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H. £. Alport. THIS DAY. TO EES'AURANT KEEPERS, CONFEC--IIONERS, AND OTHERS. D ■ SIKABLE OPPORTUNITY. linder Bill of Sale—Broadbclt to Pyott. ME H. E. ALPORT has received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Promises, Armagh st root, near tho Golden Fleece Hotel, Christchurch, THIS DAY, THURSDAY, JULY 13, THE STOCK-IN-TRADE, Comprising—r»*, Fancy aud Susar Confectionery, Wine, Beer, Ac., Mn>p Fittings, Trade Utensils, and Furniture; also, tho <»ood* will of the Busim‘ss now being carried on :it Fyott’s, long established and welbknowu “ Suffolk Koatanrant/* Armagh street, near tho Post*ollict -, Chiistchmvh. A AViuo and Beer License is attached to tho premises. Sale at h&U*past Two o’clock p.iu. .V>SO W. 8U33, KAIAPOI. TV CLEARING SALE OF LIVE AND DEAD STOCK. THIS DAY. THURSDAY. JULY 13. ■ ];USS li-AA received instructions from , Mr John Stracban, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At his Homestead, known os Cherry’s Farm, On tho above date, cou.-vunonco of bis having sold the Goodwill of hia Lease, the whole of bia STOCK AND EFFECTS, Vi/.:— 3' l cross bred ewes, in lamb •.VOcross-bred hoggets 1 heavy draught gelding, Prince, 5 ycara old 1 bay mare, Jessie, in toal 1 iron grey filly, rising 3 years old 1 iron grey colt, rising 2 years old 1 chestnut cobb, good in single or double har- ? good young harness bullocks 1 cow, in lull milK r.Vlonvbs, by Koetley, Auderson, and Hornsby 1 reaping machine 2 sets chain and iron barrows 1 tip dray 1 buggy Shaft, leading, and plough harness Buggy bsruess 4 tons iHitatoes 2' u I u-hels oats Co bushels wheat aud barley Farm tools Aud, The whole of the Household Furniture and Ejects. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. No reserve.—Luncheon provided. W. BUSS, Auctioneer, EANGIORA. CLEARING SALE OF STOCK AND EFFECTS. FRIDAY", JULY 14. WBffSS has received instructions from , Mr George Martin, who is leaving the district, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. At bis residence, Hnngiora, on the above date, THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK AND EFFECTS, Viz.: 4 first-class cows, in milk and near calving 2 i bead good yearlings 2 unbroken heavy draught fillies, rising three years old, by Rob Roy and Prince Alfredvery fine ones 1 foal .11 pigs -priia cart and harness, nearly new 1 stack prime hay, about 12 tons Also, The whole of tbe household furniture and effects, which are nearly new, comprising—bedsteads, tables, chairs, sofas, chetfouiers, carpets, dairy utensils, Ac., Ac., Ac., Sale at 12 o’clock.— l uncheon Provided. ,jW. BUSS, Auctioneer. C. C. Aikman. MONDAY, JULY 17. TIMBER ! TIMBER ! I TIMBER ! ! I BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Railway Station. EC. C. AIKMAN is Instructed byMrJ. B. Way, TO SELL, As above, ■2 Cargoes of the Minehaha from the Thames, and J. G. Coleson, from Picton, Consisting of — S HA AAA FEET WHITE PINE X j£jU,UUU TIMBER, assorted boards and scantling. Also, T. AND G. FLOORING. Sale at 2 o’clock.—Terms at sale. 5597 TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. Q.C.E. HOTEL BUILDINGS. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Gloucester street, adjoining Theatre. J"E C. C. AIKMAN is instructed TO SELL, i as above, THE WHOLE OF THE Q.C.E, HOTEL BUILDINGS, including recent additions, doors, sashes, frames, and other fittings, o be removed by the purchaser. Sale at 2 o’clock, 5556 R. Walton & Co. LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE OF IRNITURE, PICTURES, CLOCKS, FLOWERS AND STANDS, HEM! AN GLASSWARE, IRON BEDSTEADS E.P. WARE AND SEWING MACHINES. TO FURNITURE DEALERS, PERSONS FURNISHING, AND OTHERS. 17 CASES FURNITURE, ex Ann Armytage 3 ~ BEDSTEADS 25 SEWING MACHINES Ac., Ac. Ac. MESSES E. WALTON A CO. have received instructions from tbe Importers, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, A* tboir Booms, Hereford street, Christchurch, ON THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1876, (And following days, if necessary). At 11 o’clock a m., The following extensive and varied shipment of Furniture, Ac., ex Ann Armytage from London, specially selected for this market, 1 walnut dr-wing-room suite, covered, green figured silk, consisting of six chairs, easy chairs, and couch 1 walnut ditto ditto, in blue figured silk 1 walnut ditto ditto, in green rep 1 walnut ditto ditto, in striped rep 1 walnut ditto ditto, in stamped velvet 1 superior walnut oval 100 table 1 walnut black moulding ditto 1 pair walnut card tables 4 music stools, covered leather 2 walnut ladies’ work tables, lined silk 3 do do collea do 2 handsome walnut Canterbury whatnots 4 imitation do corner whatnots 2 walnut ditto, glass back 2 ditto ditto 3 ditto occasional tables 12 willow scat chairs 1 walnut inlaid reading table, with glass candlestick, Ac, Ac. 4 birch folding easy chairs 2 ditto ditto ditto, with leg rests 2 walnut 4 feet cheffouicra, complete with plate glass backs aud marble tops, Ac., Ac., very handsome 1 square walnut whatnot 1 bagatelle board, 8 feet 37 carpet hassocks 2 Dolly Varden easy chairs, covered cretonne 2 easy chairs, covered hair doth P ralivanums, carpet covered 1 easy chair, in leather •5 O.U. commodes, complete round T/aabHtauds, fitted complete 2 a. mare ditto ditto Flock 0 handsome paper-uiaob' tables, ornamented with (lowers 27 ladies’ work boxes, iarae and small 2 ditto Victoria ditto •, writing desks 4 do/., wall .screens !) sets of ti each, tabic a.,d sideboard mats 1 - .■■liccpski: i mat.■IP b atber pillows :i-, Stormaut yarn rip. 2 A/.miiister do Yam slips, ur-.-ort“d si/-..-. :i j Elmir cushions to Vandyke, bordeed, and brush mats. Also, 1 T ,Va!uut ncmi-cott tgc piano, handsome carved desk Lets and trusses, metallic plates, trichord treble, full cornea is. Also, 3 rases T-ict.iires, giit aud maple framed Coloured aud plain lithographs, oleograph k'j., Also, 1 Case French flocks, various 2 Cases: French Towers, stands ami shades, wax fruit, stuffed birds, glass ships, watorlillies, polished shells, pariau ami marble figures, French china figures. Also, 1 Ctsi- beautiful Bohemian glass, various; lustres, vases,large straw and yellow vases, i-biva powder sets, engraved water sets, decanters, claret jugs. Ac., Ac., Ac. Eiectro-nlata d ware. 0 2 in half-taster tubala bedsteads, brass ornaments, Oft 6ia x 4ft Gin C Ditto „ „ do Ditto i-in French do, Oft Oinx lift C Ditto ;-in do, Of Cin x 4£t Gin And 27 Hand ’-swing machines, in cases complete. Terms at sale. THURSDAY, JULY 2u, 1570. 11 o’clock, 5423
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4805, 13 July 1876, Page 4
Word Count
1,025Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4805, 13 July 1876, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4805, 13 July 1876, Page 4
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