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Chas. Clark. M E CHARLES CLARK, AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, AND ESTATE AGENT, LICENSED LAND BROKER, &c., of., Hereford street, CHiusTnnntcu. o/ti TUESDAY, JULY IS. ME CHARLES CLARK is instructed bj Mr Wm. Attwood, TO SELL EV AUCTION, At his Booms, Hereford street, Christchurch, On the above date, A FIRST-CLASS PADDOCK, Containing Sa Ir 39p, more or loss, part of the Rural Section numbered 1146, fronting the Canal Reserve road and the road in continuation of Hargood's road from Woolalou. All securely fcucod and in English grass, affording capital and safe grazing. This is an excellent opportunity to secure a really good paddock close to town. Easy terms. 8615 Sale at 12 o’clock. No. 311 M LAND AT WOOLS TON. E CHARLES CLARK is instructed by Mr Thorne to offer for SALE BA AUCTION, At his Booms, in Hereford street, ON TUESDAY, JULY 18. Nino acres (more or loss) of first class land, fronting the Canal Reserve, and iu rear of Mr Stuckey’s promises, Woolstou, fenced iu, and in grass. This is thoroughly good land, and free from swamp. Mr Thorne having relinquished the carrying business, has ue further use lor it. iOtd Sale at 12 o’eloek. No. 30b TO ALL PARTIES SEEKING FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS IN LYTTELTON. 7 BUILDING SITES And 1 LOT WITH DWELLING HOUSE, Ac. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MB CHARLES CLARK, At bis Rooms, Hereford street Christchurch, ON TUESDAY, JULY IS. ■JIdTR CHARLES CLARK has been favoured with iv 1 instructions, from F. E. Wright, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the above-named date, the following valuable property, situated iu Lyttelton, viz. Lot 13.—A plot of land on the Hawkhiirst road, together with the good dwelling house, Ac., ou same Lots 1 to s—Five splendid building sites, fronting the Uawklmrst road Lots II and 12.—Two excellent building sites, fronting tbo Ticehurst road. Most cosy Terms of Payment, viz. Quarter in cash, and balance in three, six, and Bino mouths, with eight per cent interest. Sale at Twelve o'clock. No. 292 For plan and further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer. 5661 TO ALL SEEKING A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. A MOST VALUABLE LEASEHOLD, la the Best Part of Cashel Street, Christchurch, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR OH ARLES CLARK, At his Rooms, Hereford stree , Christchurch, ON TUESDAY, JULY IS. MR CHARLES CLARK has been favoured with instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the above-named date, {Unless previously disposed of by private contract), That most valuable Leasehold, in Cashel street, Christchurch, adjoining TattersalTs, as now in the occupation of J. D. Macphorson, Esq., and Mr Ringwood. The property has a frontage of 17 ft iu Cashel street, with back yard at back, opening ou to right of way as per plan. The LAND is Leased to sub-tenants on such very favourable terms as renders this Leasehold a most desirable property for any investor. For plans and further particulars apply to the Auctioneer. No. 303 Sale at 12 o’clock. 5052 HOTEL PROPERTY With 50 Acres of Freehold laud, Known as “ WINDWHISiLE.” TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MB CHARLES CLARK, At his Rooms, in Hereford s reet, Christchurch, ON TUESDAY, JULY 18. Immediate possession can be given. ME CHARLES CLARK has been favoured with instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the above-named date, unless previously disposed of by private treaty. The valuable property known as THE WINDWHISTLE HOTEL, with 50 acres of Freehold Land. The land is partly fenced in and subdivided into paddocks laid down to English grass, and the other improvements comprise the hotel of 10 rooms, together with stabling and other improvements. Easy teems of payment, viz.: Half, cash; and balance may remain on mortgage. For plans and further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer. 5065 Sale at 12 o’clock. No. 301 CAPITAL BLOCK OF LAND AT WOOL9TON FOE SALE BY AUCTION. ME CHARLES CLARK is instructed by Mr Henry Hawker TO OFFER BY AUCTION, At his Rooms in Hereford street, ON TUE-DAY, JULY 18, A splendid block of land, situated in Woolston, containing 18-i acres, having frontages on the Cemete y, Rennies, and an accommodation road, is fenced in, subdivided into three paddocks, and under jultivati in. This property is admirably adapted for subdivision, and would form a capital investment for such purpose ; apart from this, it is of excellent quality. Easy terms of payment. 5210 Sale at 12 o’clock. No. 307 FOE SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. GOVERNOR’S BAY. A splendid Freehold, with Dwelling-house, knows as the Ocean View Hotel. ME CHARLES CLARK has received instructions to SELL BY PRIVATE TREATY, Those most valuable Freehold Sections, viz., part of No 126, and the whole of No 5081, containing, in all, 41 acres, 3 roods, 20 perches, together with an excellent Dwel-ling-house, and other improvements. The land well watered by a running stream. All desirous of securing a magnificent property, commanding a beautiful ocean view, will do well to purchase this desirable freehold. For further particulars, apply to CHARLES CLARK; or to ALFRED THOMPSON, Esq., Solicitor, Hereford street, Christchurch. 5703 No 298 FAMILY DWELLING HOUSE AND LAND, AT PAPANUI. FOE SALE UPON MOST EAST TEEMS, TH E LAND, which has a frontage to two roads, consists of about 4$ acres, fenced in, and laid down to grass, with a , tream of water through the paddock. There is a good garden and orchard. The DWELLING-HOUSE contains eight rooms, with outbuildings, artesian well, Ac. The property is situated near the Sawyers’ Arms, and in the best part of Papanui. Most easy terms of payment, viz.—One-third cash, tbo balance for a term of years, at eight per cunt. For full particulars, apply to No. 309 5704 CHARLES CLARK. s L E, (Upon Easy Terms of Payment), VERY VALUABLE CORNER SECTION OF LAND, With Long Frontage in Park Terraco and Salisbury street, together with a good Dwelling-house and other Improvements. A Ine view of the Hagley Park and the surrounding country is obtained from the House and Grounds. For further particulars and cards to view apply to CHARLES CLARK, Or to MILES, HASSAL, AND CO., -5702 Christchurch. No 290 FOR HALE, ON the Selwyn. near Springsron, and itdroini the farm of Mr Wm. Miles, an Impror FARM of 722 Acres, comprising some of b land in the ' 'unterbiiry Province, to be sold uj easy terms of payment. Apply to No. 312 1 5706 CHARLES CLARK. TO LET, in I'olombo street South, a DWELL-ING-HOUSE, of six roomt,, with a corner frontage suitable for a bakery or store. Apply to CHARLES CLARK. f Ko. 310 j 5547 TO LET, AT A LOW RENTAL, that Family RESIDENCE, at Opawa, the property of Geo. Todd, Esq. Capital garden, paddock, Ac. Apply to No. 288 r,rM CHARLES CLA F( K. W. H. Hargreaves. SALE OF WHITE PINE, Ex Peri, from Picton, w H. HARGREAVES is instructed the Consignees TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Hallway Station, ON MONDAY, JULY 17, THE CARLO OF THE PERI, Consisting of by KA FEET vv. p. boards and OU>U" IU SCANTLING, 3 x 2, 4 x 3, 4x3, 6x2, Bx2, Bxl, g x ~ 8 x 1J 4xl, 6xl, 12 1 1, Ac. Sale at 2 o’clock, 5681
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 4
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1,192Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 4
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