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Business Notices IMPORTANT NOTICE. REDUCTION OF 30 PEE CENT. w. PENQELLY, Tailor, High street, has on hand n quantity of Tweeds, Overcoatings, Black Cloths, Ac. Tweed Cults Tweed TVousers and Yost... Paget Coats Overcoats Black Clot.i Suits d. 4 15 0 3 2 0 3 15 0 3 10 0 5 0 0 XA/AA COOKS WANTED to TRY t)UUU nUDOUGALL’S COLONIAL BAKING POWDER, Christchurch. The general report is loz will do the samo execution ns 2oz of " Berwick,” for Mrs Antiquity says, the proof of the pudding is the eating. Encourage neighbourly enterprise. No more indigestion. No more heavy pastry. Let Colonial Industry flourish. Sold by ail Grocers in 12oz tins. Is 4d; 6oz tins, 9d: lor. packets, IJd. Send your orders to Mr Joseph B. Sheath, Timm street. 4767 TO THE LADIES.—FIower Stands. Flower Stands.—R. ROSS, Wire Worker, begs to notify that ho has REMOVED to Armagh street east, near Barbadoes street. Flower Stands, Hanging Baskets, Nursery Fire-guards, Windowguards, &0., Ac. All sorts of Wire Work on the shortest notice. 5483 NOTICE. 1.1 M prepared to make all kinds of Furniture to order. Time and Timber only charged for. Payments taken monthly. Furniture Dealers liberally dealt with. Furniture of every description repaired, cleaned, and polished to appear as new. J. WILSON, Cabinetmaker, 4620 Qoingo’s Rood, Waltham. AYONHEAD FLOUR MILLS. I BEG to inform my customers and the public generally that the above Mills are now re-built, and are ready to receive grists on the samo terms as heretofore. I take this opportunity to thank my customers for past favours, hoping by strict attention to all milling work entrusted to me to merit a continuance of the same. 9753 J. MOFFATT. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. THE Partnership hitherto existing between HENRY LAKE and ALFRED E. P. EAST, Lithographers, Engravers, Copper - Plate, and General Printers, Cathedral square, has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All Moneys due to the late firm are requested to be paid to Mr A. East, who will discharge all liabilities. The Business in future will be carried on under the style of A. E AST & Co.. LITHOORAHERS, ENGRAVERS, COPPERPLATE AND GENERAL PRINTERS, Cathedral square, Christchurch. 6166 JOHN TRIST having disposed of his Business in Cashel street, as Sail, Tent, and Tarpaulin Maker, all persons having claims against him are requested to send in their accounts for settlement, and all outstanding debts due to him must be paid within fourteen days from date, or they will be sued for without further notice. N.B.—J. T. oilers good bargains in Horse Cloths, Tarpaulins, Ac., for the next fortnight. 5199 (A caed.i JAMES SMITH (Late of Cobb A Co.) BEGS to inform the Public that he has OPENED an OFFICE near Tattersall’s as a General Booking and Forwarding Agency, and hopes to merit their support. 8020 PRESTON BAIN. * SURVEYOR AND LAND AGENT (Late Government Contract Surveyor), HEREFORD STREET, Messrs Joint A O’Neill’s Chambers. 3726 HORSE CLOTHS! HORSE CLOTHS!! A LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK ON HAND. Also, a large quantity of Waterproof Clothing, and all the requisites of the trade. «T. Trist, Sail, Teut, and Tarpaulin Maker, Cashel street, (Opposite the A 1 Hotel). 2341 J. E. B ASHFORD, CONFECTIONER, TRIANGLE, COLOMBO STREET HOT LUNCHEONS Daily (with soup) from 12 till 2 p.m. Cold Luncheons and Teas at any time until 9 p.m. Calvesfoot Jelly, in bottles, manufactured on the premises. Bride Cakes mode to order on the shortest notice. 4508 Mr EL D, M ANNINQ HAS great pleasure in informing the public of New Zealand that he has made arrangements witn Messrs Osborne, Baden and Hern, for manufacturing the NEW ZEALANDER COOKING RANGE, And hopes now to be able to supply the great demand for then, in all parts. O. B. and H. having worked on them since their introduction, I can confidently recommend their workmanship. Whitesmithing, Xjook and Gnnsmithing done on the promises. A selection of ranges on view, H. D. MANNING, Hertford street. Opposite Miles. Hassal A Co., 5341 Christchurch. MESSES OSBORN, BADEN, AND HERN, (Late with H. D. Manning, Hereford street), HaVE commenced Business as General Smiths, Bcllhangers, Locksmiths, Ac. We have a large assortment of Designs for tomb-railing, church and house-railing, garden and field-fencing, ornamental window-guards, Ac. Also, having made arrangements with Mr H. D. Manning, we are now manufacturing and vending his Patent Cooking Range, which, is the. most economical range in the Colonies. Hotels and Boarding Houses fitted with steam and hot water apparatus. Kiimore street, between Colombo street, and 4030 Whatoly rood. HOBBS & CO. Beg to announce that gINGER’S (g EWING jyjACHINES Both for Household use and Manufacturing purposes, ore SEDUCED From 10 to 15 per cent, and are being sold by them MELBOURNE PRICES. THE TEMPTATION TO PRACTICE FALSE ECONOMY, By Purchasing Cheap Imitation Machines is done away with by the REDUCED PRICES Of rjIHE Q-ENUINE RINGER Always acknowledged to be the BEST, and now the CHEAPEST. Also, HAND SEWING MACHINES. HOME PRICE. Little Wanzor Letter A Wanzer Packed in portable cases, and forwarded to any part of Canterbury on receipt of P. 0.0, For full particulars, apply to 110HB8 k, CO., COLOMBO STREET, SOLE AGENTS FOR CHRISTCHURCH. N.P —Machines may bo purchased on TIME PAYMENTS nf small weekly or monthly amounts to anit Customers. 1070 Y. AIMAO, Wholesale and Retail HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURER, HATTER, Hosier, Glover, Men’s Mercer. Football Jerseys, Black and Hod, White and Blue striped, made to order. Also, all sorts of Gentlemen’s Mercery. Just opened, ex Wairoa, a largo assortment of Hats, Shirts, 'pies, Scarfs Ac., Ao.; the latest novelties in Hat Cases, Portmanteaus, Ac, Note the Address— Elver’s Buildings, Cashel street. Next Bank of Australasia, 2956
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 1
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938Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4807, 15 July 1876, Page 1
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