Lakd SAEB.—Meisrs Matson's sale of pro* petty, which was to have taken place yesterdoy,ha» been postponed to Saturday. The land in question comprises 87 acres ofMr B. Haskett's farm at PapaUui, which It is intended to offer in lots of one iaore eaoh. Thb Latb Ookspibaci OAsa.—The con* spiraoy case, in which Murphy and Wykes were concerned, cropped up: sit the Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday. 1 It will be remembered that the accused were committed for trial, and that they were liberated on bail. Wykes was now charged with attempting to evade justice, and the bonds in hie owe were cancelled, so that he will have to await hie trial in gaol. _He characterised the matter as another conspiracy, and declared that Morphy had sold every etiok lie possessed, turning him out of house and home,
lasuzr VAinmi Fmn», **• following additional oontributiona to lh* Indian Famine Belief Fund have been motived :--X»muk»' contribution, £l*B 19* id) Btotiet Ohap*l. Ohrietohnroh,£92* 3d) Fort Victoria Bead, Board. it 9*. ' ZaiAxas proj>ammi^|||lhd| previous evsniojfctWaa ■iSmtXtA last nMpp Ml b» >mpeat«df.. apart f#.-»hbfl«M« M.thati •sniiu fiybu»it«|Mr Ji|f. Hyiil Jill I pjogp at the wWldiWtob the object'i> the assistance of thelooel flie brigede,end (bet there i* no counter-attraction, there will donbtlete be * lerf e attendance. ■ Busams il)it tbi BnfflMi lolli vUt bt wrfy th* -phbiiDi. »tJFLji kw #r wmm bend* of thdpr&torS.” Thta for which the oitieen* havo to .thank.tlw.Citx., Council, end no donbfc. the printed roll* will meet with aready'iale. - . Nbw . graph office connected with thi newjirallway •tatioh i* ad# working order, but it will not be opened to the public until the itation itselfie perman*n«y u*»d lor traffic. Zhiii 01Bto%IH%rtiiDlr#b toimd-Id be & great boonto X , Eawoioba Fibb BniO'ADaf'tr AwffP usual practice of. thi* brigadf on Monday evening thamemberi met anddisousied the question of paying, thoeewho rendered »»• liitonoe atthepumpe ontUeoooa*ionotnre», and ultimately it we* agreed.that on these ; osoaaion* two shilfinge'per 1 Ijbad per hour ; ■ahbhld be-given for thi* work to ; j 'assisted. "" "- -- Botjthbbit .Oeoßß liODOB, 10-C T.—The Southem Oro** LodglMdf l ' ;ddpd|Tetnpl»r»,j which has fo£ia considerable time used the Orange' Hall, hat now changed Ite C plice of i meeting to the Templar Ball.- On the breaking np of the EiecliiorLodge the Southern Oron received a large , Moeeaton of member*, and is now doingremarkably well, initiates! Oontidually preMnUng themMlves. : | 'THBOATHBDtiAi. Squaub Task.—ThOtftuk for flre ,3 b^^i<^Jl i P ur P® ,w: '^situated in? Cathedral square, ia now undergoing thorough -mpaW.-Ihejoihte'of-toeatontoareheing; 'picked oUti andre-cemented, eo tbatall l*|hn age will be idea kae morw than once, been mooted,, that the number of; theee tanki ought to, be inoresied, dud tpat a eerie* should be connected with .one another! by,pipee .of suitable diameter,*© that ageeater •apply of water could 'he 1 point. :n iv,j ' ............ ■ agPHAITiHG. —The aepbalticg of the 'Oityl ie dMiog rapidly prooeeaed j wi%-in r J«ot| more expeditiouely'thinioomd _ have been' expected. ~ Ijetjoe 'has been given, to the 'telegraph' deputmeht jto; have ' .all t.’poete removed from , the except . where they are placed quite on the edge. In. : one portion, of Hereford etreet the poet* quite Obatiabt.thOfobtpathj being erected’two or three feet from; the* edge,; they .preient a r.aety bbetaole to pMiengert eomipg along in the dark., I; J";. • ' • . .S . Torso Trout.—A large number qf, young tront/ahout two,month* o)d,;weie forwarded }e*terdayftoto;(be galena the, Aoelimatilatiop let/, of 600 t wai *«nt to X4ke?:Ool«ridge; and; a’; eimilarrlot . wae diepet ohed to’ Goalgate,. to be- placed ;in the ! SQO-' The. diagMe. ia the older trout, to whioh referetco hae frequently been madf, 1 hto entirely disappeared,-tend, the whole of ;tha,;fi*b in, tog. *i»'' J at .the pieeent’ tizne in ependid-candiiion; v t ,v.-V* r > : v Wool DtrittiK# iW-Pd*T.^lfeeira Talbofc the Sb^^la^l^^iixlheir^Mv^ehea yaeterdey mon&)|i (bed la a very ooniadd Weaatolb-theoantraetore, dniabm g their ;3#brKil)^^!|dmf^^l|i ii - (, '-'T|^;#hdleiof;'the '-removed and rerereetedk wbtoeteam' wa* get'tip y esterday morning not a single hitch ' A ’few muif was lost—a».letot.p|ie*wMmmd in the morning by conveyed |t forthwith to the City* Ojunoil, where it now fowa in a cab—even if ii Werea oeg of gOld, malt be haude(l ;nv|r r to tbe Consoil, bub really-'-what.they, .jhato it the article in queetion if told, which. pojtoßpt, i(rWill bp, ifrnot olaimed toprUy,, that theproceeds will go to the City Fond*.' ,} Bi^i<B r Mi'roa.—A mat&heebeen arranged .between the Chrwlctumb and Donedki. Pi)y IWjfchW' * thei* ol amjnu.{^i|i^ !B .fhe are for: ten men eeide, eaohT man to Are Jet' eaob thft» men are to ametonding. ’dielanoee 4hey dtoy 3»e B>ihr oh the .part>of ’the, .OhrMtohurch City - jet* Hilleb»ron|b ? _.“™ „ f Nr gixotbd CHiiiDßßir.--A mlcenble ease df hegleot was brought forward 1 dent Magiitrate’* Court yNU/fdey morning,from ooc.torned were oottjM||ci to seek refuge with i nal|hTO%W , lrlm t ihiWwl<ihoe' s 'Of ; ihbir'father, who was of drunkem habit*, and made |hia •' lf>7»' although only *i» yeaip'of age, had become A regular itreet ArauMi he exhibited an |extraordinary 1 Only a day for. two previouily a hammeri and bto AeUbemtoHinrkeh no fewer than •ixteen airpipe* at tKWformal Sobool, doing damage to tbe extent of pearly.*£s.' The two youngbr children l were lent to the Indu*trial Bohool at Burnham;, , BAinw’kT Hlr*ry effort., ie being made to provide luffloient weggeni to; 'meet the demand ttiat will arise when ;the grain ieawn arrival. 'Obntraote havo beeh let] to Mriir* Langdown and 00, of. Dauedin,for and to' Campbell ißroi, of. Dunedin, 1 for. 150. . Then the’building,of the flntof 110, has juifc been commenoedintho Obriitohoroh workihop*—a new buildipg whioh hai jut betn finiahedforthe purpoiie-r-while lAatoto oome np from Invercargill, and; SOriarA tying built for thr Canterbury • Hue* in Auckland, It should be understood that the iron- work of these waggons comes from the Home country, only .the timber work .and. putting together being done here, and that a very large quentity of it is .now at iea, wbioh wili arrive in a short time. ' ; THBAsHivaßaAßTSpOMfl.—Nothißg ? appears a* yet to bave been done in oooneotion with the ouitomary sport* held ia liatimsr *qaars, tbe apparent apathy of; the Committee oefog 'due' to the .fact that linoetho death df 4 Mr Cordon there ha* 'been permanent Secretary. The ground ie at preient in a mieerable condition, and much will require tobe done'to put it in order for : races. This work should be done as speedily' as possible, as intending competitors 'will otherwise., have but. little opportunity for training, and without a doe amount of {pro Uminary work they can scarcely fair to be injured by the coutette. Wo believe that Mr S- F. Andrew*, who is alwaj* to.theforein them mftttersiis now taking steps fcobaU the Committee together, and it may be antioi pated that in tho oourse of a few daye Latimer iqusro will begin to present the welhltnowD animated eppeoranoe. ; THB'NB\v ZBAiAiiDBB>—We have received the first number of "The NewZealanderj" "a monthly journal of popular literature,” published by Mr Furness, of Nelson, ; Tae opening obipteri df the serial tats, ".That Lass o'liowrieV,” by Mr* F. H. Bnrncl t, are excellent. Borne of the articles are readable; all of them are light, though not partienUrly striking. The 1 verses, on Lord;Nelson are anything bat poetry. Bat the great objection to the mftgaeiue it that it has ho [more special adaptation to New Zealand than to any other part of tho ? -British' dominion*, Thors it not a line about the Colony in it, and the cover and imprint alone give it any? local colouring, The articles are principally extracts from other puhlloaiiohs. It may bo th|t this compilation -will supply a want amopgst sutoe colonial readers by presenting a number' or •mallvooial articles from a variety ol! sources, in a compact forms But why it should be called " The New Zealander,” it is impouible to Oonjeotnrf, v : "■' l j V
A Pfcimm Faocmot—lt is the opinion of m««mI medical oAn ia tbo aftj that aftev tba extraordinary apell of dry weather we bars had, thaw » a twj ina probability ■ of ' tlwsiMfwvaleiicn«amt typhoid lorof' whan q|||anM for HU* nawo it UwnHNniwin fipba very fiiwfal, aod kaop fmm ■knihaai' aloao a*' .fMeib}*. lAmey bflHHm a foot that at a»|a|BWara unusually BaILWATS. oommaDunedin by, luyynlt, I# to ho op«n between Ambpley oßd thoTjlBl!. Batwa very much fear (hat nolaoa tp« contractor* for tfaa*Xaati|i eeoUfio pnshjwMd their work jX hOPtd 2 that what transpired 'npaa that” occasion will to ns# a. Utlll s flloi¥aiiip^ wthia important matter. LsCTtTB* AT Ashbusxoh. —A leetnre waa hi* snbjeet "The E»it«ra Question, and the StoadlhM^Sd^i’ proceed* of the lecture wen to be given to the treararer ia aid., of the Feel of Bella fond. Mr Tfaoa Bollock occupied the chair, and iatroduoed Mr 14'Nesls.who delivered a rery intetatting accent of' thi* question, and il welt id pda the opinion* |;iven on Ibia aabjaet by England’* greateet •tateemen. •Ho 1 * eSowed skt he had carefully studied both aidea of 1 the question, and hi* tympatby waedeerly with the Turk*. At the oloaa a rota of thank* waa nnani.mooaly panadto MrM'Nealoandtbc Chairmani aereiil a wi*h to again hear other lecture* on tha tame subject at aona oonrantent time. pot /t&sj Tbb Oddmllows’ Hall.—The Ber Oboe -Clark haring now finished hi* tenon at thia place, the alteratioot and improvement* that hare bean ao long contemplated an now being proceeded. ,witlu- Tha,iaU.,it*el£ ia r being ■tripped and 1 picture* taken down/ and the! present small and inconvenient stage will in a• few day* be altogether-removed. The whole ; of the largo room at the back will also be I pulled dowp, apdrthe eutirebolldingextended ’ back a distance of 40 feet, eo tbatj whed com i pleted, the ’OddleUawA’ a very long l way the largest ball in Canterbury. Quite »| roomy etaga ie to .be erected, suitable for foil concert#, dramatic representations, Act and we bclierc that the gallery at the back' will. forward, eo ae to A^mm^toaTOT manymonpeople than it doil-ait (decent. -We understand that: no expense will be spared to make this the leading and most- attraotire hall -in - New Zealand. ’ f
A wjißATioif of Qaush.—Th* whole of the raiMray frdmjAmberiiy downjto OhristohmSh will be converted from tb.e breed to the narrow work to be doner - The entire alteration will be made ini op»dn, t aad 400 men will be employed on the workTTraffld'will be reeamed the next morning, when the new OhrutoboToif station perimhiintly. After that day the old etatiod will he awept away", and its site oooupied'by the new liner. With regard to the new atation it ia not nowbeing oted, and will hbt b* until Dee 21, by which time the platform will be laid in coo ore to. and that it aame time ae the will apa|i 4.rom pno,pjatform . jto thk LITKBAfX The' adjourned monthly meeting of the Bangiork Inatitate Committee 'wa« held on Tuesday evening; preaept—Measrs Mertpn (chairman),, -Blaokett, Jtllia, Thompson, Good, Fniton, Boyd, ana Martin, Secretary. ‘"IE waa resolved after some discussion to offer the use of the hall free of eharge for the dttrpQM flfholding the pnbllo meeting, called for .Wednesday craning, to take of Sattenlarging the Inatitate halfwas then brought forward, and the members were unanimopain ia quits uraljni# fpktbewqairementa of the place, and had now arrived when more accommodation' wae required. Meins 'Boyd,' l ' BfMketf* Merton,'and Fulton were appqmtod.yb|-Oqmmtttee to ascertain the probable ‘oasgsakmMittffi*fo to the length S&fflttJSSssStt' to the report. oLAhe Sub-Committee. Ibb that ourold friaad'.|h*«^Kl|f'|ad!|B^^aW^lt 'fflay-b*'Ntediftri«athto as>*amtiDf qr the .City Council a chert lime ago it wtoigrewl to. allow ih^itfe'bf pleton Boad Board for two guineas a day, and; Jn 'not « great WoMfci» whMfit jeonfafd »• labours to^tfjlfiUaßwMill*^ -barn {getting on all right. But it appears that! the smallcharge nf;J2» it ifaa while ritwglmr roads, which beautify |h« ; v PWP«Iy off A lattler in tbil thriving district, that it oame to grief, for. the: treacheroua toil gave way. beneathlts whaels.andJtfeUloaieEo pore* until it- aboil ba * releia«edi ;fri»m ita lilua* tion.vby.maaM tff M«ntato; t |9d other;, appliances.*t advices if had not recovered from ita preatrate condition. There 7 Jolioibr. toke'a legal=riew-ol the qaeation* e* ait f dlHST.~The.amthal jmeMberi; of tbia Soeiaty waa held.; at j theGroavenor Hotel on Mondayeraning. .There was a good) f to 5 dent, preaided. A mbit attractive,programme,comprising 88 events, waa drawn up, and 'the 1 priaea fixed were of a liberal description. | In additiobto-theusualwkhletio contests,there will be dahoing in alletytea to bagpipe music, end it if expeotedthat on thia there willbe four piperspriseht. Itwaaresolved--"That a medal, value £3, be given to the }argeat aggr<gate aoom. ;of points in all opm* petitions, exclusive of bagpipe music, dancing, and. costumes." following were wen elected officers for the ensuing year President, MrD.M'Lcn iVioe-Pr«ids#s, Messrs J. M'Dooald and James King; Hon Treasurer, Mr D. M, B<h* { Hon Secretary, Mr' D, Stuart; Directors, Means Thomson, Bather* land, M'Kerrow, Fjfe, M'Kenzie, Wood, I Turnbull, Binolair, Ford, Meikle, Cork, Partridge, Evan*, M'Donald, Erioji Derby, Jackson,jDliffJW. Pringle, A. Pxiegle. and Captain MilU. : A vote b! thanka was then pitied l * to the bon SdOMtftlY fov hl9 pMt IM?lo6i| IDfi&tlQJ terminated. ■ " 1 - ’ I »; Thb Samoh Ova—Hjom ioliour readers who fail an interest in or id the general work of the Aoolimatisstidn Society, will bf flad to learn ths| tbs trsa«ment of the ova is proving abundantly sneoeasfal, fully,a fourth of the 60,000 bring ho# hiibhed but. It U ppttible thatthepwrqe|taiqqf be aomewbat greater than had been antioipatedjaa It is found that bva which, formed the top and bottom laysia of the* box-, are not hatching out marly to readily af the athert. The cnralW te unremitting in hia attention, and unqoaatiobably very, much of the luooeis attending the experiment will bf due to his care.- It may be interesting to state that there hai been found to be a difference in temperature between the upper and lower boxes of half a degree,'or in other words that the water bar become Warmer by half a degree on reaching the lower boxes id the tiers. In.the new houie, the average, temperature of tbe water ia 65 degrees, whilein the old bouse it is 66 degrees. [Over tor haa put up a suitable awping, and jester day tbo delioioue ooolneisof the fish noniesi’' as Compand with-the outer air, formed amoat agreeable change for visitors. The yea#.old; anmon, which occupy a pool cf water In one ofthehousea, arelookingrsmftkably healthy 1 ’’ iU i ■
FtAMW match.—The pteson match which Bad been arraiiied between Ito *fd»«»d and Mr Hewitt bae fallen tbrontb. M* Bed wood not beta# able to g»t the proper sbotin town. 1* it underetood, however, that negotiation! have been «*d* *» alaoo* a* should Mr Hewitt etay over the meeting.' Mr Bedwood lay* £6O ■ BwMTßli.—lt toast hare bmngpden^to the moet eaenal obeejltaw m »H° hPM* ,, t*at tbe channel* j” clean aa they wed !SBi”lSg!P, r 9 smeller-number of; It i* to be hoped. kpd* A tbe oitiaane will sake of a little larger the sooner th* old state of t»to||i* restored, and there are eight chan nelpweepprs—two lor ssoh garter— tbs smiu, fa feouiaotion with the United Methodiet Free iGbwoh 9onday*aobool war* held on Sunday last. Ur Meredith, of the Ooet, preached in tHemdrfito|'sßd*ereiiliri;*’Sed i -addrie*wd»th*' children In tbe 1 usnal tea meeting wa« held in th* ohapeL i children, a public meeting *w hold, the Rev 3. J. Pendray oeeapying the *hair. Several i piece# wore recited, iptweperswi with einging, nil A vote of thank*toibe Ohairman/Messre G. A. ! White and Bh*rplin, who addressed the ro**tto Mis* Parsons, who presided at the harmonium, brought a very enjoyable meeting to aolbee.- > } .t-'a'A . i -%>■»<* 1 • ScAMATirrA AT TxHABU.~It b*# been decided by'fbe local medical men tbataoarlatina irae‘ the oaue* ai tbe death of tb* boy beloegjhsi tOOdletnin, whoreelde# on LeChren’* telMc#. It was ‘at first snggested; that the cade* of death wae fl*h pouohing, aa the ohil’drpn bad eaten*' coma fish, and sill of them weremore or less ill. I>r Lovegrovediseented fromtbis TiißW.bnt stated al the time that lit th* abasnce of other avidenee -it was possible that eating the fish bad eomcthlng to do with the cause of death. Tile symptoms show in the ease bf the little girl—who U now recovering—that eoarlatioa was tbe .disease that hed seized tbe family. Dr» Lovegrov# and M'lntyr* Were both, of opinion on Mon--1 day moreing that scarlatina was tb* oane* of : deatb, and tb* little boy wae buried without an being held, Proper precaution* ■ bat* been taken to iaolat* the duease, and there am at present ao signs of its spreading. , Obloket.—The- rdllowing will -lb* the I ML0.0.0. team agaibst tbe Ucllege bn SaturI d«y 'next, r pUy to uommeno* at B p.ra.: — Meekra Ataek, Austin, Fairhnrst, Hislepi W. Homer,-PHairat, Parker; PAvitt ■ (Oapfaio), Beevee, arid ■ G.'lA. Tomer.. Tbe doll eg* teamisae follow*; —Burton, Back* Hartland, Herb*rt, . Higgins, ■ L.. Strode, and We*Uar*i Th* foliowibg eleven of?,,the. BaUny*ide ‘ Ulnb wfll play the St drispta Gluh’-on' Saturday s Messrs A.j Crawford <Oaptain), Page, Whitley, Kinsman, Hesger. Francis, n. Hill. J. Hill, Hopper, ! Hooper, Mason ; Gordoer-and Gbrris emergency men. - The Snnnyside dlub will play ! matches on Her 84 and 29; with tbe Bailwey add ; Lyttelton Olab*; The.matoh.Ratoheri .▼ Baker*, willtakeplaoe tb-dayon theOanterbttry AHoeiation’* grbnad;eomme,noing at 11 o’clock/. I(r i* reqne*ted tbst players 1 th*r*punbtuaLto-tima._ Gaibtt Thbatdb.—A good programme wai submkUd ait MhitGaietyi:Jaat 6venjpg to the piece* being " The iFaetory Girl" and (< The 'Frofeefo*.”' -. The former . piece .hasbeen playedVbu former bcoasibn* r at the' Guety, although not with the same bast. Last even- ■ tnf, : tbe part bf Martha. Qibbe .wa*"yetj'ihocetsfully portrayed by jr. L, Hall, and tbunf Toby.Twmklst. by whom thehiimoiu < of the pieoe is developed, felltbHr Hall as a matter of cqune, The ; pomedy ai a whole wa* well rendefed, and gave evident aatisfab- ; tiofa.' Inthe operatic absurdity entitled;flhe ■ -Professor,” Mr J. L; H»U appeafed in lho . Mr* Ball a# jLBoy 3ornbb», k aiid Hiss Laura Wiumna a* Barbwa. It, need •oarcely be said that the,moat was made of Ibis' amosing (ketob, which created' roars of laughter,’' It it announced that on Friday evening Mr* J. LrHal| is to {hake a t benefit, and she i* so univsrasl a favourite, thkt thcre will donbtlen be a.crowded house, i WooMWS Obioxbi Oiuß.--A me*ticg of the W. 0.0. Ufa* at the Wharf Hotel, Wooletou, ou Mondayr evenicg last, Mr A. Beaumont iU'tb* chair. Over 20 members wera -preeeaK - The Pmwismml • Obinmittee, , apppinted at the lut meeting, reported that a ■niubl* ground, oppbeito JQ»« Heathoote Bowing Club’s. shed ,wm .'uroouraVler, and reeommmdetl tbaf it'tiioalo Dsrleated. They . alau -submitted, ifit&ft rnlev-rWhiph, -V e ” reoommendad by tha'ChMutittM. The mebtios of effiberre '-was tben pro«e*d*d ? w|\h, and ra suited *1 fol!ows :-Hofc Becretary>nd Treasurer, .Herbert. Bttxt4H»j4 Onstodian, James Scott; ,ComnuUe*,-G, BtqokcisA.. Beaumont, W;Mirtih ; Tru»tefflp; S.~Btuckeyv A. Beaumopt.mDd » T< facff»lwd Jb»b no . .membki-1* allowed to play ill mafciTuntii ' lii. *ub.oripUon be p«d. Tfce Secrelary res the Lyttelton Club. He had not received •ihefr reply. bub had hO 'doUbt-but -tlkt the , -oluallenge would be aaoepted. . Tueeday- even* : inge and- Saturday afternoon* -were fixed for , practice. ~Tho Club already pumbm S? members, and doubtless williooa numbfr'twice aa ■ many, . .>5 i Civil.Actiobb AOirafiT thb GHircyUi. QqvBBirKBHT.— Beildemt Court yeaterday, the civil cue*' arising Mlf of the late fra- in Lyttelton-were disposed of. These were m follow*,:—Qilmour iV-Mini*t*v for Publio Works, Mr G. the defendant, and Ur W.P, Oowltetawlo* Ibe pltintiff.. .;Ttu* ;wiMi an, Teeover fire nhlehcccorredat; theLytteflooiU^way Station 1 on Jdne l? last.— Cb v • Same. UrJoyntfor tbaplaintiff.'ahaMr G. Harper for " the 'defendant. This was jan action,; to- rfparst* ,£so,lor'. . through" the of wbeat. -—Edward* -v B*mh : -'||r Joyufcforthe plaintiff, wd M*. defendant. Thlawaean aetiont* i*ooy*r.i?9a,l4i ;fdr loei Joalained Ihroogh- the fi f 8 to: 60 bag* of malt, and fog detention w wmeof the same. His Worahip nowdeiivsred judgment for the def*ndaatil(i|oh of the above upon the grouefi gmwlly that the oonditiotte. endorsed upopflh* doceignment note* limited the liabiUty of tha Government against |oa* by fire, and that' th*. byelaws containing-a •imilajr limitation Wara pot unreasonable or ultra vireii Mr Jqynk gav* notice bf appeal. ; . . > KAIiPOI SOKOOH Ookuimbe. The monthly mtetipg.of, jthie. Committee WM held on Monday evening last; at’ Which Mekira Parnham (Obaiiman), Bean, Beharrell, Johnston, Paibby, and Wilson were present. 'A wai reoeived f»m r thi Bm fl. Bdnoatibn, enclosing . the report H oh [the icqairyintotho cqmpleint wocptly nmd* respecting the history question, the Secretary stating that it warthe wish of the Board that in future the teabhera were to be requebted to refrain from oommenliog upon any point* of history which might oause a dispute, ot which might b« objected to by the parents of any of th* *eholan. One wa* received from Mr -Hookham, stating that bs* daughter; wk* H»o iunwelj tfi attend to her duties, Onc- wa* alao received from. MU* Hookham of a »Wr* woeut„ date, •tating,’io reply to a request from the Committee to that effect, that she would decline -to tender her resignation, at the differmibe* ibid by the Oommittbe to exijlt-betjreMi hersalt and Ur Bayner, didnot so exist, and' she. therefore, In justice to herself, must take! tbit Court*, It was resolved that Miss Hookham be informed that the Committee could, die.pen*e.with!her *emMi, and that a month's given to her. Some letter* from the MsieUmt .ttachen-tn the'girls’ .ichool were received,, and referred, to the master for his report thereon, .andJt'was agreed that in future all oorrsispoudence of that nature mutt be submitted to the Committee through the - mailer only, or It would .not be considered. Mise Pashby tendered' her resignation as a -pupil teacher. It, was resolved that in fu^ ure teachers requiring to absent themselves, from th* sohool for anv Otuic should submit their excuse to the' master onjhe day following before the opening fit the sohool. The Com mltte* thep adjonmed till Monday to receive Mr Bayner’a report on the above oorro*' potadeuce.
Club ha* recently ? f th ® Arch®, attention, end the uSTJoVS? i ®3[ pearanee in keeping with *n »p. man * w bwhioffl^. Oiit VahAtob.—a ooofl a. i . excited irf fh ° f f wl “l citizens at tta JL‘ ho . olnd * ■>* hating appointed ;W u *lfe*hea hi. tender JJ £ °° a <% thfl tender of Ur Webiter mow than tb *t> public reeling win b' v S7 m -subject. 8 m be held an a, IiATB FIOODS. We nr>J- . the Government ate about thrt steps lor the decide Northern railway in the event offn? 8 ® 1° *b* The railroadieto be .9 ibESteS?"***. proved at«the old spot,” that th« d Wl barmlee., to far a* the line*. oo ac S lwd » ,'■—"BB#UWg, 808 .CAS XJEBBCET T*,. {powerful engme.,«aoh weighing 27 tL T S* “» w at th* Bluff o nhl£2 the ship Hopefnl, bonnd for Canterbury W SS/* iof four that were not very long ato ; from Home by the Otago ProtboiSl fi** ment; butaefor lome little time njl I? 8 ' hav*jDO* been aetttely engneednon tai MaaegSr.madeao application for tbiTf' be tranefetred to the Canterbury ILttee^Sw they cac he kept in full eltww* greoted, and they will, i n .RE bahility, arms in a few date. •“ P*od»,Oj*o. T.-Th* annual: teuton of tiu Grand Lodge of the Good Templar* of tv! Kiddle leland/ic thi. fear JtThl * Timaru, commencing on the- second Tuu£ inltfecerober. The reting for the el«2fS Grand Lodge repnaentatma fir the dislike of Ohrietehoreh cast, which include. n. Hope BxoeUior Srer Faithful. DauntW end Wooletott'Xxatleior Lodge*, hu T!? Uk*h plaoe, aod at the emtiny of the haiSt whiobwaa conducted 00 Tuetday eveoiwLii wae fowad that. the eueceiifnl o *ndidti* were BrialL Bfnnett* and 0. M. Qr»y jIT recorded thi* Z; ertrwielw emel}, neteitt»Undipg the fat i thltSrtttefortticomißgGraiid Lodge u-S i queetlUaWeSpeotiid to be brought fon3 • whaob ; Will- involve gnat oonttituiieui | «-~! 'I- cr. ■ " The next monthly meeting of the Binw— e„ f -daySohoolAaorfatfiaawHlSeTKeldin ßtKW^ 1 Sunday School to-nkhtVat half-pert 7 d'clml^ I A meeting of the finßasr Sehef Fund Conanlit» will be held at .the City Council Chaaberj ™ ; Friday, at Inoesioub Auvmtmihq —The .w^ •■■Swot odotaise a wyingenioasly *et U&, I adrertieement.;, r lhe word»<»f the ment ate. aa to form tim head aid with eyee, noie, scciL and ean Mfhplete. while on thi top of thi head ia e* " wordy” bdltopper hat of Ibe neveetdeaign.: - ■ : f 7 . . BABIBS AX Fl4CtB« OB AHUBHXBSI.-Xiay mother* are either oompelied to it*; my from ohoreh and theatre, or Ule their babw with tham; i poor woman took her little one in her. arm# to hear a famonr retinliit preacher fin Melbourne. The loud voice from the pbathnrm awoke the child and nude it cry, and thc mother • got up and «u leanogtha b»U : wbin the preacher (topped her by nying, “ My. good woman, don't go away. The baby doean't diitnrb me.” nr, I leafe," the repliedj with a perfect utcm* aoiontneu of laicaas), " it'a yon diitubtke baby 1” - YxciOßrAs BAiLWAXS.— The Governor ol Victoria, in a speech made at the opening of the Hamilton line, laid .—From iffioial itttii* tie# which I hold in my hand I find that in • 1878, 965 milea will ba open for twfflo, and that the profit* will then pay all the working expeoees and; ail the interest cn’ the money borrowed for the coaetrootion of iheraOwayt, . with the, exception of an annual charge of about £IOO 000, which charge, however, will rapidly diminish es the line* ere'extended and the traffic is dsvelopedr (Cheers ) It ia welt known also that. the, Victorian yailwaye f would hare already afforded a nett fcaiacoe of profifc wero it not for tbe extravagaDt ccst of some ofthe iineswhioh-Wero first oauitmottd, some of which cost somethmg liie £4B/300 a " mile. " ■'■■■’ ■” „ V Tbs Labgbbb Oxhcuxatioh pr m | WoELD.— JDdiio Telegraph: placarded- on the pyramid! In ite issue dt "Wednudey, Angn»142,1871, appear* the iollowlng- stetemenbr—" Wi hereby osrtifythatw# havethi*;day«amiatd the booke te.'tiie''pnbS*biDg and priMisg departmeota of iho. JJaily Tetyrari bm MaylfcdJone SO inelusivA 'We-'find' the ’number of papera printed during that period baa been 12,837,400, ehowingadaily : aTcnge pf we farther stats 11 the"greatest daily; wa.hava hitberte MytiSed from thw. -bfok* of the Body Tiltlootos, AHJ " do, 1 aoeoahtapli; Tjß. l,: Tokephouiejard, 5.0., Ttd TeUgrapi remarts:- " It ia needle** to add that such a reton over ' inch a r period of time baa ne«r bsfowb**® made by any dailyiicwipaper in the annalt of : .IdnftMiltt. w "SOt i-.-s ■ . . • • The AmlnMnm 1* iabilant bTerHbe diioorary 0! a f» WJPJ® 6 by a The gratitude of the " is Oaptalif Felibn. d! the ship ■«» mkß^l«^.T«SMie®*oi ! of wfc»t JhaM»« bMMftMaktfatigitMcn the reputatna mdßf! Wifb aU of onr g»ft wd n»a aobiavementa in,many fields haro aU bstfi oonaoioni, not withonta ‘WlinmilliliOD.'thit in on* '«P e0 ‘”’“ sadly lagged behind the ran nt>, n*f miT BOWtaieits o ,tincontri* mupitiaa of the ;0 n the» butm* ...t»:, conntiMt ssfissssssis^si that knowledge^ w** whdJj tiraao* Quite abut on **.* InwnteUil® 6 * tegirduf .Ihw 0 f 00 r o*o. abeeace. «* • * erp »n theccßiW tridiaa iaMM,** esa* 5 * nreSA-have made feeble, mDplyii* •IJwiKfllf doctemptiWa, • pkw* by the local bunyip. w » . OJ ihical ttal all haa been made w i*t creature that posaiWy oonld, b »^ oTeWr , pltifolrHolU itiaoMdlcii to“?’ the,f dark day* w.Mg; the comforts .take' pvrproprpi«« 0in bets ppi«t munity of nataon*. And.cneot ‘ tb#tt h» o’ooseqntUM* of this use fol bonj>P much-worked “**“ ‘‘.“fflimboo l may now be relegated to »« -forgotten. _ f ' ( k 6 war « r : Cos back HoscKEr.-Oneoj re*i»Dden»eiiTe»anaccou»tori paJlU! g the aemi heatten °tbe thin,*^ through the atreeta of g o adenlf, aj» looking toT» of a feU « u “ Qcd> Ita lay apparently lifeleie on . | n d master wat moved Bo tonlj6«pB T, t the unhappy fete bon® 1 *" tf* WB*6fa favonrit#.bQt wt of it were menwhose tbe p«J not . aulfoit - the® f 1? men. without M®* v.F.intion w® 9 ;thdif pity. t**j£ and the «bm» _ v,' g way with d D IJfolees animal. went on ®* i* I teat.; for \e bad J,. boj J | crowd were J«® d Jffile we* heßl if g w I pure sympatby, wn The jj OM e sP rBB , g M* I other end o f,the BtrMt. T j d ■ his fset,and_with a joyf was j 0 ■ master, whose -dpnr trios bf t K mired,' own by thoewwb 0 9 » Q^, z tn »g K deceive, the. good °jj 1 tranaaotion in which novej 1 10 f d« j H easy task, ahd demMde •» A a nok her & i nese seldom the same doubtful m 0 v h Lioe oa»t if y ■ eye witneie.:, I on a piece of ch|«*e, wbw» i(;i WP"I ■ froma Jew.aeked t° el^ d tbeP r,c it 6 was in hia liandi he * 899 ge fl wai, of worse, o« lbl{4n flj
hid arm sod began to bargain. Ae ha JSS hi. w««a« P|«*d behind him and off a piece. The Cossack said it wa* r*mall one. the Jew that it was »large one. totime looking smaller and smaller, the Jew, afmid to attempt aay_v.ioljsnoa, gave in’ bo'the. jwaaok’s prior, which, aslik»:,tbatv of- the ffibrlline books, grow erat loUls* aSd'amaller
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5223, 15 November 1877, Page 2
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4,770TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5223, 15 November 1877, Page 2
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