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Business Notices j NORTHAMPTON BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, Next to White Hart Hotel, HIGH STREET. A. T. F B I E ND, Successor to H. Marks, Begs to announce that ho has received, direct from the Manufacturers, an Immense Assortment of LADIES', GENTS* AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS, Suited for the present season. In every stylo, quality and price. Also, that he is clearing out the balance of the previous stock at greatly reduced prices. One trial will suffice. Boots made to order, pegged, or sewn. 2344 Smith, GASFITTER, BELLHANGEE, PLUMBER, &c„ Whately Road, near Gapes and Son’s. GAS or Water laid on, Hydraulic Rams, Pumps, Baths, Ash Pans, Stove Pipes fixed or repaired. All kinds of Tin, Iron, Brass, or Zinc Goods made or repaired on shortest possible notice. J. 8. has opened out a Superior Assortment of Gos and Bell Fittings. All orders promptly attended to. 5502 DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. THE Partnership hitherto existing between HENRY LAKE and ALFRED E. P. EAsT, Lithographers, Engravers, Copper - Plate, and General Printers, Cathedral square, has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All Moneys due to the late firm are requested to be paid to Mr A. East, who will discharge all liabilities. The Business in future will bo carried on under the style of A. East & Co.. LITHOGEAHEES, ENGRAVERS, COPPERPLATE AND GENERAL PRINTERS, Cathedral square, Christchurch. 516 G THE LITTLE GEM WASHER" Is simple, and so perfectly adapted to work that the only wonder is that it has been so long unknown, 1"T is, in principle and construction, totally UNLIKE ALL OTHERS, which only vary in their manner of knocking the clothes about. This, on the contrary, washes them, and that in a manner precisely SIMILAR TO THE HUMAN KNUCKLES, Its corrugated roller is the common washboard, placed on a cylinder. Its circular jacket of rollers takes the place of knuckles, and its adjustable steel springs give the pressure which old ladies so facetiously term elbow grease. The clothes pass alternately between the rubbers and pressure rollers, forcing the water through the clothes in a manner that cannot fail to REMOVE EVERY PARTICLE OF DIET. PRICE—ONLY FIFTY SHILLINGS. IF NOT SATISFACTORY. THE CASH WILL BE RETURNED. T U B N E E ’ 8 SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, COLOMBO STREET, Two Doors from Cookham House. 846 FORESTERS’ HOTEL LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. DM'GUTNNESS, having let his Hotel, begs • to inform his friends and the public that he still continues to keep the above stables. Horses and Buggies on Hire. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. Good Stabling Accommodation. 5138 A LP E E D Gt" EE, CONFECTIONER, COLOMBO STREET, BEGS to inform the public that, in compliance with a request from many of his customers, he will be prepared to supply HOT LUNCHEONS On and after Wednesday next, June 21, between the hours of Twelve noon and Two p.m. Cold Luncheons'" and Teas at any time up to Seven o’clock p.m, 4700 g J (J hattawXy, "practical piano tuner, REPAIRER AND REGULATOR, Peterborough street, Christchurch. Every description of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. All Tunings guaranteed. 3581 MR T. I). TRIPHOOK (Late Resident Engineer, North Canterbury Railways), CIVIL Engineer, Surveyor, and Land Agent, Victoria Buildings, Whately road, Christchurch, 5271 J. C. MADDISON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDING SURVEYOR. PLANS and Specifications prepared, works superintended, and estimates furnished for every description of building at reduced rates. Office—Hereford Street Chambers (Alport’s). 8119 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE undersigned have This Day REMOVED from Cathedral Square to their New Warehouse in CASHEL STREET. TWENTTMAN & COUSIN. Christchurch, June 30, 1876. 5089 WANTED KNOWN, that Captain Wilson, having taken the adjoining Cottage, is now prepared to administer Hot Vapour, Hot Air, and Mot Sulphur Baths; also. Medicated Vapour Baths, with or without Galvanism. 5428 ASHBURTON. COACH FACTORY, NEAR THE SOMERSET HOTEL. RM'ALISTEH begs to inform the Inhabitants • of Ashburton and the surrounding Districts that he has opened his New Establishment. Every description of CARRIAGE WORK executed on the shortest notice, 4191 SHEEP NETTING. ON SALE by the Undersigned, SHEEP NETS of [different qualities and lengths. Old ones repaired and retarred on the shortest notice. B. HALE & CO., SAIL TENT, AND TARPAULIN MAKERS, CASHEL STEEET, Christchurch. 8193 GALLEKV OF COLONIAL FINE ARTS. HENRY FISHER, Puoi-kiktou, Dorcford street, Christchurch, N.Z , next Messrs Jovut and O'Neill’s, opposite the Bank of New South Wales HI-'., for the furtherance of the Fine Arts in , New Zealand, Ims started an ART-UNION of the latest productions in Oil and Water Colours of well-known places hy local talent. Each Piet tiro to he handsomely framed in It. F.’s widely-known superior style of workmanship. The Art Union-to consist r f the following prizes Ist Prize Oil Painting—the largest over painted of the Wniroa Gorg- measuring 6ft x 4ft—by T. 11. Fielding, £6u. 2nd, Pigeon Pay road, near Akaron, Water Colour, CIO ; iirrt. Waircu Lake, Nelson, £10; 4th, Devil’s lunch Bowl, £B—by T. C. Hoy to. stb, Bush road, near Greenstone, Oil Painting, £5; Gth, Lake Kuuieri (Evening), £5; 7lh, Okaritu (Storm), £!■■ Bth, Okarittt (Evening), Cf—hy T. Poele. 9th, Lake Scone— hy T- U. Fielding, £i. 'lho Pictures ate now on view, and au early apoctiou is solicited. 100 subscribers at £1 each. To ho Drawn at Warner’s Commercial Hotel. H. F. snpp ios the Trade on n ost liberal terms terms with English and Gorman Mouldings of Newest Designs, ns he receives regular consignments from England also the latest Productions in Cromos, Lithographs, and Olios, from Works of the moat renowned European Artists. Note the Addroas.649l
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4805, 13 July 1876, Page 1
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916Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4805, 13 July 1876, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 4805, 13 July 1876, Page 1
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