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Business Notices QILCHEI3T "3TUBDS & WESTON. A UCTXONEEBS AND PRODUCE BROKERS, 273 GEOEGE STBEET, SYDNEY. 4578 JEEBEY HOUSE, Colombo street, near A 1 Hotel. J. JOHNSTON, TAILOE, CLOTH LEE, AND WOOLLEN DEAPEB. Hosiery, Bats, &o. Uniforms Made to Order. 4807 EE OPENED CITY TEA MAET. HW- H. D AVENPOET AVINQ returned and taken his old premises, Triangle, High street, Christchurch, HAS NOW OPENED them with on entire NEW STOCK of First-class TEAS, COFFEE, OILMEN’S STOEE9, Ac., At very Low Prices, hoping to be favoured with hi 3 former share of patronage. 6532 MALYBKN COAL. NO MOEE COMPLAINTS. HAVING made arrangements for a constant SUPPLY OP MALVEEN COAL (The Best ever Brought into the Market) I can now EXECUTE OEDEEB TO ANY EXTENT AT MY COAL AND DRAINPIPE YARD, Tuam street. At the following Prices Per Cwt Is 6d Per Ton 27s Od Per Truck Load ... 24s 6d A trial will prove the superiority of my MALVEEN COAL. 5688 JOSEPH B. SHEATH. CHARCOAL CAN he had, in any quantities, of ISAAC B. SHEATH, Ironmonger, Colombo street, corner of Tuam street, Christchurch. 5689 A D THE SHIPMENT OP ELA I D E W 1 Ex Arawata, is now in SPLENDID CONDITION. A further shipment ex s.s. Otago now landing, will be on sale in a few days. 5661 A. E. PRESTON, Direct Importer. WANTED KNOWN—Mrs Devonport’s Begistry Office for Female Servants, Toys and Fancy Goods, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Ready-made Clothing, opposite Bruce and Coe’s, Colombo street. 5662 WANTED KNOWN, that Captain Wilson, having taken the adjoining Cottage, is now prepared to administer Hot Vapour, Hot Air, and Hot Sulphur Baths; also, Medicated Vapour Baths, with or without Galvanism. 5428 Public NoticesNOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ALL Letters for Mount Grey Station are requested to be addressed to Balcaim, instead of to Leithfield. 5734 MATHIAS A ENSOE. IN THE MATTER OF THE DEBTORS’ AND CREDITORS’ ACT, 1875, And in the matter of the liquidation of the Estate of Thomas Gregory E, Bussell, of Honmer Plains, Hotel-keeper. CREDITORS are reminded that accounts rendered cannot be considered unless accompanied by sworn proofs. J. HASTINGS HEEDSON] A. P. DE VEAUX j ITUBIeeB- - July 13,1876, 5625 CHEISTCHUECH CITY COUNCIL. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Reserve on the West side of Cathedral square is held by the Council for the General Government, and trespassers are warned that they wiU be prosecuted. By order, P. T. HASKINS, Town Clerk. City Council Office, July 14,1876. 5705 KAIAPOI BOROUGH COUNCIL. NOTICE. THE public aro informed that the BRIDGES over the Ohoka Drain, in Raven and Hilton streets, aro undergoing repairs and unsafe for traffic. Persons crossing the above bridges after this date will do so at their own risk. By order, C. E. DUDLEY, Town Clerk. July 10, 1876. 5512 MANDEVILLE.AND EANQIOEA ROAD BOARD. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS, AT the next ordinary Meeting of th ; s Board, which will be held on FRIDAY, August 4, a Rate of N inepence in the Pound (9d in the £) wiU be made. A Statement of the said Rate can be inspected at the office of the Board, Raugiora, up to that date. By order. 5602 E. AHEENE, Clerk to the Board. CAUTION. TRAVELLERS on the North road, especially those by night, are Warned that the Flat between the Woipara and Weka Creek is being Fenced, and that -where the old road approaches the hills, the fence crosses the old track in several places. HENRY P. LANCE, 5140 Chairman Waipara Road Board. PIONEER LIME KILN. KAKAHU. TEAVB appointed Mr GEO. EVANS, Commission Agent, to act as my AGENT in Timaru for the transaction of all business in connection with the above kiln. Orders for lime, Ac., addressed to him, will receive immediate attention. GEO. MUNKO, Proprietor. Timaru, Jane 16,1876. 4751. PUBLIC NOTICE. RURAL SECTION 356, BANGIOEA. NOTICE to pnrchasers of Lots of Mr F. M. Rickman’s land, rural section 356, known as the BUSH PADDOCK. Purchasers aro required to attend at the Chambers of MESSES JOYNT AND O’NEILL Hereford street, Christchurch, ON MONDAY NEXT, JULY 17, To complete purchase. 5543 P. M. RICKMAN. NOTICE. IN consequence of my Sheep having been worried by Dogs, POISON will be laid in my Paddock from this date. 5626 THOMAS DAWSON, Templeton. NOTICE. ALL Persons found Trespassing on land in our occupation, after date, will be prosecuted, as the law directs, and all stray dogs destroyed. SAXTON & WILLIAMS, Robinson’s Bay. Juno 29, 1876. 5202 NOTICE. ■JLJ AVING LET MY HOTEL, OUTSTANDING DEBTS Due to me not paid on or before tho 31st Day of JULY, 187«, W ill bo placed i- tho bands of a COLLECTOR, with instructions to toko Proceedings without further notice. D. M'QUINNESS, Foresters’ Hotel. July 5,1870. 5380 BARQUE PRINCE ALFRED, PROM THE MAURITIUS. C APT. DORMANT will NOT bo responsible for any Debts contracted by bis crew. 5640 THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINI INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW ZEALAND Capital—£7so,ooo. TTIIIRE and MARINE Risks taken at lowest cur JC rent ratoe. J. D. MACPHERSON, Agent. 6260
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 1
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830Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 1
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