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Bnsinesi Notices ANTI- SPASMODIC AND REFRESHING BEVERAGE. Vaughan-Jonos’ Standard Ginger Winn, specially prepared and. sold* with full instructions for use, by all storekeepers throughout tho Australias and New Zealand, and wholesale by E. Vaughan-Jones, 5, Water lane, London. See name and address on bottles. 4851 "OUM, PURE OLD JAMAICA. “Vaughan. XI) Jones,” (“Standard Brand.”). No family should bo without it. Most wholesome, soft and fragrant. Protected by new stylo capsule. To bo had of nil Dealers throughout tho Australias anai Now Zealand, and wholesale of K. VAUGHANJONKS, 5 Water Lane, Loudon. Ask. for and have only “ Yaughan-Joues’." AYXOR - BROTHERS, LONDON.—Manutaotutors of Cocoa, Chocolate* Chocolate Creams, Mustard and Chicory* for exportation to all parts of tho GloUfc.-Taylor Brothers, in order to bo in tho best position to execute orders for chicory powder for exportation,, have purchased extensive Mills in Brunos, Belgium, which they have fitted up with English machinery of great power and nio? t approved construction ; this advantage, combined with the fact of their having on tho spot tho largest market for the finest chicory root in tho world, enables them to supply tho manufactured article on hotter terms than any other English house in the trade. In 561 h and 281i> tins, packed in 2-cwt. cases, Taylor Brothers are the largest manufacturers of cocoa in Europe, and sole proprietors of the Maravilla Cocoa, original Homoeopathic Cocoa, and Soluble Chocolate, which preparations, as also thoir Chocolate Creams and Fancy Chocolates, from thoir peculiarly high qualities, have obtained so decided a preference in the Australian Colonies, and throughout the world. Steam Mills—Brick lane and Wentworth street. London; and Bruges, Belgium. 4633 AKEY* SON'S Emory and Black Lead Mills Westminster Bridge Road, London, England OAKEY'S Wellington Knife Polish. Packages 3d each; tins, 6d, la,2s6d, and 4s.each. AKEY’S India Rubber Knife Boards, from Is 6d each. OAKEY’S Silversmiths’ Soap (Non-Mercurial), for Cleansing and Polishing silver, electroplate, plate glass, marble, Ac, Tablets, 6d each. Genuine Emer , Grain and Flour. Emery and Glass Cloth. AKEY’S Cabinet Gloss Paper, Block Lead, Ac, OAKEY'S Goods sold everywhere, by Ironmongers, Grocers, Oilmen, Brushmakers, Druggists, Ac. 463 £IROSSE A BLACKWELL’S PICKLES, (gAUCES, ALT VINEGAR, in Quart and Pint Bottles. OIL, JJOTTED MEATS, FEET .TELLY and other fJT|ABLE DELICACIES, MAY be obtained of Storekeepers in Australia and New Zealand. Every genuine article is labelled CROSSE & BLACKWELL, Purveyors to the Queen, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. * *CJPECXAL Agents for LEA & PERRINS’ * O WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. 5635 OMESTIC ECONOMY.—JUDSON'S DYES. “ The process being so clean and simple, there appears no reason why every lady should not be her own dyer, or why dying-day should not, in every well regulated family, he as common ns and much more agreeable than washing-day. Any young lady could begin her experiment on a ribbon or feather in a basin of water, and proceed afterwards to larger articles of dress in a bread-pan or footbath. The thing would be worth trying from motives of economy.”—Vide “ Cassell's Household Guide,” March, 1870. Judson’s Simple Dyes consist of eighteen brilliant colours, and may be used for silk, wool, cotton, feathers, fibre, leather, hair, ivory, bone, wood, and for many other purposes. Sold by Chemists and Stationers throughout the world, price 6d per bottle. Proprietors, DANIEL •TUDSON & Sen, London. 4834 MARAVILLA COCOA,—Taylor Brothers the largest manufacturers of Cocoa In Europe, having the exclusive supply of this unrivalled Cocoa, invite comparison with any other Cocoa for parity —fine aroma —Sanative, Nutritive and sustaining power—easiness of digestion—and especially, hlg£ delicious flavour. One trial will establish it as a favourite beverage for breakfast, luncheon, on* a soothing refresh: nent after a late evening. K.B. Caution. —Mnravißa is a registered trade mark. Maeavilla Cocoa.— The “Globe" says, Tayloj Brothers’ Maravilla Cocoa has achieved a thorough success and supersedes every other Cocoa in tie* market. Entire solubility, a delicate aroma, and t rare concentration of the purest elements of nutrition, distinguish the Maravilla Cocoa above all others. For invalids and Dyspeptics we could not recommend a more agreeabble or valuable beverage. For further favourable opinions vide “Standard,” “Morning Post,” ‘ ‘ British Medical Journal,’’ Ac., Ao. Homceopathic Cocoa. —This original preparation which has attained such a world-wide reputation. Is manufactured by Taylor Brothers, under the ablest hoßKßopathio advice, aide*? by the skill and experience of the inventors, and will be found to oomblnt in an eminent degree the purity, fine aroma, and nutritious property of the fresh nut. Soluble Chocolate, made In one minute without boiling. The above articles are prepared exclusively by Taylor Brothers, the largest manufacturers in ihrrope, and sold in tin-lined packets only by storekeepers and others all over the world. Steam Mills, Brick Lane. T -ondon. Export Chicory Mills, Bruges, Belgium Mustard. —Taylor Brothers’ celeebrated “Challenge" brand is prepared from the choicest seed, by a patent process which prevents fermentation, and at the same time retains tho pungency and purity of flavour to a degree which no other process can accomplish. Tho double superfine quality is specially recommended. Steam Mills, Brick Brick London. Export Chicory Mills, Bruges. Belgium.46s Medical. THE following is an extract from a letter dated May 15, 1872, from an old inhabitant of Horningsham, near Warminster, Wilts : “I must also beg to say that your Pills are an excellent medicine lor me, and I certainly do enjoy good health, sound sleep, and a good appetite : this is owing to taking your pills. lam 78 years old. Remaining, Gentlemen, yours very respectfully, L, 8." To tho Proprietors of 444 NORTON’S CAMOMILE PILLS, London, AYE'S WORSDELL’S PILLS.—THE GOOD OLD ENGLISH REMEDY FOB ALL DISEASES, ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS, known all over the World. Sole Proprietor, JOHN KAYE, Esq., Prospect Hall, Woodford, London. For upwards of half a century KAYE’S WOESDELL’S PILLS have been esteemed as the best remedy for the prevention and cure of disease. Their use renders the doctor unnecessary in tho family. Acting on the blood, they purify it from all humours, rendering the life giving fluid healthy in its action, and consequently restoring and establishing the health of the invalid. These Pills are invaluable to Emigrants, being a certain remedy for all diseases of the stomach, lungs, liver, Ac. Are equally adapted for all ages, and either sex. Persons residing in the Colonies, who cannot have recourse to medical advice, will therefore find them indispensable. The Proprietor has in his possession thousands of testimonials hearing witness to tho wonderful efficacy of this invaluable medicine, a selection of which accompanies each box. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at 1s lid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per box, 4709 Nervousness WEAKNESS I t PIMPLES in the face FLUSHING. LOSS OF MEMORY MENTAL DEPRESSIONS. All hose Buffering from tho above ailment* should apply before it is too late and irremediable to Dr L, xj. Smith, who is tho only legally qualified medical man in the Australian Colonics practising solely on those diseases and their origin. Dr L, L. SMITH’S name is a household word, and through his moans many thousands of homos have been made happy, and many whoso lives were a misery to them have been restored to health and comfort. His practice in Victoria has extended now over 21 years on this speciality of his profession. His practice extends moreover throughout all those colonies, and patients have visited him oven from Java,Borneo, Japan, China, and India. Tocohvoj some idea of tho extent of his fame and name, ho has been consulted from Great Britain six times during this year 1H74. Those wishing to consult Dr L. L. SMITH can do so by enclosing a One Pound Note, stating ago, symptoms, and duration of sullering. A reply will be sent by return mail. Dr L. L. -SMITH, for tho convenience of those who personally consult him, has takou those extensive promises in Collins street, late tho residence of his Excellency tho Governor. Every luxury and comfort will ho found for those waiting to consult tho Doctor. Address— Dr L. L. SMITH Collins street oast, Melbourne, Consultation Foo by letter, 4!1. N.B.—For tho convenience of patients in tho neighbouring colonies who wish to visit him personally in Victoria, Dr L. L. Smith lias taken n largo mansion in the suburbs, and fitted it up as a Private Hospital for tho treatment solely of the above affections j and also including Gout, Sciatica, and painful nervous diseases. Dr L. 1.. SMITH lias also a argo Turkish Bathing Establishment for the treatment of his patients, specially such as suffer from Gout and Rheumatism, Medicines, appropriately packed, forwarded to all the colonics, 3170
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 4
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1,419Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 4
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