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Public Notices. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. VUIDMH AND WISISB BOOTS, SHOES, AKD WARM SLIPTIRs 6 Trunks .. 33 Trunks 4 Trunks 6 Trunks Special attention 1b called to the THIRTY-THREE TRUNKS per Inverdrnie. The whole o( thla lob has been made to my Own Order by makers known to excel in their special branches. Details in future advertisement. W. HARRIS, Imperial Boot Depot, Cashel street, adjoining, Dunstable House. 235 (EX TNVEEEBNE Now Opening \EX INYEBDBUIB ~ (EX S. 8, DUBBLAM EX MAIL STEAMER CHEAP DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, WATERLOO HOUSE. 8500 QIRL9 ’’ MAID3 ’> AND SADIES’ BLACK STRAW HATS, BEST QUALITY AT 6d AND Is EACH. 1 CASE HOBEOCK3’ YABD WIDE H LONG CLOTH, 6s 11b PEB DOZ% Damaged dy Sea-wateb. A QUANTITY OF LADIES’ AND GENTS' BEST KID GLOVES, SLIGHTLY SPOTTED, Is 6d PAIB. CAS H.—N 0 DISCOUNT. HOBDAY AND CO., CORNER OF CASHEL AND COLOMBO STREETS. COLOMBO STREET BOOT & SHOE DEPOT. ESTABLISHED 1860. JOHN GOODMAN HAS the pleasure to inform bis trie. ds and the public generally, that he has made a still FURTHER REDUCTION in the price of his GOODS, which they will find 15 per cent cheaper than any other House in the Trade, being determined to ell out hla SPRING AND SUMA'ER STUCK to make room for large shipments now in Harbour, wh. h include Ladies' Button Boots, in the newest designs i the Princess Louise Walking Shoes, Kid Bo ts in great variety from 5s fid to lbs per pair; Ladies* Cashmere Boots from 3s Cd; Children’s Kid Boots from 2s; Gent's French Patent Walking Shoes, 7b fid Colonial-made Side Springs, 16s fid. OWN MAKE WATEBTIGHTS PEGGED AND BIYETTED. SEWN, PEGGED, AND BIYETTED BOOTS MADE ON THE PREMISES. JOHN GOODMAN, COLOMBO STREET, NEXT TO HOBDAY & CO.’S. N.B.—All the Cheap Lines are now in Stock. 9610
Educational UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. £jLASSIC3 AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. Professor J. M. Brown, M.A. Senior Latin—Monday and Wednesday, 9 to 10 p.m. Senior Greek—Tuesday and Friday, at 9 to 10 p.m. English Literature—Monday and Wednesday, 8 to 9 p.m. Greek and Eoman History—Tuesday and Friday, 8 to 9 p.m. Junior Greek—Thursday, 6to 7 p.m.; Saturday, to 2 p.m. Junior Latin—Thursday, 7to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 2 to 3 p.m. Elementary Latin—Thursday, S to 9 p.m. ; Saturday, 3 to 4 p.m. Elementary Greek—Thursday, 9 to 10 pm. ; Saturday, 4 to 5 pm. MATHEMATICS. Professor C. H. H. Cook, M.A., Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge. Fnclid—Monday and Thursday, 6 to 7 p.m. Elementary Algebra—Monday and Thursday, 7 to 8 p.m. Algebra—Tuesday and Friday, 6 to 7 p.m. Trigonometry—Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 8 p.m. Mechanics and Hydrostatics—Tuesday and Friday, 8 to 9 a.m. Conic Sections—Wednesday and Saturday, 8 to 9 E ‘ ’ CHEMISTET. Professor A. W. Eickerton, Associate late Sen Queen’s Scholar Eoyal School of Mil es, F.C.S. Physics Electricity—Monday and Thursday, 5 to 6 p.m. Elementary Chemistry—Tuesday and Friday, 5 to 6 p.m. Course of Lectures on First Principles of Electricity for Schools —Thursday, 4 to 5 p.m. Popular Class in Sound, and Physical Theory lot Music—Friday, 8 p.m. BIOLOGY. Dr LI. Powell. Botany—Tuesday and Thursday. 5 to 7 p.m. Physiology—Wednesday and Friday, o' to 7 p.m. FRENCH AND GERMAN. Eev C. Turrell, M.A., Dublin; Stud. Phil., Bonn ; A.E.C.P. French—Wednesday snd Saturday, 6.50 t.ll 7.30 p.m. German... Wednesday and Saturday—7.3o till 5.30 p m. JURISPRUDENCE. C. J. Foster, L.L.D. Jurisprudence—Wednesday and Thttrsdn - —9 till 10 a.m. The Lectures on Classics, English literature, Mathematics, French, German, an i Jurisprudence will be given at the Public 1.0 r ry ; those on Chemistry and Biology at the small oddfellows' Hall, Lichfield street. Fee for each course of lectures of two hours a week, one Guinea ; fee for the Course of First Principles of Electricity for Schools, Haifa crown; foe for the popular class on Sound, Five Shilling-. Ladies are admitted to all the classes on payment of the usual fco. Students are informed that it is absolutely necessary that they should enter their names at the Public Library, and take cut their tickets before the lectures commence. Government will authorise Free Tfls'rees on the Railways being issued on the certificate of the Professors, to Students attending the Canterbury College Lectures during the Term, commencing July 17 and ending Got. 14. By order. 5273 F. G. STEDMAN, Registrar. CJCT FIDLER, Trained Teacher, formerly of W • Liverpool College, gives Private Lessons by day and evening, in Classics, Modern Languages, and Elementary Mathematics Has been a successful Passer of Candidates for the Masters’ and Government Examinations. Address to Mr A. WHYTE, Bookseller, Whately read. 5456 MR J. T. M. SMITH, Teacher of _ kIAN OFOETE, HARMONIUM AND SINGING. Durham street north, Christchurch. -oS3 Properties for Sale FOE SALE—HaIf an Acre Sect i■ r■ f LAND, on Park Terrace, adjoining lb-hop's Court. Apply to B. W. FEEEDAV, Esq., CeU into street. AT SUMNER. QUAETEE-ACRE SECTION for SALE cheap. Good quality. No sand. Easy terms. Laud Transfer Act Title. _ _ 5389 EOWD. J. T. FORD. THE OBARI TOWNSHIP. THE Undersigned have Ken instructed by the Trustees iu the A. 0. Karkoi* ir.staio* to SELL ALLOTMENTS IN THE TOWNSHIP OP OKA Kl, Which is situated within iwcmy chains of the Railway Station Plans may be seen and full particulars obtained on application to THOMPSON & PA I KELSON, i rri-u.lum’h K. A. * A. L. BARKER, c ran; or D. * L. M’LEAN, SPLENDID INVESTMEN FARM of Ames on SALK in J*A t. 1 :i- !•'Tlesmere District, it comprises some of tin* (b est laud iu 1 1 >--■ Province, and is all d> wu to i and subdivided iut >l4 paddocks, wc i;.• ■■ >r! ’h :l supply I f running water iu e !• or. >■ uts imdudo weatlcr boarded Hous”, 1 1 i . sudl.s, Storerooms, Piggeries, .-ho p i <•> •>, Ac,. Ac. Tile above could be conveaieu'.iy divi. c : into two distinct properties. A ridy to , . . . SCI 9 J. V. JAMESON, «’hr-*v> mch. FOE SALE OR TO LET. T7IIVK-ROOMRD HOUSE, ’ without stable and Ju.-t iHit side tho Belt. a pp y to SCIS wd! lini- !c d, with or iiuildci ‘s Woilithep. ,T. V. JAMESON.
Conveyances. ■OCTAL MAIL COACH BETWEEN LEITHFIELD AND BALCAIRN MEETS MORNING AND NIGHT TRAIN. 2047 JAMES NEALE, Proprietor. V. NOTICE. E. OLIVER’S PASSENGER COACH between Kaiapoi and Saltwater Creek, will RUN until further notice on, Wednesdays, and Saturdays only. The mail cart will run as usual. The alteration will commence on MuND-vY, July 10. 5-167 PET A BARKER'S TELEGRAPH LINE OP EOTAL MAIL COACHES. CHEISTCHUECH TO AKAROA. EUNNING in conjunction with the 8.3. Halcyon, the coach leaves Pigeon Bay on MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, shortly after tbt arrival of tho steamer; and Bruce’s Hotel, Ataroa, at 9 a.m., on the same day. Passengers and parcels hooked at Mr JAMES SMITH'S OFFICE, next Tattersall’s. Single Tickets, Pigeon Bay to Aiaroa, 10s each Return do do do 16s Available for one month, 8693 FEY & BARKER, Proprietors, ASHBURTON. O O K S O N begs to inform the a public that he is now running a Coaot every Tuesday and Friday from Ashburton, npot the arrival of the first Train from Christchurch tc Hood's Accommodation-house, Mount Somers and Alford Forest, returning every Wodnordny and Saturday in time for tho last train to Timaru at S p.m., and Chriatohn'vb at 3.5 S p.m. Buggies and Saddle Horses always on hire. Telegrams,; Parcels, and Orders punctually attended to. E. COOKSGN, Proprietor, Ashburton Livery Stables, Opposite Railwav Station EAKAIA TO ALFORD FOREST. ON and after this date a COACH will LE AVE the Eakala on arrival of first Train from Christchurch. For Alford Forest, via Lavington and intermediate places, on MONDAY and THURSDAY, returning on TUESDAY and FRIDAY, meeting Train for Christchurch. Passengers and parcels hooked at James Smith’s office, next TattersnlTs. CHARLES LAKE, Proprietor, JAMES SMITH, Agent. July 10, 1876. 9183 NORTHERN COACHES. HUEUNUI AND WAIAU. COACHES leave Amborley daily upon arrival of first Train from Christchurch, arriving at Hurunui at 1 o’clock ; returning, leave Hurunui at 1,15 p.m., arriving at Amberloy to connect with 4.40 Train to Christchurch. Waiau on Mondays only via Hurunui, arriving at 5,45 p.m. same day. Waiau to Christchurch on Thursdays at 7.30 o.m. arriving at Amberley in time for 4,40 train. 8. LEE, Proprietor. .Booking office for passengers and parcels, Cobb's office. High street. 975 COBB St CO.’S TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAI MATT. COACHES. CHRISTCHURCH AND AKABOA, THESE Coaches LEAVE tho Booking 0Ct0... High street, at 8 tun. every Tuesday, Thnw> day, and Saturdays RETURNING from lieochar'i Hotel, Akaroa, every Monday, Wednesday, anf Friday, at 8 a.m. 8919 JOHN CRAMOND, Proprietor Honey. MONEY TO LEND—About £IOO in one or two sums ou Freehold security; rural sections preferred. Apply to Dr FOSTER. 5403 jPQnnn T 0 BE ADVANCED in one or cvAlUt more sums, on Freehold Security, at lowest current rates. Apply to J. O. HELMORE, 5666 Solicitor, Christchurch. VICTORIAN LOAN & DISCOUNT AGENCY, CORNER OF LICHFIELD AND HIGH STREETS, Next to Messrs Moyers, Bus,, and Co. THE above Agency is prepared to advance sums of money, from £5 to i-'ii'O, upon personal or other security. Loans can be male re-payable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. Renewals oifccted. Trade Bills discounted daily. 6247 li. MAKKs, Manager. UNCLE SAM'S PAWN SHUT. STEWART begs to inform tie LEND MONEY, in sums from Is to £SOO, on Clothing, Jewellery. Merchandise, Bills of larding, Ac, LOWEST INTEREST CHARGE! N.B.—Ladies’ and gentlemen’s wearing apparel, bought, sold, or exchanged. A large quantity ef new and second hand jewellery, of all description., to bo sold very cheap. Note tho Address—8. STEWART, Licensed Pawnbroker, 4371 Lioliileld street, near the Odd follows* Un.ll MONEY. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, Lichfield Street. THE proprietors of this Company are prepares to oiler advantages to persons in wont of accommodation. Sums of £lO to £SOOO advanced ot deposit of deeds, either freehold or leasehold, bill, of lading, bonded certificates, shares, msiuonoi policies, or any other tangible security. Money advanced on personal or other security, Slid aby weekly, monthly- or quarterly instal . Trade bills discounted daily at current rates, loans can be obtained for any period, and re nowals arranged for if required. All transactions entertained, and advances made without delay, if the security be approved of. 6826
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 4
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1,688Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 4
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