ohairmap guaranteeing (he cost, of the Commission was approved. It was resolved that competitive Engineers bo Informed (hat a Commission is now appointed, and that the Board will pay reasonable expenses, not exceeding £2O, to give evidence in Wellington; (he amount to be deducted from the' bonuses if the plans are - successful. It was resolved that the Secretary should inform the Commission that (he Board respectfully suggests the ; advisability of it* visiting Timaru. It was resolved that in the event of tbe Commission requiring personal evidence from Ximarnj the Chairman be requested to obtain the services of snob witnesses at the Board’* expense. A grant of £5 was made to the Booket Brigade. It was resolved (hat the Board should defer accepting tenders for plant and material for the construction of the breakwater till the report of the Commission was received. The Board decided that in the event of the ■ucoessfol plans now before the Commission being found, on tenders being received,- to exceed the amount mentioned in the Engineer’s estimate by 16 per cent, they would have power to reject the plane as beyond (heir means, and no commission be allowed. ■f he Chairman was requested to call a' epeoial meeting immediately the report of the Commission wae received. Accounts to j tbe amount of £B2 lit lOd were passed for pay meat, and the Board ad journed. , , ~ An entertainment will be given in Bt UiohAel’s schoolroom on Thursday evening, at 8 oolook. The quarterly meeting of the Chamber of .Commerce will be held at the rooms in Cashel street, to-morrow, at 8 o'clock. : „ ... ‘ln consequence of the iWesleyan Church being engaged this evening, the practice tor the Musical Festival will be held In the Congregational schoolroom, Manchester’street. . , The fifth annual general meeting of the Mutual Benefit, Building, and Investment Society of Canterbury (Permsment) will bo held In Mr Gee's schoolroom, Worcester street, on Friday, at halfpast? p.m.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5227, 20 November 1877, Page 2
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2,906TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5227, 20 November 1877, Page 2
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