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Law ’Notices, v - Mlk BIN THE MATTER OP THE LIQUIDATION OP THE ESTATE OP WILLIAM MEIER A DEBTOR. IN THE MATTER OP "THE DEBTORS* AND CREDITORS* ACT, 1875." And IN THE MATTER OP THE LIQUIDATION OP the Estate op william meier a DEBTOR. IT 1b hereby notified that at a first meeting of Creditors of the said WILLIAM MEIER held at the Courthouse Christchurch on the tenth day of July 1876 it was resolved that the affairs of the ;aid William Meier should he liquidated under the said Act and that Edward Maples of Christchurch aforesaid Hotelkeeper was appointed trustee of the said estate And farther that the said resolution and the declaration hy the said Edward Maples of his acceptance of the office of trustee have been duly filed. All proof of debts in the said estate shall here* after be forwarded to the trustee. Dated this 10th day of July 187 S. F. De G. MALET, Registrar. Abdeew Jamison, Christchurch, Solicitor for Debtor. 5628 Government Notices. NOTICE. THE Government notify the Acceptance of Mr J. STINSON'S Tender of £397 18s for Drainage Works at the Orphanage, Lyttelton. Deposits can be obtained at the Treasury. J. T. PEACOCK, Secretary for Public Works. Public Works Office, Christchurch, July 13, 1876. 5641 NOTICE. REWARD OP £2OO. WHEREAS certain sheen, infected with scab, were unlawfully removed from the property of Mr John Macfarlane, in the Waikari District, on or about, June 14, this is to notify that the sum of Two Hundred Pounds Sterling will be paid for such information as will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons who committed the said offence. H, R. WEBB, Provincial Secretary. Provincial Secretary’s office, Christchurch, June 28,1876. 4991 V. B. Public Works Office (Colonial Architect’s Branch), Wellington, 26th June, 1876. TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION of a COURT-HOUSE at Timaru. General conditions, specifications, and drawings may be seen at the offices of the Colonial Architect, Wellington, and at the Public Works offices, Christ* church and Timaru. Tenders, addressed to the Hon the Minister for Public Works, and marked outside “ Tenders for Timaru Court-house,” will be received at the office of the undersigned up to noon ef THURSDAY, the 27th day of July, 1876. Telegraphic Tenders will be received, provided the original Tender and deposit are lodged with the nearest District Engineer at the time above specified. The lowest or any Tender not necessaril, accepted.; W. H. CLAYTON, 5544 Colonial Architect. V. R Public Works Office, (Colonial Architect’s Branch), Wellington, May 26,1876. TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION of a CENTRAL PEL- ON at New Plymouth, in the Province of Taranaki. _ _ General conditions, specifications, and drawings may be seen at the offices of the Colonial Architect, Wellington, and at the Public Works Offices, Auckland, New Plymouth, Chrisohuroh, and Dunedin, Tenders addressed to the Hon the Minister for Public Works, and marked outside “ Tenders for Central Prison,” will be received at the office of the undersigned up to noon of WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of JULY, 1876. Telegraphic tenders will be received provided the original tender and deposit are lodged with the nearest District Engineer at the time above specified. Tbe lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. H. CLAYTON. 5330 Colonial Architect.
V. E, NOTICE. THE time for receiving Tenders for CENTEAL PKIBON is Extended up to Noon of WEDNESDAY, July 26,1876. W. H, CLAYTON, Colonial Architect. Public Works Office, (Colonial Architect’s Branch), Wellington, June 3D, 1876. 5329 Educational MADAME WINTEB, 8.A., Professor of (lANO, HARMONIUM, AND BINGING. CASHEL STBEET EAST. Vacancies for a few more pupils. 4471 ME J. T, M. SMITH, Teacher of PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM AND SINGING, Durham street north, Christchurch. 2583 M 2761 Money. ONEY TO END ON FREEHOLD SECURITIES, In Various Sums At Current rates of Interest. ALFRED THOMPSON, Solictor, Hereford street. YICTOEIAN LOAN & DISCOUNT AGENCY, LICHFIELD O AND* BIOtt STREETS, Next to Messrs Meyers, Bros,, and Co. THE above Agency is prepared to advance sums of money, from £5 to £SOO, upon personal or other security. Loans can be made re-payable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. Renewals effected. Trade Bills discounted daily. 5247 H. MARES, Manager. UNCLE SAM'S PAWN SHOP. S STEWART begs to inform the • public that ho is prepared to LEND MONEY, in sums from Is to £6OO, on Clothing, Jewellery, Merchandise. Bills of Lading, Ac. LOWEST INTEREST CHARGED N.B.—Ladies' and gentlemen's wearing apparel, bought, sold, or exchanged, A large quantity of now and second hand Jewellery, of aU descriptions, to be sold very cheap. Note the Address— S. STEWART, Licensed Pawnbroker, 4371 Lichfield street, near the Oddfellows' Hall, MONEY. LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY, Lichfield Street, THE proprietors of this Company are prepared to offer advantages to persons In want of accommodation. Sums of £lO to £6OOO advanced on deposit of deeds, either freehold or leasehold, bills of lading, bonded certificates, shares, insuranos policies, or any other tangible security. Money advanced on personal or other seonrity, repayable by weekly, monthly- or quarterly iuatal. menta. , , Trade bills discounted daily at current rates. Loans can bo obtained for any period, and re newals arranged for if required. All transactions entertained, and advances made without delay, if the security no approved of. 9826 Board and Residence. I ITT ANTED KNOWN. A few respectable fV Young Mon can have Private Board and esidonco at Bxu Villi., Manchester street North, itliiu three minutes’walk of Post-office. None it respectable persons need apply. Terms odors to. ° “*' ELK GH 5 8 CANTERBURY RESTAURANT, Paponui Road, near Post-office. M BALB at all hours of the day. Board and Lodging s 17s, 18s, and igl per week, Beds and Meals, Is eaob, 5613
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 1
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942Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 1
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