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CHBISTOHUBOH. SATtrEHi^JAN.S,.) (Before G. L. Mel&h, Es<(., B-M;) ... i Neglecting to Suppobt hie OHUD&hif j Andrew Ferriok,' charged on remand with failing to pay for the suppbrtj of, Ips children in the Industrial School, was ordered to pay £1 forthwith, and lOs per week until the arrears are paid off, or in default, to be imprisoned. , , i ; Dbunkennbss AND Laecen Y.—Andrew Findley was, brought up on two charges of this nature. It appeared Jhat prisoner wfas arrested for drunkenness, and had a number of sheepskins in his possession, Of Which he CQuld not give a satisfactory account. The person to whom the skins were supposed -fco belong did not, however, appear in Ooort, apd both charges were dismissed with a caution. Thbbatehing Language,— James Lnttbn was charged with having used threatening language towards his wife, and with having used obscene language in a public place, Durham street/ Constable Morrioe, who arrested prisoner, ■ gave evidence in support of both charges, but on the suggestion of Mr G. Harper, the case was adjourned for a week,i to afford an opportunity for some arrangement to be oome to between accused and bis wife;} Labobnt.— Herman Rummel was brought up on two separate charges, of having stolen goods from the Belfast Factory, on the North road. From the evidence it appeared that prisoner, who had been employed as cook at the factory for some years, was suspected of theft. On the date named in the warrant, Mr Watt, manager, watched him, and saw him put a bog containing something into a baker’s cart, to be taken to bis house. Mr Watt went up to prisoner and asked him what he had in the bag, when he replied, olotbisa j bat on Mr Watt taking hold of it> he found it contained soap. Prisoner snatched the bag from him, ran into the pantry, and wduld not let any one in. Ultimately a Constable was sent for and prisoner was arrested, when it was found that the bag contained soap to the value of about 9s. Prisoner was sentenced, to three months’ imprisonment with hard labour. The second charge against prisoner, woe for having stolen meat, which be bad been' seen to send borne some time ago, bat as he asserted he had purchased it from the foreman, who had since left the Province-and could not be called in evidence, the ease was dismissed. f

do, ' ..aSSSSSife business df the meeting wn the election of a Chairman.—KtParsoni proposed; Mrßlaokett seconded—G. Boys be re-elected.” Carried unanimously.—Tenders for shingling : forNp, SDrajn roadberejeoted.ioaato aljowj, of > the speoifioatioiis; being alterecl,C ’the jdrfttf .made ‘Wider and - deeper, and the; -roadWaythrdiwi fnHher qver from the Arain side."— Mr 33,amletr moved- 1 —" That, all the r pooojjqfs be sub.iliYisiors! be done away with,” After some discussion, / thq wsplhtion l Was ; .withdtaW‘n.4-The' Surveyojf 'submitted . hi*,,, nothing be done during harvest that can' -possibly be/ deferred. The Surveyor was ins truoted to oall 'tenders for;* supply of metal for a-portionof tho North road, and-to-havo the part in qud/itioh amounting to'£ll2 3s 6d, the Board adjourned.


• The meettag of ratepayers came off on Tuesday, January 4, at the Board Office, Courtenay. ■■ Thera was a-fair, attendance, the Chairman,-the hoii Gol./Bretb took the chair, and'.oalled upon the Surveyor to read the report of the work executed by the Board during the past year.—This having been done, a balance sheet was laid before the meeting showing' the receipts including balance at the oommenoement of the year to have been £456112s -Sd, -viz':—General Government Grant, £436; Provincial Government, £2395 14s 7d; Bates, £326 Is; Sundries, ,£6O ss, and the expenditure., £4557 14s leaving a bklanco always the case with Road Board accounts, did' not Jnclude-seyeral unfinished contracts nqt,yet paid for, which would be .met by the -next quartet’s grant, due - ini 1 March.—After several questions had been asked and answered and the meeting addressed by several of those '.present, Mr Toss will proposed, and Mr •Goutts seconded—“ That the Report and Balance Sheet, as read, be ,adopted.” Carried 4—Mf Sandison proposed, and ; Mr Anson seconded—“ That a vote of thanks be given to the Chairman; and members of the Board for their ''"services durtag the past year.” •Carried.—Mr Anson proposed, and Mr Revelley seobnded—“ That a vote of thanks be given to the" Surveyor for his efficient; services durtag the" past; year.” Carried.— These resolutions having been put to the meeting:, and; carried, -the Chairman 'called upon those present to elect two members in ‘ the place of Hon Col; Brett and Mr W White, ’ who retired by rotation. The following per- • sons were then proposed: Col. Brett, MessrsCoutts aud Adams. On a* show of hands; being taken they were as follows: —00l.■ Brett, 19; ’Mr L. Ooutte,' 16; ?Mr' T. Adams,; 5. On behalf of Mr Adams a poll was demanded I and the Chairmen announced it would take; place the following day, between lO ajn. aud' 4 p.m., at Greendale, West Meltoif and; Courtenay.—After a vote of thanks to the! Chairman, the meeting dispersed^—The polling took piece the following day, and as all the; Deputy Returning "Officers came hack in; the *■ evening) the returns were made.' up, and; ;poßted"up"'ih the'Road Board Offictf. They wore as follows: —L. Coutts, 116; 001. Brett,' 111; T. Adams, 53. Mr. L. Coutts, and the hon Col. Brett were therefore elected, both having been old membera some time. >

, SPRINGS. , ANNUAL MEETING OV-EATEPATBES. ( The annual meeting of ratepayers was held at the District office; Bpringston, on Thursday last, Jan. 6. Th'eyo. was. a good number of ratepayers present. V. At noon,the Retaining Officer, MrJas. Qammack, took the chair; and said they wSre there that day to hear the report and balanoe/eSeet <of past jear, and to elect two hew members in’the place'of A. Pi O’Oallaghanand Jaa> Beaupiont, who retired hy rotation.;' He would call uponthe Clerk to read the statement ofaooounts, and report :q£ last year’s proceedings'. .gbe report was read, showing the receipts "for the past year to he £4967 6aßd, and the expenditure on roods £262717s 8d : draihs, j)6193 12s 9d', bridges, £685; 15s % stone culverts, shingle bar, timber, Salary, &c., £1125 Os lOd; znakmjg a total of £4632 6s ,3d, leaving » credit balance of £335 Os 5d j and the assets due oh Jap. Ito be £541 4s locf, and the liabilities £921 'Bs sd, .which, after. aU' ■ assets are received and all. liabilities discharged, would leave a deficit balance rof; £44 18i 2d. The Chairman, said ho would like-to suggest to the new. Board, when elected,.„that_ an abstract of the balance sheet should be published in the newspapers/* Ho? also thought the office was much too smaß for,their >wnual meetings, and should like' to see it added to before text : annual ' A. sp, O’Oallaghan said he whs glad that' the matter had been brought before the meeting, as it heid been before the Board several times during the two . years, but it was considered that it was a matter, in which the ratepayers should express ah opinion.—Aftera considerable number of questions had been put by different, ratepayers; add answered by tnas members 6f the late Board, the Returning Officer catlqd upon those prasent; to nominate two members to serve on in the place of Messrs? O’Oallaghan and Beaumont, who retired by rotation.—Messrs W. MiUI and P. -Wright were proposed, but both gentlemen refused to stand. Mr 'J. G. { 'Hiibb4ifd;' proposed, and Mr. Jos. Powell seconded; the nomination of Mr James'; Beaumont. Mr A. P, p’Oallaghan was ’prppiwbd.., by Mr J. J. Herrick, and seconded by Mir H. Boyle. itr P. 0. .Murray was proposed by, Mr, Robo ifl Day, and secondedby Mr P. Wright. ’Aj»hqw of.hands Uas then-taken, with the- following resultO’Callaghan, 21 j Murray; 17 ; BCauMr Beaumontdemonded; a pall/ whicn took place > immediately ' after the nomination, and : (Slosed at ,4. p,mr,-with the following resultP/0. Murray, 90; A. P. O’Oallaghan, 68; Jabjes Beaumont, G - lire Eeturning Officer declared Messfi Mttway arid O’OaTlagban duly elected' members ofthe Springs Road Board.- (Cheers.) Mr Murray said he had to thank them «lor the honourable porition- they had him' viz., at the head of the poll, and he shovjld endeavour to see justice done to all .parts ; of. the District, ; It was not ■because ho came" fro'm the swamp that he would neglect the dfy land,' butit? should' be Bjvayß his aim*? have the public money distributed equally and fairly oyer the. whole (Cheers). He would again -thank theratepayefs for electing him that day. Mr O’Oallaghan said hehad been taken rather by, surprise; os he fiid not expect the opposition from the quarter it had come. He hoped the ratepayers would not think that because two members happened to be on the same road and close together, that they would favour that part of the Dirtriot. He should (as he had done for the past tito years) try to have thfe money equally expended over the whole District, and not in any particular part of the District. -He begged to thank them, for placing him second on the poll. Mr Beaumont returned thanks to those who Had voted for him. He had always; done his best to have the Works of: the Board carried out in a proper manner, and he had given a great deal of his time about Bond Board matters, and any work that Re had bad anything to do with he was dot ashamed for any ratepayer to see. .He should have liked to see the members more eVonly distributed over the District. It looked, now very much as if they were packed.—Mr Andrew said he woe sorry to bear Mr Beaumont express such on opinion. He(Mr Andrew) was sure that the gmembersof the Board would see justice done to all parts of the District, as they had hitherto, In Spite, l of the foot of three of the members living at dne end of the Diitrict. (Hear, hear). —MrF.O. Murray proposed a vote of thanks to : the Returning Officer for the way in which he had conducted the proceeding! that day. —Mr O’Oallaghan seconded the motion, which was carried amid cheers, —Mr Oammack briefly returned thanks, i

At a meeting of the new Board, held afiter the annual meeting, Mr A. F. O'Oallazhan was re-elected chairman.—Mr William Mile* waited upon the Board with reference to

arranging the amount of oompsnsation he and HrOould would require,for the land proposed to bje taken for an approach to the Elver Selwyn fbrd. Mr Miles having stated the amount of compensation he and Mr Gould would tpe Board informed that gentleman that they Would communicate their decision as to Whether they wor'd accept the offer or not. Mr Miles then withdrew. The following resolution was proposed and carried;—“That the Board considers Mr Miles’ offer of the land required for a ford ou Gould’s road at £2O, for his interest in the lease, excessive, abd decide to settle the question by arbitration'” An amendment was moved, and lost 4-“ That Mr Miles be offered for himself and Jlr Gould the sum of £3O for the right, title, ud interest in the land in question.” Resolved, that the Surveyor be instructed to let the formation of eight chains of Sargeant’s road by Redden’s, at a sum not exceeding £— 4—Accounts amounting to £24t 12s having been passed, the meeting adjourned.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4650, 10 January 1876, Page 3

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MAGISTERIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4650, 10 January 1876, Page 3

MAGISTERIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XLV, Issue 4650, 10 January 1876, Page 3