CANTERBURY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of Momtiers will bo hold at tho Rooms, Cnahol street, TUIS AFTERNOON, at 3 p.m. precisely. .T. A. mill), secretary. Bpsinksh: Consideration of a Draft Harbour Board Bill. Consideration of a Bankruptcy Act. Consideration of a Warehoused Goods Act. And General. 56-19 SUNDAY OBSERVANCE LEAGUE. A MEETING of tho Momborg will bo hold at tho Schoolroom, in Manchester street, opposite tho Masonic Moll, THIS EVENING. Business important, and will commence at 7 o’clock. All members arc requested to attend. S. 0. PARR, t secretaries J. CAMERON, > hocrctanos. July U, 1576. 5637 TO FARMERS, GARDENERS, GRAZIERS, AND OTHERS.—A Largo Selection of Books on Flower, Fruit, and Kitchen Gardening, Works on Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Grosses, Tho Dairy, Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Pigs, Poultry, Pigeons, Dogs, Bees, &c.; also. Veterinary Works, Cattle Doctors, &o. Largo discount for cash.—J. HUGHES, High street.—Soiling off. 5631 TO FARMERS. WANTED, a few Tons Seed Potatoes—Early Kidney and Blue Derwent. 6509 J. B. WAY. SUGARS EX BARQUE PRINCE ALFRED, PROM MAURITIUS. undersigned have now for SALE : '{i POCKETS MAURITIUS SUGARS, Qualities ranging from Finest Snowdrop to good Yellow Counters. (Samples now on view.) 5578 C. W. TURNER. STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE AND MARINE, And Fidelity Guarantee Assurance. Capita i. £1,000,080. THE BUSINESS of this Company is REMOVED to the office of Mr Thomas Richard Fisher, junr.. City Chambers, Hereford street, who is appointed Agent for Canterbury, L. J. WEIDNER Inspector. July 0,1576. 5310 ' STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE AND MARINE, •And Fidelity Guarantee Assurance, Capital £1,000,000. FIRE and Marine Risks taken at lowest rates. Wool and other produce covered while iu shed, or In transit from shed through to London. Losses made payable in Loudon, or any port In the Colony. THOMAS E. FISHER, 5309 Agent for Canterbury, SOUTHBEIDQE. t>. Q BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, between the O Railway Station and the Township, for PRIVATE SALE. Plans can bo seen at Mr
Spring's Hotel. 8431 W. WILSON, Christchurch.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4806, 14 July 1876, Page 2
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